4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #89

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My impression of this case has always been that it is an outlier. It is unusual to have one person allegedly killing 4 people the first time they ever attempted murder with a knife and/or possibly some other weapon used to kill Kaylee:

In this case, Kaylee, apparently suffered overkill, according to her father. Kaylee Goncalves' injuries 'more brutal' than other Idaho students

In this case the killer went to MM's bedroom and allegedly killed MM first, but the overkill was reserved for KG. Why? Was KG actually the target? Or was the actual target MM and KG had somehow wrecked things so the killer could not have a relationship (in his mind) with MM? These are all questions that I hope will be answered in the trial.

I decided to do a little research on overkill and found these interesting statements about the victims and perpetrators of overkill:

5.1. Profile of the Victim​

The victim of overkill cases was usually a male adult aged between 20 and 35 years, or between 50 and 55 years (64% of cases fall into one of these age groups). The number of wounds on the body was usually remarkable, an average of 18, and they are typically localized in the chest and upper limbs, probably as a result of defense.

The type of damage could be linked to the sole action of a cold weapon or the simultaneous use of multiple harmful tools with no significant differences. With a similar percentage, the victim’s body was usually found inside their home or on the street.

The type of damage could be linked to the sole action of a cold weapon or the simultaneous use of multiple harmful tools with no significant differences. With a similar percentage, the victim’s body was usually found inside their home or on the street.

"5.2. Profile of the Perpetrator
In more than 90% of the cases, the perpetrator of an overkill was an adult male aged between 20 and 50, more likely in the 20–35 range (65% of cases). If more than one person was involved in the murder, they were usually acquaintances/friends of the victim. When the crime was committed by a single person, there was a significant increase in family or sentimental relationships between the killer and the victim. When the perpetrator and the victim were strangers, the action was usually committed in a group, and it was linked to mafia or criminal clans’ activities. The most common motive proved to be a dispute for futile reasons; however, in the case of a single perpetrator of the crime, the economic and passionate motives were as frequent as the previous one."

I've been going back over the case from the beginning and re-reading all the press. There are all kinds of little nuggets of information out there such as this one:

"'I'm not a professional, so I want to specify that, but they've said the entry point was the slider or the window. It was the middle floor. So, to me, he doesn't have to go upstairs,' he said. (quoting Mr. Goncalves) 'His entry and exit are available without having to go upstairs or downstairs. "

Some of us thought Mr. Goncalves meant the kitchen window, but now, IMO, I think Mr. G. may have meant the window to XK's room which led to a wide ledge/part of the roof of the 1st floor and the ladder which was leaning against the side of the house.

I've been trying to find a case more similar to the Idaho 4 case as I feel it is such an outlier - 1 person allegedly killing 4 people up close and personal with a knife and apparently beating at least one of the victims (although I don't know if a weapon was used for that) and it is apparently their first murder(s). Last night I was watching John Carpenter's Suburban Screams (re-enacted documentary) Episode 2 about serial killer Allan Legere, but even Legere's first murder (an attempted double homicide that resulted in the death of only 1 victim) was committed along with two accomplices in the midst of a robbery. He seems mainly to have killed and/or sexually assaulted vulnerable elderly people, mostly women he could easily control. Allan Legere - Wikipedia

Ted Bundy's first murder was either one woman or two women. He didn't start killing more than 2 at one time until he was 4 years into his killing spree.
If you believe it was 1 woman: The Sheer Number Of Crimes Ted Bundy Actually Committed Is WILD
If you believe it was 2 women: Did Ted Bundy's Murder Spree Begin With Two College Girls In New Jersey?

I've also been reading "While Idaho Slept" by J Reuben Appleman (a local). One of the most interesting aspects of this book, which I am only partially through so far, is that it describes the house that DM saw that night each of the 3 times she opened her door as being completely dark each time she opens the door except for light from the night sky coming in the windows. There is no mention of the Good Vibes sign in the living room or fairy lights on the patio being on. I wonder how the murderer was able to move around that house in the dark without tripping - especially on the awkward step down from the living room into the little hall outside the kitchen and DM's bedroom at the foot of the stairs to the top floor without being very familiar with that house? The description in the book says each time DM opened her door, the house was dark.

