28 March 2010: JoshPowellRealtor.com at webarchive.org: Truth or Lies?

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How many claims made by Josh Powell on his now archived Josh Powell Realtor web site are outright lies?
Several weeks after Josh Powell's wife, Susan Cox Powell, was last seen alive by friend and neighbor JoVanna Owings on Sunday, December 6, 2009 at approximately 5:00 PM, Josh Powell disabled Internet access to his Josh Powell Realtor web site.

Fortunately for us, and most unfortunately for Mr. Joshua Powell, the Way Back Machine Internet Archive project has archived his web site going back as far as July 17, 2004.

INDEX: Here is an index to http://joshpowellrealtor.org on the Way Back Machine Internet Archivewhere you can view Josh's web site in various stages, beginning with how it appeared on July 17, 2004: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://joshpowellrealtor.com


What substantial changes were made to the web site since it was established on July 17, 2004?

What claims do you consider to be outright lies?

What claims do you consider to be truth?

Who do you think composed the "About Josh" page?

Why do you think Josh disabled access to his http://joshpowellrealtor.com site?

Why do you think Josh Powell failed at maintaining a successful real estate agent/broker career?

Prior to the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell: If you were looking to buy a home, received a free Josh Powell realtor refrigerator magnet in your phone book and looked up Josh's web site, would you feel confident in enlisting him as your real estate agent?

After reportedly spending approximately $80,000.00 on the production and insertion of a Josh Powell Realtor refrigerator magnet into every Salt Lake County telephone book, why is it Josh Powell only sold 2 to 3 homes?
Pick, You have mentioned several times about drug involvement. Do you think there might be a possiblity here? His BS--especially with his astute "business" capabilities.
Pick, You have mentioned several times about drug involvement. Do you think there might be a possiblity here? His BS--especially with his astute "business" capabilities.

If Josh was using methamphetamine on a regular basis, I think something would have come out by now about it. That's something most people can't keep quite about. And, it can get really expensive unless you are dealing yourself and buying pretty pure stuff then cutting it and selling for a profit so you can get yours for free. If he was using, it would have been infrequently or he was just starting to use. People start using drugs on a particular day. Just because they never were known to use doesn't mean they weren't or had not just started.

I think the boasting on the web sites is because he is mentally ill and thinks he can get away with making such preposterous claims!

Along with other obvious psychological disorders, I think he is a narcissist.

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which there is an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with one's self."


A person with narcissistic personality disorder:

Reacts to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

Takes advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

Has feelings of self-importance

Exaggerates achievements and talents

Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

Has unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

Requires constant attention and admiration

Disregards the feelings of others, lacks empathy

Has obsessive self-interest

Pursues mainly selfish goals

SOURCE FOR SYMPTOMS: https://health.google.com/health/ref/Narcissistic+personality+disorder#Symptoms
Why do you think Josh Powell failed at maintaining a successful real estate agent/broker career?

I'll have at stab at that one.

Primarily I don't think his personality was suited to the job. Susan as a "people person" would probably have made a very good Realtor, indeed I think she would have been good at anything where her interpersonal skills were to the fore. Of course that's not all there is to the Realty business, but I think it can be a make or break factor.

Secondly I think it would soon have become obvious to anyone dealing with Josh that he didn't have the wide knowledge and deep experience that he claimed, and they would have looked to put their business, either buying or selling, elsewhere. Since the agent gets nothing until a house is sold, you need a sound financial background to start out as you may not earn much in your first year. Josh did not have a sound financial background, and only made it worse with the fridge magnet insanity.
I'll have at stab at that one.

Primarily I don't think his personality was suited to the job.
Absolutely! Setting aside the obvious requirements, a real estate agent has to be likable. Since they are "a dime a dozen", and because of free sites like http://realtor.com where a person can look at basically every listed property in their area, only a fool would chose to stick with a real estate agent with an annoying personality.

From what I've read, nobody liked Josh because he was annoying. He has been described as an incessant talker and an egotist who bragged a lot.

A perfect example of why people would not like Josh is clearly illustrated by his tactless http://susanpowell.org site where instead of focusing on helping to find Susan, he instead attempts to make himself look good and Susan look as ugly as possible due to the photos he carefully selected of Susan, most of which make her look very homely.

That same person who built that web site is the same guy who wanted people to spend time with him in his van driving around looking at homes.

Quite frankly, I think people found him to be arrogant, obnoxious and incompetent or surely he would have drummed up business from the magnets.

I also think that his inability to follow through with things affected his business.

All in all, I say it failed because he didn't have the personality or intelligence to make it work.
What I can't understand is why he didn't work under someone else's *wings* for a few years, until he had a more solid clientele?

Did he just get his Realtor license--and then quickly pursue his Broker license--before getting 'established'?

Sounds like it.
What I can't understand is why he didn't work under someone else's *wings* for a few years, until he had a more solid clientele?

Did he just get his Realtor license--and then quickly pursue his Broker license--before getting 'established'?

Sounds like it.

Just Josh being Josh! Thinking he is so smart he doesn't need anybody to help him and why share the money?
What I can't understand is why he didn't work under someone else's *wings* for a few years, until he had a more solid clientele?

Did he just get his Realtor license--and then quickly pursue his Broker license--before getting 'established'?

Sounds like it.
His arrogance rules here. He's probably sure he's so much smarter than anyone else that he can succeed without learning the first thing about networking. In fact, I'm guessing when they mentioned networking he figured they meant getting computers to transfer data back and forth.
Josh also has demonstrated his inability to work with people to come up with viable solutions.

The time he tried to car-share with John Hellewell, he expected John to pick him and Susan's boys up, drop the boys at the carer, drop him at work, and then pick him up from work, collect Susan's boys, and return them all home, and not pay a penny to John for the gas. He thought the power of his personality and John's friendship would obviate the need for recompense. The arrangement lasted a week.

A realtor has to bend over backwards to meet the client's needs, and I don't see Josh being able to keep this up for long.

I have more to add but am off to work, so more later.
Josh also has demonstrated his inability to work with people to come up with viable solutions.

The time he tried to car-share with John Hellewell, he expected John to pick him and Susan's boys up, drop the boys at the carer, drop him at work, and then pick him up from work, collect Susan's boys, and return them all home, and not pay a penny to John for the gas. He thought the power of his personality and John's friendship would obviate the need for recompense. The arrangement lasted a week.

A realtor has to bend over backwards to meet the client's needs, and I don't see Josh being able to keep this up for long.

I have more to add but am off to work, so more later.

I'd be interested in seeing a city bus schedule. Why didn't he ride the bus like many do?

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