9 Dec 2010 - Reports: Elizabeth confessed a second time to killing Gabriel

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According to new reports Elizabeth confessed a second time to killing Gabe.

The first confession was when she texted Logan. This new second confession being reported was in May, during the interview with Detective Salame.

It's reported that this second confession can't be used without a special ruling from a judge, since her attorney wasn't there during the interview.

Source: Baby Gabriel's Mom Confessed Twice
Johnson Confession Reportedly Came During Jail Interview
Pat McReynolds, CBS 5 News
POSTED: 1:30 pm MST December 7, 2010
UPDATED: 11:02 am MST December 8, 2010

A source close to the missing Baby Gabriel investigation has told CBS 5 News that his mother, Elizabeth Johnson, confessed to a San Antonio, Texas, detective in May she killed her son.

That confession came during an unauthorized meeting between Johnson and the detective in the Estrella Jail in Phoenix, a meeting of which her attorney was unaware.

Because the meeting was unauthorized, it is not admissible in court unless there is a ruling otherwise.

Detective John Salame of the San Antonio Police Department might have been just moments away from learning the location of Gabriel Johnson's body when Johnson's attorney appeared and ended the meeting, the source said.


Despite Johnson's alleged confession, McQueary said he maintains his belief that Gabriel is still alive.


Admission of guilt reported in baby's death
Published: 12:00 a.m., Thursday, December 9, 2010

SAPD refused to comment on the alleged confession.

“The details of that interview are part of the investigative case file,” SAPD spokesman Sgt. Chris Benavides said in an e-mailed statement. “Therefore, the details cannot be discussed.”


SAPD Chief William McManus has said the allegations made about Salame were unsubstantiated and would be answered in court, but declined to comment further.

Feldman found out about the interview while it was taking place and stopped it, Alcock said Wednesday by phone.

Johnson filed a motion to change counsel Sept. 27, and last week attorney Marci Kratter became her lead defense attorney.

Kratter, who said Wednesday she “has no idea what's going on,” confirmed she will represent Johnson at a status conference on the case scheduled for Thursday. She declined further comment.

“The only person who really knows what happened in that meeting was Detective Salame,” Alcock said. “He wasn't on drugs.”


Defense: Adoption talk for missing boy's mom legal
Posted: 10:49 PM
Last Updated: 8 hours and 34 minutes ago

Gabriel's grandfather, Frank McQueary, told ABC15 he and his family appreciate the public support and continue to search for Gabriel.

"We're holding out hope, but with everything that has happened and there being no sign of Gabriel, it really calls into question what exactly did Elizabeth do with that child," said McQueary.


"We've decided as a family that the best thing we can do to assist the county attorney's office is to let them do their jobs," said Frank McQueary. "We want them (Smith & Elizabeth Johnson) to go through the court process, we want them to be successfully prosecuted."

My heart sank yesterday when I read this. A second time?? And to SAPD?? Is that why he risked the interview? He was about to find out where Gabriel is located?? I understood why she would lie to Logan in an attempt to hurt him but why would she lie to a detective about this? I'm just sick. Two things I'm holding on to for hope is she was heavily drugged at the time according to Alcock and this information is from an unnamed source. Please Lord let this sweet baby be somewhere out there safe so he can come home to his Daddy.
I'm in shock. And the fact that this happened back in May and they apparently haven't tried to get more info all because that meeting was "unauthorized" makes me sick.

No matter what, I'm still holding out hope he's alive!
My heart sank yesterday when I read this. A second time?? And to SAPD?? Is that why he risked the interview? He was about to find out where Gabriel is located?? I understood why she would lie to Logan in an attempt to hurt him but why would she lie to a detective about this? I'm just sick. Two things I'm holding on to for hope is she was heavily drugged at the time according to Alcock and this information is from an unnamed source. Please Lord let this sweet baby be somewhere out there safe so he can come home to his Daddy.

Me too TX. This interview occurred less than two weeks after Sorin Stanescu went on TV to tell us that Elizabeth, " is a very nice person" ...."who would never have hurt her child."

It is all so overwhelming.
This is so sad. Whatever psych drugs EJ was on, apparently they did not put her into such a stupor that she couldn't communicate with the detective or was just talking pure nonsense. Which makes me think she was probably telling the truth. :(
Posting for reference regarding the medication Elizabeth was on at the time of the interview:

I believe lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder.

