3:45 am cops search georges trunk PART 2

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IMO I do not think LE knew about this gun before yesterday. LE can not take the chance of something or someone getting shot with a gun that THEY KNEW was there. The MINUTE they knew - they went to a judge - got a warrant and went to collect it.

GA might have just bought it for protection and the paperwork came thru and alerted LE. IMO GA did NOT call LE himself about it. No way. I thought about LP and TP as well - but I also think they would have called LE the minute they knew. No one wants the responsiblity of KNOWING about that gun and NOT acting upon it IF someone gets hurt because of it. Way too much risk.

What about all the threats against GA and family. Doesn't he have a right to protect himself ? Or are they so PO'd at the family they don't care ?
What about all the threats against GA and family. Doesn't he have a right to protect himself ? Or are they so PO'd at the family they don't care ?
Yes - GA HAD a right to protect himself. BUT - he is housing a jail inmate that is out on bond and the BOND CONDITIONS clearly state there are to be NO WEAPONS inside that home where the inmate is to be on home confinement.
George probably has a CCW permit, if he works in the security business.

However, he knew that he could not have a gun on the premises, so he should have secured it at his office, where he works.

Also, early Saturday morning, Orange County deputies removed a gun from the trunk of a car belonging to Casey' father, George Anthony. Such a discovery on the Anthony property could have imperiled Casey Anthony's release from jail, but a spokesman for Orange County Corrections said that a judge ruled that Casey presumably had nothing to do with the weapon.

Thank you for the latest update. Things change here within hours, I really appreciate it.

Angry mob!! No kidding, maybe the Anthony's really are clueless. The whole scenario has become a public nuisance. :mad:
What about all the threats against GA and family. Doesn't he have a right to protect himself ? Or are they so PO'd at the family they don't care ?

Honestly, George has exhibited the most unpredictable behavior of anyone in the family, in my opinion.

If he would have had a gun in his hand that day that he confronted Little Dude, I think he would have shot him. There's something about George that frightens me....he aint right.
I am new here, I have been reading for about a week but registered today. I am assuming that the reason they waited until the wee hours of the morning to go get this out of the car is to avoid having a bunch of lookieloos??
So, why in the H, would they go looking for a gun in George's car at 4 a.m. in the morning????????????

Stay tuned for the next dramatic turn in this case...........

or maybe it would be more fitting to say.............

You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!
My opinion, as much as we hate Baez, I think in this situation he was the voice of reason. jmo.
my husband has a florida cc permit,we live in md. George probably has one being exLE and working (security) he knew he was not to have it on the premises. It should have been at Lees house or the police department to show good faith. and yes he is a powder keg
What about all the threats against GA and family. Doesn't he have a right to protect himself ? Or are they so PO'd at the family they don't care ?

Ok going to try and explain it again.... It is against the RULES, if Casey is in the home they CAN NOT possess weapons or firearms of ANY KIND.

It is NOT a slight against the A's or trying to deny them of any rights. It would be the same in any case.
Baez arranged with George and police some terms of George tattling on himself. Elsewise it would have been willy-nilly if Baez had to turn George in.
Hi, buddy! :) I just saw that I had a PM from you this morning...will respond in a little while. My thing says 0 unread at the top, but I had five or six of them in there I hadn't seen. Sorry about that.

Your theory could be right on. Why the wheel well? I suppose because he can't have it in the house and thought that would be well-hidden from Casey, should she get any ideas to hurt herself or someone else? Just a guess. I agree that even if LE knew earlier in the day, they wouldn't have wanted to come get it while the mob was out there. I can't even imagine what that would've been like. :eek:

For some reason, my first instinct was that maybe Leonard and crew might have alerted LE. They might have known about George's gun, saw how the anger of the mobs outside the home was escalating and, knowing how close George seems to snapping lately, figured it wasn't safe for him to have that gun there any longer.

I have to say, considering the public's reaction to his family -- people screaming, banging on their door (and I'm sure they must receive lots of email/phone threats, too) -- I can't blame George for wanting to have some protection there, should someone try to come in their home or attack his family as they come and go. IF that's why he had the gun, while not a smart thing, maybe it's somewhat understandable from his position...wanting to protect his family.

Or maybe LE got a tip that he was gonna go shoot the kidnappers he's been watching. :crazy:

All very good observations!! The last line cracked me up - thanks, I needed the laugh! :blowkiss:
Honestly, George has exhibited the most unpredictable behavior of anyone in the family, in my opinion.

If he would have had a gun in his hand that day that he confronted Little Dude, I think he would have shot him. There's something about George that frightens me....he aint right.

I totally agree. That whole family is off-kilter. I'm surprised Lee hasn't "lost it" yet. He's the more sane of them all and even that's not saying much....
Honestly, George has exhibited the most unpredictable behavior of anyone in the family, in my opinion.

If he would have had a gun in his hand that day that he confronted Little Dude, I think he would have shot him. There's something about George that frightens me....he aint right.

Sing it out, Sistah.

I said the same thing a little farther back. Geo has a temper, I believe, and it was clearly evident in the confrontation with LD.

Considering how volatile things are, I am relieved there isn't a gun around the Anthony home anymore.
Maybe George hid it in the car to make sure it was not in the house. Perhaps he thought this would be in compliance by keeping it out of the house.

O/T JBean your signature is apropos and hilarious. Should be first stickie by itself. Thanks.
Good morning everyone. The night crew was busy last night! I think the lady is holding a maglight and a stuffed animal. The bottom of the feet are pretty obvious to me.

However, I did have a thought about Georges obsession with cleaning cars. The stuffed animal could also be one of those car wash mitts. Casey's car got washed sometime in between the towyard and when it was confiscated. Think about that and it makes you go hmmmmmm. Below is a link to a car wash mitt. There are furrier ones out there.

Hi Suzi. I posted somewhere that I also think the gun could have been stored in a case or pouch or something to match the enhanced pictures. I like the mitt idea,
Little dude was in the wrong--entertaining, yes, but clearly in the wrong if not by law it was by tact.
me too poco!!!!! And back to this seizure out of George's trunk.... wonder why all the other media outlets are not reporting this (online as that is all I have access to near my computer). Does anyone know if any other outlets are reporting on this??

As to the time of the seizure... in the Nancy Cooper case LE stated it is not uncommon to serve a search warrant, etc in the middle of the night in order to catch persons 'off guard'...

It was reported on the WFTV news at noon today. No other networks broadcast midday news on Saturday. Found this link on Orlando Sentinel in the last few minutes:

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