All JMO.
Hi everyone,
I missed a bunch of threads and only just getting done reading this one now.
Nice to see that calm and sanity prevail here, it's refreshing compared to a lot of the talk about this case on other platforms.
I was watching the Websleuths YouTube interview with the author of While Idaho Slept. The author emphasized how, while BK may not have been a genius, his path from that small town to a PhD program at WSU is pretty exceptional. Definitely not an idiot.
I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories, but I do have a hard time accepting that someone trained in that field, who might not be a genius but is still clearly no moron by a long shot, would make such a series of huge mistakes.
I mean aside from forgetting the sheath, driving his own car to the scene AND bringing his phone? And most incredible: buying the knife on Amazon?! Liking pictures of the victims and following them on social media?! His specialty field is digital stuff so that's really one field in which he should know better than to make these mistakes. Especially because none of that was in the heat of the moment.
I'm just baffled. Making one mistake, ok, but ALL of them?
Sorry if this has all been said a million times.
Moo etc...

Which is why I'm so interested in his actual mental states. He screws up like this repeatedly:

apparently hitting his dad impulsively, heroin use, stealing sister's phone, getting removed from the public safety track in high school, somehow failing to get his master's thesis data collected, needing extra help from professor to complete the Master's - but she still sees him as super intelligent, tailgating repeatedly and after a warning, acting rather dumb when encountering the woman police officer in the intersection, following a woman out to her car (which was undesired by her), being noticeably anti-woman, anti-LGBQT (in Washington!) and so on.

I do believe he liked a victim photo on Instagram before the murders (along with lots of other men). I also believe he ordered a knife on Amazon.

I do not believe he studied digital forensics in any meaningful way at DeSales. His graduation did not include that certificate and he was already hurrying through a joint B.A./M.A. program - he got the basic degree in Criminal Justice (not the same as criminology, btw, but often a gateway to that program). WSU is in the middle of the pack, nation-wide, in terms of best criminology programs - it's not top tier. I believe there's something in him that overvalues himself. He may even have decided that insisting he had a specialty in digital forensics would help hide the fact that he was actually trying to study killers and other violent types.

So, yes, he makes mistakes. He's an immature 28 year old and was an immature 18 year old and a very distressed 14 year old. He has no friends, IMO, and has scared many of the women who have interacted with him. He has problems sleeping well. He apparently gets inappropriate or agitated in the face of criticism from authority (Prof S).

After typing all of that, I am no longer surprised that he dropped the sheath. Freud would probably say that he wanted to get caught.

ALL JMO. Speculation.
Why do sex offenders snatch people from the street into darkened stairwells or passageways, when risk of alert is so high? Or gang members engage rivals in view of security cameras? Why do people hold up banks in broad daylight knowing a random patrol car might be less than 1 minute away?

In that moment, the desire/urge to commit the act is stronger than the deterrent or wondering what your family/friends might think should you be caught. Perpetrators are not always thinking logically. A more powerful impulse is driving them.

That's why "I would never be so stupid to commit the act I stand accused of, your honor" never works in court. Evidence reigns supreme.

It appears that this crime was planned though, and planned by a person who has extensive knowledge of how LE works. As opposed to a frenzied or driven impulse, also I'd hazard a guess that a lot of street fighting gangsters and bank hold-up type crimes are perpetrated by people actively under the influence of drugs and / or who live a criminal lifestyle anyhow.

For me, the nearest thing to this case that comes to mind is Elliot Rodger and his 'day of retribution' that he planned for weeks / months and even so it didn't work out as intended (he was unable to enter the sorority dorm house he'd targeted).

JMO but I reckon a person could feel compelled to act for their own dark reasons -and- be meticulously planned -and- it all go wrong -and- be frenzied or messy or high risk all at the same time.
The account of his female professor who said he was exceptional appears to be at odds with pretty much everything else we know about him. I wonder what gives.

I know someone who gave an interview for a documentary about a serial killer in my local area. Everyone else in the documentary said they found him odd, cold, terrifying, hostile, bad energy, violent demeanour, had seen him handling knives and making threats etc. But this guy I know said he was polite, well turned out, timely and seemed perfectly normal. Well when there's 99 people all saying the same thing and then 1 guy saying the complete opposite, one has to wonder why. In this instance I realised later that the guy I know was covering his own backside for various reasons.
Once again, I have to mention that graduate students have killed in the past. University professors have killed and a number of professors have been violent/assaultive, stopping short of murder. Physicians murder. Nurses murder.

Which is why some murders are hard to explain - but clearly intelligence and education are not the main factors in figuring out why people kill. I don't even know of any studies that give us statistics on how many murderers are well-educated, but the work of Donald Lunde in the last century made a plain distinction between highly intelligent, non-schizophrenic serial murderers (he studied Ed Kemper) and the schizophrenic murderers he studied. Some of the schizophrenics were certainly bright enough, Kemper's IQ was very high. Indeed, Lunde even proposed that a very high IQ might introduce certain difficulties into ordinary functioning (as in Kemper's case).

