2011.08.05 Hearing on Casey's probation

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JB made an elegant argument?? :laughcry: WHEN? WHERE? And more important, did he spell it correctly?

You know, I commented when Perry said that soooo early on, but actually, he knew exactly where their argument was going. Baez insisting that KC would be acquitted reveals that he knew this probationary scrivener error was going to become vital... he didn't report the error and ran with it.

In essence, Perry punked him because he'll have to use that against him. jmo
Question some key words in Stricklands ruling. Upon release- physical release from jail or release from serving her time for the check charges.

No wonder he has to do a lot of research on this and he may be forced by law statutes to end up ruling in a manner that will outrage all those <mod snip>.

Considering the death threats serving probation may actually endanger her life so the courts may be forced to settle that yes while she met some of the requirements she did not ( as of her own fault) meet all the criteria needed. I think the best he can do is order her to seek employment and maintain it for a period of 1 yr.
This deserves more than just a thank you. KC did not receive special treatment but the it seems the State and the haters want to sentence her for anything they can think up regardless. JMO

Yes RoseRed...I for one would LOVE to see some very special punishment for Miss Casey Anthony, murderess extrodinaire. AND....I'm not ashamed to admit it.
yes, but that's not what Strickland intended in sentencing . . . we can hear it in the video & read it in the transcripts. He intended her to serve probation after release from OCJ

Oh I agree wholeheartedly. But was just repeating what was said that it was done in Florida this way. Makes me absolutely furious. :banghead:
This deserves more than just a thank you. KC did not receive special treatment but the it seems the State and the haters want to sentence her for anything they can think up regardless. JMO

And I make no apologies for feeling this way.I think far too many criminals get off with light sentences.

But why do I not hear repugnance when JB continues to point out Ms. A IS special,her circumstances are SOOOOO special,she requires special consideration from the court,when considering this matter ?
I heard a TH attorney from Florida the other night say just that...that it was commonplace in FL for probation to be served while doing time. :maddening:

Judge Perry said today that you cannot serve a sentence and probation at the same time. Could they have meant it's not uncommon while in jail awaiting sentencing for another infraction? Not sure what purpose probation can serve if you are serving a sentence at the same time. Why bother imposing probation in the first place?
Look....... It is against our TOS to talk about other posters as Casey Haters..... So please clarify such statements as to who you are talking about or leave that language out of the discussion all together.
I don't think she used the word frequently. I'd have to review the tape but I believe she said it has happened. Administratively what should be happening and what has happened is different than what is ordered by the Judge. Case law is not formed by Administrative action or misaction.

Since this is now a matter of court action, this does set case law for future cases. It is now in trial court and this will be studied and used in future cases of this sort.

And my guess is that the Probation Department will be looking at their policy.

While I believe this is probably ridiculous policy and not serving the intended purpose of probation status, it seems unfair that people believe that CA somehow was the ONLY person to ever to have served her probation that way. It wasn't something she asked for, or even knew that she SHOULD or COULD question. In other words, this particular fiasco is in no way any of her doing. There is also no harm in HER serving an additional probation time....the harm in that is not to HER at all. The harm comes in the precedent set for other people in the future having their status changed at the whim of a judge, who is the one ultimately responsible for signing an incorrect order in the first place.
LOL CM thought they would waltz in there and HHJP would throw out the "stupid order"


Yep ... he sure did ...

Oh ... how I "wish" he would have "flipped" his "finger" at the Judge ...

Yes RoseRed...I for one would LOVE to see some very special punishment for Miss Casey Anthony, murderess extrodinaire. AND....I'm not ashamed to admit it.

And I feel the same way, too :great:
FWIW, I believe that JP did state, today in court, that the order for probation was issued before Judge Strickland stepped down from the case.
Judge Perry said today that you cannot serve a sentence and probation at the same time. Could they have meant it's not uncommon while in jail awaiting sentencing for another infraction? Not sure what purpose probation can serve if you are serving a sentence at the same time. Why bother imposing probation in the first place?

BBM = for the same crime (or at least that is what I think). You could be in jail for some other reason but usually that would revoke your probation. As we know, probation is a period of time AFTER your sentence to ensure you are complying with the rules of the Court.
Can we stop using the word hater? Not everyone who didn't want her acquitted wants to do violent harm to Casey or see bad things happen to her. I'm going to wait and let karma do it's job, but I don't consider myself a hater. I am not harassing, threatening, or doing anything to Casey. In fact, I wish she would disappear from the spotlight altogether. I am no vigilante, and I don't intend or wish for anything bad to happen to Casey. I am disgusted she got away with this, but I don't hate her. I'm upset with our justice system for allowing this. I know many are really upset with this situation, but I am not among the people who wish or would do actual harm to Casey. I want to see justice done, but not at any cost. I respect those that disagree with my position, and I'm not sitting here calling anyone else names for disagreeing with me. Respect is quid pro quo, btw.
If you research through other cases of check fraud and forgery you will find that many, if not MOST, first time offenders get NO JAIL TIME at all for the same charges as CA faced. They are put on diversion programs, limited probation terms, etc. So in essence, she WAS treated differently from other offenders....she was sentenced much more harshly than an "average" person would have been.


No, she got time served and probation just like the typical first time offender...it was a slap on the wrist!

In addition, the only reason she got credit for 412 days, which equal one year and 47 days for 13! FELONY CHARGES, is because she was already in jail...not prison...and being held without bond on Murder 1.
As i recall Strickland said he was not sure about things and would have to do some "tweaking" regarding probation. I never heard anything after that until now.
Judge Perry said today that you cannot serve a sentence and probation at the same time. Could they have meant it's not uncommon while in jail awaiting sentencing for another infraction? Not sure what purpose probation can serve if you are serving a sentence at the same time. Why bother imposing probation in the first place?

.... and surely he is right. It HAS to be a contradiction of terms and defeats the very purpose.
And I make no apologies for feeling this way.I think far too many criminals get off with light sentences.

But why do I not hear repugnance when JB continues to point out Ms. A IS special,her circumstances are SOOOOO special,she requires special consideration from the court,when considering this matter ?

But she is special because JB made her so. What other client does he have that he is shopping in NYC for $1 MILLION dollar interviews? Being wined and dined by famous media celebs. It does not make her special it just makes JB and his media contacts good at selling their product. She's not just an ex-con, she's a commodity. There are babies dying in other countries of starvation but in this country we think we should be paying a woman millions of dollars just because her baby turned up dead, dumped like trash on the side of the road. I think the American public needs some mental counselling. We have to be looney to put up with this kind of charade. jmo
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