2011.07.14 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Sorry LP, I'm not buying it. IF Casey had Caylee hidden away somewhere, all she had to do was tell her lawyer or her parents where she was, then she wouldn't have needed someone to put up bail money. You lose.
I'm not a LP fan at all, but when he first got involved he said that he thought she had given the child away and that he could get her to tell him where the child was. I believe it was the first document dumps that made him think she murdered Caylee. I don't know if the rest of what he claims is true (Baez giving him this info) but at the time he was saying Caylee was alive.
Well now I know - Roseanne Barr thinks what's wrong with the world today is old men on Viagra! Too funny!

And with that I think I'll call it a night.....:eek:fftobed: and thanks everyone! :tyou:
and thus may be easily persuaded. Plus, I think Morgan's a competent attorney and can make a case. There's certainly been crazier cases that people have won.

Mark is cute but he's been wrong before. and --he seems to think all that lying JB did was just okie dokey for a defense attny
Jim Hammer on GVS just suggested that Pam Bondi as the Attorney General of the State of Florida should file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Caylee. He seems to think it would be easily winnable ... I'm on board with this idea ...
Watch the verdict hug again. Jose and Casey hug and Casey lingers. Cindy look alike lawyer takes Casey's body and swivels Casey's body away from Jose! And towards Dorthoy Sims. It's subtle, but it's there. Also what's up with Casey's big googly eyes at Jose?!? Ewwww shiver!
and thus may be easily persuaded. Plus, I think Morgan's a competent attorney and can make a case. There's certainly been crazier cases that people have won.

Like the Casey Anthony murder case! Remember that one? That was crazy!:crazy: :wink:
O/T AC talking about the poor Hasidic boy from Brooklyn. What a horror!
Watching GVS and Jim Hammer just said the State of Florida should file a wrongful death action on behalf of Caylee. Much lower burden of proof in a civil case whether it's negligence or intentional homicide. He thinks if the State of Florida filed a lawsuit on behalf of the victim in this case, they'd win, they'd get a huge judgement and it would be guaranteed for the rest of Casey's life, any penny she made would be the States. Would guarantee that Casey would never profit.
Jim Hammer on GVS just suggested that Pam Bondi as the Attorney General of the State of Florida should file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Caylee. He seems to think it would be easily winnable ... I'm on board with this idea ...

Hmm maybe someone that lives in Florida should start the change. Org petition, I guess all the signatures would need to come from FL citizens!?
and thus may be easily persuaded. Plus, I think Morgan's a competent attorney and can make a case. There's certainly been crazier cases that people have won.

Hope the trial's in Florida...Pinellas County perhaps?
I think he was trying to get their plate number?

I don't know, he actually peeked inside of that one car. It was very strange the way he headed for his Jeep then turned around twice and walked away like he was on a mission. They are a strange bunch.
I don't know, he actually peeked inside of that one car. It was very strange the way he headed for his Jeep then turned around twice and walked away like he was on a mission. They are a strange bunch.

I thought he was getting their license plate number. Because you know, they were so unlawful asking such questions in a polite manner.:waitasec:
Huh. On Nightmare Nextdoor, the killer from Pinellas County FL actually wound up in prison.
Roseanne Barr: They (the SA) proved their case enough for 14 juries!! Regarding JB - "Yes I think he's fat."


Gotta love Roseanne :great: She's quite the Tweeter too.
I thought he was getting their license plate number. Because you know, they were so unlawful asking such questions in a polite manner.:waitasec:

They were media right? Did you see the guy's humongous zoom on his camera?
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