8 Mitigating Factors Proffered by Def Team

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You guys are so cruel. LOL

I'm almost feeling sorry for her. Felt bad for Nurmi when Juan demolished those "mitigating circumstances" he listed. She needs to drop this vile act of hers on Monday and finally come clean. It's her only chance for LWOP at this point.

If I were on the jury no matter what she said now I would never vote LWOP. Too little too late after all the vile things she claimed during the trial. Tried to murder Travis for the 4th time. DP is only verdict for me. :jail::jail:
If anyone is going to save CMJAA, it's Darryl.
It is really compelling that she could be in a 4 year relationship and not display violence or abuse the child.

He knows she's nuts, tho.
Maybe he was too busy getting loaded all the time so he never understood to what extent.

Not sure we'll ever get the truth there....Darryl skipped a beat when he was asked if Jodi and his son were ever alone......in 4 years a couple times??

And she never took on any type of mothering role?? Where were her maternal instincts? Could have been why Darryl never agreed to marry her.

Can't wait for Monday...one more day!
Here is a list of mitigators available for Jodi's DT to look into for this stage, there are a few that might have been used, but haven't been .. her personality disorder could have come into play, and since the state has already agreed it could be compelling to a jury, although in the end since the argument on impairment is whether the defendant knew right from wrong, I think it would have been dismissed, would have been more interesting in court than her art show however.


Pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-751, each death sentence must rest on two findings: proof beyond a reasonable doubt of at least one aggravating circumstance set forth in A.R.S. § 13-751(F), and a finding “that there are no mitigating circumstances sufficiently substantial to call for leniency.”* A.R.S. § 13-751(E).* Mitigation is defined by our statute as evidence relevant to “any aspect of the defendant’s character, propensities or record and any of the circumstances of the offense.”

Statutory & Non-Statutory Factors: In contrast to aggravation, mitigating circumstances are not limited to those set forth in A.R.S. § 13-751(G).* Thus, if the defendant’s evidence of intoxication fails to satisfy the enumerated mitigating circumstance (G)(1), it may be considered as a “non-statutory” mitigator.* See, e.g., State v. Carreon, 210 Ariz. 54, 69-70, ¶¶ 75-80, 107 P.3d 900, 915-16 (2005) (court first rejects drug impairment under (G)(1), then rejects it as a non-statutory mitigator); State v. Murdaugh, 209 Ariz. 19, 35, ¶¶ 79-82, 97 P.3d 844, 860 (2004) (same).

Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation):

Relevant Mitigation:* The U.S. Supreme Court has made plain that a sentencing jury may not be precluded from considering “any relevant, mitigating evidence.” <snipped>

But while there are “virtually no limits [] placed on the relevant mitigating evidence a capital defendant may introduce concerning his own circumstances,” Tennard, 542 U.S. at 285 (quoting Eddings. v. Oklahoma, 455 U.S. 104, 114 (1982)), this is not to say that the State cannot place parameters on the jury’s consideration of mitigation.*

State v. Arnett (Arnett II), 125 Ariz. 201, 608 P.2d 778 (1980)&#8232;The trial judge noted the defendant's "serious emotional problems" and nervous breakdown as contributing to his inability to adhere to any legal standards or code of responsibility other than his own. The Court agreed with this assessment.
State v. Laird, 186 Ariz. 203, 920 P.2d 769 (1996)&#8232;The defendant suffers from serious personality disorders. Two psychologists testified that he showed features of antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline personality disorders. However, the evidence showed that he understood the significance of his actions. He planned the murder in advance, dumped the victim's body in the desert, concealed it with vegetation, washed the victim's blood off the truck, disposed of bloody clothing in two separate dumpsters, and made up a story about how he got the truck. These facts demonstrate that the defendant understood the wrongfulness of his actions. See drugs/alcohol section.

DRUGS / ALCOHOL : Not as far as we know ..

DURESS : A.R.S. § 13-751(G)(2) provides that it shall be a mitigating circumstance where “[t]he defendant was under unusual and substantial duress, although not such as to constitute a defense to prosecution.”
Personality Disorders Distinguished:* Duress is not proven by evidence that shows the defendant’s personality disorders overwhelmed his will.* Brewer; State v.* Castenada, 150 Ariz. 382, 724 P.2d 1 (1986) (impulse control problems do not fall within meaning of duress).

