2011.07.18 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I see Ms Anthony as a very angry woman. She's bursting with anger, and being told that she can't do what she wants is going to make her more mad. If she does do what she wants, and sees the disgust that people feel for her (not suggesting that anyone hurl rotten tomatoes at her), that will make her anger worse.

I really think it's time for her to take her bow and leave the stage forever. If Baez had her best interests at heart, and neither he nor she were greedy for money, he would shut it all down. The fact that he's talking money deals and interviews tells me that he wants to continue the Ms Anthony Circus Act.
I agree totally.

If Baez had any real concern about his client, he would try to arrange a place for her to stay, and get long term help, until she is ready to return to society. After that it's up to her, but at least it would be a chance for her to change (if that's possible).

This shopping her out to the highest bidder is sickening. He's not an entertainment manager, he is a lawyer that represented her in a murder case. He is supposed to uphold some ethical standards, but he has crossed that line so many times. If he has an ounce of dignity, he will arrange a place for her that includes psychological help, and then leave. Anything less is obscene.
I agree totally.

If Baez had any real concern about his client, he would try to arrange a place for her to stay, and get long term help, until she is ready to return to society. After that it's up to her, but at least it would be a chance for her to change (if that's possible).

This shopping her out to the highest bidder is sickening. He's not an entertainment manager, he is a lawyer that represented her in a murder case. He is supposed to uphold some ethical standards, but he has crossed that line so many times. If he has an ounce of dignity, he will arrange a place for her that includes psychological help, and then leave. Anything less is obscene.

Exactly, but putting her in a hotel or at a friend's house is not a solution ... that works for a day or two. There are facilities with trained professionals that help people with the sort of problems that Ms Anthony suffers. If she needs help, he should have her institutionalized where professionals can help her. If he's paying lip service to what he has been told, specifically: that she needs professional help, by tucking her away while he sells her to the highest bidder, then he's only helping himself and enabling her. What Baez is doing is obscene ... even stashing her somewhere until a friend of a friend can sign a statement claiming that she has no mental illness is purely self-serving. Bottom line ... if there's nothing wrong with her, let her make a statement thanking the jury and letting the public know that she will quietly disappear. If there is something wrong with her, put her in the psych ward until she's better.
FCA has a fierce temper. I saw that look during the trial...and during one of her calls.

Darn shame DT got away with rearranging the courtroom. Jury missed everything but her pitiful looks and child like behavior and her tiny chair. DT sure had lots of help in pulling the wool of 17 people. Judge never should have allowed it. Keeping the original position of a courtroom is done for a reason. Both sides have an even chance. Baez upset the system and I am sure he had advice on the arrangement.
I've been away from here for several hours and just did a quick skim-over here.
I saw that Casey may be in Calif..... via AZ.

How sure are we that she was on that plane?

It it were the plane that left Fla this morning at 3:00 am, is it now safe to
say that Casey was the girl in the white dress running to the hangar?
Some are saying she was the one with the back pack. I go back and forth. I keep thinking she is in Florida but Baez has lots of delusions of grandeur so she could be in CA. He is now functioning as her agent. If he keeps waiting her value may diminish. He and Geraldo may have planned where to stash her.

For PR purposed, a Rehab is what the Stars all do when they misbehave. So maybe Baez is going that route. Whereever she is, she can't be alone..she won't tolerate that.
I've been away from here for several hours and just did a quick skim-over here.
I saw that Casey may be in Calif..... via AZ.

How sure are we that she was on that plane?

It it were the plane that left Fla this morning at 3:00 am, is it now safe to
say that Casey was the girl in the white dress running to the hangar?

I would be very surprised if that was Casey running to the plane with a big black ponytail. If she wanted to hide, and it was her, she would have put on a hat to cover her hair. That was a decoy, I think.
Some are saying she was the one with the back pack. I go back and forth. I keep thinking she is in Florida but Baez has lots of delusions of grandeur so she could be in CA. He is now functioning as her agent. If he keeps waiting her value may diminish. He and Geraldo may have planned where to stash her.

For PR purposed, a Rehab is what the Stars all do when they misbehave. So maybe Baez is going that route. Whereever she is, she can't be alone..she won't tolerate that.

The Stars can afford rehab. What sort of options are available to a nobody that has been declared indigent?
The Stars can afford rehab. What sort of options are available to a nobody that has been declared indigent?

I think there are many who would do it free just to be able to say they treated Casey Anthony. Even some who would take her in and later write a book or sell the story. There are people in every occupation who want their fifteen minutes of fame. There are some who would donate their time just to see what makes her tick. This would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to be able to question someone so infamous.
The Stars can afford rehab. What sort of options are available to a nobody that has been declared indigent?

