A humble experiment wih the 911 tape

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Sep 1, 2003
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When I heard the 911 tape (the CD version) I heard quite easily the “Help me Jesus” that LW, ********, etc suggest it’s not there.

Then, somewhere, I read that if you listen to te tape hoping to hear the “Help me Jesus” you’ll probably hear it.

I don’t live in the USA. I supose that is difficult to find people in the U.S.A that ignores all about JBR’s case. Luckily, in my country, nobody knows about it. We had a flash news, back in 1996, the day after the murder, this sad pageant video-clips showing JBR dressed and maked up like grown women dress and make up when they want to be seductress, ant that was all. Newspapers, here, showed some interest in OJ’s case, but not in JB’s case.

So, it has been easy to me to find people that doesn’t know anything at all about this murder, nor of my interest in it. Over the last months, I’ve asked three differents and unrelated friends to listen the tape and take it down what they heard. I choosed local friends that have a decent level of english. I told them not to make questions, just to listen and take it down.

I could read the “Help me Jesus” in two of the three transcripts. The third friend told me that he heard something at the end of the tape, but that he couldn't understand the words. All three did fairly well in the rest of the dialogue.

All of them asked me why there was what seemed an erased portion of the tape after that segment.

I know this doesn’t prove anything, that is not “scientific” an can be labelled as “subjective”... but now I’m more sure of what I hear when I listen to this tape.

Thi is just my opinion, right or wrong. I've been rigth and wrong in the past, and will be in the future... but I fear I will never know if I'm rigth or wrong about this case.
Thanks Cain. It's always good to try your own experiments.

Just a quick update on the lab that I hired to try and enhance the tape.

He was in court the past two weeks on other cases. He promises me by the end of the next week he will have his report. He knows I will make his report public so he has to stand by his work.

So far he too has been able to hear the "help me Jesus" without a problem. So at least that much we know will be official.

Very good work Cain!
Tricia, I am so looking forward to reading the report. Hopefully we will have the results soon. What do you plan to do once you get the report?
I have a couple of big things planned concerning the petition and such. I may release it at the same time we deliver the petition to the Gov. of Colorado.

I have a feeling the only thing he will be able to pull is the help me Jesus because he is working from a copy of a copy of a copy but you never know.

That was the main thing I put in writing when I paid this guy up front. He has to stand by his work when I make the report public. We'll see. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Tricia said:
I have a feeling the only thing he will be able to pull is the "help me Jesus" because he is working from a copy of a copy of a copy but you never know.

I'll gaurantee you up-front that's the only thing he will find. I've taken that tape apart several different ways with sound editing programs and I know what is (and what isn't) there. It's obvious that Keenan wanted a redacted version of the tape released, we're just lucky that she screwed up and released two different versions of it, the second (CD version) containing Patsy's "help me jesus" cries. If she had just stuck with the original released (audio tape) version, (which was prematurely chopped off at the end) the world would probably never know the truth about the 911 call.

The tape follows Steve Thomas' transcript perfectly, with Patsy saying her "help me jesus" lines right where expected. Directly after that is the 4-second gap where according to Thomas the voices of Burke and John should be heard. As to whether the 4-second gap was "erased", or somehow "bypassed" during the recording stage doesn't really matter. What is important is that the most critical part of the tape, (which proves the Ramseys lied about what happened that morning) was purposely redacted by the DA when she released the tape to the public.

Did Keenan redact the voices of John and Burke because:

A) It's the ace-in-the-hole which proves the Ramseys are lying, and it may be used against them if they are ever brought to trial.

B) Because of Burke's testimony, that section of the tape is somehow covered by the Grand Jury secrecy laws.

C) When Lin Wood learned the 911 tape was going to be released, he warned Keenan that if she released anything with Burke's voice on it she would be sued under the Colorado law which prohibits the public release of evidence or testimony given by a minor child.

candy said:
LOLOL! Too funny.
Umm What is too funny? Am I missing the massive amount of humor somewhere in this thread?
I didn't get it, either, but I was afraid to as in case someone thought I was stirring trouble.
Well anyway. Sorry for Candy's interruption.

You may be correct about an edited version being released. I really have no idea.

IF Keenan did release an edited version then I don't believe she broke any laws. Although I would think she would have a moral obligation to tell us.

I am hoping that is something my guy can tell us. Whether the tape has a "cut" in it. He is one of the best in the nation. The government uses him quite a bit for their bigger projects.
Tricia- I am looking forward to reading that report. You Rock for doing this.

This case is about a murdered little girl and the spin team who is ever present. That spin team has kept justice from being served.

The members of the spin team are pretty easily tagged..... ;)
Tricia said:
IF Keenan did release an edited version then I don't believe she broke any laws. Although I would think she would have a moral obligation to tell us.

I am hoping that is something my guy can tell us. Whether the tape has a "cut" in it. He is one of the best in the nation. The government uses him quite a bit for their bigger projects.

I'm not sure why you need some guy to tell you there is a gap in the tape. Anyone can certainly hear the sound drop out for 4-seconds then return, just before the tape ends. Unfortunately there is no way for us to recover the sound missing during that gap. That area of the recording is completely blank, just like the first second of the recording before the sound starts.

I can't comment about any "moral obligation" that Keenan might have. Keenan doesn't impress me as being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Her original feeling that Santa was involved, her comment on the Carnes decision, and her release of two different versions of the 911 call proves that.

Shylock can you tell if the gap is a glitch in the recording of the copy of a deliberate splice? I can't. Can you say for sure John and Burke are missing from behind Patsy saying, "Help me Jesus." I can't.

There are many things an expert can tell us that we have no way of knowing. Yes it sounds like there is a gap but did you know that gap is not present on the cassette? Also I can't hear Patsy on the cassette either. He is working with both the cassette and the CD of the 911 call.

I have no idea what he will find but I am anxious to hear his report.
Tricia said:
Yes it sounds like there is a gap but did you know that gap is not present on the cassette? Also I can't hear Patsy on the cassette either.

Well Tricia, that much is obvious. We have known all along that the version on cassette was cut-off prematurely. It ends before Patsy starts the "help me jesus" routine and well before the gap that follows her. This is the reason nobody heard the "jesus" part when Lin Wood was passing the tape out to the networks.

The cassette version even starts in a different place then the CD version does. Whoever made these recordings for the DA's office really didn't know what they were doing.
I heard the "Help me Jesus" on my computer speakers...anyone who says they don't hear it is lying.

If I personally deliver a copy of the CD to the place where it was enhanced here in California would they give me results?
Toltec said:
I heard the "Help me Jesus" on my computer speakers...anyone who says they don't hear it is lying.
If I personally deliver a copy of the CD to the place where it was enhanced here in California would they give me results?

Not the same results they gave the BPD. The copy you have has been redacted to exclude the voices of John and Burke, so the results would differ accordingly.

And yes, you have to have a hearing problem or a really poor audio system not to hear the "help me jesus" part.

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