22-Year-Old's Virginity Auction Hits $3.7 Million

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Jan 2, 2004
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A San Diego woman who is auctioning off her virginity said she has now received a bid of $3.7 million, according to a published report.

Natalie Dylan, a 22-year-old San Diego woman, said she got the idea for the auction after her sister was able to pay for her college education after prostituting herself for three weeks, according to the London Telegraph.
Ummmmmm...... this is disgusting. Both she and who ever she does it with will profit greatly from the deal.

I think that the media should publish her picture and do a full in-depth article on her. Let her really get the news out there. And I pray that the high bidder does not harm her in anyway when she does it with him.

Oh my......

I have a 5 year old daughter and the thought of this absolutlly disqusts me ,,Where is this girls familly i think she may be 22 but this sounds more like something a 17 year old would do .And what the hell is this guy thinking thats something to brag about spending 4 million dollars to have sex with a virgin pathetic... get a gf buddy.
And here are some photos of her http://a11news.com/641/natalie-dylan/

And the plot deepens

Her virginity is being Auctioned off at the Infamous Nevada Moonlite bunny Ranch

Where guess what ? her sister happens to WORK

The Moonlite Bunny Ranch is a massive brothel, staffed by as many as 500 prostitutes, that calls itself “the de-virginising capital of America


Its a Aussie thats winning the bid


And oh my http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/article2123389.ece

Whilst I agree with another person who said she is *hot* she isn't 3.9 USD Million hot (not in my opinion)

So, let me get this straight. Some 22 year old graduate with a degree in "Women's Studies" decides she wants to earn her Master's. She does not have the funds to do it so she auctions off her virginity (body) to the highest bidder. Auction supported by the Bunny Ranch. Add in her statement that she finds it "empowering". I think *anything* that would gain you $3.7 million would be empowering. For the 30 minutes it takes you to "earn" it, the selling of your soul to "earn" it, and lowering your very self worth to "earn" it, yeah, I can see how that would be "empowering". :rolleyes:

One has to wonder. What did she actually learn in "Women's Studies", who the hell were her professors, and how did she EVER earn her degree??? FWIW, I don't think she's actually that attractive, anyway. Give her $5 and tell her to hit up a Taco Bell, keep the change. :razz:
It's sad, disgusting and pathetic all in one. Neither of them have any self respect imo.
And here are some photos of her http://a11news.com/641/natalie-dylan/

And the plot deepens

Her virginity is being Auctioned off at the Infamous Nevada Moonlite bunny Ranch

Where guess what ? her sister happens to WORK


Its a Aussie that's winning the bid


And oh my http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/features/article2123389.ece

Whilst I agree with another person who said she is *hot* she isn't 3.9 USD Million hot (not in my opinion)


ROFL I bet the only thing on her that's a virgin is her armpit!
It's sad, disgusting and pathetic all in one. Neither of them have any self respect imo.

Yes, it is. This will also encourage others to sell their "virginity." Gee, our entire world sure seems to be going down the crapper.

Well you have to give her this. She is quite the entrepreneur. I have three girls and , while I would hope that my daughters would not do something like this, I do have to say it is a "rich" idea. WHat is the difference in this girl having a one night stand for her first time, or heaven forbid someone raping her and taking it from her or her doing it this way? At least this way she will make money off the deal. Now I have to wonder what is going to happen to her once this "man" pays all this money and then finds out she isn;t a virgin after all? WHat will the buyer do? I think since this woman is an ADULT and if there is a "so called man" out there that has the money and wants to pay for this then what business is it of ours? How many women have there been in the past that were kept women? Or women of the night that get paid a couple of hundred. Hey this woman is making millions. I say more power to her. I just hope she can live with the consequences, emotionally afterwards.
Well now she wants to be able to pick the NICE guy from the winning bids.

Yank - I hear what you are saying and I wonder about the values of our young women these days. Selling sex is selling sex, anyway you slice the cake. This young woman is prostituting herself, nothing special about that. I do have to wonder what kind of a person would spend close to 5 million dollars, for what probably will not be the best sex he/she ever had.....

I can not imagine that someone who spends 5 million is not going to want to call some of the shots..... and I think that is scary. Is she going to have bodyguards with her when she does the deed? I don't know - to me having sex with someone who pays for it gives them too much control. May not be true, I don't know.

And yes - she sure doesn't look like she has never been around the block before.....

Well you have to give her this. She is quite the entrepreneur. I have three girls and , while I would hope that my daughters would not do something like this, I do have to say it is a "rich" idea. WHat is the difference in this girl having a one night stand for her first time, or heaven forbid someone raping her and taking it from her or her doing it this way? At least this way she will make money off the deal. Now I have to wonder what is going to happen to her once this "man" pays all this money and then finds out she isn;t a virgin after all? WHat will the buyer do? I think since this woman is an ADULT and if there is a "so called man" out there that has the money and wants to pay for this then what business is it of ours? How many women have there been in the past that were kept women? Or women of the night that get paid a couple of hundred. Hey this woman is making millions. I say more power to her. I just hope she can live with the consequences, emotionally afterwards.

I also have daughter's and the one thing they have within them is self respect. Thank goodness I did something in the parenting thing right. They would never consider prostituting themselves out for a buck. There is absolutely nothing admirable in this. I find it disturbing that while you state you would hope your own would never do this, you think it's a "rich" idea. That just comes across to me so very wrong as well as very sad, imho.
Well you have to give her this. She is quite the entrepreneur. I have three girls and , while I would hope that my daughters would not do something like this, I do have to say it is a "rich" idea. WHat is the difference in this girl having a one night stand for her first time, or heaven forbid someone raping her and taking it from her or her doing it this way? At least this way she will make money off the deal. Now I have to wonder what is going to happen to her once this "man" pays all this money and then finds out she isn;t a virgin after all? WHat will the buyer do? I think since this woman is an ADULT and if there is a "so called man" out there that has the money and wants to pay for this then what business is it of ours? How many women have there been in the past that were kept women? Or women of the night that get paid a couple of hundred. Hey this woman is making millions. I say more power to her. I just hope she can live with the consequences, emotionally afterwards.

There is a GIANT GIANT diffrence. she has the CHOICE while when someone is Raped they do not.
The good thing to come of this may be that teenage girls realize virginity is worth something and will not give it up so freely.
She was recently on the Tyra Show. She stated that while her parents were not happy with this,it is her life and she can choose what to do with it. She "says" she wants to use the money for school.
*Feels like a sucker now for just giving it away on my wedding night.* :boohoo:

I wonder if it's too late to bill my DH for the $3 million plus interest.
Maybe she will see tickets and there will be spectators? Maybe she can get a Pay Per View deal? Have a videographer tape it and she can sell autographed copies?

Maybe she needs an agent?

What's her number?

3.7 mil? for that much I'll claim my 3 kids were immaculate conceptions (of course, my ex DID think he was some kind of perfect freaking god), and that I am a 40.5 yr old virgin. :)

3.7 mil for someones virginity. That's crazy...
Well this seems like a good idea to her at her age. But let's fast forward 20-30 years. You know it's kind of like a tattoo...what you thought that you couldn't live without (after a night out drinking with your buds) at 20, may or may not seem as "cute" or as "good idea" as it was at 50. Nothing wrong with tat's I'm just saying...

I'm wondering how she will explain it to her daughters? Or her sons? Because once in the media, once on the internet...you can pretty much bet it will come back.

Meh, I don't care what she does with her body to tell the truth, but there are other ways to finance an education. Just sayin' :)
I think she should give up the idea of going to school to be a marriage and family counselor.....it doesnt take an advanced degree to know that prostitution is not conducive to either....

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