Elliot Rodger, Theodore Streleski, Ted Kaczynski and Bryan Kohberger all give me a similar vibe. Not sure any of them has a traditional mental health diagnosis.

It appears that this crime was planned though, and planned by a person who has extensive knowledge of how LE works. As opposed to a frenzied or driven impulse, also I'd hazard a guess that a lot of street fighting gangsters and bank hold-up type crimes are perpetrated by people actively under the influence of drugs and / or who live a criminal lifestyle anyhow.

For me, the nearest thing to this case that comes to mind is Elliot Rodger and his 'day of retribution' that he planned for weeks / months and even so it didn't work out as intended (he was unable to enter the sorority dorm house he'd targeted).

JMO but I reckon a person could feel compelled to act for their own dark reasons -and- be meticulously planned -and- it all go wrong -and- be frenzied or messy or high risk all at the same time.
I think the OP to whom you responded is speaking more about the current wave of mob attack on retail, shoplifters who know they are on video (but repeat their crimes), and a variety of crimes organized by certain social media platforms. These people may or may not be actively using drugs. At any rate, I myself am not comparing this crime to bank robbery, but more to the apparently semi-impulsive crime wave current going on around me.

I do think you're right about a crime becoming frenzied or high risk (higher risk) during the commission of the crime, and well after the criminal has committed themselves to criminal action. Your comment makes me think that there's an aspect of performance to the crimes of Elliot Rodger and Bryan Kohberger (and certainly, Kaczynski). IOW, just as BK mentioned in his tap-a-talk messages, it's as if he's in a movie, where he is the star AND the camera itself. He's recording himself mentally, but from an estranged, impersonal point of view (this is a known symptom of VSS, btw). As if he's making a movie of himself (and nothing is quite real).

I think that some of the people currently filming themselves engaged in criminal activity (or posting later store videos of themselves on SM) are in somewhat similar or adjacent mindsets. They want to be seen. They may want to be (briefly) "internet famous."

IOW, Kohberger's own favorite theories (RCT and ST) didn't work for him - as usual, some things went south. OTOH, there are a lot of missing persons and unsolved murders - but the Idaho murders are not on that list.

Thank you all for sharing your views on this!
@10ofRods you've mentioned a few aspects of BK I am unfamiliar with, I had no idea he had hit his father, or about the issues you describe with completing his Master's degree, or about LGBTQ issues, and I have no idea what RCT and ST stand for. So I guess I have to look into that!
I agree with you and @Observe_dont_Absorb that there do seem to be similarities with Eliott Rodger (although I am still unconvinced that BK truly was behind the Pappa Rodgers account on SM).
@Helechawagirl I agree the situation with his professor could have been a massive blow to him and perhaps contributed to him losing control.

Apparently BK's aunt has just been interviewed by the Sun. Not sure how close they really were but still interesting to learn about his family background.
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I might believe that if they weren't found in completely different areas of the home. They weren't just on different floors, one pair was at the front of the home, the others were at the back. I think there was some deliberate choice, here, whether it's because he had been stalking the house and knew which rooms to target, whether the rooms targeted had some light or sound that drew him, or whether it was spur of the moment 'if someone's behind this door, I'll kill them', I have no idea. He certainly didn't do a full sweep of the home, or no one would have survived. He passed D's door no fewer than THREE TIMES and never entered her room. One of those times, her door was cracked and she watched him pass. That's an unthinkably close shave with certain death.

There’s speculation that when B yelled stfu he heard and came downstairs to silence any potential witnesses but I’m not sure I believe that because Bs door was closer than Xana’s.

Maybe Xana’s was open with the light on? Bs would have been closed at that time. She would have opened her door as he was leaving? Or as he was going to Xana’s room and then again as he left??

Opening statements can’t come soon enough. Just when I think I can piece it together, I get another perspective. If I was B, I don’t know if I’d ever sleep again. JMO
There’s speculation that when B yelled stfu he heard and came downstairs to silence any potential witnesses but I’m not sure I believe that because Bs door was closer than Xana’s.

Maybe Xana’s was open with the light on? Bs would have been closed at that time. She would have opened her door as he was leaving? Or as he was going to Xana’s room and then again as he left??

