3:45 am cops search georges trunk PART 2

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If casey knew the gun was there or was a part of concealing it, she would be in violation. but i am assuming that George self reported the gun and he probably assumed that hidden outside of the house the gun could be in compliance. this is just a big zero.

So........... at 3:00 a.m. George wakes up and thinks - HOLY CRAP, I had better call the cops and tell them I have a gun in that car. "Cindy, put on some coffee and see if you can't whip up some banana nut bread or something."
Anthony family rights have been protected fiercely. How dare anyone suggest LE is not? That's downright slander. Anyone who thinks this family is in anyway being victimized is on someone's payroll and here to agitate. IN MY OPIONION.

I'm not so sure. She just got out and they want her back in. They likely knew GA owned a gun before but they wanted to come up with a way to put her back, so they go get the gun out of his car and take it to the judge to try to get her bond revoked again. Must be fun to cost people $50k in lost bond $$ by "finding evidence" they should have known about before.
The judge in this case, realized that Casey wasn't responsible for her father having a gun in his car (which he most likely needs for his job) and that LE was "fishing".
I saw in the webcam that GA left for awhile and when he came back he left his car parked outside.
Any bets that he went to get his gun back and it's locked is his car OUSIDE the garage at this very moment ?
I posted this before the news broke about the tip

(snip) but it seems to me that LE must have known the gun was there. Does anyone think it's possible that things were getting so "crazy" in the house that someone thought it was an "explosive" situation and called LE in the middle of the night to go get the gun out of the car (maybe Lee) and told LE where the gun was. It just seems too coincidental that the search was that narrow and quick and produced something as important as a gun. Just a thought.

I just really wonder if something was going down in that house and Lee was called by someone in the house and he called in the "tip"
How do we KNOW that the phones are tapped and the house may be bugged? I haven't seen ANYTHING indicating that.

From what lawyers said on NG, it's a standard practice with bond cases/home confinement of this nature to have phone bugged. They are 99.99% sure it's being done in this case as well.
I think so (Baez car) 'tis funny, all that money for that car and late 90's Toyota looks very similar and will last longer ..go #83!
Question and not sure WHERE to ask it ... but are there any "Caylee bracelets" out there like the Taylor / Skyla ones? I want to get one ... thanks.
How do we KNOW that the phones are tapped and the house may be bugged? I haven't seen ANYTHING indicating that.

It was stated on fox, that the LE would be stupid to not have tapped the phones by now. The phones are tapped, trust me!
They likely knew GA owned a gun before but they wanted to come up with a way to put her back, so they go get the gun out of his car and take it to the judge to try to get her bond revoked again.

That's as much truth as anyone slinging hard core guilt. Trust our system, Casey has a lawyer who protect her and LE and our judges follow the law of our land. If not, Casey's butt would be in jail, no?
I haven't seen any docs signed by GA regarding the conditions of Casey's bond so I'm not going to argue that point. If you show them to me I will concede that part.

I thought it was illogical to expect someone to remain incarcerated because there are crazy people out there that might do them harm and goes against the constitutional rights that all are entitled to and that I would hope our tax-payer funded military is fighting for.
I see government and LE slowly chipping away at the rights that so many have died for and that makes me as sick of them as I am of Casey Anthony.
I have no idea if she or her family have sacrificed for any rights I have, I'm disturbed by the statement that Casey should be in jail because that's where she feels she belongs. It goes against due process, which believe me, any of us would want if we were accused by those in authority.
I want the military fighting for the rights of all, including Casey Anthony.

I'm not going to go look for the terms of the bail for you. You've been here long enough to know how to find it yourself if you want to see it. There's a search function here and google is available as well.

I can guarantee you that every military family sacrifices just by virtue of being military. Whether someone is pushing paper here or in a Humvee in Iraq, they are all part of the same team, and anyone could be sent anywhere at anytime and never seen again by their loved ones. That's only one sacrifice, but what greater one could there be than someone willing to risk their life for this country (and you and me).

Again, this is not an issue of gun laws or whether the government is chipping away at your rights or overstepping its bounds -- that's something you need to take to a different forum. In this case, it's a simple matter of LE following the law and picking up a gun that, by law, George was not supposed to have in his possession while Casey was in the house.

End of it...not gonna argue with you.
I'm not so sure. She just got out and they want her back in.

I'm not so sure about that. They may be getting more info from their investigation while she is out and communicating.

They likely knew GA owned a gun before but they wanted to come up with a way to put her back, so they go get the gun out of his car and take it to the judge to try to get her bond revoked again. Must be fun to cost people $50k in lost bond $$ by "finding evidence" they should have known about before.

You seem to be ignoring the fact George was not allowed to have a gun on the property while Casey was there.

The judge in this case, realized that Casey wasn't responsible for her father having a gun in his car (which he most likely needs for his job) and that LE was "fishing".
I didn't see the Judge say LE was fishing and unless you have a cite for this, you should remove it IMO.

