2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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He shouldn't have lied about sleeping and taking money from a woman he met because of his dead grandchild. Stuff like that really makes juries uncomfy. If he can do that......

I do not understand how stuff like that made THIS jury uncomfy when they didn't even raise an eyebrow over Casey's partying and bedding down with her various BFs the day of, day after, and for essentially the full month after her daughter had died. Even if a baby dies accidentally any thinking person is not going to see the mother's partying, etc., as "normal behavior for any 22-year old."

The jury foreman condemns George for his actions but does not even question Casey's? Wow! I am thankful my daughter is out of school if this is the caliber of teachers these days. No.common.sense...nada, none, zip.
I agree. I posted the same thing a few days ago. All the jurors that have spoken including the alternates are repeating the same lines so they had to hear them from one person. They sound like they were brainwashed. This guy is supposedly good looking. He probably used his looks and know it all attitude to get people on his side before the deliberations began. He knows "the letter of the law" and didn't need to clarify anything. The ones voting for guilty probably got tired of banging their head against a brick wall. He was in charge and had his little groupies backing him up. A real live run away juror. How else do you get 12 people to forget common sense?

What was needed was more like the cast of Twelve Angry Men instead of Runaway Jury.
I am watching Greta right now and interestingly,this issue of all the LE around the car on the 15-16th that didn't really notice the smell is something we argued many nights here...okay maybe I argued it LOL.
The fact that no one made a big deal about the smell that night was a big sticking point for a long time around here. I still think it is very odd myself.
But after 3 years I am certain there was a strong odor, but I still don't get why it was not immediately a major issue and red flag, but rather it was an afterthought according to Yuri anyway.
I agree. I posted the same thing a few days ago. All the jurors that have spoken including the alternates are repeating the same lines so they had to hear them from one person. They sound like they were brainwashed. This guy is supposedly good looking. He probably used his looks and know it all attitude to get people on his side before the deliberations began. He knows "the letter of the law" and didn't need to clarify anything. The ones voting for guilty probably got tired of banging their head against a brick wall. He was in charge and had his little groupies backing him up. A real live run away juror. How else do you get 12 people to forget common sense?

Being sequestered the stronger personalities and leaders, like #3 and #11 could easily have been using daily social interaction with others to read the consensus and inject their opinions one-on-one. Some folks feel the need to share their opinion ... CA and ICA classic manipulation ... So what did you think about XYZ today? ... Well I thought ABC don't you agree? My spin.
I am watching Greta right now and interestingly,this issue of all the LE around the car on the 15-16th that didn't really notice the smell is something we argued many nights here...okay maybe I argued it LOL.
The fact that no one made a big deal about the smell that night was a big sticking point for a long time around here. I still think it is very odd myself.
But after 3 years I am certain there was a strong odor, but I still don't get why it was not immediately a major issue and red flag, but rather it was an afterthought according to Yuri anyway.

My thoughts continue to go towards the way in which the officers were coming in and out of the home.
I can't remember if the officers said that the garage was still open during the time or not, but I imagine if the garage was closed and the officers were coming in and out of the front door that the Anthony's never used, then there is your reason why they didn't smell anything...it was confined to the garage if it was closed.
In the first part of the interview the Foreman is asked about the opening statements, and he replies "IT was shocking." (singular)

Foreman then elaborates (about the opening statements), that State presentation was "pretty standard." When Defense got up they started throwing out things that they (the jury) did not know, "and it really hit us, we had to let it soak in," had to sit back to see what would come from there.


What exactly does he mean by "things they didn't know"? There was plenty they weren't supposed to know the state presented to them too IF they all told the truth about their prior knowledge of the case.


eta..You'd think the pix of ICA at the 'Hot Body Contest' while her daughter was missing would SHOCK them & the amount of LIES she told in 31 days would too but they considered all of that "standard".. In what world?
Showed pictures that would stay with you for life realized how serious it was


It took seeing the SKULL of Caylee to realize how serious it was? That really says it all!

eta..Did they not get this was a MURDER trial? That a little girl was DEAD? I'm starting to think they didn't even get that much during jury selection & beyond.
My thoughts continue to go towards the way in which the officers were coming in and out of the home.
I can't remember if the officers said that the garage was still open during the time or not, but I imagine if the garage was closed and the officers were coming in and out of the front door that the Anthony's never used, then there is your reason why they didn't smell anything...it was confined to the garage if it was closed.
I wish it were as simple as that MDO. Remember, George told Yuri about the smell when Yuri first saw George at the house on the 16th.

We have a whole thread on it, I'll link for you to read so we don't re-open the debate here. :)
I just found it interesting that this very issue was one that was debated here.

What exactly does he mean by "things they didn't know"? There was plenty they weren't supposed to know the state presented to them too IF they all told the truth about their prior knowledge of the case.



They all had knowledge of this case. Combined with the knowledge of what everyone else knew, the only thing no one had heard was that Caylee drowned on June 16, 2008.
Which juror was it that said his wife follows the case?
I bet you he knew about every single page of the discovery in this case.
My thoughts continue to go towards the way in which the officers were coming in and out of the home.
I can't remember if the officers said that the garage was still open during the time or not, but I imagine if the garage was closed and the officers were coming in and out of the front door that the Anthony's never used, then there is your reason why they didn't smell anything...it was confined to the garage if it was closed.