A.R.S. § 13-751(G)(3) MINOR PARTICIPATION - she acted alone


A.R.S. § 13-751(G)(5) AGE* 27 ... Being used.

COOPERATION No, she did not.




FAMILY TIES Being used.

FELONY MURDER/LACK OF INTENT Not relevant, premed found.

FOLLOWER No, she is clearly independent, acted alone.

GOOD CHARACTER Being used .. good friend etc.



State v. Mann, 188 Ariz. 220, 934 P.2d 784 (1997)
The Court noted that the possibility of a life sentence is a sentencing option, not a mitigating circumstance.


MODEL PRISONER She hasn't quite been one, if Nurmi brought it up, Juan could expose all her behaviours

LENIENCY Has to be recommended by police / court officials

REHABILITATION [This category consists of cases where the defendant argued that he can be rehabilitated and will no longer be dangerous in the future. It does not include cases that argue the defendant has changed his character while incarcerated, has done good things in the past, or lacks a prior criminal history. For those cases, see the model prisoner, good character, or criminal history sections.]

REMORSE / GRIEF If she had shown genuine grief it would have been a mitigator .. is that why she sent out this tweet after Nurmi visited her at the jail?

Jodi Arias &#8207;&#8234;@jodiann_arias&#8236;
Snc U been gone Everythins goin wrongWhy'dyou have to say goodbye Look what you've done to meI can't stop these tears fromfallinfrom my eyes

RESIDUAL DOUBT/INNOCENCE There is no doubt here ..

SENTENCING DISPARITY This is for cofedendants


State v. Schackart, 190 Ariz. 238, 947 P.2d 315 (1997)&#8232;While the defendant was not under duress, he was under substantial stress from the breakup of his marriage, and the termination of his college and military careers. This was entitled to some nonstatutory mitigating weight.

VICTIM'S ACTIONS May be being avoided because jury did not believe her, but ...

State v. Jeffers, 135 Ariz. 404, 661 P.2d 1105 (1983)&#8232;The defendant argued that his stormy love-hate relationship with the victim raised a classic provocation situation and that the crime was one induced by the heat of passion. But there was nothing in the record indicating an argument or that the crime was induced by the heat of passion. Several months before the murder, Jeffers learned the victim may have been an informant against him. One week prior to the murder, Jeffers met with the victim and discussed the possibility she had been an informant against him. The victim also advised him that she was now a prostitute and would charge for her favors, but Jeffers testified that he had accepted the situation and was not angry. The Court concluded that even if the victim's actions were sufficient to constitute adequate provocation, there was sufficient time between the provocation and the crime for passions to "cool." The Court agreed with the trial court's finding that Jeffers may have had some reason to be provoked and was under some stress, but "nothing more."


[This is a catch-all category for cases that do not fit within the other categories. It appears that the arguments presented here were only presented in that particular case and have not been repeated in other cases. Some of these arguments are specific to the particular case. Others argue more generally about the cost or efficacy of the death penalty.]


If the defendant shows “some impairment at the time of the offense,” he is entitled to an instruction on “substantial impairment” as a non-statutory mitigating circumstance, irrespective of whether he previously did or did not receive an instruction on impairment under G(1).* State v. Carreon, 210 Ariz 54¶¶ 75-80 (2005) (citing to State v. Gallego, 178 Ariz. 1, 17-18, 870 P.2d 1097, 113-14 (1994).

This circumstance considers the same criteria as that included in the (G)(1) statutory aggravator, significant impairment.* For a full discussion of mental/drug impairment, see the (G)(1) section.

NOT A FUTURE DANGER She most likely is.

1. Age = 27: 6 years older than the legal drinking age, 9 years older than the age one can serve for their country, be a "Legal Adult", get married w/o parental consent, smoke cigarettes, or vote, 11 years older than the age one can get a drivers license.


2. Lack of Criminal History: Horrific nature of the murder negates previous lack or presence of criminal history


3. A Good Friend: CMJA murdered her "Friend".


4. Lacked Support from Family: Un-substantiated.


5a. Suffered Abuse & Neglect as Child: Un-substantiated.


