2011.07.18 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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OMGGG Never4getcaylee
This had me laughing so HARD I almost wet myself and my husband opened one eye and asked me what I was doing [ which made me laugh harder]
I wonder how long it's going to take before JB call's Cindy for help.

I think he sounded a little stressed last night talking to GR. I hope his wife puts her foot down really soon...I can just see JB's white BMW screeching down Hope Spring drive, FCA comes flying out on the curb in front of 4739 and the BMW speeding off
I think Jose is with her !
She's driving him crazy but he can't let her out of his sight LOLOL
I said last night that I guarentee she's telling him that if he goes home that she is getting herself an agent STAT .
I'm adding a better picture of San Carlos - San Diego County.


San Carlos is a part of the city of San Diego. It is a housing area and does not have an airport of which I am aware. I do think they must be referring to San Carlos, CA, in the San Francisco Bay area.

Here is the link to the San Diego county airports other than the military and Lindbergh Field.


County of San Diego Airports:
Agua Caliente Airport Borrego Valley Airport Fallbrook Airpark Gillespie Field Jacumba Airport Ocotillo Airport Palomar Airport Ramona Airport

(It would make sense if Todd M. kept his plane at the Palomar Airport in Carlsbad.)
You really think she's in CA ?
I think she is still in Florida
Where are GA & CA?
Someone said that George was spotted in his garage, the night Casey was released from jail. I guess Cindy was busy waiting for Casey's phone call. It shouldn't be too much longer for the family reunion though. When Casey runs out of money, I'm sure they'll hear from her. What a family, huh ? :sick:
Has anyone got the impression when Lippman was speaking last night that the Anthonys are perhaps moving? I can't say exactly why I think that but it seems plausable. They should have enough in Foundation money by now. IIRC, it was being petitioned that all the Foundations get some funding from the State of Florida. No wonder they want a second one.

Gad, that was another tidbit I forgot about. I remember checking that out and wanting the politician to not do this but he was putting it on the bill that was part of the large hand-out in 2009.
I just hope that every time she smiles her butt grows an inch larger. I suppose FCA really wanted to go to CA. She was so impressed with Lohan that she copied some of her phrases and also her tat.
I would think whoever is babysitting is on their last nerve by now. She should be deposited fairly soon to Hopespring Dr.
You know it, remember jury deliberations ? It was obvious that Casey was on Jose's last nerve. I wouldn't be surprised if he was more than ready to drop her off. How many people will she be able to go through, before she has no one left to help her out ? Right now, I guess she see's herself as a celebrity, it's going to be very short lived. The interesting part will begin when the gravy train is over...then we will see some sort of justice.
Ok this is just a dream sequence for me -
Jose and Casey holed up in a motel together
getting on each others nerves
start yelling and screaming at one another
someone calls the cops
Personally I COULD see this happening as she isn't exactly stable .
I just hope that every time she smiles her butt grows an inch larger. I suppose FCA really wanted to go to CA. She was so impressed with Lohan that she copied some of her phrases and also her tat.
And, can you imagine her "babysitters" telling her that she can't go outside in LA ? I don't imagine that will last very long. If I was her, I'd be afraid to show my face, anywhere. She doesn't seem to have that problem. Maybe she thinks she'll be invited to sit a Lohan's VIP table and party the night away. What a shock she will face when everyone, on the street, points at her, stares, says "unkind" comments. Even that won't dampen her spirit for very long though, IMO.
Has anyone got the impression when Lippman was speaking last night that the Anthonys are perhaps moving? I can't say exactly why I think that but it seems plausable. They should have enough in Foundation money by now. IIRC, it was being petitioned that all the Foundations get some funding from the State of Florida. No wonder they want a second one.

Gad, that was another tidbit I forgot about. I remember checking that out and wanting the politician to not do this but he was putting it on the bill that was part of the large hand-out in 2009.
Every time I hear Lippman say something, I get the impression that Cindy is telling him what to say, through a Mic in his ear. At first, the word was that George didn't want Casey back at the house. The next day, Lippman comes on TV and says George didn't say that (my bet, Cindy was behind that statement too). She runs everything, and the fact that she couldn't get in touch with FCA last night, drove her need to control crazy.

How George can put up with all of the allegations and still remain as all is normal...I will never understand that.
And, can you imagine her "babysitters" telling her that she can't go outside in LA ? I don't imagine that will last very long. If I was her, I'd be afraid to show my face, anywhere. She doesn't seem to have that problem. Maybe she thinks she'll be invited to sit a Lohan's VIP table and party the night away. What a shock she will face when everyone, on the street, points at her, stares, says "unkind" comments. Even that won't dampen her spirit for very long though, IMO.

I see Ms Anthony as a very angry woman. She's bursting with anger, and being told that she can't do what she wants is going to make her more mad. If she does do what she wants, and sees the disgust that people feel for her (not suggesting that anyone hurl rotten tomatoes at her), that will make her anger worse.

I really think it's time for her to take her bow and leave the stage forever. If Baez had her best interests at heart, and neither he nor she were greedy for money, he would shut it all down. The fact that he's talking money deals and interviews tells me that he wants to continue the Ms Anthony Circus Act.
Every time I hear Lippman say something, I get the impression that Cindy is telling him what to say, through a Mic in his ear. At first, the word was that George didn't want Casey back at the house. The next day, Lippman comes on TV and says George didn't say that (my bet, Cindy was behind that statement too). She runs everything, and the fact that she couldn't get in touch with FCA last night, drove her need to control crazy.

How George can put up with all of the allegations and still remain as all is normal...I will never understand that.

Maybe he was in on the plan with Baez. The jury needed to hold someone responsible ... maybe George was okay with playing the part and taking the fall. I certainly think the family played the "lying" card well ... Cindy, Geoge and Lee all helped Baez convince the jury that everyone in the family lied all the time ... supporting the defense theory that Casey had no choice but to lie when she murdered her daughter.
I don't believe for a second that she is at some posh hotel or spa. There would be too many people (employees and guests) who could and would spill the beans about her being there. JB and CM have enough sleazy friends/associates that I feel certain she is at a private residence near or in Orlando. She's still under JB's thumb.

I wonder if he has seen the footage of that evil snarl she threw his way during trial? It was freakin' scary.

BTW, the only dollar amount I keep hearing about is $1 million. If that is all she is able to command, that is really not that much considering the taxes she would have to pay, etc. Not to mention the fact after the first big windfall, her "worth" would go considerably down to next to nothing. I am hopeful that her window of opportunity is closing and by the time she is deemed presentable to the public both emotionally and physically, there won't be any decent offers on the table.

The whole thing makes me sick. I know God says "vengeance is mine", but I wish he would hurry up already!
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