2016.02.03 Batch 4 Audio/Video Files - Sievers Discovery Documents

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Everyone was a suspect at that time.

Heck, listening to those interviews I would have also been giving all the owners in her building a sideways look too. Sounded like a fierce battle was going on.
Iirc no was really pointing a finger at MS until later.
Respectfully, "I won't comment but....." is a comment - even if it is undercover. Let's not start attacking victims or victims families as I'm sure the only interest they had under very stressful circumstances was to get to the truth. I have said before and am going to repeat that I know first hand that Teresa had a lot of love for Sandra and her family. Due to the length of time that Teresa worked with Sandra, her name came up in many conversations. The best comparison that I can give is that I have direct family members that I love with all of my heart. That doesn't mean that I would let them work for me or that they live their life the way I would live my life. I also have commented on these family members to my closest friends and some relatives. That is real life. Teresa would never willingly hurt Sandra or her family directly and although unhappy with different issues related to work, I still feel VERY confident saying that Teresa cared for Sandra and her family. Sometimes working relationships have a shelf life - that doesn't change care or concern for either party (usually). Thank you.

I second that - Dr. Sievers personally told me her feelings towards SH and her family. She cared very deeply for all of them.
AmazonRain, do you have any opinion(s) on weather or not LS contributed to the negative feelings Teresa was having towards SH or do you think it was more about what you stated in your previous post?

If you can answer, do you think Mark was having an affair? Thanks for any insight you feel you are able to share.

ETA What can we do specifically- at home- to help focus the direction of our sleuthing efforts?

This is tricky to answer as Teresa only spoke to me about LS in a work context referring to her as the "energy lady" that was brought to her practice. She did not go into any depth about working with LS to exercise addictions or this best friendship bond that LS referred to - that is why I am skeptical. But I do know that Teresa seemed to be moving towards making some changes. Based on what I have seen and heard after the murder, I do think that there were negative dynamics in the office, perhaps even power struggles that (in my opinion) were fueled by LS and likely MS as well.

As to Mark having an affair, I believe Mark had many affairs. Many. As I have said in the past, I have witnessed MS first hand disrespecting his marriage. I think we are going to see quite a bit (eventually) that points to Mark's overtures and actions towards many women - even women that knew Teresa. We have all read MS described as a flirt by people who know him - I know he was more than a flirt. The description that KW gave (Our Mother's Home) of a man who would say inappropriate things (in my opinion to see if the woman took the bait), that is Mark. If the woman didn't take the bait he would claim he was just playing or joking etc.... If I'm being perfectly honest, within a certain age range I believe Mark would hit on just about any woman. I'm not being sarcastic - I really believe that.

Thanks for asking the sleuthing question. There is another doc dump coming soon, I hope everyone keeps up the great work. I am confident that LE is getting some information from this forum - there are some great sleuthers, hard works, and really brilliant minds on here.
OK, Part 3 of AL's first interview with Detective Lathrop from LCSO. This one didn't have a natural stopping point when I got tired. I will post more tomorrow!

(JL): Sure. Any, ah, anything you know about any kind of life insurance policies, policies, any, anything else

(AL): I just asked Danielle. I just asked Danielle. I said please tell me cause I know that they didn’t like, um, expect that the breadwinner was gone. My brother in law is the what you call it manager, office manager. And even though it drove Teresa nuts to have Mark work for her, she knew the best thing she could do is she wanted Mark – Mark wanted to maybe go to law school, they had talked about it and Teresa was like “I want you to be your own person, I don’t like that you have to work for me and you have to…” But Mark was like, like I said Mark worshipped the ground she walked on, and you know, she, he would drive us to the spa when I came there. He’d be exhausted with the girls, the babies, when they were little and “oh let me get you guys, you know.” My sister loved to go to her spa, you know? But um, uh, what were you just asking me?

(JL): About, ah, about life insurance policies, things like that

(AL): Oh! I just said to Danielle “please tell me Teresa had life insurance.” I go “I want to say she had like a good policy, like a hundred thousand dollars.” She goes “Annie, I think it was more than that.” I think Teresa said, she said I need to have a good life insurance policy cause I’m the breadwinner and God forbid anything happens, I need to make sure that my girls are taken care of.