5b. Suffered Abuse & Neglect as Adult: Un-substantiated.


6. Tried to Make the Best of her Life: How does her life at 27 years compare to your's, that of your friend's, or your own children's at age 27?


7. Consistently Tried to Improve Herself: She never continued, mastered or totally completed ANYTHING she started, except her GED.


8. Talented Artist: You have GOT to be KIDDING me! :floorlaugh: Some of the most intricate and outstanding artwork I have seen have been prison tattoos. And those criminals didn't get a "free pass" for their artistic talent.

6. Compare to Dr. DeMarte
Thanks to all the folks contributing their insights on this thread.
What a great forum.
Talented Artist - No. Not even on the high school level. Does anyone think she believes people would buy her "art" for any reason other than the fact that she is notorious? Is anyone buying it at all?

For comparison, here is a link to view the works of talented school age artists:



I won a blue ribbon and Gold key award in the Scholastic Arts Comp. in the pencil category when I was 15, took Commercial Art in H.S. Vo-Tech as a Junior, went to Collin's College for Graphic Design and graduated........and didn't get one word of praise or a single dime from my parents in my pursuit.
Dad later framed, and hung that pic of my "Ptarmigan in the Snow" and bragged about it to his "friends". Grrrrr. Karma has been a b**** for dear old dad.
No one stops me when I want to accomplish something, it's called persistence and drive. But in a non-sociopath way:blushing:
1. Age = 27 ………………………………........... She's a fully formed adult who enjoyed adult perks like voting, credit, sexual freedom, mobility etc. Just because she's not willing to take adult responsibility for her actions doesn't make her age a mitigator. At age 27:
-Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. dropped out from his job at General Electric to become a full-time writer.
-Henry David Thoreau went off for two years to live alone in a cabin at Walden Pond.
-Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space.
-Memphis millionaire Frederic W. Smith, whose father built the Greyhound bus system, founded Federal Express.
-Scottish botanist David Douglas discovered the Douglas fir.
-Ernest Hemingway published his first novel, The Sun Also Rises.
-Boston dentist William Morton pioneered modern anaesthesiology after learning that inhalation of ether will cause a loss of consciousness.
-kaRN was the Art Director at Colorization, was a single Mother to a thriving 4 yo boy, was on the Board of Directors at the Daily Bread Food Bank and volunteered 2 full days a month at her childs Montessori School.
-Other WSers here were accomplishing greatness, finishing school, raising beautiful children, running businesses, etc. and fighting for justice for souls they never knew.
-CKJA meticulously planned and executed an innocent mans execution.
http://www.museumofconceptualart.com/accomplished/ 0 weight as a mitigator

(Respectfully snipped, and bbm)

I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusions, great post! I'll try to detail in a separate post, if I ever get through the entire thread (i made the mistake of reading most of the state of Arizona factors - still not sure where some of JA's fall - Other?).

Just had to respond to this one - I thought I'd done a lot by 27 (married and divorced twice, child with 2nd - a violent abuser, supported us all, got out of that marriage - not so easily), but no where near as much as some.

KaRN should be very proud of herself! :cheers:
Ms G hit one out of the park w. that listing & analysis and the quotes from the AZ statue re sentencing,
which I believe were pt of jury instruxn.

If you missed her post ~123, back up and read it.

Included the mit/fac's Def team is not trying.

Highlights how there are many other factors that cd have bn offered but were not.
So many ways other def's might be worth considering saving from death penalty. Not JA.

Shows how the mit/factors this Def team offered are so darn flimsy, old, rotten, hairy,
lame-brained, moldy, stinky, bottom of the barrel ideas, strung together only by delusional thinking
attached w. wet spider webs.

In real life juries don't see aggravation versus mitigating factors as a mathematical exercise. The inmate's list of mitigators translates to who she is, what good she has done in her whole life, and what she could potentially contribute to the world if allowed to live.

She has contributed nothing. She has taken a life, brutally, destroyed two families, caused her victim's family severe emotional and financial damage, and cost the jurors 5 months of their own lives and the lifelong burden of their decision whether she lives or dies.

