2011.07.11 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I got the feeling he thought GEORGE was responsible for the duct taping.

He even discussed the video where George's tent had the roll of tape for the posters. HE SEEMS TO BE IMPLYING THAT GEORGE DID IT.

So does he believe George would use his persoanl duct tape on a dead childs face, dump her body and then KEEP THAT TAPE and use it later on in front of tv cameras and lots of witnesses?

#11 is not capable of logical thinking, but is a know it all who exerted his views on the rest of the jurors.
George is such a sad creature. He knew that Casey was stealing and lying for 1-2 years before the tragedy. But he was completely under Cindy's evil thumb. George lost all that money in the internet scam. He had no real job. His knee was ruined. Just no power to fight Cindy with at all. He was always just a hair from Cindy throwing him out on the street again. It is Cindy that allowed things to get out of hand. And poor George could only watch as Cindy and Casey fought out there evil war of who was going to "own" Caylee like another doggie pet. I wonder if Cindy will even throw a bone his way for giving up all his last dignity to save Casey just as Cindy told him to?

With respect, I think you have George set a little too high on the lofty list. He was at best a self indulgent scamman who knows the system. Cindy could not toss him, or else she would lose the house and pay him alimony. I never believed the Nigerian scam, unless her name was Ebony. Nor do I believe it was gambling.
He did not hand his dignity over to Cindy. He's just as lazy as his daughter.
These two, CA and GA were making money hand over fist with interviews and donations looking for a live child. THAT is what kept them from telling the truth. That and DC and JH search.
These jurors are an exact replica of OJ's jury. They also said, "The prosecution didn't prove their case". Both jurys used ths samr canned lie to save their butts. The truth is the OJ jury loved OJ/Cochran and this jury loved ICA/Baez.

Like Jay Leno said "OJ's jury retired and went down to Florida".:floorlaugh:
What's hilarious about Juror #11 and the others is that they FORGOT that CASEY ANTHONY lied all the time. So everything she LIED about they just disregarded. It was like George Anthony was on trial not CASEY ANTHONY. Is that not BIZARRE or what.
I mean these people were in la la land. They deserve all of the anguish they get.

I don't get how anyone could listen to those horrible, disgusting jail phone calls and not realize she killed Caylee. Absolutely mind bending that they could not see through ICA.
With respect, I think you have George set a little too high on the lofty list. He was at best a self indulgent scamman who knows the system. Cindy could not toss him, or else she would lose the house and pay him alimony. I never believed the Nigerian scam, unless her name was Ebony. Nor do I believe it was gambling.
He did not hand his dignity over to Cindy. He's just as lazy as his daughter.
These two, CA and GA were making money hand over fist with interviews and donations looking for a live child. THAT is what kept them from telling the truth. That and DC and JH search.


LOL LOL I always wondered if he got hooked on pain pills when he had his knee operation. Pretty easy to go through a lot of money.

My brother is complaining about a tax bill because he took out money from his 401k for pills.
That juror should be calling Greta and begging her not to show the rest of the interview.

Me thinks #11 considers himself a real brain trust. and he is very satisfied with his reasoning power. But, I do hope GVS takes off the gloves for round 2.
Agreed, and how much you want to bet that Ms. Jennifer Ford was the other strong-armed one. She is what Dr. Phil calls a 'right fighter'....has to be right, thinks she is right. She cannot keep her mug off of the TV and her attitude is one of a bully. She just keeps talking and talking and talking!

are you talking about this sweet girl? :innocent:

With respect, I think you have George set a little too high on the lofty list. He was at best a self indulgent scamman who knows the system. Cindy could not toss him, or else she would lose the house and pay him alimony. I never believed the Nigerian scam, unless her name was Ebony. Nor do I believe it was gambling.
He did not hand his dignity over to Cindy. He's just as lazy as his daughter.
These two, CA and GA were making money hand over fist with interviews and donations looking for a live child. THAT is what kept them from telling the truth. That and DC and JH search.

Well you may be right here. Maybe we should call up River Cruz to find out more about George and his real ways.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Me thinks #11 considers himself a real brain trust. and he is very satisfied with his reasoning power. But, I do hope GVS takes off the gloves for round 2.

I wouldn't count on it. She used to do that. She went after Jooran when she used to cover Natalie Holloway. But she seems vaguely comfortable with this verdict, imo.
After reading many of the posts in this thread, I find it absolutely amazing how so many different people can watch the same thing, and have such vastly different opinions on what they just saw and heard.

All I can say say is WOW!
What difference would a few hours have made anyways? The juror's have spoken..The Foreman even admitted to not paying attention much after a few weeks..none of the evidence mattered to him it was the shocking information that "none of them knew about" with the defense's opening that made their minds wonder.

The few hours would not have made any difference.


I think he meant that he hadn't paid attention to the case after the first 2 weeks of it happening. I believe he said that during jury selection as well when asked what all knew about the case. I think that is what he is saying in his interview with Greta, not that he didn't pay attention after 2 weeks of the trial.


(not defending his interview at all..I am appalled by what all the jurors have said in their interviews. I just wanted to point out where I think he is being misquoted or misinterpreted)
On the West Coast here.
About 40 minutes ago I finished watching Greta.....the part with Juror and then MC.

