2011.07.15 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Why do people want to hear KC's story when it's not going to be a true story? Why pay so much money for a lie? I'm just totally confused and sick about this.

Because I think people find her fascinating in so much as everything she says is a lie and they probably want to see if her story changes. If she ever grieves for Caylee and you know if the interviewer asks any hard hitting questions or if they're softball questions.

Personally, I think she's mainly a one shot. Her first interview in several months will be huge, but then people will get over it. And frankly I don't think 1 million dollars is that much. She'll blow that pretty quickly or someone in her new inner circle will steal it from her and she'll pull some stunt.
That girl who was mistaken for ICA does look like her...without the aura of evil.

Did you really think so? I don't think she looked a thing like her, except that they both have faces, lol. I thought the story was infuriatingly stupid because of it! Funny how people can see things so differently!
Yeah, I think they look similar. Definitely not a spitting image, tho.
wow we had house fire and lost almost everything and 5 days later my husband had a heart attack ( he is fine now)
nobody sent me checks

why would anybody send her money?

Dont forget Ted Bundy got love letters. Some people are intrigued and infatuated with inmates.
Did you really think so? I don't think she looked a thing like her, except that they both have faces, lol. I thought the story was infuriatingly stupid because of it! Funny how people can see things so differently!


I don't have a problem with the money. People like ICA and JB can never have enough.They will blow right through it and still end up in bankruptcy. What bothers me is the attention. Both of them crave attention even more than money. .

I'll be happy when we talk about ICA in the past tense the way we talk about Susan Smith.No more media hoopla for her,although we see her ex husband from time to time.
SS's alleged boyfriend lives in my city, we hear about him every now and then, however, nothing directly from him. He's done well keeping low-profile, and sounds like he's a really nice guy from his friends and family. He's had some financial problems b/c of his association with the case, but has never sought to make a buck off of it.
Wow, another hue storm in Orlando. Things sure stay unsettled there...

Q&A with Cheney Maso

CM: Today alone, I received 75 pieces of mail specifically offering places for her to live. You’d just be surprised the outpouring of mental health counselors, doctors and nurses. Also people with homes on ranches or farms or places for her to stay and protect her.

TP: And money, too. Checks? Cash?

CM: Checks.

TP: Are you going to cash them, give them to her?

CM: Absolutely.

TP: How much money are we talking about?

CM: Well, I’m not going to tell you.

TP: Well give me an idea thousands? Hundreds?

CM: Thousands. Thousands of dollars in checks

Sure Mr. Mason - tell us about all those kind people who want to be the first ones to get a story out headed "We hid ICA when she was released". It would be worth a million or two. If ICA stayed a month - just think - a person could write a book and make 2 - 4 Million - at least!

So of course you have said no thanks and sent all of those cheques back to those who offered haven't you? Haven't you?
Will she have to pay taxes on this money? I sure hope the IRS and everyone else she owes money to is paying attention every time CM talks about how much money in coming in for FCA.

IRS Rules:
The general rule is that any gift is a taxable gift. However, there are many exceptions to this rule. Generally, the following gifts are not taxable gifts.

Gifts that are not more than the annual exclusion for the calendar year.
Tuition or medical expenses you pay for someone (the educational and medical exclusions).
Gifts to your spouse.
Gifts to a political organization for its use.
In addition to this, gifts to qualifying charities are deductible from the value of the gift(s) made.

Thousands of dollars is taxable. jmo
:waitasec: Didn't Greene get the DT's memo that Dr. Krop says that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Casey? Greene thinks that Casey is emotionally unstable? :banghead:
You know - I am fast losing interest in what ICA does when she gets out. Maybe it's just burn out - but I expect to see the news from time to time, telling me what she has done to get herself back into trouble.

But as far as following her release, reading any magazine articles, or watching any more HLN - it could be that I've had it. It just all so much rubbish now!
You know - I am fast losing interest in what ICA does when she gets out. Maybe it's just burn out - but I expect to see the news from time to time, telling me what she has done to get herself back into trouble.

But as far as following her release, reading any magazine articles, or watching any more HLN - it could be that I've had it. It just all so much rubbish now!

Short. Sweet. To the point. Thanks, LG.
I hope those checks bounce LOL. It would be funny to send her fake checks for $10,000+ knowing she can't cash them. If it wouldn't get me in trouble I'd do it.

She stole from her grandfather's checking account???? Hope the people were all smart to send bank checks. Otherwise they might be missing more than they think. lol
:waitasec: Didn't Greene get the DT's memo that Dr. Krop says that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Casey? Greene thinks that Casey is emotionally unstable? :banghead:

Maybe Greene told KC JB would no longer be representing her. jmo
You know - I am fast losing interest in what ICA does when she gets out. Maybe it's just burn out - but I expect to see the news from time to time, telling me what she has done to get herself back into trouble.

But as far as following her release, reading any magazine articles, or watching any more HLN - it could be that I've had it. It just all so much rubbish now!

Shhhh. LG. They'll want to send her to Canada.
:waitasec: Didn't Greene get the DT's memo that Dr. Krop says that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Casey? Greene thinks that Casey is emotionally unstable? :banghead:

JB and CM also stated after the verdict that Casey is basically emotionally worn out, hasn't had time to grieve, etc. so it is no shock that today Greene addressed the same issue with this Judge.
Does anyone really think FCA will be able to leave the jail to places "unknown"? No WAy!
any paparazzi worth their weight in salt would split up and follow ALL vehicles to whichever destination. How difficult is that? they may have 7-8 vehicles leaving the jail. she will be found immediately. Anyone to discover her location will make millions on her pic. Heck, I'm thinking about going over to the jail on saturday night and picking any unmarked dark vehicle and just following it just in case! :waitasec:

I'm also thinking that it won't be hard for reporters or PIs to figure out where she goes after she gets out ... even with juggling the dates or times around ... We're talking about big money for pics or any kind of news about her whereabouts ...

Aren't they allowing press into the jail for a press conference ? I read that somewhere ... that a handfull of reporters will allowed in to a special area and will be in lock down until KC is released ...

It wasn't clear if only the lawyers would be talking or if KC would be ... but I'm thinking probably Mason and Baez answering a few questions with non-answers ... and KC just standing there looking pathetic and "emotionally unstable" ... :rolleyes:
You know - I am fast losing interest in what ICA does when she gets out. Maybe it's just burn out - but I expect to see the news from time to time, telling me what she has done to get herself back into trouble.

But as far as following her release, reading any magazine articles, or watching any more HLN - it could be that I've had it. It just all so much rubbish now!

I think I'm finally reaching that point too, LG. Even though ICA is the gift that keeps on giving. It's taken me a bit to get past the devastating verdict, but I'm getting there. I just don't give a crap what happens to her or her DT anymore.

I did take a cue from a poster here and turned a magazine around with her name/picture on the front when I was at the grocery store check-out today. Such a small gesture gave me great pleasure and was somewhat healing. Go figure. :)
I just went out to our local drug store and checked out the magazine rack - two had articles about ICA - the national enquirer and the Globe - whatever that is. Both had pretty unflattering pics of her on the front page...

not that anyone can see them unless they flip the papers back the right way around......
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