She is abhorrent. Weighing the intangible, jurors see what? A person who lies to literally everyone, including herself. Who chooses without fail to blame, smear, and abuse others rather than accept responsibility for herself. A daughter who kicks her mother. A girlfriend who invites sex then accuses her boyfriend of rape. A creepy, nightmarish stalker who lurks outside at night, watching a private romantic encounter. A person who goes into someone else's house without being invited, who steals, hacks into personal online accounts, records phone sex without the other's permission or knowledge.

A person without shame. A person who shows no remorse whatsoever. A person who, in a court of law on trial for premeditated murder, while on the stand laughs and smirks and insults the prosecutor, and who doodles, head down, when she doesn't like a witness on the stand.

A filthy liar who takes delight in accusing the man she slaughtered of pedophilia, for no other purpose than to cover him in the slime that belongs solely to her, that is her.

On the mitigation side- absolutely nothing, even for a juror reluctant to give the DP, and personally, I don't think any of these jurors feel anything but utter contempt for her.
A stable employment history could be a mitigating factor, and knowing little to nothing about JA's indicates those facts aren't good for her.

Yes, employment history can be a mit/factor.

IIRC, Dr DeMarte testified that JA told her, she had had at least 10 restaurant jobs, 3 non-restaurant jobs (spa-receptionist, something, and caregiver :scared: to child).

If we start the employment clock at age 16 to time of murder, then counting ~10-11 years. Admittedly, some jobs probably 'overlapped.' Average was one job per yr?
No promotions I've heard of.
IIRC JA moved to a new city at least two times, without securing a job or housing first, so maybe gaps in employment.
We heard mutliple times, she left in mid-shift to go confront girls about horning in on JA's 'official' boyfriends.
I doubt JA was nominated for employee of the year.
(Not knocking waitress/service work, just hers.)

Guessing that few would call JA's employment a mitigating factor.
Where Jodi's PD ruined her chances of mitigation:

Lack of co-operation
At the time of her arrest, Jodi could have co-operated and told the truth, or simply chosen not to speak at all. Why didn't she call a lawyer? What was it in her personality that stopped her .. she not only ruined her case at this stage, but she ruined her chance of mitigation. I would cite her NPD as a cause of this, she thought she could talk her way out of it, and manipulate everyone .. she is deluded by her own sense of superiority and has no concept of how she comes across to others.

Lack of remorse
Clearly she has none, or she thought that the lies she spewed would be believed so any remorse she may have felt could not be shown, the DV/pedo accusation shows not only lack of remorse, but a hatred towards the victim. A normal murderer would know this, so does her counsel so why did it happen? The only answer to that is because Jodi insisted on it .. she thought she could manipulate the perception of what happened with her lies .. it could be argued that here her PD got in the way of good legal advice, that she basically sabotaged her own defence, as she had when talking to LE.

Jodi had mental problems, BPD .. she was also engaged in a relationship with a man who was treating her casually even though she was obsessed with him, to someone with BPD this would cause incredible distress as she didn't have enough clarity of thought to see what was going on, and she was way to obsessed to pull away so she just kept going down the rabbit hole. She was also broke, had to move, in financial straights etc at the time of the murder, because she doesn't want to talk about what really happened, but chose to make up lies about the victim nothing about what was really going on could be brought up at trial, and she still choses not to change tact and bring that up in mitigation now .. PD getting in way of defence again.

Victims Actions
There was a heated exchange between Arias and the victim leading up to the crime, how does getting called out by the object of ones obsession effect someone with BPD, I think it would be considerable .. not enough for arguments during trial, but a mitigator perhaps? Because she will not discuss the truth of what happened, it will not be used. She could have gone with a heat of passion argument on the day also, but instead chose self defence because in her deluded mind she thought she could get a 'not guilty' on all counts verdict .. deluded with a capital D .. if she had not been deluded perhaps her legal team could have argued something more in line with the truth, and at this stage a jury would have a little sympathy for her and give her LWOP.

Jodi's PD gets in the way of her judgement, she cannot help herself .. she inflames people with her lies and accusations and rightly so .. she cannot be stopped by good counsel evidenced by the Troy Hayden interview and Twitter, she has no perception of how she is received and continues to move forward.

