4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #84

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I’ve always thought he heard someone and made his way downstairs, deviating from whatever plan he had.

How did he carry the sheathed knife into the house, and unsheathed out? If your pants don’t have belt loops, how do you carry a Ka-bar? Do you have a fanny pack or a backpack/knapsack, or approach the house with sheath in hand?
Interesting. MOO back pocket, and it always stayed there before... but it was never tested it bending and twisting under stress so it popped out, was not easily found and he had to push on, reasonably confident he had cleaned it well enough.
Thank you so much for posting that clip ! What TOTALLY struck me is IMO BrianK was both entirely aware of the camera on him, AND totally focused on that aspect of what was unfolding - IMO I am CONFIDENT I saw BrianK smirk multiple times!
It's hard to fathom siting where he's sitting and finding anything to feel smug about.

But I suspect he doesn't feel the least bit caged. He probably feels pleased, to be castled off. No longer has to deal with people, especially women.

It occurred to me that, if BK is an injustice collector, he likely had a whole file on his family. Perhaps, topping the list, being turned into cops over his sister's phone.

Passive aggression is real. It's more than Minnesota nice -- the polite no when you secretly mean yes -- abs is a whole paradigm for interaction. Would not surprise me to learn that that single act (turning him in) was Day 1 of a mental file marked 'Mark My Wirds, One Day You'll Pay".

And now he's sticking it to the man. You think borrowing my sister's phone is bad....

How better to CRUSH your parents than to lean into crime?

I don't think tge death sentence rocks his boat, nor does losing the freedom to spend time with family, develop his career, find a mate, procreate, teach.

He's got place to live, rent free. No one to humiliate, no one humiliated him. Yes, jail/prison has a pecking order but at least he doesn't have bosses, professors, admin, parents, women telling him how to behave, what he can and cannot do.

He strikes me as the type who, given the chance, will get an online law degree, will give and control interviews, cause as much pain as he can and derive great pleasure from it, and chuckle to himself, how superior he is, how inferior everyone else is.

I believe that BK has a stringent personal code. Follows it rigidly.

I think he said don't worry -- I'm here to help you to Xana, possibly because she had a weapon of some kind. Golf club comes go mind, which he was slowly reaching for -- you can trust me, I won't hurt you like a "friend" who says that to you right before they backstab you.

He used the words in an attempt to disarm her. It was too late. He had her cornered and he had all the advantage. JMOO

He had nothing to lose.

Interesting. MOO back pocket, and it always stayed there before... but it was never tested it bending and twisting under stress so it popped out, was not easily found and he had to push on, reasonably confident he had cleaned it well
Interesting. MOO back pocket, and it always stayed there before... but it was never tested it bending and twisting under stress so it popped out, was not easily found and he had to push on, reasonably confident he had cleaned it well enough.
IMO you don’t leave or forget about the sheath if it is so meticulously planned. ever. If you do you DEFINITELY go back and get it
Fellow Grad Students' "Bryan Tally" on ABC podcast?
From post by @NCWatcher:*
"....4. Is everything on the list from his fellow PhD students?.... Classes started...a mere 3 months later, they had been... keeping a actual list of his oddities? To me, that says just as much, maybe more about the "character" of the other students as it does BK's character...." (sbm)

Snipped for focus @I'm Nobody @NCWatcher
I've seen behavior similar to ^ tally by a few senior officers in home office in the corp. world of a NYSE traded company. Like students on elem. school playground or in middle school lunchroom? Whatever. It is what it is.

Nevertheless, is it relevant to BK's guilt re the four murders & felony burglary w which he is charged?
Personally doubt that (proffered) testimony about this would be admissible at trial. jmo. icbw

ETA: The King Road Killings: An Idaho Murder Mystery Podcast - ABC Audio

ETA #2: I posted w'out having listened to this podcast so may have missed some critical points which might have changed my thoughts here. IDK.
* 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #84
I listened and found it boring, talk about stretching a minor point...
There was no real new info in it, I find most podcasts to be droooopy..
***Statements about BK's Previous Actions***
***Relevance to BK's Guilt? Admissible at Trial?***

BK's actions listed in the BK Tally* sound imo like many other stmts about his acts detailed in these threads, some years or decades ago, some provided only by anonymous sources. Using a broad brush, some (many?most?) of the stmts boil down to --- he's socially awkward; I did not care to spend time w him; he had little or no self awareness of my discomfort in being around him; I left as soon as I got the chance; he was creepy.

