2016.05.17 Batch 6 Discovery Docs ***GRAPHIC Content***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Interesting how every time MS starts hitting on a woman he "accidentally" texts the woman something that "should have" gone to Teresa. Typically the text shows what a "great" husband he is - MASTER MANIPULATOR ALWAYS

YES YES YES! I noticed that, too!

"sorry 'bout that text last night"

testing the waters I think anybody would see ... sadly, women believed him. One said she wishes a man would talk to her that way. Sad.
His documentation is unreal. He needed to spend more time structuring the children's lesson plans instead of making notes to self. After reading some of his calendar notations, he seemed to be obsessive when it came to his relationship w/Barb. All of the hello, darling would make a good country song. What an a$$!
This is a very dark thought, but I come away from reading all of this thinking that in a way ts's murder may have saved her daughters lives.

Having read all of these exhibits, I believe ms to be a longstanding manipulative sociopath. I wonder if the judge for the custody hearing is allowed to consider this evidence in any future decisions to be made regarding contact? Because ms really really needs to be supervised by an outside party as per the guardian's request.
It INFURIATES me to read Teresa worrying about Wayne having something to eat/ the right creamer for his coffee. The man who would later savagely murder her in cold blood. :maddening:

Did TS really write that? Or did MS get her phone and send text? I will question each text...MS never to be trusted. We do not know if TS phone was left at home, taken from her purse by MS...I cannt see TS doing all the stuff in texts....there is a big rat here. JMO
I only skimmed the calendar. Did MS detail any sexual escapades with his mistrisses or only TS? I only noticed him doing it with TS and thought that was interesting. I think they're fantasy for the most part but that's just my opinion.
I don't know how well TS knew CWW but she did know him! If any of the texts are to be truth, he is mentioned as being in FL numerous times and for a week or so at a time. He is mentioned by staff at the clinic, as well as by MS to TS in regards to computer issues. AND, it appears he was being paid.
I only skimmed the calendar. Did MS detail any sexual escapades with his mistrisses or only TS? I only noticed him doing it with TS and thought that was interesting. I think they're fantasy for the most part but that's just my opinion.

There's MANY mentioned. Texts back and forth being MS and couples and MS and mistresses.

In my honest opinion.

Who in the .... documents their wife's monthly cycles.

Who the F... Does this.

This is some new things to me. And none of my alpha friends would never make a memo of when aunt flow visited. Jmo.

Especially not in the cloud nor a calendar. Jmo

It seems to me that the iCloud account setup was to benefit MS. It appears that on his phone he could see "Teresa's calendar". These seem to be her entries, which would be her documenting her cycle. It appears that all of his entries fall under the "work" category. There are ways to set up your accounts when sharing an iCloud so that he can see her entries and she probably did not even know they showed up in his phone. However, he was not "sharing" his entires so that she could see his calendar entries.

I guarantee we will see that he could see her texts too. As an admin of an iCloud account you can turn on or off that ability. This has happened to many families I know.

Either way, he is a sick freak.
Eyes are crossing, came up for air. I'm in the 2015 texts btwn TS/MS and that guy is annoying. It is apparent he was on her nerves. I'm going to cross reference the (sex) calendar entries with the texts (I think some of that has been done here) to see how that lined up. Yikes.

I was going to do osome of that cross referencing myself but I will just appreciate your posted results :)

No, please join me! I am "working" (my real job) so I'm off and on until after business hours lol If only I could get paid to be here!

Re: cross-referencing & sequential order of calendar & texts. Agreed. I'm just diving in really and feel like I have whiplash - 2013 calendar entries --> 2015 texts --> 2014 calendar entries -->2013 texts and on and on....

Keep in mind the sequential order of these Bates stamps and jumbled release is by design. The defense gets them this way too, so it's as hard for them to follow as it is for us. ( O/T - This reminds me of when I worked the tobacco litigation umpteen years ago. We would daily receive huge boxes of loose paper, 99.5% of the contents were completely irrelevant - sifting through all that paper was like looking for a teeny needle in a huge haystack. Extremely laborious. Naturally, it was easy to "zone out" easily overlook something that would prove to be very important. . It was delivered to us like that intentionally. Wanted to explain the strategy because it really is not released that way our of laziness or ineptness on the part of the SAO. It is strategic and very wise.)

