2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Technically NG could be sued here. The reality is no lawyer in the country would take her case against NG. The most vile villain of our times, against the mass media machine talking heads head ring leader? No you are correct, it will never happen. But it would be a great court show.

If she and her panel keeps calling Casey a murderer, after she was found in a court of law to be innocent, NG can most certainly get sued.
They keep talking about interviews being paid by calling it "licensing fees for photos" rather than interview. My question is, where would ICA get a photograph or video? She doesn't have access to the computer, camera with the images, right?
I always have defended NG....but the phrase 'tot mom' is a little tough for me now to hear........I am sorry but IMO she was no mom.
They keep talking about interviews being paid by calling it "licensing fees for photos" rather than interview. My question is, where would ICA get a photograph or video? She doesn't have access to the computer, camera with the images, right?

Not unless she goes home to Mama to get them! Ha! Ironic, no?

They keep talking about interviews being paid by calling it "licensing fees for photos" rather than interview. My question is, where would ICA get a photograph or video? She doesn't have access to the computer, camera with the images, right?

I guess she will be able to get her computer, etc. back now if she wants them, and also I am sure she retains some ownership of photos in the home. Plus they could always pay her for the first post-jail photos of Casey herself...
If she and her panel keeps calling Casey a murderer, after she was found in a court of law to be innocent, NG can most certainly get sued.

Technically for sure, NG can be sued. BUT, that would open the door for NG to prove her claim in court. As she brags endlessly, she has never lost a court case. Well she would have her own trial of Casey in a court case against her. Thus no chance of it happening. Liable has that kicker of allowing a person to prove their statements.:rocker:
If she and her panel keeps calling Casey a murderer, after she was found in a court of law to be innocent, NG can most certainly get sued.

"not guilty" and "innocent" are not the same thing - just because she is not guilty does not mean she is innocent or she did not murder her child.

I always have defended NG....but the phrase 'tot mom' is a little tough for me now to hear........I am sorry but IMO she was no mom.

And also, I hate it because "tot" is too impersonal.
If she and her panel keeps calling Casey a murderer, after she was found in a court of law to be innocent, NG can most certainly get sued.

Ahhhh I think shes doin it to tick JB off for calling her the entertainment show. JMO
I think Nancy needs to stop saying Casey dropped off the body and put her head down yards away to sleep. After the 17th she never slept there again, so why Nancy does not know the facts by now baffles me when she should be more careful with the threats of lawsuits perhaps looming, imo

I don't watch NG so I don't know what she said but I do know there was a report by one of the young neighbor's whose home is close to Suburban who claimed that they had seen a white Pontiac, like KC's backed into the area under the trees in the area where Caylee's remains were found. On the 16th, GA said KC left for work with Caylee but her pings show her around the home. Did she drive down to Suburban, back her car in off the road and sit and watch for GA to leave? We know she did not have access to gas to be driving around and her pings show her around home.

CA's ex-SIL claims there was a fight on the 15th and KC left with Caylee. Could she have parked down the street? No one reported her being anywhere else. Also GA said he does not think her car was there when he got home from work on the 15th. If her pings say she was home, where did she go. So this is what I would take from NG saying KC was sleeping yards away from where she dumped Caylee.

Have to wonder what NG knows that we don't.

I'd love to see KC sue NG because I think NG would never settle and would let it go to trial. jmo
Technically for sure, NG can be sued. BUT, that would open the door for NG to prove her claim in court. As she brags endlessly, she has never lost a court case. Well she would have her own trial of Casey in a court case against her. Thus no chance of it happening. Liable has that kicker of allowing a person to prove their statements.:rocker:

but she had to settle the Duckett case,I would hope she learned a lesson from that!
I guess she will be able to get her computer, etc. back now if she wants them, and also I am sure she retains some ownership of photos in the home. Plus they could always pay her for the first post-jail photos of Casey herself...

KC does not have a computer. The desktop is a family computer. The laptop is Cindys.
Greta interview with jury foreman is good-she always asks the right questions and gets to the point!
GVS just now airing in the Central time zone...I'm taking the first step in both my commitment not to watch anything via TV regarding jurors, Casey, the DT, or the Anthony's and the first step in my personal rehabilitation from this case, I'm voluntarily watching Nicktoons with my kids. :crazy:
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