(JL): Did she ever mention an amount or mention if she changed it recently or had done anything different with the policy?

(AL): I don’t know. I just, I want to say it was a hundred thousand dollars. Danielle said “I think it was a lot more than that.”

(JL): Yeah cause a hundred thousand probably wouldn’t even cover their, what they owe on the house

(AL): Yeah, so it could have been a million, like so I’m thinking like the number one is in my head so it could have been a million dollars, so it could be.

(JL): OK. Um. What about Mark? Is there any possibility that Mark’s seeing someone else on the side or behind your sister’s back when she’s traveling and she’s so busy and doing everything

(AL): *shaking head no repeatedly* These girls are homeschooled. He’s with the girls all the time. There’s no way on God’s green earth. I, I would never, no. Nope.

(JL): Is there any possibility your sister either met another doctor, met another friend, is with someone, uh

(AL): I would know, I would know. And I, the only thing I can tell you on that and she even told Mark. She ran into a colleague maybe three years ago, couldn’t tell you what his name was, somebody that she connected with. And, they spent time together, nothing physical, and she just felt even guilty for having those feelings. And then she came home and she told Mark. And I go “you never, because now he’s gonna feel sad.” And he did feel sad. She promised him that, you know, she would never text him, she would never call him and that was like – other person – that would be the closest possible thing.

(JL): Do you know if he was a doctor or you know his name, or anything like that she ever told you

(AL): I don’t remember. I wish I could tell you, I don’t remember. I mean, there’s so many doctors names that she, she’s doing a conference with this one, and I really like this one and we might think that maybe we can do something together with, you know, these two businesses, or maybe I’ll go in this person’s office so, no idea.

(JL): Do you know any, I don’t mean to embarrass you or anything, I just want to be straight with you, is there any uh is there anybody that they would introduce into their own relationship like sexually, bring in like other partners, friends, swing, anything like that – Just, we just need to know, just in case there’s some kind of issue

(AL): Nope. Absolutely *shaking head no repeatedly*

(JL): Any kind of issue that you know about, nothing that she mentioned

(AL): No no no no no no no

(JL): Anybody else, any friends, family, anybody else who’s involved in anything with them

(AL): Like where they would invite somebody in like a ménage a trois or something like that or

(JL): That, or couples, you know adults make their own decisions but like I said sometimes

(AL): Yeah I know. Nope. Swaps, no.

(JL): Nothing like that ever. We explore every aspect just in case, nothing like that

(AL): Nope. My sister had just said to me-

{at this point the audio goes out, I guess it’s redacted (?) for about 22 seconds, but AL is talking the whole time}

…the thing I try to prevent women from you know, I want them to go through gracefully, she goes-

{audio out again for about 4 seconds, AL talking}

… I was like don’t worry, Dill you’re also under a lot of stress-

{audio out again for about 2 seconds, AL talking}

…she goes I will I just can’t right now-

{audio out again for about 16 seconds, AL talking}

… so she happened to say “yeah” she goes “I’m just I’m so tired-

{audio out again for about 4 seconds, AL and JL talking}
(JL): … and all that kind of thing has it been a while?

(AL): I mean, I can only tell you that she told me she felt that way probably – yeah, she told me that probably a week ago, how long she’s been feeling that way. She was kind of saying “One of those pa-, I’m one of my patients who I try to avoid from getting in this place, like you should be having sex, your husband should be chasing you around the couch, and you should be having sex when you’re sixty. If you’re not, it’s because your hormones are out of whack” and maybe your thyroid, and then ok well maybe you have emotional, spiritual **** going on, she’d try to figure the whole puzzle out. So she knew her spiritual **** was together but um, I said “I can’t believe he stopped-

{audio out again for about 1.5 seconds, AL talking}

(AL): … that was *taps pointer finger on table* She also just told me something stupid, for example, I said “Ma, so who’s bringing what” because Teresa’s going to stop at Whole Foods before we get to the house I said, cause I’ve got some Earth Balance that – She goes “oh Teresa doesn’t use Earth Balance anymore.” I said “wait a minute. Why did I did not get that -

(JL): What’s Earth Balance?