Yesterday morning was beautiful.
I went to Ho-De, bought a rose bush, planted and watered it and named it Caylee.
Had a pretty good day with three of my Grandkidlets.......walked a couple blocks around the neighborhood and played "Let's count the________ "
Draw names and someone gets to pick what we count....yesterday was pigeons. Thirty-one in case anyone is interested. :)

As the sun was about to disappear completely, I checked on my Caylee Rose Bush and she was doing wonderfully....no wilted leaves.....seemed to love her new home.

Today was equally as fulfilling.......transplanted a few spider plants, grouted some pebble tile on the shower seat, was treated to a wonderful Chef's salad for lunch.

I came here, read some of the snippets about the show, then weakened and watched Greta.
I am ANGRY, SAD, Disappointed, heartbroken... all those emotions, ALL OVER AGAIN just as if I had just heard the verdict.
Why do I do this to myself?

Masochist <---------- Amity

  1. the getting of pleasure from suffering physical or psychological pain, inflicted by others or by oneself
Can someone explain to me why these reporters aren't asking the hard questions?
I didn't watch the show. Did Greta ask him how they went from 1st Degree 10 to 2, 2nd Degree 6 to 6 and then to Not Guilty in a matter of a few hours. And if she didn't ask him that, did she at least touch on it by asking "what took you all so long?"
Hmmm okiedokietoo it doesn't seem so. I'm betting the only two that would have any orbs at all to do that would be NG and Bill O. You can bet those jurors don't have THAT much confidence in their reasoning...when they can face those two and hold their ground, then they might deserve some respect. Just being allowed to rattle off nonsense is useless.
I'm about 12 minutes in on foreman's intervew (DVR'ed to watch after husband went to bed, as not to torture him anymore than necessary with my obsession), and had to stop and come here to read some logical thinking. I AM SO FRUSTRATED with the hypocrisy coming from these jurors!

How can he sit there and describe in detail how the duct tape was attached to the skull, and the duct tape was absolutely from the Anthony home, and describe in detail how the hair was positioned due to the decomposition, and where the tape was stuck, and how he knew the defense was wrong about the age of the tape..."but there just wasn't enough evidence".

And how can he sit there and say he didn't know if Cindy was lying about the chloroform searches when there was absolute proof that she wasn't even home when the searches were made?

And WHY would someone EVER err on the side of "I didn't smell a dead body" when there were people who said "I DID smell a dead body"? He better hope he's never in a burning building with 5 people who smell smoke, and 5 people who don't. The way he thinks, he'll be like, "What? You smell smoke? Oh...you don't? Well, then if all of you don't smell smoke, there must not be a fire." :waitasec:

:banghead: Sorry for the rant, but if I didn't purge, I wouldn't be able to finish this interview and I really want to hear the rest of this. I keep hoping for something...anything that will explain!!
On the West Coast here.
About 40 minutes ago I finished watching Greta.....the part with Juror and then MC.

Yesterday morning was beautiful.
I went to Ho-De, bought a rose bush, planted and watered it and named it Caylee.
Had a pretty good day with three of my Grandkidlets.......walked a couple blocks around the neighborhood and played "Let's count the________ "
Draw names and someone gets to pick what we count....yesterday was pigeons. Thirty-one in case anyone is interested. :)

As the sun was about to disappear completely, I checked on my Caylee Rose Bush and she was doing wonderfully....no wilted leaves.....seemed to love her new home.

Today was equally as fulfilling.......transplanted a few spider plants, grouted some pebble tile on the shower seat, was treated to a wonderful Chef's salad for lunch.

I came here, read some of the snippets about the show, then weakened and watched Greta.
I am ANGRY, SAD, Disappointed, heartbroken... all those emotions, ALL OVER AGAIN just as if I had just heard the verdict.
Why do I do this to myself?

Masochist <---------- Amity

  1. the getting of pleasure from suffering physical or psychological pain, inflicted by others or by oneself

:grouphug: :blowkiss: We do it because we love Caylee.
..and not only is the jury foreman a P.E. teacher----he teaches the Health class too. ( i thought i recalled that from the voir dire.)

Seat 11
Juror # 3016
» White male in 30s
» PE and Health teacher in high school, studying for an online masters degree in special education
» Watches little TV, never watches Nancy Grace
» Says it would be difficult for him to vote for death: "I guess I could consider it, but having to make that decision would be very tough for me."
» Very certain about his ability to be fair
» Called for jury duty but not selected for a jury

..i would NOT want this guy "teaching" my kids anything.
After reading many of the posts in this thread, I find it absolutely amazing how so many different people can watch the same thing, and have such vastly different opinions on what they just saw and heard.

All I can say say is WOW!

yes! wow! this is exactly how i feel about those that don't see the obvious! "somewhere a village is missing 12 ******" ...and then apparently "these were 12 people who were too **** to get out of jury duty!" best comments on websleuths. We are social animals and everyone faces real life consequences no matter what the law says. that gives me comfort. the world will not forget what happened to Caylee! :rocker:
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