Could Nurmi argue that Arias is her own worst enemy and has made things worse for her than necessary and makes herself appear even worse than argued in court? Could he have used more mitigators if her own narcissism hadn't stopped him? I think he could have. I think the interviews show that she provokes that she angers observers, even the jury. Her PD has got in the way of her lawyers being able to get her anything less than DP, right from the beginning of this case, and continuing to this day.
Nurmi met with Jodi for one hour yesterday. That is not very long if she is planning on testifying or making a statement, so maybe she is going to forgo it and just have him beg for mercy in his closing statements. That would be wonderful so the family does not have to hear one more word out of her mouth. Since anything, absolutely anything she gets up there and says opens up the opportunity for Juan Martinez to crucify her, and bring out the recent interview tape, if she were my client I would advise her not to. We all know she doesn't listen to them, which is why they asked to withdraw, but it is going to be brutal on her if she even dares open her mouth.
6. Tried to Make the Best of her Life &#8230;&#8230;&#8230;

7. Consistently Tried to Improve Herself&#8230;

I'm going to combine these two factors. A few days ago, Michael Hughes (Chris's brother) was on Dr. Drew talking about how lazy JA is. He counseled her at length over developing marketing skills for PPL. He said was she was always looking for the 'easy way' to become successful...always looking for 'shortcuts'.

Chris Hughes called her lazy. He said she hardly ever worked when she was living in Mesa. Travis was generous to a fault - the $$$ he paid her to 'clean' his house was his way of helping her out financially and helping her to feel 'gainfully employed'. It's similar to the homeless guy he picked up off the streets. He took him into his home, got him cleaned up, and found a job for him in a local restaurant.

The convicted murderess only tried to better herself by latching on to the nearest meal ticket. She never, ever lived on her own.

She murdered Travis because he wouldn't allow her to better herself by marrying her. He dumped her. She invested too much time and too much sex for him to just toss her aside...she had to seek revenge. The only way to get a return on her investment was to murder Travis. He cheated her, and she killed him.
6. Tried to Make the Best of her Life ………

7. Consistently Tried to Improve Herself…

I'm going to combine these two factors. A few days ago, Michael Hughes (Chris's brother) was on Dr. Drew talking about how lazy JA is. He counseled her at length over developing marketing skills for PPL. He said was she was always looking for the 'easy way' to become successful...always looking for 'shortcuts'.

Chris Hughes called her lazy. He said she hardly ever worked when she was living in Mesa. Travis was generous to a fault - the $$$ he paid her to 'clean' his house was his way of helping her out financially and helping her to feel 'gainfully employed'. It's similar to the homeless guy he picked up off the streets. He took him into his home, got him cleaned up, and found a job for him in a local restaurant.

The convicted murderess only tried to better herself by latching on to the nearest meal ticket. She never, ever lived on her own.

She murdered Travis because he wouldn't allow her to better herself by marrying her. He dumped her. She invested too much time and too much sex for him to just toss her aside...she had to seek revenge. The only way to get a return on her investment was to murder Travis. He cheated her, and she killed him.

Agreed. She's nothing more than a succubus.
Where Jodi's PD ruined her chances of mitigation:

Lack of co-operation
At the time of her arrest, Jodi could have co-operated and told the truth, or simply chosen not to speak at all. Why didn't she call a lawyer? What was it in her personality that stopped her .. she not only ruined her case at this stage, but she ruined her chance of mitigation. I would cite her NPD as a cause of this, she thought she could talk her way out of it, and manipulate everyone .. she is deluded by her own sense of superiority and has no concept of how she comes across to others.

Lack of remorse
Clearly she has none, or she thought that the lies she spewed would be believed so any remorse she may have felt could not be shown, the DV/pedo accusation shows not only lack of remorse, but a hatred towards the victim. A normal murderer would know this, so does her counsel so why did it happen? The only answer to that is because Jodi insisted on it .. she thought she could manipulate the perception of what happened with her lies .. it could be argued that here her PD got in the way of good legal advice, that she basically sabotaged her own defence, as she had when talking to LE.