Does anyone think ---
Q. These kinds of stmts are relevant to BK's guilt re the four murders & felony burglary w which he is charged?
Q. These kinds of stmts would be admissible at trial? In guilt phase? In sentencing phase?

* The King Road Killings: An Idaho Murder Mystery Podcast - ABC Audio
I was led to believe from his defence that there was NO connection to any of victims. Just the victims? that’s what was stated wasn’t it by Anne Taylor?

I believe very little of what defense attorneys say, unless it’s backed up by evidence. In time we’ll know.

Yes, I’m aware that Ms Taylor is highly respected. I’d still need to know precisely what her definition of ‘no connection’—preferably as analyzed by a very sharp prosecution attorney who could think of all the little loopholes she might have left for herself.
IMO you don’t leave or forget about the sheath if it is so meticulously planned. ever. If you do you DEFINITELY go back and get it
Nobody commits a perfect murder, ever. BK did drive by the house in his own vehicle 3 times and on the fourth made a nice 3 point turn before executing his plan. I've never thought of BK as meticulous, more as obsessed and enraged.

Who knows when he might have even realized he left the sheath? I'd say viciously stabbing four people didn't leave BK time to stop and rehash before exiting, and he's just not stupid enough to risk going back to the scene of the crime in order to retrieve it.

He's sitting jail awaiting trial for a reason; he's the dumbest smart person in the room.

Order on Second Motion to Compel

The State shall provide to the defense the materials requested in Requests 1, 4, and 109 of Defendant’s Second Motion to Compel Discovery no later than July l4, 2023, unless the State demonstrates good cause for an extension of time to tum over the requested material.

2nd motion to compel



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I believe it all started with his appearing to grade females more harshly. So that's probably why they tracked his interactions with women. Based on what we've heard about him, I think BK really is this way. It's been reported that he has asked servers where they live, and creeped out the staff at that local bar and grill to the point that the owner talked to him about it. He never returned to that bar again. It seems that he is both very poor at social cues AND does not like being called out about it.

We don't know what BK's self-talk was like. People who have "issues" can convince themselves of odd things as a coping mechanism. The neighbor in his apartment said BK's Dad tried to line them up as friends when BK moved to Idaho, which struck me as pretty strange for someone of BK's age. This is a grown man, not a 7 year old changing schools. Did he blame his parents hovering/"interfering" for his inability to attract women? Did he move across the country, thinking that being on his own would fix it? And when that didn't happen, how would someone like that react? He probably wouldn't realize that repeatedly "sliding into" the girls DMs" (assuming that is true) would be considered creepy. He probably thought he was being friendly. If he was still ignored, I certainly think that could make him angry enough to strike out. MOOooo

Interesting info, thank you. It's hard to correlate someone this socially incompetent with someone also academically intelligent. Sounds like he was very arrogant and inappropriate with it.

You'd have thought someone fairly academic would have studied 'how to chat to women' or 'how to meet new people' and applied logical suggestion if he was struggling in that area. Or occupied himself with interesting past times and hobbies.

Characterizing Most Podcasts as "DROOOOPY."
***************POST of the DAY ***************

....boring, talk about stretching a minor point...no real new info in it,
I find most podcasts to be droooopy..

Thank you very much, kitty. An apt description for many a podcast.

A round of applause or hit the like button, for kittythehare please?

snipped for focus. @kittythehare I did not listen to the podcast being discussed, but agree w ^ for some I've heard or seen.
***Statements about BK's Previous Actions***
***Relevance to BK's Guilt? Admissible at Trial?***

BK's actions listed in the BK Tally* sound imo like many other stmts about his acts detailed in these threads, some years or decades ago, some provided only by anonymous sources. Using a broad brush, some (many?most?) of the stmts boil down to --- he's socially awkward; I did not care to spend time w him; he had little or no self awareness of my discomfort in being around him; I left as soon as I got the chance; he was creepy.