Opening statements can’t come soon enough. Just when I think I can piece it together, I get another perspective. If I was B, I don’t know if I’d ever sleep again. JMO
BF's room was on the ground floor, DM's room was on the second floor with XK's room.
There’s speculation that when B yelled stfu he heard and came downstairs to silence any potential witnesses but I’m not sure I believe that because Bs door was closer than Xana’s.

Maybe Xana’s was open with the light on? Bs would have been closed at that time. She would have opened her door as he was leaving? Or as he was going to Xana’s room and then again as he left??

Opening statements can’t come soon enough. Just when I think I can piece it together, I get another perspective. If I was B, I don’t know if I’d ever sleep again. JMO
Who are you talking about when you say quote:

"B yelled stfu"

I assume this is the downstairs, bottom floor, roommate.

Only she would know what she did or didn't yell that night and she has never given an interview to the MSM that I am aware of, so I'm wondering where this is coming from?

Thanks for any information.
There’s speculation that when B yelled stfu he heard and came downstairs to silence any potential witnesses but I’m not sure I believe that because Bs door was closer than Xana’s.

Maybe Xana’s was open with the light on? Bs would have been closed at that time. She would have opened her door as he was leaving? Or as he was going to Xana’s room and then again as he left??

Opening statements can’t come soon enough. Just when I think I can piece it together, I get another perspective. If I was B, I don’t know if I’d ever sleep again. JMO

Not that we should take bets on this, but I am guessing very late 2024 or early 2025 for the start of the trial
Hi everyone,
I missed a bunch of threads and only just getting done reading this one now.
Nice to see that calm and sanity prevail here, it's refreshing compared to a lot of the talk about this case on other platforms.
I was watching the Websleuths YouTube interview with the author of While Idaho Slept. The author emphasized how, while BK may not have been a genius, his path from that small town to a PhD program at WSU is pretty exceptional. Definitely not an idiot.
I don't buy into all the conspiracy theories, but I do have a hard time accepting that someone trained in that field, who might not be a genius but is still clearly no moron by a long shot, would make such a series of huge mistakes.
I mean aside from forgetting the sheath, driving his own car to the scene AND bringing his phone? And most incredible: buying the knife on Amazon?! Liking pictures of the victims and following them on social media?! His specialty field is digital stuff so that's really one field in which he should know better than to make these mistakes. Especially because none of that was in the heat of the moment.
I'm just baffled. Making one mistake, ok, but ALL of them?
Sorry if this has all been said a million times.
Moo etc...
I kinda wonder if he was so focused on the mental aspect of why people kill that he didn’t really study the mechanics of killing too much?
My impression of this case has always been that it is an outlier. It is unusual to have one person allegedly killing 4 people the first time they ever attempted murder with a knife and/or possibly some other weapon used to kill Kaylee:

In this case, Kaylee, apparently suffered overkill, according to her father. Kaylee Goncalves' injuries 'more brutal' than other Idaho students

In this case the killer went to MM's bedroom and allegedly killed MM first, but the overkill was reserved for KG. Why? Was KG actually the target? Or was the actual target MM and KG had somehow wrecked things so the killer could not have a relationship (in his mind) with MM? These are all questions that I hope will be answered in the trial.

I decided to do a little research on overkill and found these interesting statements about the victims and perpetrators of overkill:

5.1. Profile of the Victim​

The victim of overkill cases was usually a male adult aged between 20 and 35 years, or between 50 and 55 years (64% of cases fall into one of these age groups). The number of wounds on the body was usually remarkable, an average of 18, and they are typically localized in the chest and upper limbs, probably as a result of defense.

The type of damage could be linked to the sole action of a cold weapon or the simultaneous use of multiple harmful tools with no significant differences. With a similar percentage, the victim’s body was usually found inside their home or on the street.

The type of damage could be linked to the sole action of a cold weapon or the simultaneous use of multiple harmful tools with no significant differences. With a similar percentage, the victim’s body was usually found inside their home or on the street.

"5.2. Profile of the Perpetrator
In more than 90% of the cases, the perpetrator of an overkill was an adult male aged between 20 and 50, more likely in the 20–35 range (65% of cases). If more than one person was involved in the murder, they were usually acquaintances/friends of the victim. When the crime was committed by a single person, there was a significant increase in family or sentimental relationships between the killer and the victim. When the perpetrator and the victim were strangers, the action was usually committed in a group, and it was linked to mafia or criminal clans’ activities. The most common motive proved to be a dispute for futile reasons; however, in the case of a single perpetrator of the crime, the economic and passionate motives were as frequent as the previous one."