Jodi had mental problems, BPD .. she was also engaged in a relationship with a man who was treating her casually even though she was obsessed with him, to someone with BPD this would cause incredible distress as she didn't have enough clarity of thought to see what was going on, and she was way to obsessed to pull away so she just kept going down the rabbit hole. She was also broke, had to move, in financial straights etc at the time of the murder, because she doesn't want to talk about what really happened, but chose to make up lies about the victim nothing about what was really going on could be brought up at trial, and she still choses not to change tact and bring that up in mitigation now .. PD getting in way of defence again.

Victims Actions
There was a heated exchange between Arias and the victim leading up to the crime, how does getting called out by the object of ones obsession effect someone with BPD, I think it would be considerable .. not enough for arguments during trial, but a mitigator perhaps? Because she will not discuss the truth of what happened, it will not be used. She could have gone with a heat of passion argument on the day also, but instead chose self defence because in her deluded mind she thought she could get a 'not guilty' on all counts verdict .. deluded with a capital D .. if she had not been deluded perhaps her legal team could have argued something more in line with the truth, and at this stage a jury would have a little sympathy for her and give her LWOP.

Jodi's PD gets in the way of her judgement, she cannot help herself .. she inflames people with her lies and accusations and rightly so .. she cannot be stopped by good counsel evidenced by the Troy Hayden interview and Twitter, she has no perception of how she is received and continues to move forward.

Could Nurmi argue that Arias is her own worst enemy and has made things worse for her than necessary and makes herself appear even worse than argued in court? Could he have used more mitigators if her own narcissism hadn't stopped him? I think he could have. I think the interviews show that she provokes that she angers observers, even the jury. Her PD has got in the way of her lawyers being able to get her anything less than DP, right from the beginning of this case, and continuing to this day.

Really appreciate your thoughtful and insightful post Mrs. G. Norris, thanks. :)
First, thank you Al66Pine, for the thread - great idea.
Here's my 'bubble sheet' with scoring. For what it's worth though - I get the feeling that the KN & JW are hoping the jury takes that they "can consider other factors as mitigating not specified here" into account (personality disorder, maybe? or her mom, that's there every day?). If they tried to argure those points, they'd be contradicting their own cic. Just my opinion.

1. Age = 27 ………………………………...........
Well, technically she was 28 when she was arrested, but still 27 when she murdered Travis. JA was not a child, she is an adult with an above average IQ, who knew that stabbing and shooting Travis would cause death, and traveled over a thousand miles in order to enter Travis' home. Not a mitigating factor.

[B]2. Lack of Criminal History………………………[/B]
Well, no criminal history on record, before the murder. I wonder if her grandparents house being broken into can be considered (I would)? She might not have been convicted of that, but is sure is a criminal act. As is slashing tires, entering a residence uninvited, stalking, sending threatening emails, and peering into other peoples windows. She also called investigators, and gave them false information - which is probably interference with a murder investigation (suppose they had known she was there sooner? or had held anyone on suspicion of being 'the ninjas'?) - all based on information from JA. Also, the disturbance of the crime scene, as well as locking Travis' door, and gating the poor doggy, so that Travis would not be found for days, and no one would notice bloody paw prints everywhere, or incessant barking of the dog she left indefinitely. Not to mention the license plates on a rented vehicle - not sure about CA, but here it's law to drive with proper plates, and to have your current address on your driver's license (JA's said Big Sur, CA - when did she live there? before Arizona?).
And the 18+ days of testimony, that included multiple lies on the stand, or perjury.
Not a mitigating factor useful for leniency.

3. A Good Friend …………………………………
Surely, not a good friend to Travis. Not to any of the LDS community she so rapidly embraced, and didn't continue. Not a good friend to Darryl, who she left for another man, with a child and a mortgage he could not afford. Who she lived with while she dated Travis, and decided they were done. Then she just up and left to move to Mesa, leaving him to handle the house. JA had no problem calling him repeatedly to borrow gas cans, though - you know, she needed them - why not call many times?
Not a good friend to Ryan Burns, who she 'courted', drove to Utah to see, then said she had no romantic interest in.
Not a good friend to Matt, who she moved in with when he only had a tent, and whose new girlfriend she tracked down and drove just under 100 miles to confront, and who she so flippantly said had an unregistered gun he kept while she was under oath, and who knows what else she did to him - . But of course, he saw all her bruises, even though he lived in another state
Not a good friend to Leslie Udy, who she chatted about Travis to from the road, and in person on the day she murdered him, then called in the middle of the night after his death was reported ( by Mimi Hall).
Not even a good friend to Gus Searcy, who she managed to get a phone from, and called when she needed something, and managed to involve him in a murder - he might not have been likable, but he didn't kill anyone.
Maybe Patty saw a different side of JA, a decade or so ago - but JA seems to be a very unpleasant friend to have, and not a safe person to be around. Not a mitigating factor.