(AL): It’s like a butter, it’s a non-dairy, we did not, we didn’t eat dairy. I will tell you that we did over the weekend, we cheated, we had a little dairy, we had a little gluten, we felt like crap from it. So I broke her balls and I said “Oh, you’re not doing your Earth Balance and you didn’t tell me?” I go – She started laughing and she goes “I’m so sorry” and she gave me her philosophy as to why she didn’t want to do Earth Balance anymore. So, um, {audio out less than a second} thing it was just like why would you, you know… She was like “I know, I’m one of my patients right now, what can I tell ya.”

(JL): (inaudible) Um. Tell me about the trip, now her and the kids and Mark flew north to visit, correct?

(AL): Yes

(JL): When did they leave to come up north?

(AL): Um. They left Friday

(JL): Do you know what vehicle they took, did they all drive together to the airport or

(AL): I don’t know, I don’t know

(JL): Because I know most people said Mark generally uses the van and she takes the car.

(AL): Right

(JL): And I wasn’t sure who, if she drove the van, if she drove the car

(AL): Right. Teresa drove the car, Mark drove the van. I would imagine, because it was such a short stay, that they would have all gone in one car and left it there, at the airport. Not that my sister is not one to say I’m calling a car when needed, but that was not a situation where I think she felt she would need to call a car. And then from there they all flew to Connecticut, they were one of the first to arrive, I remember, I could probably, if it’s important to you I can let you know the time…

(JL): Yeah the time and the place. But they arrove (ed. ? That’s what it sounds like) in Connecticut

(AL): No no no no they arrove (ed. That’s what it sounds like) in New York

(JL): La Guardia right?

(AL): I believe they flew into La Guardia and then from there we went to the house in New Windsor – New York, the lake. And, um, I don’t know, I want to say Teresa got there, um, three o’clock, two thirty. I got there about… two. Teresa got there about two thirty, quarter to three.

(JL): OK. And what was the plan, how long were y’all planning to stay there

(AL): The plan was, we were going to leave on Sunday, um, but there were no new people coming in and the owner said “look, if you want –“, cause we said “look, Teresa’s flight is not until 7:30 what are we gonna do?” They said “feel free to stay, use the pool, the cleaning people won’t come until whenever so if you want to stay a little bit later we’re ok with that.” So that was the plan. And that’s what we pretty much stuck to but you know we were all, like it rained and um, so we decided that, you know, who wants to start wrapping this, you know everybody started packing up their stuff but we wouldn’t – Teresa and I were playing a game of backgammon, trying to get into a game of backgammon. And ok, let’s give the kids lunch, and uh let’s start separating the food, who’s taking what. When I left, Teresa was just coming down the stairs, I could tell you what she wore, I could tell you everything. Um, and she was bringing her suitcase, and uh, so she was *wipes hands* all done, she was done.
Thank you Maxine!

That last line is absolutely heartbreaking.
I second that - Dr. Sievers personally told me her feelings towards SH and her family. She cared very deeply for all of them.

Do you think she would say anything different?
You were her patient.
AL is her sister.
. . . As to Mark having an affair, I believe Mark had many affairs. Many. As I have said in the past, I have witnessed MS first hand disrespecting his marriage. I think we are going to see quite a bit (eventually) that points to Mark's overtures and actions towards many women - even women that knew Teresa. We have all read MS described as a flirt by people who know him - I know he was more than a flirt. The description that KW gave (Our Mother's Home) of a man who would say inappropriate things (in my opinion to see if the woman took the bait), that is Mark. If the woman didn't take the bait he would claim he was just playing or joking etc.... If I'm being perfectly honest, within a certain age range I believe Mark would hit on just about any woman. I'm not being sarcastic - I really believe that. . . . coming soon, I hope everyone keeps up the great work. I am confident that LE is getting some information from this forum - there are some great sleuthers, hard works, and really brilliant minds on here.

