2016.02.03 Batch 4 Audio/Video Files - Sievers Discovery Documents

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Furthermore, CWW told Lubinski that he and MS found TS. If TS' mom told them she wouldn't watch the girls prior to the visit, this might have been why JRR was needed because Mark couldn't be there? They had to change up the plan?
I listened to AW's interview today. I got the impression that she was just putting it all together during this interview because her voice started to sound shaky/nervous. Perhaps it was an act too.

Based on other posts, I tried to count how many times she said "I don't know/I don't remember" and my estimate is 20 times (I may have missed some..lol)

A few things that really stuck out for me....IMO:

AW: "CWW is a very smart man"
(IMO - a "smart man" would have turned in the person that asked him to be a hit man instead of doing the deed and being in prison right now.)
(IMO - A "smart man" would not manufacture meth and do prison time for that)

AW - "CWW forgets a lot of things"
(IMO - wow...how convenient that CWW and MS are so forgetful! They sure didn't forget to talk or text each other everyday.)

I love the way the detective handled this interview with her. Kudos to him for being so professional, yet firm as well as sympathetic to the loss of her children.

I think my favorite part was when he said, "MS is immature".... :happydance:

Maybe to her, CWW is a very smart man.
Furthermore, CWW told Lubinski that he and MS found TS. If TS' mom told them she wouldn't watch the girls prior to the visit, this might have been why JRR was needed because Mark couldn't be there? They had to change up the plan?
Interesting thought.
I thought that the reason CWW took JRR along was so that he could have "clean hands" and blame the whole thing on JRR. Fallible thinking on his part if true. Also perhaps he thought that JRR being younger and stronger, the killing of TS would be swift if he did it. It has never occurred to me that MS was part of the actual act of homicide because he too needed "clean hands". IMO
This is interesting, to me. There was absolutely no way MS could have known that TS' mom would say no to keeping the girls, so was the original plan for Mark to go home with her? And "survive" the attack? Garner some further sympathy and stage the house a little more thoroughly than was agreed upon by he and CWW?

The one fact that sticks out to me (here) is that we know MS was extremely protective of the girls. Taking this fact into account, MS planned TS's murder, so I think he would also plan to be with the girls with TS's body was discovered. How disgusting is it that MS told AL that he was thinking "we should all go, since we're all here at the airport"? MS never considered leaving with TS, IMO, because he wanted to be in control of the girls the second TS was out of the picture. He wanted to control how the girls would hear the news.

Based on AL's interview, the trip was planned in March/April. IMO, MS was already in the murder planning process by then, and it shows through AL's words. The duration of the Grandma visit (2 weeks) seems a little long (both for Grandma and the girls) especially considering MS and the girls didn't plan to stay with Grandma for even ONE week, once the plan finalized.

I think either:
A. MS knew that TS's mom would be apprehensive about keeping the girls for two weeks and flying back to FL, or
B. TS wanted her mother to fly back with the family on Sunday and stay for a few weeks. MS was not having it, proposed to "surprise" the girls with a two week stay in CT, knowing Grandma wouldn't feel comfortable. This assumption was correct, and of course MS offers to stay with the girls...for 3 extra days.

“Mark and I want to surprise the girls, and maybe they’ll stay two weeks with Mimi” and I’m like oh great, these are like the daughters that I never had. I said “Oh my God, it’ll be great we can go get ice cream and we can go do this.” And she goes “um, I’m going to ask mommy to, you know, fly the girls back.”

I could infer a few scenarios, one of which is the idea (girls staying with/flying back with Grandma) was MS's. Two weeks is a long time. I never noticed before, but its possible TS wanted her mother to fly back to FL with the girls and stay for a few weeks (as she usually did). AL references people much older having no problems traveling. Perhaps *this* is why Grandma was like no way, traveling with two little girls alone would be stressful especially after spending two weeks without their parents. It seems like AL was excited to have the girls stay in CT, would be helping out Grandma so I'm assuming the flying back was the stressful part.