4. Lacked Support from Family……………..….
She lived with her grandparents (who she likely robbed), her mom is there every day, and even her siblings, her aunt, and her extremely ill father have been there for her. SO not a mitigating factor.

5a. Suffered Abuse & Neglect as Child ……….
Not wanting to follow the rules her parents expected her to follow (like not staying out overnight) is not abuse, and the fact that they had rules and were concerned for her safety is clearly not neglect (that doesnt' even make sense) Not a mitigating factor.

5b. Suffered Abuse & Neglect as Adult ………..
Not wanting to date or speak to JA is neither abuse, nor neglect (it's common sense, in my opinion), but she was not abused nor neglected by her romantic partners, or her family (who she constantly relied on). Not a mitigating factor.

6. Tried to Make the Best of her Life …………
JA converting to the LDS church was more a factor in her mission to get Travis, not to 'spread the word'. When she was no longer with Travis, she ceased to practice her faith. While she says she had a business, she seemed to earn no income outside of restaurant work, and certainly not from PPL, which she just seemed to be in to meet men, and go to parties. However, the desire to earn a living is a necessity, not a self improvement. Reading, or seeing the movie 'The Secret", and relying on the 'law of attraction' to explain all you do is not a betterment, it is a thought. She gave interviews to 48 hours, etc., and offered to 'settle' for a plea, for a reduced sentence, or she would have to 'reveal the horrible and embarrasing secrets about the man she murdered.
She ended a life, but bettered no one's - not even her own. Not a mitigating factor.

7. Consistently Tried to Improve Herself………
She already spoke spanish (she said that was why she went to Costa Rica as an exchange student), but has also said she learned while incarcerated. She got her GED (which she couldn't pursue while she worked at restaurants? Took photos? Stalked Travis?) - I'd ask why she waited so long to do that? She looked for ways to excuse the murder she committed. She didn't tutor her fellow inmates, write letters home for those who didn't write well or speak Engilsh well, she didn't give her phone time to those who couldn't pay, or even study further than her GED -
JA "Tweeted", and used another person to do that. She did not improve herself, or anyone else. Not a mitigating factor.

8. Talented Artist ………………………………..
In my opinion, this is not a true statement. However, even if JA was an incredibly talented artist, just like 'Van Gogh, and Rembrandt" (she isn't), are talented artists excused from the law? Was Picasso cleared to stab and shoot? Did Whistler have a paintbrush, and a 'license to kill"? Even if JA was a remarkably talented artist, she committed a brutal murder of an unarmed man who was nothing but kind to her, and everyone else he encountered. JA is not teaching art to the other inmates to better the world around her, she is using it only to better her world. She 'tithes' 10 percent of her commissary items to others? - that does not make her a missionary. It doesn't even make her a nice person. She could be doing something...anything for those around her, but she does not. This is not a mitigating factor in any way.

No mitigating factors here, at least in my humble opinion. The only one that even seems plausible is ' no criminal record', which doesn't really hold up, or seem to count for a great deal.
Her family is there every day, and is clearly supportive. They would have been a much better argument. They will suffer if she is executed - her mother especially, any mother would. Maybe the jury will consider that, even if JA does not.
6. Tried to Make the Best of her Life

Can someone explain to me what this means? Like what is the opposite?

For real!!!!

After hearing these factors and then hearing from Sam and Stephen it was even more absurd. Steven's VIS emphasizes this point with his numerous references to TAs journals, and blog entries which detailed how TA lived his life, the goals he had, and the good he did for others. What does JAs journals show????

Immature ramblings and lies!!!!! Many of her entries seriously sounded like those of a 14 year old girl.
Great thread!!

Can someone please explain how/why the DT is trying to use her age (27) as a mitigating factor? I don't see what they're trying to do with this one.

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