2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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OMG ... with 22 hours left on the bidding, KC's Halloween mask is up to $25,000.

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/CASEY-ANTHONY-LATEX-RUBBER-MASK-EXT-RARE-/260823841484?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cba4ffacc&clk_rvr_id=250589340024#ht_500wt_1413"]CASEY ANTHONY LATEX RUBBER MASK EXT. RARE | eBay[/ame]

UPDATE: 86 bids, still 22 hours left for bidding, now up to $25,100. !!!!
At this point, even the Anthony supporters have to be disgusted! Was it just a day or two ago when people were standing behind the Anthonys and their right to enjoy life and the gifts given them? At what point is it enough? When they are offered $200,000 and up and they are holding out for more money, is that the deal breaker? That gifted vacation must have helped clear their heads so they could barter better for more gifts and money. I say it was a working vacation and conference held there at the Atlantis Hotel.
Cindy is going to be selling the duck tape with a note of HER authorization that is its real.

And Cindy's word is her bond. Bond to scamming your money that is.:rocker:

Despite any money or material things that the A's or FCA get I would never trade places with them.

I could not live with the thought of Caylee gone, never mind the circumstances. FCA has to live with the images and horror of what she has done and the A's have to live with what FCA has done to Caylee.

You can pretend but nothing is going to bring Caylee back, nothing is going to bring the family back, nothing is going to bring back the simple things they shared together ... FCA has terminated it all, they may live a notorious life but it will be an empty one.
WHAT THE?? It was only $500 earlier this evening! WOW someone is very desperate to look like FCA :loser:

I wonder what FCA's costume will be this year? :)

... Or someone wants to use it as a base to mass produce for real Halloween masks?
WHAT THE?? It was only $500 earlier this evening! WOW someone is very desperate to look like FCA :loser:

I wonder what FCA's costume will be this year? :)

Hey Papa brought up a great point, buy the mask and go make one of those million dollar network deals. LOL LOL
... Or someone wants to use it as a base to mass produce for real Halloween masks?

Casey must be wild here. JB has failed her. He has not trademarked her face. And Halloween would have made her many of millions of dollars, by the looks of it. This mask could very well be the big ticket item of them all. And JB has missed the $$$$$$ boat. GOOD!!!
Mason's might be bidding on it to keep it out of circulation.

Or Mason and Baez might end up being the high bidders so that they can trademark the mask and sell millions of them for Halloween? Potentially huge money-maker for someone ... :banghead:
Mason's might be bidding on it to keep it out of circulation.

Well Mason better dig deeper into his pocket, the price is still climbing. $25,100.00 and no sign of the price slowing down.:sick::sick::sick:
lol, whoever wins that mask obviously doesn't have any common sense. i'm sure party city is going to come out with a similar mask, probably for around $15. then again maybe i am undermining the classiness of party city.
Another coincidence, a few weeks prior, a 48 hr TV show depicted a mock jury and she would be acquitted. Life imitating Art!

Regarding reasonable doubt, I had said sooooo many times that I hope the SA explains this in detail. I guess the DT took up my suggestion (just kidding) because they explained it and put a spin on it to the likes I have never seen. The way they explained it, it came out to mean "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" and the jury obliged. Since they had a doubt, they had to acquit.

I was hoping this would be drilled in the last rebuttal by LDB but she gave the jury too much credit. I think Lawyers tend to assume that people think logically and this case was a no-brainer. She over estimated the intellect of the jury.

Bold mine.

Yes, CM's outrageous chart he showed the jurors, with only the top box allowed to find KC guilty of anything. I'm surprised the state didn't object to this chart being shown. 'Course the state probably thought as so many of us did that if you present a truthful case, the truth will win out. Who knew that JB and his freakish "penis" story, would have the jury entranced by him. We all thought that the jury would be sickened by JB's "Eddie Haskell-like" greetings daily, his constant smirks, disgusting opening statement, when, in reality the jury was taken in by it, and loved the DT....Go figure! :sick:
At this point, even the Anthony supporters have to be disgusted! Was it just a day or two ago when people were standing behind the Anthonys and their right to enjoy life and the gifts given them? At what point is it enough?
When they are offered $200,000 and up and they are holding out for more money, is that the deal breaker
? That gifted vacation must have helped clear their heads so they could barter better for more gifts and money.
I say it was a working vacation and conference held there at the Atlantis Hotel
I don't care what thy were offered. Take it! be thankful! -or be greedy and get nothing. OOps I forgot.

The ANTHONY'S ALWAYS WIN. ask Tim Miller and John Kelly

Exactly! & To set up the bank accounts to place all the money they will make to help soften their grief! "Hammer Time! (don't touch this!):floorlaugh:
Well Mason better dig deeper into his pocket, the price is still climbing. $25,100.00 and no sign of the price slowing down.:sick::sick::sick:

Probably Beaz got someone to create the mask..... the other's on the DT are bidding on it..
I should go bit something outragous on it - win the item and then type a note.... I LIED!!!:floorlaugh:
Or Mason and Baez might end up being the high bidders so that they can copyright the mask and sell millions of them for Halloween? :banghead:

... Or not, you might become the victim of some psycho who wants to harm the real FCA ... as you knock on the door, "Trick or treat" and freak out an FCA hater. Kerblam!

I am speechless!!!

OK, what will the car go for then???

Look at the auction someone has listed in response to the KC mask :

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/CASEY-ANTHONY-LATEX-RUBBER-MASK-EXT-RARE-/320734547180?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4aad44ccec"]CASEY ANTHONY LATEX RUBBER MASK EXT. RARE | eBay[/ame]

i would like to submit that if someone is willing to pay 25 thousand for a mask of Casey, surely there is a market for a Casey interview? again, not on this board of course, but imo there is too much faith in the general american public to be outraged in this instance, curiosity killed the cat as they say.
Making fun of her would really make her mad. Love it!
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