Side note: I wonder if TS was planning to have her mother fly back with the girls and stay for a while (two weeks?) during a potential "transition period". Still speculating but perhaps MS knew that TS's mom planning to fly back with the girls, stay for a few weeks = sign that divorce is on the horizon. Maybe TS wanted her mom on site during an emotional/volatile time and this gave MS a deadline to carry out his evil plan. Maybe TS's frustration with her mom was more about her mother's apprehension to fly back with the girls, because the true purpose of 'flying back with the girls' was to be a neutral third party in the house when she told MS to hit the road.
That thought crossed my mind but I discounted it because her sister mentioned :moo: :moo: :moo: about what they would do while they were staying in Connecticut ...like going for ice cream etc . :moo: :moo: moo: and she could spend time with her children she never had. :moo: moo: :moo:

That gave me the impression that her sister was under the impression that Theresa wanted to her children to stay with her mother in Connecticut for those two weeks .

:moo: :moo: although there was obvious disagreement (noted in interview ) as a grandmother I too would be very resistance/ pushback for reason / hesitant to take two young children for 2 weeks in a city far away from their parents.

Unfortunately, no one seems to have asked why two weeks was important and ??? perhaps ??? why was it the first time this was requested? ( iirc I have never heard of them doing that before... It seems counter-intuitive to what I have heard about Mark wanting the children around all the time)

:moo: :moo:
That thought crossed my mind but I discounted it because her sister mentioned :moo: :moo: :moo: about what they would do while they were staying in Connecticut ...like going for ice cream etc . :moo: :moo: moo: and she could spend time with her children she never had. :moo: moo: :moo:

That gave me the impression that her sister was under the impression that Theresa wanted to her children to stay with her mother in Connecticut for those two weeks .

:moo: :moo: as a grandmother I too would be very hesitant to take two young children for 2 weeks in a city far away from their parents.

:moo: :moo:

Thanks, ATL! I'm not a grandmother, so hard for me to gage what's normal. Two weeks seems like a long time to keep the girls when their parents are a thousand miles away. Plus, traveling and taking into account the girls would be away from home for almost 3 weeks. If I were Grandma, I would be worried that the girls would be homesick and I would be helpless to comfort them. Also, the girls had special diets. It just seems like a lot more work to have them stay, rather then visit with them in their home environment. Although, I do see how AL would consider it a plus that the girls would stay in CT vs. going back to FL to spend time with Grandma.
Furthermore, CWW told Lubinski that he and MS found TS. If TS' mom told them she wouldn't watch the girls prior to the visit, this might have been why JRR was needed because Mark couldn't be there? They had to change up the plan?

I may be wrong in this, but I thought Lubinski said that CWW told him that. To be honest, I didn't think Lubinski was the sharpest tool in the shed and he may have had that detail confused and got the story mixed up. Bottom line is, I don't think I'd put much trust in the guy's recollection, but that's me.
My goodness- the girls weren't toddlers or first graders- they were 8 and 11. I don't understand what the big deal is. The girls were in what - 3rd and 6th grade? Children this age are sweet, fun and easy and usually helpful. Plus they had each other and it sounds like they were good friends.

AL said how well behaved and polite they were (that's at least some testament to Mark- and an important one as far as I'm concerned). I can't imagine Teresa keeping her girls from her own beloved family and cousins. That had to be about Mark- 100% in my opinion.

Even Mimi saying no may have been much more about not having Mark breath down her neck during that 2 week time. I can only imagine what he was like when it came to the girls. Nope, somehow he manipulated the situation to be exactly what he wanted it to be- that's his usual MO.

Remember the scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the mother and aunt manipulate the father into thinking it was HIS idea for their daughter to take computer classes? I imagine Mark behaving this way- often. Sly... Slick... Manipulative.
Interesting thought.
I thought that the reason CWW took JRR along was so that he could have "clean hands" and blame the whole thing on JRR. Fallible thinking on his part if true. Also perhaps he thought that JRR being younger and stronger, the killing of TS would be swift if he did it. It has never occurred to me that MS was part of the actual act of homicide because he too needed "clean hands". IMO

Taking these ideas a step further, I've always wondered if JR was laying in wait at the house by himself with CWW somewhere around the corner in the getaway car thus leaving no evidence of his presence. Of course, TS would have no idea who JR was had she somehow survived the attack. If CWW was down the street when it happened, any evidence left behind would have been a dead end without any clue to a MO connection. Thankfully, JR has a big mouth.
It was mentioned, in the second document I believe, or was it the first... That they were getting surveillance cameras from surrounding businesses.