That all said, if any of you guys want to note the Bates # sequence (e.g., 22222-222648 June 2013 calendar, etc...) In other words, start at the earliest date of both texts and calendar entries, then provide me with the Bates # sequence, I will work on extracting the specific pages, combine them in logical date/time sequence and create new files that we can add to our Google Drive.

Should any of you guys choose to work on this (and I would hope a few of you would do it because it will be an overwhelming task to try to take on alone) - get together via PM and divide it up a bit. Maybe a couple work on calendar entries, while others work on the texts, etc... Only a suggestion that would benefit all of us. HOWEVER, do not be in a rush. Because I am not going to work on extracting, combining, creating and uploading any more docs for the next 48 hours at least. My eyes are glazed over and I want a chance to read and sleuth some myself for a couple of days.
Correct me if I'm wrong or refer me to the post where Theresa's first husband and their divorce were discussed. I remember that she divorced him because he had sexually inappropriate relationships on line. If that is so, the way that Mark describes their escapades would be totally fantasy. His fantasy.
Fellow Peeps, IIRC, didn't AW say something about how much CWW disliked TS? Does anybody else remember that comment?

I thought someone else said CWW didn't care for TS, too. I had been thinking it was AW or TaySho, but this says it's CWW's ex-wife.


Becker said Wright had a general distaste for Sievers' wife, although he never elaborated or said anything about harming her. "He would just say, 'I don't really care for her,'" Becker said.

Also from that article, just because I had forgotten this gem of his character:

After high school, Wright's girlfriend became pregnant, something he was not prepared for, according to Bolin. At one point during the pregnancy, Bolin said Wright tried to get him to run his girlfriend off the road to "mess with her." Bolin said he refused.

I know we all hope that information will come out to help GB and his family get information/arrest/conviction for his brother's disappearance/murder.
I'm sure his 'best performance of his life' as MS phrased it after sex in a pool, wouldn't rate as the best by most women. Heck he claims he had 3-4 orgasms in a 15-20 min time frame. :laughing: A legend in his own demented mind.

It appears within the last month or two of the texts between TS and MS, TS was VERY aware of bills not being paid, IRATE with him over the finances, leaving the laundry in the dryer or washing machine (she brought that up numerous times), wanting to make medical decisions or decisions about the business but then couldn't handle making a decision about getting car repairs done, or things around the house that needed fixed. He grocery shopped a lot, but near the end, TS was even asking for receipts as to how much had been spent, and upset that money hadn't been put in her account causing Bank of America's automatic payment to bounce.

It appears as though TS was VERY focused on her work schedule, seeing her patients, dealing with personnel issues, and working extremely long hours, but gave him full reign with the business and financial aspects. She was very particular about brand name, organic, vegan foods, what size and kind of eggs that must be bought, which places served foods she would eat, not wanting the office cluttered, and empty boxes out of the office, I don't know how to explain it. She really did talk down to MS as if he wasn't as intelligent as her, or needed to have his hand held, yet he was the one reminding her of appointments, placing order for suppliments, reminding her where she parked, etc. MS was constantly praising her looks, yet admonishing her like a child when she had a temper tantrum, and it did seem like TS had gotten a very short fuse with him, everything he did was pissing her off, including how he dressed, wasn't working out, house wasn't cleaned, etc.

There wasn't much emphasis on the children, only where they were suppose to be, and who was picking them up. They were involved in lots of activities, but at some point they were withdrawn from those activities because of the cost involved. Lots of trips to the beaches with the kids, reading books, but not what I would think was a typical childhood. Maybe I'm wrong because we only see the glimpses through texts.

All is JMO. I did read all pages of this batch.
Just thinking back to what a young child said about her mommie's ___________ looking _________ when when she saw her daddy naked. *shuddering*

Young child knew enough about her parent's sexual behavior to know that
1) mommie's breasts looked a certain way while aroused
2) knew it happened when her daddy was naked because she SAW her daddy naked
3) knew that it was 'private' because otherwise why would a child be concerned that someone else might hear her say that to her daddy

I realize some parents are pretty free with their nudity (not mine, thank heavens) but for their children to be aware of the physical changes in anatomy when aroused - is that normal?

Maybe I'm just squeamish, but I think that is just soooo beyond inappropriate, imo. What on earth went on in that house?

Am I prudish for thinking that's disturbing?