That's my thought as well. Most of he IVs prob took place in the house. They were most interested in getting ICA's statements at that time and initially believed she was kidnapped as they bought into the lies. Some of them might have passed the car and some didn't early on.
These IVs stink. No matter asks them the important questions or pushes them on the facts. They say whatever they wants and no one holds them accountable for answers either. Very frustrating. I'm also tired of them talking about the negative attention. If you don't want it get off the tv.

Let's see William Shatner interview them! (I really can't stand the guy but Shatner Raw would leave no question unasked!)
Greta asks Foreman ..Involvement to the point where GA would let his daughter face execution?

Foreman "I really can't answer the question, but it was something we felt we needed to take a close look at with George."


I thought his response to that Q was "yes" :waitasec:
I am watching Greta right now and interestingly,this issue of all the LE around the car on the 15-16th that didn't really notice the smell is something we argued many nights here...okay maybe I argued it LOL.
The fact that no one made a big deal about the smell that night was a big sticking point for a long time around here. I still think it is very odd myself.
But after 3 years I am certain there was a strong odor, but I still don't get why it was not immediately a major issue and red flag, but rather it was an afterthought according to Yuri anyway.

I wonder if the jury considered this in deliberations. Has it been mentioned yet by any jurors that have spoken? I missed parts of Greta's interview tonight. Was it mentioned then?
Watching GVS's interview of the juror, head honcho, tonight absolutely wounded my heart. But Cheney Mason's remarks that followed turned my stomach. I should have turned the channel on my TV before GVS's panel tried to give the jury laurels for having done their duty (while one of those same TH admitted they may have gotten it all wrong).

I just don't understand why anyone is trying to make me feel guilty for being critical and disappointed in the jury's decision just because they (the jury) did their best. Yes, it is our system, may be better than most but it did not bring justice in this case.

The defense was immoral, the witnesses lied and were ham-strung between perjuring themselves and telling the truth, the prosecution may have overestimated the make-up of the jury, the judge may have been overly attentive to schedules, finances and possible appellate issues and the defendant certainly played to the jurors.

It all culminated into the perfect storm. But please don't try to make me feel guilty for being disappointed that the jury, our last stopgap and final word on justice got it all wrong. Their interviews, given freely, show a lack of understanding of the requirements of the charges and the rules of evidence. They have made it sound as though their hands were tied by the way they interpreted the rules. I believe their understanding was wrong and their reasoning was faulty.

I wish they would all stop giving interviews because, for me, they just keep compounding their failure.
I am watching Greta right now and interestingly,this issue of all the LE around the car on the 15-16th that didn't really notice the smell is something we argued many nights here...okay maybe I argued it LOL.
The fact that no one made a big deal about the smell that night was a big sticking point for a long time around here. I still think it is very odd myself.
But after 3 years I am certain there was a strong odor, but I still don't get why it was not immediately a major issue and red flag, but rather it was an afterthought according to Yuri anyway.

Maybe the combination of airing the car trunk out and the use of Febreeze and dryer sheets disguised it, seeming more like a garbage smell together with the desperate focus of trying to find Caylee and the lies? I truly believe that LE were convinced at first that ICA was holding Caylee with a friend to spite CA due to a dispute.

I don't think that it was until later that it was realized that Caylee was not being hidden by ICA or kidnapped by ZFG.

I think the odor in the trunk got bad when closed for a period and first opened but wasn't as bad once aired out.
I am watching Greta right now and interestingly,this issue of all the LE around the car on the 15-16th that didn't really notice the smell is something we argued many nights here...okay maybe I argued it LOL.
The fact that no one made a big deal about the smell that night was a big sticking point for a long time around here. I still think it is very odd myself.
But after 3 years I am certain there was a strong odor, but I still don't get why it was not immediately a major issue and red flag, but rather it was an afterthought according to Yuri anyway.

I was occupied with one of my other obsessions and not here lurking for that. I had very little information when this trial started. I think I must have heard CAs 911 call back then, but that's about it as far as the smell in the car. I have to say that it didn't dissuade me during the testimony when some witnesses didn't smell it. I thought it was pandemonium and confusion that night at the As, and I did not doubt the credibility of the cadaver dog hitting on the trunk (and his trainer smelling it too). FWIW

What exactly does he mean by "things they didn't know"? There was plenty they weren't supposed to know the state presented to them too IF they all told the truth about their prior knowledge of the case.


THe foreman did mention at the very start of the interview "he really didn't follow the case after the first couple of weeks." Then he went on to elaborate on why the DT opening statement was shocking.
Sorry, I left that out.
I wish if something did happen with that jury, they would just come out and say it. I'm not sure if anything could be done, but if money was exchanged before the verdict I would think so. I mean, how would juror #3 know to tell all her family to be ready to go to Disney so soon? Who could just drop everything and go, unless they already knew when they were going. If something illegal did happen, they need to come clean.
I wish it were as simple as that MDO. Remember, George told Yuri about the smell when Yuri first saw George at the house on the 16th.

We have a whole thread on it, I'll link for you to read so we don't re-open the debate here. :)
I just found it interesting that this very issue was one that was debated here.

I'm debated out Jbean :) Above anything dealing with the smell, I trust the dogs...I believe in them more than people..even my own little dog will give me a look of guilt when he's done something wrong, along with putting his tail between his legs and rolling over to be petted on his tummy..just because he knows that mommy is mad.. The canines had no reason to hide anything or lie to their owners, they just wanted to be praised. :(
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