I've been going back over the case from the beginning and re-reading all the press. There are all kinds of little nuggets of information out there such as this one:

"'I'm not a professional, so I want to specify that, but they've said the entry point was the slider or the window. It was the middle floor. So, to me, he doesn't have to go upstairs,' he said. (quoting Mr. Goncalves) 'His entry and exit are available without having to go upstairs or downstairs. "

Some of us thought Mr. Goncalves meant the kitchen window, but now, IMO, I think Mr. G. may have meant the window to XK's room which led to a wide ledge/part of the roof of the 1st floor and the ladder which was leaning against the side of the house.

I've been trying to find a case more similar to the Idaho 4 case as I feel it is such an outlier - 1 person allegedly killing 4 people up close and personal with a knife and apparently beating at least one of the victims (although I don't know if a weapon was used for that) and it is apparently their first murder(s). Last night I was watching John Carpenter's Suburban Screams (re-enacted documentary) Episode 2 about serial killer Allan Legere, but even Legere's first murder (an attempted double homicide that resulted in the death of only 1 victim) was committed along with two accomplices in the midst of a robbery. He seems mainly to have killed and/or sexually assaulted vulnerable elderly people, mostly women he could easily control. Allan Legere - Wikipedia

Ted Bundy's first murder was either one woman or two women. He didn't start killing more than 2 at one time until he was 4 years into his killing spree.
If you believe it was 1 woman: The Sheer Number Of Crimes Ted Bundy Actually Committed Is WILD
If you believe it was 2 women: Did Ted Bundy's Murder Spree Begin With Two College Girls In New Jersey?

I've also been reading "While Idaho Slept" by J Reuben Appleman (a local). One of the most interesting aspects of this book, which I am only partially through so far, is that it describes the house that DM saw that night each of the 3 times she opened her door as being completely dark each time she opens the door except for light from the night sky coming in the windows. There is no mention of the Good Vibes sign in the living room or fairy lights on the patio being on. I wonder how the murderer was able to move around that house in the dark without tripping - especially on the awkward step down from the living room into the little hall outside the kitchen and DM's bedroom at the foot of the stairs to the top floor without being very familiar with that house? The description in the book says each time DM opened her door, the house was dark.

All JMO.
I don’t think it was overkill; I think her larger wounds were because she was awake and moving around. At first, that looked like overkill, but I think it was the movement. JMO
I don’t think it was overkill; I think her larger wounds were because she was awake and moving around. At first, that looked like overkill, but I think it was the movement. JMO
According to the book While Idaho Slept, Chapter 7 by J. Reuben Appelman, "While both Kaylee and Maddie had been viciously murdered, one appeared to have been attacked more brutally than the other -- cops called it "overkill."

"It was something that nobody cop or otherwise had the stomach to look at for very long."

I don't know about you, but if a police officer says what he saw in regards to a homocide was overkill, I tend to believe him.

Mr. Appelman lives in Moscow and has actually spoken with LE about the case prior to the gag order so I have no reason not to believe he was told this by LE.
She doesn't say it. The Sun does, in the very last paragraph:
"Kohberger’s parents and two sisters, Amanda and Melissa, have shown support for him and believe he is innocent as they are cooperating with law enforcement."

This is why I need to see articles. To state that the sisters' think he is not guilty because they are cooperating with LE is total bull now that I can consider the source.

Thank you!!!!

And I don't believe anything the aunt says because she is only speculating, no real facts. Like saying being vegan with cookwear means he has OCD.
I read Appelman's book and he lives in Boise (not originally from there). So, he is not exactly a Moscow native. This gave him an in with Mortensen's father (who lives in Boise). I also watched an interview by the author which clarified that fact.

The book was put together well but definitely no new information and Appelman is not a local covering the case. JMOO
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Regarding BK and possible substance use, is it possible he had 'roid rage'?

You don't hear it mentioned much any more, seems to have gone out of fashion, but it used to be referenced in terms of body builders and other athletes who were taking steroids not only becoming rage filled but also having almost superhuman strength. Ditto with methamphetamine and such drugs that could explain the sheer physical exertion and sustained rapid attack that I'm guessing most average people wouldn't be able to perform (not that they'd want to!, god forbid).
Regarding BK and possible substance use, is it possible he had 'roid rage'?