Does anyone think ---
Q. These kinds of stmts are relevant to BK's guilt re the four murders & felony burglary w which he is charged?
Q. These kinds of stmts would be admissible at trial? In guilt phase? In sentencing phase?

* The King Road Killings: An Idaho Murder Mystery Podcast - ABC Audio
Negative to both Q's.
We're not looking at a pure incel picture here or even close.
I think we're looking at a poor attempt to suggest an incel profile

BUT I also think incel is a real possibility in relation to motive.
There's just no evidence of it right now.
If it turns out he hero worshipped that clown locked up in Romania, I'd say mebbe..
(Tait et al)

I would have found 'a day in the life of' type thing far more interesting..
what did he eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner?
What factors affected his appetites for anything?
What affected his moods?
How did he experience happiness?
what made him smile, laugh, sad, whatever?

Dig deeper or just don't bother doing it.
Who served him his meals at college?
Was he pleasant and polite with them?

I would have learned more from a description of those common mundane type reactions, as related by the cook, waitress, canteen line staff, corner shop staff..

If you're going there, go big, not whisper.

I got nothing.
We already knew he was not the most popular easy personality in town.
Rehashing the obvious.
Boring and repetitive.
There was a report a few weeks ago where an anonymous source claimed he "slid into" one of the girls DM on social media.

Please excuse me for being a bit obtuse and late in the day to ask this question but can anyone explain me, what does 'slid into someone's DMs' mean exactly, I hear it said a lot?

What I'm not clear on is say for example on Instagram, if a person DMs me and I don't know them, I get alerted or sometimes not alerted and those messages sit in an 'unknown' folder and I can review them - accept, reject, delete, block, etc. However if someone who follows me DMs me it's just a straight up message in my inbox. So where's the 'sliding' bit ?
Interesting info, thank you. It's hard to correlate someone this socially incompetent with someone also academically intelligent. Sounds like he was very arrogant and inappropriate with it.

You'd have thought someone fairly academic would have studied 'how to chat to women' or 'how to meet new people' and applied logical suggestion if he was struggling in that area. Or occupied himself with interesting past times and hobbies.

Yes. He did not see himself as part of the problem, and that would be the problem. If "others" are the problem, it opens the door to fixing the problem by "fixing" others.
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Order on Second Motion to Compel

The State shall provide to the defense the materials requested in Requests 1, 4, and 109 of Defendant’s Second Motion to Compel Discovery no later than July l4, 2023, unless the State demonstrates good cause for an extension of time to tum over the requested material.

2nd motion to compel
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What did the prosecution say “speculation ” to and the Judge replied that it wasn’t speculation as Miss Taylor had asked for whatever it was SPECIFICALLY? And then Judge Judge gave 14 of July date? (Bit embarrassing for the prosecution IMO like she wasn’t paying attention to what was being asked for. Oops!)
I was led to believe from his defence that there was NO connection to any of victims. Just the victims? that’s what was stated wasn’t it by Anne Taylor?
Yes, that was stated by the defense on 6/22/23 in The Objection to the States Motion for Protection Order (page 3 paragraph 2) which was written and signed by JW Logsdon.

There is no connection between Mr. Kohberger and the victims.

IMO you don’t leave or forget about the sheath if it is so meticulously planned. ever. If you do you DEFINITELY go back and get it

I have thought about that a lot and the only thing I can imagine is with BK being so forensically aware, he would know that re-entering the premises is going to leave such a huge trail of evidence, it's better to take the risk of leaving it.

Also, I imagine he wouldn't be totally sure where it got lost and depending how things unfolded and if he made a stop off in his car to dispose of a bag of soiled clothing hastily disgarded, burned or dumped in a deep lake, might hope that it was gone forever.

It could account for him approaching the house again, might hope it was lost on a footpath or such rather than in the house?

Either that or he left it on purpose feeling assured he'd never so much as touched it.

JMO MOO and *if* guilty of course
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