Leonard Cohen's great song comes to mind:

Everybody knows that you love me baby, everybody knows that you really do
Everybody knows that you've been faithful, give or take a night or two
Everybody knows you've been discreet
But there were so many people you just had to meet
Without your clothes
And everybody knows [or will soon!]
As to Mark having an affair, I believe Mark had many affairs. Many. As I have said in the past, I have witnessed MS first hand disrespecting his marriage. I think we are going to see quite a bit (eventually) that points to Mark's overtures and actions towards many women - even women that knew Teresa. We have all read MS described as a flirt by people who know him - I know he was more than a flirt. The description that KW gave (Our Mother's Home) of a man who would say inappropriate things (in my opinion to see if the woman took the bait), that is Mark. If the woman didn't take the bait he would claim he was just playing or joking etc.... If I'm being perfectly honest, within a certain age range I believe Mark would hit on just about any woman. I'm not being sarcastic - I really believe that.

Thanks for asking the sleuthing question. There is another doc dump coming soon, I hope everyone keeps up the great work. I am confident that LE is getting some information from this forum - there are some great sleuthers, hard works, and really brilliant minds on here.
Amazon Rain - thank you so much for your insight into your dear friend TS . I was skeptical about the comment that MS made about swinging because I was in a relationship with a narcissist that also claimed we were swingers, however, the only thing swinging was his own hips, much like MS. Narcissists do not treasure or respect any relationship that they are in either. It breaks my heart thinking that TS was not respected by MS in the way that she should have been . After listening to the interview of FP, I couldn't help but think that MS should've spent more time with him, and he might have learned how to treasure, respect and love his wife the way FP does his own wife. A narcissist however, would not see any of that because they have their own agenda, they use people and ultimately it's all about me, me, me.

I pray every day for justice for TS and her precious little angels.
Thanks AmazonRain for more insight.

How a professional woman like Teresa was able to handle MS sending out this testing "touchy feely womanizing" crap is incredibly sad to me. And to think this guy is the teacher in charge of homeschooling the girls. Wow.

I think in a way Teresa's passion to empower others was her way of also trying as hard as she could to empower herself. Something in Teresa was preventing her from moving away from this abuse. She was the breadwinner she did not need this and maybe that was what she was trying to tell her sister. "You know I can do this all on my own" And we all know she sure could have if only she took action sooner.

But it is hard to face friends and family when you are the one to leave in a divorce especially with children.
Medical offices are like little Peyton Places. I have been a part of a medical practice for over 35 years and it does have its moments. So talk on gift giving and who is actually doing their work or not is very normal. What is not normal as AmazonRain pointed out is the whole world to hear all the comments. I do think Teresa's sister Annie was trying her best to be open and frank with the detective but it was indeed painful to listen to it. I felt bad for all.
AL when asked if Mark was having affairs said to the Detective NO!
Seems she felt he had no time.
He was home with the girls!
TS was the one to travel and not home a lot.

So if he was having these affairs where are these women?
don't you think some would have crawled out of the woodwork?
Many men are flirts it dosent mean they have affairs!
I'm not saying he did or he didn't.
But we have not heard in any of these interviews by LE of any affairs By MS or TS.
I'm sure LE knows the whos and wheres and whens.
If they did I don't think they shared that information.

Id just like to hear LE say it.
JL): OK. Um. What about Mark? Is there any possibility that Mark’s seeing someone else on the side or behind your sister’s back when she’s traveling and she’s so busy and doing everything

(AL): *shaking head no repeatedly* These girls are homeschooled. He’s with the girls all the time. There’s no way on God’s green earth. I, I would never, no. Nope.
AL when asked if Mark was having affairs said to the Detective NO!
Seems she felt he had no time.
He was home with the girls!
TS was the one to travel and not home a lot.

So if he was having these affairs where are these women?
don't you think some would have crawled out of the woodwork?
Many men are flirts it dosent mean they have affairs!
I'm not saying he did or he didn't.
But we have not heard in any of these interviews by LE of any affairs By MS or TS.
I'm sure LE knows the whos and wheres and whens.
If they did I don't think they shared that information.