You don't hear it mentioned much any more, seems to have gone out of fashion, but it used to be referenced in terms of body builders and other athletes who were taking steroids not only becoming rage filled but also having almost superhuman strength. Ditto with methamphetamine and such drugs that could explain the sheer physical exertion and sustained rapid attack that I'm guessing most average people wouldn't be able to perform (not that they'd want to!, god forbid).

It actually does sound, now that I think about it, that BK (maybe could have) taken meth which would give a person rage and "Super human" strength.

But I don't think he did because he seems to have been very lucid in calculating turning off and then back on his phone when he was driving. He drove alot and then went driving and shopping that morning at around 11:00am or noon I think.

Pretty lucid to go back to Moscow at 9:00am.

About that 9:00am Moscow trip - it is often reported that BK went back to King Rd at 9:00am but the PCA does not support this, just that he was on Moscow cell tower(s).
It actually does sound, now that I think about it, that BK (maybe could have) taken meth which would give a person rage and "Super human" strength.

But I don't think he did because he seems to have been very lucid in calculating turning off and then back on his phone when he was driving. He drove alot and then went driving and shopping that morning at around 11:00am or noon I think.

Pretty lucid to go back to Moscow at 9:00am.

About that 9:00am Moscow trip - it is often reported that BK went back to King Rd at 9:00am but the PCA does not support this, just that he was on Moscow cell tower(s).

Actually, I find the fact that he didn't turn it off before he left his apartment the kind of thing that...meth people (or manic people or other people would do). He isn't managing his phone well. It's one of his set of mistakes. Then he turns it back on (!) within about an hour after his car is seen leaving 1122 King. I don't think that's lucid behavior.

It sounds driven to me, and poorly thought out.

How is it lucid to go back to Moscow? It's one of the biggest mistakes this guy ever made, in trying to do whatever he was doing. He might as well have confessed. He couldn't help himself, IMO. It's not in the PCA, but yes, it was reported often enough by MSM that I find it hard to believe there's no substance whatsoever to that story.

Do you not buy that he then went to Albertson's in Clarkston? It makes sense that he'd drive through Moscow again, doesn't it? And it makes sense that he would stop by to see if LE was responding (probably hopeful he'd get to see a bit of the aftermath).

Meth takers can be very very savvy about many things. It is quite similar to being manic, and it's not as if all meth users lose all judgment - but it does make them have a shorter attention span and more impulsivity.

Actually, I find the fact that he didn't turn it off before he left his apartment the kind of thing that...meth people (or manic people or other people would do). He isn't managing his phone well. It's one of his set of mistakes. Then he turns it back on (!) within about an hour after his car is seen leaving 1122 King. I don't think that's lucid behavior.

It sounds driven to me, and poorly thought out.

How is it lucid to go back to Moscow? It's one of the biggest mistakes this guy ever made, in trying to do whatever he was doing. He might as well have confessed. He couldn't help himself, IMO. It's not in the PCA, but yes, it was reported often enough by MSM that I find it hard to believe there's no substance whatsoever to that story.

Do you not buy that he then went to Albertson's in Clarkston? It makes sense that he'd drive through Moscow again, doesn't it? And it makes sense that he would stop by to see if LE was responding (probably hopeful he'd get to see a bit of the aftermath).

Meth takers can be very very savvy about many things. It is quite similar to being manic, and it's not as if all meth users lose all judgment - but it does make them have a shorter attention span and more impulsivity.


No confirmation that he went to King Rd after he left King Rd the first time.

Yes he went to back to Moscow but if he went back to King Rd there would be video evidence of his car, there is none.

There is video of his car at King Rd at 4:00 am so there should be video to show he went back later.

Could be seen either way.

Lucid to turn off phone for murders then turn back on, then to drive multiple dark country Rds with likely poor visibility, then shopping normally and wearing a "disguise" and keeping blood out of his car.

Or a drug-fueled mistake-laden murder spree - not lucid.
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No confirmation that he went to King Rd after he left King Rd the first time.

Yes he went to back to Moscow but if he went back to King Rd there would be video evidence of his car, there is none.

There is video of his car at King Rd at 4:00 am so there should be video to show he went back later.

Could be seen either way.

Lucid to turn off phone for murders then turn back on and to drive alot down all kinds of dark country Rds with likely poor visibility, then shopping normally.

Or a drug fueled mistake laden murder spree - not lucid.

If he was hopped up on drugs, not lucid, I believe he would have left blood evidence in his car. He appears to be meticulous in covering up his person and his car.
MOO, I suspect there is a whole lot of video we know nothing about. Just because something wasn’t included in the PCA doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, MOO, it just means we don’t know what we don’t know.
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