2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I'm bringing this over from the closed HLN thread....

"LP said the state was "afraid" to use any of them (including TM) but this testimony re: the above incident involving GA would've been worth whatever it was they feared. imho

I think? it would've been allowed since many others gave similar testimony & it wasn't considered 'heresay'
. "

Just to say that my dd and I talked about this recently. I believe the state (in hindsight) should have put everything up...Robyn Adams, the fight, the Myspace message....however they could have gotten it in. So what if it was objected to by JB...it would have been out there. That is exactly the tactic JB used and it worked.
I'm bringing this over from the closed HLN thread....

"LP said the state was "afraid" to use any of them (including TM) but this testimony re: the above incident involving GA would've been worth whatever it was they feared. imho

I think? it would've been allowed since many others gave similar testimony & it wasn't considered 'heresay'
. "

Just to say that my dd and I talked about this recently. I believe the state (in hindsight) should have put everything up...Robyn Adams, the fight, the Myspace message....however they could have gotten it in. So what if it was objected to by JB...it would have been out there. That is exactly the tactic JB used and it worked.

Exactly!! They could've at least tried! OTH! Maybe they did with some of it but we just don't know it?
Cheney Mason
AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The downtown Orlando restaurant where Casey Anthony's defense team celebrated the jury's verdict still faces controversy, even though it immediately claimed no association with its clientele.

Cheney Mason is pictured showing his middle finger to a reporter from inside the Terrace 390 restaurant shortly after his client's not guilty verdict was read.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28667651/detail.html#ixzz1TEMV26A8
I have just written to HLN expressing my displeasure over the slant of last night's Nancy Grace show. It proposed that J.B. was a hot commodity, with networks fighting over him with job prospects. It indicated that C.A. 's first interview would be widely watched and sought after, despite what many people say. I strongly disagree with this reporting and turned off the Nancy Grace show as it angered me. I can't imagine Nancy, herself, allowing this positive spin on their desperate attempt to collect their bounty on a murdered child.
I have just written to HLN expressing my displeasure over the slant of last night's Nancy Grace show. It proposed that J.B. was a hot commodity, with networks fighting over him with job prospects. It indicated that C.A. 's first interview would be widely watched and sought after, despite what many people say. I strongly disagree with this reporting and turned off the Nancy Grace show as it angered me. I can't imagine Nancy, herself, allowing this positive spin on their desperate attempt to collect their bounty on a murdered child.

I agree, Jean Casarez put the message out there that "everyone" wants an interview with KC when the message that needs to be sent is no one wants to exploit Caylee's death by paying her
Cheney Mason
AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The downtown Orlando restaurant where Casey Anthony's defense team celebrated the jury's verdict still faces controversy, even though it immediately claimed no association with its clientele.

Cheney Mason is pictured showing his middle finger to a reporter from inside the Terrace 390 restaurant shortly after his client's not guilty verdict was read.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28667651/detail.html#ixzz1TEMV26A8

Quote from the article.

We would like to remind everyone that we do not dictate who walks through our doors.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28667651/detail.html#ixzz1TEPIGUJV

I think this is disingenuous because they locked the media out and only a couple the defense approved were allowed in. So it appears the defense did hold a private party and the restaurant assisted in barring media and those that were allowed in, were not allowed cameras.
Cheney Mason
AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The downtown Orlando restaurant where Casey Anthony's defense team celebrated the jury's verdict still faces controversy, even though it immediately claimed no association with its clientele.

Cheney Mason is pictured showing his middle finger to a reporter from inside the Terrace 390 restaurant shortly after his client's not guilty verdict was read.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28667651/detail.html#ixzz1TEMV26A8

"We would like to remind everyone that we do not dictate who walks through our doors," read part of the statement.

Maybe not but IIRC, they CLOSED the place to the public in the middle of the day after they walked through their doors..They def gave them 'special treatment'.

eta..That they did NOT deserve!

(LOL! grandmaj! GMTA!!!)

Finnell said what struck her the first time she met Casey Anthony in the Orange County Jail was how small the defendant was, particularly when she was shackled.

&#8220;Here she comes, trussed up like a Christmas turkey. She&#8217;s a tiny woman. I remember thinking &#8216;this is just a kid,&#8217;&#8221; said Finnell.

While the &#8220;talking heads on TV who had never met her&#8221; were declaring Anthony to be a psychopath, said Finnell, &#8220;every psychological test determined she was normal. The medical examiner could not determine the cause of death.&#8221;

She described much of the evidence as &#8220;crappy forensics.&#8221;

The "KID" crap again!! So, she looks young (cos of her size?) as if that means she can't also be a KILLER! Riiiiight! And of a small baby no less! :banghead:

Those tests need to be run again by a REAL team of doctors cos she's DEF not "normal"! Most could see that & even folks with no real knowledge of a "psychopath" could tell she reeked of it..No "cause of death", blah! blah! Ya know she got lucky that Caylee rotted there in the swamp for 6 months so try being honest Miz F! And there's the "crappy forensics" BS! again..If it was so "crappy" why did her & the team try so HARD to dispute it? :crazy:
I agree, Jean Casarez put the message out there that "everyone" wants an interview with KC when the message that needs to be sent is no one wants to exploit Caylee's death by paying her

I did not watch HLN last night, but I read here at WS. A big THANKS to those who were able to "tolerate" the show and report back to those of us who did not watch.

