2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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The letter I just wrote to HLN:

While I have appreciated HLN's coverage of Caylee Anthony over the past three years, I followed this story so that justice would be served. 2/3rds of the country do not feel justice was served. Nancy Grace should be commended as she is one who follows her beliefs in seeking justice. At this point though further coverage on any of HLN's shows isn't about seeking justice any longer. At this point coverage is now about Casey Anthony, how much she will make, where she is, what is she doing.....PLEASE stop the coverage regarding Casey. 12 jurors did not find justice for Caylee, but the rest of the world can by ignoring Casey and by not playing into her and her attorney's games. I think if you do a "wrap up/tribute" to Caylee show, the nation will watch and then do not cover Casey again until she is arrested, no doubt she will be tied into a courtroom for a very long time. Please stop the non-coverage of Casey and have all of your shows start covering all of the other victims who need our help in seeking justice. I want to turn your channel back on in this house, but I cannot as long as each of your shows is entitled basically "Where's Casey". I don't care where she is unless she is back in a jail cell. Thank you.

Excellent letter! Thanks!
I have no transcriptionist skills but the gist was

a) Casey Anthony is more reviled than OJ simpson or Micheal Jackson. It's not fair! Waaaaah!

b)He implies the public hates her so because of the supposed 84 searches. (I guess he forgot about the 31 days. But anyway....)

c) GR played fast and loose with the facts surrounding the 1 vs 84 searches. While he delicately danced around the correct timeline, he still managed to imply that LDB withheld exculpatory (sp) material and was somehow obligated to bring it up during her closing arguement. Then he went on to say had Casey been found guilty, there would have been a reversal and in the new trial, state wouldn't have been able to mention chloroform at all. :waitasec:


GR has never allowed the facts to interfere with his type of journalism...
More power to those of you who could watch Geraldo.

I hit mute as fast as I could, although I know he must have insider knowledge due to JB. (And therefore, I don't trust 1% of anything GR reports.)

Nope, it's not worth watching GR.

I DOOOO like Fox for much of my news coverage, but cannot stand GR. I will NOT watch anything with him spouting off. He needs to go away. Maybe this, his relationship with JB, et al, could be hitting a low. And that's saything something.

I think it's time I send a little email to Fox - it'll feel good to do so, haha

Are you reading my mind? :) I too watch Fox News and was just now thinking I might send them an email in regards to Geraldo. I want to let them know that of all their media hosts, Geraldo is the only one I do not like and that there's rumors that he's going to do the first interview of Casey Anthony, and that I definitely would NOT watch it.
TES's lawsuit asks KC "who did you tell and when did you tell them that Caylee drowned". She has to answer those questions with some type of an answer and soon. jmo
Are you reading my mind? :) I too watch Fox News and was just now thinking I might send them an email in regards to Geraldo. I want to let them know that of all their media hosts, Geraldo is the only one I do not like and that there's rumors that he's going to do the first interview of Casey Anthony, and that I definitely would NOT watch it.

I watch Fox and I always turn off the TV when Geraldo comes on ... for any reason. This was before, during and after the trial. Conversly, I never watched HLN/CNN's nightly programming *until* the trial. But since the trial, knowing NG is STILL yammering about FCA, I refuse to watch.

I don't care where FCA is unless she's got my checkbook. :banghead:
Well, fox does not need any bad publicity right now so if they are smart they tell GR to move on to another story that is not so controversial.

GR is an embarrassment to his colleagues at Fox on the CFCA issue. Bernie Goldberg made a very pointed comment, last week. He and O'Reilly were actually defending NG against attacks on her by the mainstream media. Bernie said he was much more offended by so-called journalists who had connections to players in the case and failed to disclose their bias. Smack!
Are you reading my mind? :) I too watch Fox News and was just now thinking I might send them an email in regards to Geraldo. I want to let them know that of all their media hosts, Geraldo is the only one I do not like and that there's rumors that he's going to do the first interview of Casey Anthony, and that I definitely would NOT watch it.

Me too! Been thinking about sending an email all day. Maybe this evening when things settle down I can do it. He really bugged me today -- didn't watch cause I never do -- but read his comments here from the brave souls who did. Thank you brave souls!
Are you reading my mind? :) I too watch Fox News and was just now thinking I might send them an email in regards to Geraldo. I want to let them know that of all their media hosts, Geraldo is the only one I do not like and that there's rumors that he's going to do the first interview of Casey Anthony, and that I definitely would NOT watch it.

I agree with your post, and I actually sent Fox an email last week saying exactly what you just said. I sent an email to Fox and I also sent an email to Geraldo.
Me too! Been thinking about sending an email all day. Maybe this evening when things settle down I can do it. He really bugged me today -- didn't watch cause I never do -- but read his comments here from the brave souls who did. Thank you brave souls!

I wanted to stick forks in my eyes but knew it was my turn to take one for the team. :crazy:
I emailed all of the shows on HLN through their site but have also emailed letters to so many other networks/publishers. This page at HLN supplies the HLN links needed for submitting a comment: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/hdlns/

On another thread here on Websleuths, "Death Takes an Agent", page 1 of the thread, Blonde Gurrl supplies so many companies contact information: Death Takes an Agent - Profiting from the Death of Caylee **NO DISCUSSION PLEASE** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Hope this information is helpful.

Thanks for the link to CNN - HLN. I stopped reading here to compose and send an email to HLN. I hit submit before thinking and don't have a copy, but basically I told them that Casey Anthony's acquittal was a travesty and an injustice for the child she murdered. I said that now that the trial is over and she's out of jail I'm not interested in where she is, what she's doing or who will get the first interview. I said I won't be watching ANY interview as that would only compound the injustice - Casey and her attorneys getting paid for an interview, and that no one should profit from the death of a child. I closed asking them to move on to other cases in which victims deserved attention.


.. and there's the crux of JB's problem.. right there in a nutshell. He simply CANNOT let CFCA do an interview all on her lonesome. He KNOWS she runs her mouth to her own detriment and just doesn't know when to shut up. A talk show host is NOT the same as LE interviewing her. These folks make their livelihood by getting people to talk and say things they did not intend to and they won't be up front and open like LE were in their talks with her, even the ones who agree to only ask certain questions. JB KNOWS that the moment you get her talking.. she is full of too much info and too little common sense. She is close to him and under his thumb right now and he is going to keep his loose cannon close. He won't risk an interview without him by her side. They remain a package deal because he honestly has no other choice. She is great at not speaking at all... but horrific at trying to talk and not give anything away.

just my two cents

I think that is why JB wants Geraldo to be the interviewer. I think he trusts him not to ask any tough questions, AND he hopes to edit out anything he dislikes. HOWEVER, that would be detrimental to Geraldo if it seems like he does a softball interview with the most despised woman in the country.

And besides, WHERE would the interview be given a home? I don't think Fox wants to show it.
It appears to me Geraldo Rivera is long overdue for retirement - perhaps Jose Baez can replace him - oh the irony.
Vinnie P. on HLN's Special Report is discussing CFCA's so-called Million Dollar Deal.
Vinnie is no better than the rest of the HLN crew, there is a reason he works there...
I just had a twitter back and forth with Sonni Abatta. She claims FOX interviewed the guy who wants to pay the $5M to FCA for the interview? Anyone see it?
Wow, Vinnie! Only ten minutes of CFCA! Not bad, not bad at all. Soon we will be down to zero...
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