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I don't get LA and I don't especially trust what he says. At all. He seems candid one minute, but then tries too hard to support Casey's bs the next. The overtalking about the computer crash was just too much. But he does not help Casey on the smelly car issue. I think our speculation as to why she had to abandon it and maybe at least consider Plan B was correct. As to the computer, even if the upcoming visit of CA and Amy was not known to Casey, she had plenty of reasons to be covering her tracks anyway.

I think LE tries so hard not to let the witnesses know what they are really focusing in on, so they let them just talk in response to open-ended questions. It's frustrating to people who are used to pinning people down on cross-examination! But I guess they assume they can go out and investigate some more and always talk to them again.

About the GAS CANS: LA had to know after this interview that they were important -- the timing, etc. He probably reported that back to the family. Was the GA interview with Greta after this? Ugh -- head spinning.
Yes, because not only do they interrupt the flow, it also makes it very difficult to get a full sentence out of the person being interviewed such that the prosecution could later use the interview to impeach them if they say something different. And that may prove to be very important when it comes to LA's testimony. You know he will back track at trial.


I think this a deliberate LE interrogation strategy--keeps the interviewee on his/her toes and doesn't give them the time to anticipate/make up stuff. My opinion.

I think this a deliberate LE interrogation strategy--keeps the interviewee on his/her toes and doesn't give them the time to anticipate/make up stuff. My opinion.
That makes sense and I have no idea how interrogation works or what techinques they use. But, I've been looking at all the interviews from the beginning from a lawyer perspective and it may be hard to use them to impeach when they cut of a person's sentence and then fill in the words for them. Seems they are too excited and trying to go a bit too fast maybe also to try to make it seem more like a normal conversation than a fishing expedition. I just see a lot of info that may be very relevant at trial that is also getting lost in the cross-talk and that bothers me.
Gotta go for now--kitty #2 needs to go to the vet to have his blood sugar checked.

Hold down the fort!

I don't get LA and I don't especially trust what he says. At all. He seems candid one minute, but then tries too hard to support Casey's bs the next. The overtalking about the computer crash was just too much. But he does not help Casey on the smelly car issue. I think our speculation as to why she had to abandon it and maybe at least consider Plan B was correct. As to the computer, even if the upcoming visit of CA and Amy was not known to Casey, she had plenty of reasons to be covering her tracks anyway.

I think LE tries so hard not to let the witnesses know what they are really focusing in on, so they let them just talk in response to open-ended questions. It's frustrating to people who are used to pinning people down on cross-examination! But I guess they assume they can go out and investigate some more and always talk to them again.

About the GAS CANS: LA had to know after this interview that they were important -- the timing, etc. He probably reported that back to the family. Was the GA interview with Greta after this? Ugh -- head spinning.
Wonder how everyone who ever aired any of CA and GA's interviews feels now knowing they were so duped? You know why many had "problems" with them, they weren't being honest. You can smell dishonesty a mile away. I'm not saying they had anything to do with Caylee's disappearance or a cover-up of any kind...they spoke and they lied...period! A little girl is missing. This is not a time for lies!!
Okay, give me a few truths! LOL! Do you think he was lying to cover for casey, to prevent her from getting in trouble? I do think that's what this family has been doing, big time, but I can see some statements in LA interview that could be pretty damaging to casey, such as what CA said when she walked in the room "What have you done?" and the overpowering stench he can't stop talking about, and how he refutes the possibility that the smell came from squirrels, etc.
Bumpin' this Seriously Searching. Are you still there? I'm feeling stupid because I know I'm missing something. Brain is really fried from stress and work. Is it the whole erased computer issue? Can anyone help me with specifics about where they think LA was lying and why for each instance? I'm feeling very dimwitted at the moment. Sorry!
I just finished reading both interviews and I am in Awe. Lee does nothing but laughs throughout his whole interview. I can't imagine how he could find anything funny when his niece is missing. And they did not take out the phone numbers of all of the people mentioned so I have no idea why it took so long.

Has anything else been posted?

he may have been nervous. I laugh when I'm nervous.
Ohhhhhhhh...don't get me started on him. Even when everyone was saying at least he turned out ok, I had my doubts. I haven't gotten to his interview because after reading AL's my blood pressure is about to blow and I don't dare till I calm down.
Well...you better wait then!! I am telling you...you are going to see right through it and it will make your blood simply boil.
Yeah, I was just about to post this. Me thinks Lee is trying to explain why LE computer forensics was inevitably going to find someone tried to dump files. KWIM? I wonder if LE discovered someone dropped a Tide cleaning disk in the computer?

LA: Casey had uhm,uh,uh advised me on the 15th while I was waiting to fill out my statement before i could go to Tony's house to pick up Casey's stuff. Uhm,I was in the garage because they had seperated my folks from my sister.
I sat in the garage with my sister..

I bet right there Casey told Lee to clean up the pc.....:)
PattG: Can I tell you how much I appreciate you?!!! Thanks so much for doing this.. you are a ROCKSTAR! And you get a HIGH FIVE way up top sister!
As per Amy, Casey complained about the smell in her car on June 25th.

Some of us wondered about that.

I see how Casey's lies work now too. She claims the source of the smell was from the engine, while we know it was from the trunk.

In the jail house call to Lee, she said Caylee is close to home ~ I think they should be looking far away.
The significant finding, or one of them, -to me- is that George finding the gas cans in Casey's trunk (a'la the Greta interview) versus Lee's account that Casey took the gas cans to GA "here's your f'ing gas cans" ... is that George's story was to prove that there was no foul smell or evidence of foul play in Casey's car at that time, which would have been after she/Caylee was missing ... Lee's account nullifies that argument ... GA never saw or smelled the trunk that day!
Thanks Pattyg for indexing that for me! I still haven't been able to read anything!!! ARGH! LOL.

The saddest part from catching everyone's notes is how the Anthony's went from having Caylee be priority number 1 to covering for Casey. Wait till we see the spin on this. Now more than ever--we need TES and we need to find that baby. I sure hope Joseph Jordan can put something together.
Okay Pheww People, let me tell you...........my eyes are bleeding!! OMG, and this is so intense to read.........( have shoo'd off my family about a dozen times.)

So now I have a slight migrane! Does anyone else.....that or its a combination of all of this? Well what does anyone think of June 1st??? Caylee is there and then she's not there. Strange!

I'll be back later...........after I rest my brain. I really think I hurt myself.
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