I saw in the webcam that GA left for awhile and when he came back he left his car parked outside.
Any bets that he went to get his gun back and it's locked is his car OUSIDE the garage at this very moment ?

Sure, I'd take that bet....there is no way they gave him back his gun to put back on the property.
gads Chic, wish I wasn't so tired (been up all nite). Patty G is good at directing, I'm not :p

I can say that on the gun and a bonded person, just google. It's not legal, in ANY state.

I believe with all my heart in the rights of every single human being, it makes me proud to be American. Casey is having her rights protected, she's on home confinement--think that's to make the people happy? I don't think so.

Casey has her rights and I disagree with all who think Baez is crud atty, I think Casey is getting her rights protected well. I think Baez put the ball in George's court, he didn't need to.

I understand where you are coming from, Chic--I have felt much the same way, I've only recently started to change my opinion. The biggest hit to my support was when Cindy went after Tim Miller. I cannot forgive that trespass.

She also went after L Padilla and he still thinks she's a good person.

When this is all over, if she still acts the same towards some who I don't think are deserving I might change my mind, but due to her incredible loss I'm not holding her responsible for her off the wall comments to anybody.
When she's saying Caylee's alive and someone is insisting she's not, her reactions are understandable. I think Tim understands that. I know the Padilla's do.
From what lawyers said on NG, it's a standard practice with bond cases/home confinement of this nature to have phone bugged. They are 99.99% sure it's being done in this case as well.

And in a case like this, where I live anyhow (I think it's easier to get warrants to install listening devices where I live), all of their cars would be bugged too. And this family isn't very clever, so they may have been talking. IMOO
This morning when the news broke I suggested it was probably George's gun they were getting. I think Cindy or Lee called it in because they are fearing that George may commit suicide or Casey may get her hands on it. When she was released into their custody it was made clear no firearms were allowed. She was in that car last week when she saw her attorney so she was clearly in violation. I made these points this morning on the first thread. How could they NOT know having this firearm was not legal???

That thought crossed my mind, too, Deb...but it was such a sad one, I didn't want to bring it up. Definitely a possibility, unfortunately. :(
She also went after L Padilla and he still thinks she's a good person.

When this is all over, if she still acts the same towards some who I don't think are deserving I might change my mind, but due to her incredible loss I'm not holding her responsible for her off the wall comments to anybody.
When she's saying Caylee's alive and someone is insisting she's not, her reactions are understandable. I think Tim understands that. I know the Padilla's do.

I find it impossible to understand why they would refuse to provide Equsearch with an article of Caylee's to assist dogs in the search. Can you explain that to me?
I'm not going to go look for the terms of the bail for you. You've been here long enough to know how to find it yourself if you want to see it. There's a search function here and google is available as well.

I can guarantee you that every military family sacrifices just by virtue of being military. Whether someone is pushing paper here or in a Humvee in Iraq, they are all part of the same team, and anyone could be sent anywhere at anytime and never seen again by their loved ones. That's only one sacrifice, but what greater one could there be than someone willing to risk their life for this country (and you and me).

Again, this is not an issue of gun laws or whether the government is chipping away at your rights or overstepping its bounds -- that's something you need to take to a different forum. In this case, it's a simple matter of LE following the law and picking up a gun that, bylaw, George was not supposed to have in his possession while Casey was in the house.

End of it...not gonna argue with you.

Good. You really can't provide any documantation signed by GA regarding the bond, can you ? And yes, GA can possess a gun, just not in the home if you're correct. As a matter of fact, I think he got it back .
I find it impossible to understand why they would refuse to provide Equsearch with an article of Caylee's to assist dogs in the search. Can you explain that to me?

I haven't seen anything regarding that so how would I know ?
LE searched the house, can't they provide anything ?
The Anthonies bailed out their daughter and are responsible for knowing and abiding by the terms of release, just like anyone would be. Why is what they do wrong always someone else's fault? It seems irrelevant what LE was thinking or hoping for, or what other reasons like hotheadedness might be a good reason for GA not to have a gun right now. Maybe at the tube party last night GA mentioned he had an extra gun stashed somewhere, and Casey's lawyer wanted to try to deal with it before it ended up sending his client back to jail. Maybe GA himself thought better of it. The judge sounds as if he was more than fair to Casey A in dealing with it. She's lucky.
I haven't seen anything regarding that so how would I know ?
LE searched the house, can't they provide anything ?

What LE collected of Caylee's were things like her toothbrush, so that they could do DNA tests if needed.
I'm not sure if the dogs could track the scent using her toothbrush or not. Fabric things are the best.
I find it impossible to understand why they would refuse to provide Equsearch with an article of Caylee's to assist dogs in the search. Can you explain that to me?

Hard to believe this family would deny an article of Caylee's, but alot has been hard to believe in this case!! The poster from the Discovery site has been the only person reporting this so far??
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