2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I'd like to know how the SIX who voted guilty for manslaughter were swayed to the not guilty side- in such a short period of time.

I just don't understand how SIX people could not have the fortitude, gumption, guts and wherewithal to stand up and fight for their belief(s). It just totally astounds me. A hung jury is much preferable to injustice!
Well here's one case in 2009 .....

According to paperwork filed with the circuit court, the state claims the "not guilty" verdict read by the foreperson was not the unanimous verdict of the 12 jurors.

According to motions filed, several jurors alerted the judge in the days following the trial that they had not voted "not guilty" on the conspiracy charge.

Jurors say they were not able to see the verdict form and did not understand what the actual charges were.

okay... so the first vote according to juror 11 was 10-2 for first degree murder...

I want to hear from the two that raised their hands that casey was guilty and want to know why they didn't fight for their beliefs!!!

My gut tells me it's Juror #2 and the woman who fled. I think she was #12.
:rocker: I TOTALLY AGREE !



The more the jury foreman and jurors TALK ... the LESS IT MAKES SENSE and the more SUSPICIOUS they sound !

When you listen to the jurors' statements : they have a lot of the facts wrong ... their dates are wrong -- June 15 ? I thought JB said in OS June 16 ? ... they thought George was on trial ? -- what "trial" were they watching ? ... they did not know that Cindy committed "perjury" -- they even brought in Cindy's former employer to prove Cindy was at work and NOT doing computer searches for chloroform ... they did NOT understand the meaning of "reasonable doubt" ... they did NOT understand the jury instructions -- then GO ASK THE COURT FOR AN INTERPREATION ! ... I could go on and on ...

The Jury Foreman is doing some SERIOUS DAMAGE CONTROL right now !

I would love to know how much $$ MONEY $$ he was paid by Fox for this interview ...




And this is a week later when the jurors have a chance to think of the right things to say or to get professional advice how to answer the questions. The questions are pretty much pat, especially with the interviewer they choose, so they have had time to fit their answers-- to cover themselves, and it STILLsounds like something is amiss with this jury.

I can connect the dots. Money for interviews=no fair and just verdict!!!
LancelotLink ....... I soooo agree. I have NEVER wavered in my belief the WHOLE fam damily had ONE goal ............ get her OFF!! That's exactly what they did! Furthermore, the 'denied visit' by CA, I call BS ....... just another 'act' in the play! I continue to regard the entire lot of them as manipulators who lie with NO conscience, and were NEVER as attached to Caylee as they were to KC. Whatever they get, they ALL deserve - GA, CA, KC AND LA. jmo

Couldn't agree more.
I cannot wrap my head around....the amount of evil that surrounds this thing, and all the people willing...... to sell out a sweet innocent toddler. :(
Sunny Hostin calling Baez's opening statement a "Johnny Cochran" moment.
Well here's one case in 2009 .....

According to paperwork filed with the circuit court, the state claims the "not guilty" verdict read by the foreperson was not the unanimous verdict of the 12 jurors.

According to motions filed, several jurors alerted the judge in the days following the trial that they had not voted "not guilty" on the conspiracy charge.

Jurors say they were not able to see the verdict form and did not understand what the actual charges were.



Here is a follow-up, the "not guilty" verdict stood up.
fashioned bullying. From the foreman and Juror 3 I get the strong sense they are supremely confident they are right, especially when they're wrong. Juror 2said the 6 NG's said they would NEVER change their votes. I think 11,3 and others hammered the G's and convinced them or coerced them into believing they could not convict because of no cause of death and no one knows where she died. That the law demanded they find her NG.

I heard a bit of 3 and she was so self rightious and basically said no one could ever convict in this case because no one knew where or how Caylee died. She's completely wrong but totally convinced she's right. Mr. PE seems the same way and I doubt they had much trouble dominating others who were not so vocal. The others really needed to have called in the judge but I don't suppose that would have been easy or maybe not even permitted. They all wanted to get out of there and let themselves be convinced they couldn't convict for totally bogus reasons and they couldn't ask for help or review evidence because that would slow things down. Actual evidence seems to have played no role in this jury's decision at all. How <unusual>.