I haven't seen any warrants from such in the document dumps so far.
You guys may be right. But he was using her money to cheat on her. She was crying about the 30k tax lien. So this wasn't a case of being content about hubby's infidelity to soon get rid of him. This was about him stealing and putting her in the poor house while he cheated. Jmo

Do you think she knew about all of the cash in the house? Do you think she knew about the potentially valuable coins? Aren't guns always worth some money?

Why not ditch him as money manager? A bookkkeeper certainly is not $85,000 esp in Florida which is a right to work state where wages seem to be quite low.
Everything Mark Sievers does serves a purpose- for him- first and foremost.

Who did he get to be around more than anyone else- along with his girls while he was 'homeschooling'?

Women and other children. BUT, the women would be the draw... and it would be during the long hours their husbands (if they had one) would be at work.

I cannot wait to hear from the people that were around him while Teresa was at work.

I have noticed that a man with a child is a magnet for women.
Do you think she would say anything different?
You were her patient.
AL is her sister.

My opinions are also based on my observations - and my continued relationship with SH. I never detected and friction between Dr. Sievers and her staff.
That's the wired thing for me- you can find a lot of people who can handle all of the paperwork- business steps properly but not as many that are that good with the patients/customer service aspect.

The patients in the office seemed to really like and care about SH-that is what is valuable in an employee, IMO.

It is apparent, to me at least, that SH was loyal to Dr. Sievers- that cannot be understated either.
My goodness- the girls weren't toddlers or first graders- they were 8 and 11. I don't understand what the big deal is. The girls were in what - 3rd and 6th grade? Children this age are sweet, fun and easy and usually helpful. Plus they had each other and it sounds like they were good friends.

AL said how well behaved and polite they were (that's at least some testament to Mark- and an important one as far as I'm concerned). I can't imagine Teresa keeping her girls from her own beloved family and cousins. That had to be about Mark- 100% in my opinion.

Even Mimi saying no may have been much more about not having Mark breath down her neck during that 2 week time. I can only imagine what he was like when it came to the girls. Nope, somehow he manipulated the situation to be exactly what he wanted it to be- that's his usual MO.

Remember the scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding where the mother and aunt manipulate the father into thinking it was HIS idea for their daughter to take computer classes? I imagine Mark behaving this way- often. Sly... Slick... Manipulative.

BBM. From all accounts the girls are wonderful kids, no big deal there. I'm speculating the 'big deal' for TS's mother was more about the distance and duration, plus traveling. I'd be nervous to travel alone with my two younger cousins, they make me nervous when they're in my car, such precious cargo. But that's just me. I don't think MS was ever planning to stay for two weeks but I could have missed something.
That's the wired thing for me- you can find a lot of people who can handle all of the paperwork- business steps properly but not as many that are that good with the patients/customer service aspect.

The patients in the office seemed to really like and care about SH-that is what is valuable in an employee, IMO.

It is apparent, to me at least, that SH was loyal to Dr. Sievers- that cannot be understated either.

Agree. IMO the negative stuff we've heard about SH was at most TS venting about someone she loved, and had very high expectations of. SH was likely the closest person to TS, or more accurately, the person TS relied on at the office. Maybe SH was the only person TS could count on to make her life easier from a work perspective. SH maybe saw more of TS's frustrations because she actually cared, unlike MS who wasn't phased when he screwed up.

IIRC, SH may have been training her replacement/new employee on the day TS was murdered? Sounds like an amicable parting. I wouldn't be surprised if SH moved on to a higher paying and/or less exhausting position than when she worked for TS. Maybe TS was encouraging SH to find another job for better work life balance. IIRC FP talked about how busy SH was at work, staying til 8PM, skipping lunch, burning the candle at both ends.:thinking:
Was going through CWW's youtube account today. Not much there. However, one thing I found interesting was that the 1st video on his playlist of "favorites" is a trailer for a shooter video game that came out in 2014. Typical computer game violence. Gross. In this trailer, a couple of minutes in, when they take one of the hostages away (at 4 minutes and 46 seconds) the captors put a hood on the hostage. Made me think of the piece of material from the discovery pictures that was opined to possibly be a hood from a pillow case (after many thought it was a scarf). The whole thought makes me physically sick to my stomach but you can see where these mad men could get ideas. https://www.youtube.com/user/waynewright3884
I always wondered what the black bath towels they purchased at Walmart were used for?

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