I am really "disgusted" that Jean covered Casey, JB and DT. What a WASTE ... HUGE WASTE ! :maddening:

There are many missing people and HLN's time would be well spent covering these cases ...

Enough of CFCA, the Anthony's and JB and Team ... :maddening:

The "KID" crap again!! So, she looks young (cos of her size?) as if that means she can't also be a KILLER! Riiiiight! And of a small baby no less! :banghead:

Those tests need to be run again by a REAL team of doctors cos she's DEF not "normal"! Most could see that & even folks with no real knowledge of a "psychopath" could tell she reeked of it..No "cause of death", blah! blah! Ya know she got lucky that Caylee rotted there in the swamp for 6 months so try being honest Miz F! And there's the "crappy forensics" BS! again..If it was so "crappy" why did her & the team try so HARD to dispute it? :crazy:

Did you catch the part about a judge from Orlando calling & telling her about the state's weak case???
Quote from the article.

We would like to remind everyone that we do not dictate who walks through our doors.

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/casey-anthony-extended-coverage/28667651/detail.html#ixzz1TEPIGUJV

I think this is disingenuous because they locked the media out and only a couple the defense approved were allowed in. So it appears the defense did hold a private party and the restaurant assisted in barring media and those that were allowed in, were not allowed cameras.

Not only did they get special treatment, there was some video taken through the window that, IIRC, their staff were high-fiving and hugging the defense team. :sick:

Another article - threats to the restaurant:

I did not watch HLN last night, but I read here at WS. A big THANKS to those who were able to "tolerate" the show and report back to those of us who did not watch.

I am really "disgusted" that Jean covered Casey, JB and DT. What a WASTE ... HUGE WASTE ! :maddening:

There are many missing people and HLN's time would be well spent covering these cases ...

Enough of CFCA, the Anthony's and JB and Team ... :maddening:


Question is: Why is JC one of the only reporters let into the party?
The "KID" crap again!! So, she looks young (cos of her size?) as if that means she can't also be a KILLER! Riiiiight! And of a small baby no less! :banghead:

Those tests need to be run again by a REAL team of doctors cos she's DEF not "normal"! Most could see that & even folks with no real knowledge of a "psychopath" could tell she reeked of it..No "cause of death", blah! blah! Ya know she got lucky that Caylee rotted there in the swamp for 6 months so try being honest Miz F! And there's the "crappy forensics" BS! again..If it was so "crappy" why did her & the team try so HARD to dispute it? :crazy:

Ughhh! As a Jacksonville resident, I can't tell you how embarassed and ashamed I am that she resides and works in my city.

I had respect for her - even while she was representing this monster. I thought she was an intelligent, fair minded woman that believed in justice. Now all respect is gone and her reputation is in the sewer. IMO

Why can't these people keep their mouths shut?
Wait! That caller was a JUDGE?? :eek:

She joined Anthony’s defense team in August 2010, called on for her experience in death penalty cases.

Finnell said she was contacted by a judge in Orlando who told her he thought the state didn’t have a case against Anthony.

“The reality is there really wasn’t much there,” said Finnell.
Did you catch the part about a judge from Orlando calling & telling her about the state's weak case???

Yup! Wonder which "judge"? :waitasec:

It was so obvious both JP & JS believed her to be GUILTY (IIRC, JS said so after the verdict) so if not by the 'evidence' then what?

Why did this mystery "judge" think it was OK to get involved with helping the defense?..Something stinks about that!..imho
Ughhh! As a Jacksonville resident, I can't tell you how embarassed and ashamed I am that she resides and works in my city.

I had respect for her - even while she was representing this monster. I thought she was an intelligent, fair minded woman that believed in justice. Now all respect is gone and her reputation is in the sewer. IMO

Why can't these people keep their mouths shut?

Well, let's keep a couple of things in mind when we read her comments.

The first is that as a respected criminal defense attorney, Ann Finnell was brought in at the last minute to handle the penalty phase in the event of a guilty verdict.

We saw several times during the first month Ann Finnell was there, as she made various motions, etc., that she was actually very poorly informed about the evidence in the case.

And secondly, although we ground our teeth during every day of the jury selection when she played her part, we saw her in how many days of the actual trial? One? Two? Certainly no more than that.

So, this is the usual blah blah at the end of the trial, and means nothing. And by the way, is it anyone's guess besides mine that the "Judge" who called her was Mr. Mason's buddy - retired Judge Eaton?
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