Elizabeth Johnson's Attorney Alleges Unlawful Questioning
Lawyers file motion to dismiss on Friday
Updated: Friday, 08 Oct 2010, 6:29 PM MDT
Published : Friday, 08 Oct 2010, 6:29 PM MDT

According to court paperwork, Johnson was on lithium during the questioning.


Why is this medication prescribed?

Lithium is used to treat and prevent episodes of mania (frenzied, abnormally excited mood) in people with bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder; a disease that causes episodes of depression, episodes of mania, and other abnormal moods). Lithium is in a class of medications called antimanic agents. It works by decreasing abnormal activity in the brain.

I'm not shocked, I figured this is probably what happened all along.

Makes me sick that EJ could possibly go free.

She didn't have to kill him, that the whole point, she had OTHER options.....

why not sign away at your parental rights if you did not want him... It's so very obvious that Logan and his family DID want Gabriel.

Not to be o/t here, but report on NG tonight on Master Gabe...probably nothing new, at least there is some national coverage.
Sad. Very sad.

I think this was always a foregone conclusion given that EJ was willing to sit in jail rather than lead LE to Baby Gabriel alive or dead and her actions/demeanor.

It is sad though that if she did kill Gabriel why not assist in locating him to bring him home and allow Gabriel to be laid to rest with respect and love?

Did she do this just to spite Logan and is that the reason that Gabriel is not found and this isn't a closed case? Hatred and Spite are powerfully destructive irrational emotions.
I also think this little baby has been dead all along...I don't think she would say she had killed him if she had not. I just never believe these people who say they gave the child or children away...maybe it happens, rarely, but sadly, the children are murdered far more often...
I decided sometime back this little guy was no longer with us also. I didn't want to accept, but it's all that made sense. She was way to vague with info, and I don't believe even she would sit in jail this long and not give up who she gave the baby to. There's no way she gave him to a totally unknown basically nameless couple. She is diabolical. She had either killed the baby when she sent the father the text or planned to and did it right after. So horrible. :(
Posting for reference regarding the medication Elizabeth was on at the time of the interview:

Elizabeth Johnson's Attorney Alleges Unlawful Questioning

The ATTORNEY alleges this.
if u caught Nancy Grace, Elizabeth allegedly confessed to killing Gabe and putting him in the diaper bag and tossing both into a dumpster. I for one think that is just what she did!!!! we all suspected she got rid of both.
this has been discussed before ... but I'm not sure what happened to the thread - maybe we didn't have proper MSM links then ... ?
Such sad news. The way she carried on and led everyone on.. I had really hoped it was out there. As time went on, I think it became pretty clear he was no longer with us. Shame they can't use the info
I still don't know what to believe. EJ is very unstable and I don't think she even knows what she did. It never made sense that she would give the baby to strangers and not leave some kind of trail but it is also hard to believe that she could kill him and not leave any evidence. The worst thing is for LM. He may never know what happened to his son.
As I do feel he is still alive, I hope the progression picture get's out in the eyes of the public. I feel, especially now, it is very important and more likely to be noticed. Adorable picture, just adorable...
I still don't know what to believe. EJ is very unstable and I don't think she even knows what she did. It never made sense that she would give the baby to strangers and not leave some kind of trail but it is also hard to believe that she could kill him and not leave any evidence. The worst thing is for LM. He may never know what happened to his son.

Well, If she strangled him with her bare hands/ smothered him with a pillow and put him in the diaper bag and put the diaper bag in the dumpster, I don't think there would be any evidence unless someone found the diaper bag.

I also tend to believe that she killed him when it was dark outside and disposed of his body under the cover of darkness so that no one would suspect anything if they saw her near a dumpster.

MOO ( My Own Opinion)
Well, If she strangled him with her bare hands/ smothered him with a pillow and put him in the diaper bag and put the diaper bag in the dumpster, I don't think there would be any evidence unless someone found the diaper bag.

I also tend to believe that she killed him when it was dark outside and disposed of his body under the cover of darkness so that no one would suspect anything if they saw her near a dumpster.

MOO ( My Own Opinion)

Didn't they search the landfill and come up with nothing?
I still think (or maybe just want to believe) that she gave him away and is terrified of the other people involved.

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