I have no idea but there may have been some place that offered their services.
The Stars can afford rehab. What sort of options are available to a nobody
that has been declared indigent?

Depending on the state she's in, she could claim that she's homeless and receive treatment
at a state run facility.

Some states are more lenient than others & it depends how long the person has resided there
and whether they're already receiving benefits from another state... or county with in the state.

Some states' (Calif) benefits are strictly county benefits.
Others, (CT) are state benefits.
But regardless of where she goes for treatment, I don't think her whereabouts
would be kept confidential. Either staff or other patients/residents would let it leak out.
Why is everyone thinking rehab like the stars? That is for drug and alcohol abuse. KC has had none in 3 years.

She needs a program that helps recently released inmates find work and housing. I don't think she is getting that b/c of whatever volunteer offers CM is beating around the bush about.

She needs therapy from her messed up head, but it will not fix it. She will still be KC, a criminal mind, lie, cheat, steal, just for fun. No fixing that, it is hardwired in there. I do hope the murdering is over forever and that 3 years in jail scared the carp out of her, but a few years from now, we may be hearing more about her I am afraid.
Not all rehabs that the stars go to are for drug & alcohol abuse.... or for other addictions, even.
Most facilities (private & state run) have additional units/floors for other problems and disorders.

I'm a psych nurse and have worked in private and state run facilities.
There have been stars & celebraties and infamous people in both.

Some were there for substance abuse and/or other addictions,
but many of them were there for other reasons.
I'm thinking rehab, too. Just because one is in jail doesn't mean the addiction to alcohol is cured. If she has realized she's an alcoholic, she could head to rehab and work on staying sober after that jail stint.

I'm guessing also that there's only one person who could interview Casey and possibly walk out of the carnage, alive--Dr.Drew. His background of celeb rehab places him on this path-he could interview her and still be in an almost Dr. Phil like environment-ask the question and still comment on it.

Oprah has too much $$$ and reputation on the line. Her orphanages and her network can't take the risks.

The only other person I think--Whoopi Goldberg. Maybe could say What the heck, girl and not get smacked by the public.
Katie? No.
View? No
Regis? No
Matt-too loved
maybe Diane Sawyer-but why?

Dr. Drew is the new hipper Dr. Phil.

Just my Goofy thinking-I don't know anything!!
Not all rehabs that the stars go to are for drug & alcohol abuse.... or for other addictions, even.
Most facilities (private & state run) have additional units/floors for other problems and disorders.

I'm a psych nurse and have worked in private and state run facilities.
There have been stars & celebraties and infamous people in both.

Some were there for substance abuse, and/or other addictions,
but many of them were there for other reasons.

The media almost always found out about their being there....
usually from other patients.
Mason stressed that Anthony isn’t at any of his properties. “We’re asking everybody to leave her alone,” Mason said. He said someone might find her her, but “they won’t be able to talk to her, and when they blink, she’ll be gone,” Mason said.

Where is the $$$ coming from to keep her on the run.

The article also states that she will only be in touch with CM and JB. Will they remain her family.

FICA woke up when the grief counselor was on the stand. Does this woman have a clinic? The grief counselor seemed like she could us some counseling.
Mason stressed that Anthony isn’t at any of his properties. “We’re asking everybody to leave her alone,” Mason said. He said someone might find her her, but “they won’t be able to talk to her, and when they blink, she’ll be gone,” Mason said.

Where is the $$$ coming from to keep her on the run.

The article also states the she will only be in touch with CM and JB. Will they remain her family forever?

FICA woke up when the grief counselor was on the stand. Does this woman have a clinic? The grief counselor seemed like she could us some counseling.

I personally don't care where she is but I do enjoy the thought that her two fav people have to worry about it. The clock is ticking, and more time only lets people be more disgusted with them and her. That means the big bucks are maybe drifting away. Reputable publishing companies have to wonder if their front money will deliver any profit.
If they want FCA left alone why don't they stop talking. They are causing more air time about FCA than anyone else! "Her new family". They have a nerve after what they did to win her defense talking so high and mighty. It stinks of money and opportunity. If this girl needs help why is her defense playing games with her. She needs help get her help and act like defense attorneys not Hollywood booking agents.

As far as Cindy and George not working. I say bull. Every single day people lose children and grandchildren. And somehow the family pulls itself together from the tragedy and get back to work and become productive. They do it to honor their child.

Everyone, every single person involved in this case is using it like a new money making opportunity. Where is the pride, the professionalism, the doing something for the right reason?

Also this grief counselor that woke Casey up from her world. I doubt it. Six weeks earlier the defense decided to throw George under the bus. The grief counselor just tried to put a stamp of approval on the plan. Hogwash!
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