I cannot be made to believe that a 6-6 vote on the lesser charge on the morning of the verdict went to straight 12-0 as fast as it did. I do believe that getting out of there and going home was a motivator, but there was something more..something secret, something that all of them agreed to, and I think this came way before they heard the first word of any opening statement.

It sickens me to know that there were Mother's on this jury, especially the older women who have raised children and have grandchildren. I do not understand where their minds were during this trial, unless it was geared towards their own selfishness and what they will gain once they all followed through on whatever deal they conjured up with one another.
Sunny Hostin calling Baez's opening statement a "Johnny Cochran" moment.

It was in a way. Throw everything out there and confuse the heck out of the jury....and that's what he did.

Baez had this jury at hello.....it was all down hill from there. Apparently.:innocent:
or a credible lead from someone. The verdict itself, bizarre and inexplicable as it is, would never be enough. It could just be that certain jurors, including the foreman, were bullying jerks. They could have also been bullying jerks who bullied for some promsied compensation or reward and then that would be tampering and worthy of investigation. But given the media attention here no one will start an investigation without a good faith belief that some actual crime occurred. Unfortunately, simply perpetrating a travesty of justice, failing to follow the law or jury instructions and an ability to completely ignore the evidence in reaching a verdict, is not a crime. I hope there's more but I'm not convinced at this point. I guess I have so little faith in humanity at this point I accept it could just be a perfect storm of 12 clueless people who wanted to go home.

Now that I don't know ... and I hope someone here has an answer ... but there has got to be SOMETHING that can be done !

There are cases where "jury tampering" was PROVEN ... I just did a quick search ... but I do not have the time to read and check it out right now ... so if anyone has the time, please check ! TIA !

So ... if "tampering" has been proven in other cases ... and people were sent to prison for this...



Juror says he didn't believe the duct tape was placed at a later time. Believes body was dumped but does not know how it got there or who put it there. Does not know definitely how she died but can speculate to chloroform and drowning.

What?? If she accidentally drowned then where does the Chloroform come in?
okay... so the first vote according to juror 11 was 10-2 for first degree murder...

I want to hear from the two that raised their hands that casey was guilty and want to know why they didn't fight for their beliefs!!!

Bold mine

One was Juror #2, African-American male, w/2 children...IIRC, he is IT person. He was interviewed, but not a face-showing interview, just an article, plus did not give his name. I don't know who the other one was that 1st voted guilty for 1st degree murder, tho.

Of course JB had to get those pics of Caylee opening the sliding door and Caylee climbing the pool ladder from the As.
What did he say to the As to get those Pic?
"hey, if you want your daughter not to spend what's left of her life on death row or the rest of her life in prison, we have to proooooove it was an accident."

The As, in their quest to keep their daughter alive, were probably more than happy to provide those pics.
Maybe when they provided those pics they had no idea George would be crucified the way he was at trial.
Just thinking out loud.

HAHA!! That 6 weeks that both mentioned, probably went down like this:
JB: Ok, guys we have one shot at this. Here's how we'll play it. Cindy, you left the ladder up.
CA: but I didn't.
JB: YES, you did. Now, zip it! George, Caylee went missing...
GA: but she was never missing.
JB: George, so help me, if you screw this up.
CA: George,
JB: George, need I remind you that all of this could blow up in all of our faces? I could lose this case. Casey could lose her life. You and Cindy could go to jail for fraud. Think of the countless lawsuits from the volunteers, people who gave you money. All of the interviews, they'll demand to be paid back for all of the lies...
GA: FINE! Caylee went missing
JB: Early morning, mid morning, anyway, I'll iorn that out later...wait till you hear the big finish, it is going to blow you away!
How 'bout Dotty Sims' makeover? She evidently saw fit to "tame" that mess and put on makeup for her TV spot on GVS last night. Kachinggggggg, Kachinggggggggg. I do believe DS believes in what she does. That was evident from her words last night and I have to admire her for that. I think all of the post-trial stuff is just icing on the cake for her, unlike some other defense team members.
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