Id just like to hear LE say it.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

Girls could have been left home while daddy 'ran to the store'for groceries (an example). That 'run' could have been 2 hours long, girls could be playing video games and could have been told not to tell mommy or mom could have thought that was okay for girls to be left alone while dad got food. IMO, I do not think he would go out though when housekeeper, chef, or other hires were there because they could then testify he left the girls alone. Neighbors would not pay attention at that time. IMO, it was done on the sly. LE knows and is holding this info until the right time.
AL when asked if Mark was having affairs said to the Detective NO!
Seems she felt he had no time.
He was home with the girls!
TS was the one to travel and not home a lot.

So if he was having these affairs where are these women?
don't you think some would have crawled out of the woodwork?

Many men are flirts it dosent mean they have affairs!
I'm not saying he did or he didn't.
But we have not heard in any of these interviews by LE of any affairs By MS or TS.
I'm sure LE knows the whos and wheres and whens.
If they did I don't think they shared that information.

Id just like to hear LE say it.

No way would they be crawling out of the woodwork! Maybe crawling INside the woodwork.
They are more than likely horrified that what they have done in their personal/private life will be on display for the world to know/see. I'll bet they are scared to death!!

Of course AL wouldn't know if he had affairs, that's something he surely wouldn't tell or even want his own family to know, much less TS's family!
I don't think most men would want anyone to know they are having affairs.

The man had plenty of free time. He did his office "work" at night. I remember when we were discussing the security alarm system. It showed it was unarmed and then rearmed a couple of times the night BEFORE the family went to Connecticut. It was activated again at very late/early am off the wall time, and I suspected right then that MS was just getting back home from his "night" job.
MOO There is some reason MS felt compelled to tell police he and his wife had marital issues and had experimented with swinging. And didn't AW say something about MS sending videos of himself with others to TS in one of her interviews with police?

When you are worried something will come to light that will cast you in a negative light you try to get out in front of it. JMO
No way would they be crawling out of the woodwork! Maybe crawling INside the woodwork.
They are more than likely horrified that what they have done in their personal/private life will be on display for the world to know/see. I'll bet they are scared to death!!

Of course AL wouldn't know if he had affairs, that's something he surely wouldn't tell or even want his own family to know, much less TS's family!
I don't think most men would want anyone to know they are having affairs.

The man had plenty of free time. He did his office "work" at night. I remember when we were discussing the security alarm system. It showed it was unarmed and then rearmed a couple of times the night BEFORE the family went to Connecticut. It was activated again at very late/early am off the wall time, and I suspected right then that MS was just getting back home from his "night" job.

I agree. When I heard that about him doing "office work" at night I was like "pffttttt." No way. His night job was something else entirely.

And, MOO, but you're not going to hear about this, if Mark was having affairs, and it looks like he definitely was, per LE, they (LE) are not going to show their hand and advertise about it. And the women, don't you think they'd be a little embarrassed, horrified, not wanting to tell anyone they had anything to do with someone who likely had his wife murdered? I mean I would think they'd also be afraid that they could be in the envelope of suspicion, not that I think they are but...

I could be wrong, JMO, and all that jazz.
Where there is a will, there is a way.

Girls could have been left home while daddy 'ran to the store'for groceries (an example). That 'run' could have been 2 hours long, girls could be playing video games and could have been told not to tell mommy or mom could have thought that was okay for girls to be left alone while dad got food. IMO, I do not think he would go out though when housekeeper, chef, or other hires were there because they could then testify he left the girls alone. Neighbors would not pay attention at that time. IMO, it was done on the sly. LE knows and is holding this info until the right time.

But thing is we don't know one way or the other!
Do we?
I agree. When I heard that about him doing "office work" at night I was like "pffttttt." No way. His night job was something else entirely.

And, MOO, but you're not going to hear about this, if Mark was having affairs, and it looks like he definitely was, per LE, they (LE) are not going to show their hand and advertise about it. And the women, don't you think they'd be a little embarrassed, horrified, not wanting to tell anyone they had anything to do with someone who likely had his wife murdered? I mean I would think they'd also be afraid that they could be in the envelope of suspicion, not that I think they are but...

I could be wrong, JMO, and all that jazz.


If Mark is arrested and LE has evidence of affairs they will have to release that information during discovery. JMO

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