How about when the child put up two fingers with a tongue between them, per MS, and said she learned what it meant from school! NO WAY! Not at that age!!!
Where do I find the latest text messages? What is the beginning Bates number?
Guys, as we all make our way through the plethora of texts and calendar entries, please make sure you post the bates number(s) of the item(s) you are discussing so the rest can easily locate what you are referencing.


Re: cross-referencing & sequential order of calendar & texts. Agreed. I'm just diving in really and feel like I have whiplash - 2013 calendar entries --> 2015 texts --> 2014 calendar entries -->2013 texts and on and on....
Keep in mind the sequential order of these Bates stamps and jumbled release is by design. The defense gets them this way too, so it's as hard for them to follow as it is for us. ( O/T - This reminds me of when I worked the tobacco litigation umpteen years ago. We would daily receive huge boxes of loose paper, 99.5% of the contents were completely irrelevant - sifting through all that paper was like looking for a teeny needle in a huge haystack. Extremely laborious. Naturally, it was easy to "zone out" easily overlook something that would prove to be very important. . It was delivered to us like that intentionally. Wanted to explain the strategy because it really is not released that way our of laziness or ineptness on the part of the SAO. It is strategic and very wise.)

That all said, if any of you guys want to note the Bates # sequence (e.g., 22222-222648 June 2013 calendar, etc...) In other words, start at the earliest date of both texts and calendar entries, then provide me with the Bates # sequence, I will work on extracting the specific pages, combine them in logical date/time sequence and create new files that we can add to our Google Drive.

Should any of you guys choose to work on this (and I would hope a few of you would do it because it will be an overwhelming task to try to take on alone) - get together via PM and divide it up a bit. Maybe a couple work on calendar entries, while others work on the texts, etc... Only a suggestion that would benefit all of us. HOWEVER, do not be in a rush. Because I am not going to work on extracting, combining, creating and uploading any more docs for the next 48 hours at least. My eyes are glazed over and I want a chance to read and sleuth some myself for a couple of days.
I just went to experiment with this a little and I think, for me at least, would be beyond belief to do, as PDF's wont allow copy/paste from the document to carry over to paste into another document to align both calendar dates/text dates requiring to manually re-type many entries.
Edit: I was attempting to copy/paste a text entry on a word document then right beside that paste calendar entry for simple comparison.
I had already made a few notes:
Bates 36851- 36936 Calendar 5/5/14 - 4/3/15
Bates 36937- 37062 Calendar 11/22/13 - 5/5/14
Bates 37007- 37062 Calendar 7/16/13 - 11/22/13
will this type of info help in what you seek?
I just went to experiment with this a little and I think, for me at least, would be beyond belief to do, as PDF's wont allow copy/paste from the document to carry over to paste into another document to align both calendar dates/text dates requiring to manually re-type many entries.
Edit: I was attempting to copy/paste a text entry on a word document then right beside that paste calendar entry for simple comparison.

Yes, while I lovelovelove doing things on the puter, PhotoShop/Acrobat/OpenOffice - sometimes I know it would be easier (and I've done it that way) to print out hard copies, get me scissors and tape, then rescan the assembled pages.

Copy/paste, Import/export, screenshots/cropping/pasting/assembling/ into different program, pdf'ing; frustrating, yet perversely satisfying successful.

Either way is tedious and time consuming and flop-on-the-floor-whining frustration.

I'll give it a try using a few methods and see what works easiest for me and let you guys know. Fair Warning: I can't promise when until I get home and start.
Yes, while I lovelovelove doing things on the puter, PhotoShop/Acrobat/OpenOffice - sometimes I know it would be easier (and I've done it that way) to print out hard copies, get me scissors and tape, then rescan the assembled pages.

Copy/paste, Import/export, screenshots/cropping/pasting/assembling/ into different program, pdf'ing; frustrating, yet perversely satisfying successful.

Either way is tedious and time consuming and flop-on-the-floor-whining frustration.

I'll give it a try using a few methods and see what works easiest for me and let you guys know. Fair Warning: I can't promise when until I get home and start.
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner :) Someone that has both the know how and desire (and software maybe)
Gag. I've tried reading the diary entries several times now. Like others have said, it reads like really bad *advertiser censored* and it makes me feel bad for TS, true or not.
This last time, determined to read the entries for clues, anomalies, etc, it dawned on me how proud MS would feel if he knew (he may know) how many people are seeing what a machine he is in the bedroom and I shut it back down again.
I don't believe one word he says or one word he wrote- then or now.

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