A little history on JMK....

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Have the Shotts known that the Ramsey ransom note was signed "S.B.T.C."? I doubt it.

I think most people don't know anything about the ransom note.
I agree, LP. It's not common knowledge. I mean, I know it's all over the internet, IF you are looking for it. I can honestly say that I am sure my close circle of friends/family would have NO IDEA about the RN being signed SBTC.
LovelyPigeon said:
Wex and Patricia seperated 11 years after they married, so that would have been 1969. They divorced in 1973.

If Nate is 34, born in 1972, then Patricia could be his mother even though Wex was seperated from her at the time.

Unusual family, all around, whatever the circumstances turn out to be.
According to this article, Nathaniel is John's half-brother.

LovelyPigeon said:
....Larry Shotts, Quientana's father, said that JMK spoke often of death and darkness. ...

In the ABC interview, I think he used the word demonic as well.

Strange that JMK's own mother tried to kill him b/c she thought he had demons, as a baby.

Now, she was allegedly mentally unwell (or was she? LOL), but this Larry guy didn't seem disturbed.

It's just weird. Not to get into other dimensions and stuff, but what all can't we see? Most of us, at least. :confused:

Between this and Columbine, and all the weird things that went on in close proximity to Columbine during that time (I live about 2 mi from the high school) ... so disturbing. There were odd suicides and murders and kidnappings and attempted kidnappings, just uncharacteristic things for this part of town. You can't tell me those Columbine killers weren't full of demons.

One day some local religious communities decided to do a prayer walk around that park next to the high school, sort of the epicenter of all the weirdness, and basically try to exorcise that area. It sounded crazy, but you know what ... since then, the weird stuff has stopped.

Okay, enough rambling. Now I'm going :crazy: . (Caveat: I still don't think JMK necessarily did it, but whoever did was evil. And he seems pretty evil to me, too. And I'm just riffing on evil.)
soo many questions...

How did Michael ever meet the Ramseys in the first place?

Did someone pay him off sending him to have sex with children in Bangkok before confessing to the crime?

Why did he wait so long?

did this guy start using the 4 letter signature after studying the ransom note?

Did his mother find him playing with a little girl before attempting to burn him on the stake? :waitasec:
Rocky said:
soo many questions...

How did Michael ever meet the Ramseys in the first place?

Did someone pay him off sending him to have sex with children in Bangkok before confessing to the crime?

Why did he wait so long?

did this guy start using the 4 letter signature after studying the ransom note?

Did his mother find him playing with a little girl before attempting to burn him on the stake? :waitasec:
Since he was an infant at the time his mother attempted to set him on fire, I doubt Karr was capable of rolling over, much less playing with little girls.
BillyGoatGruff said:
Since he was an infant at the time his mother attempted to set him on fire, I doubt Karr was capable of rolling over, much less playing with little girls.

sorry, I haven't had time to follow what's going on and was hoping to get an update from those in the know here...

what I want to know is what is the connection between this guy and the Ramseys...

Is there any way jonBenet would have known of this man as an uncle?

Family gatherings in Atlanta?
I think we're hearing imperfect memories from people who are trying to remember what they heard, saw, etc That's just normal. None of us have perfect memories, and all of our memories are affected by subsequent actions. In this case, there are tv reports, newspaper & magazine articles, as well as cable presentations like documentaries that might affect our 'memory' without our actual knowledge of it happening.

I don't think we should trust any of these 'witnesses' to be absolutely accurate in their remembrances, and in addition, some of them might have the influence of hard feelings, anger, and/or the possibility of reward monies to affect their comments.
LovelyPigeon said:
I think we're hearing imperfect memories from people who are trying to remember what they heard, saw, etc That's just normal. None of us have perfect memories, and all of our memories are affected by subsequent actions. In this case, there are tv reports, newspaper & magazine articles, as well as cable presentations like documentaries that might affect our 'memory' without our actual knowledge of it happening.

I don't think we should trust any of these 'witnesses' to be absolutely accurate in their remembrances, and in addition, some of them might have the influence of hard feelings, anger, and/or the possibility of reward monies to affect their comments.

One thing I like about this forum is being able to look back over years of discussions to find conversations from before cobwebs erased memories...

what are your feelings LP?

did this guy do it?
I don't know of JMK did it or not. I don't rely on feelings to make decisions. I want evidence. While I think it's possible that JMK is the killer, there's not enough information and evidence yet for me to make an intelligent decision.

I WANT this to be the guy, and get this case solved, but I don't have enough yet to decide one way or the other.
so in 96 JMK was back in Atlanta for the Holidays, the same time Ramseys were rushing to get back there, and JAR was already there...

is there a connection anywhere?
"Shall Be The Conquerer" is a phrase that JMK used to sign several or many high school yearbooks, according to classmate RaJane Hampton:

After hearing news reports about strange messages Karr wrote in Hamilton High yearbooks, Hampton said she called home and asked her father to check her book.

News reports said the ransom note found at the home where the 6-year old was killed contained the initials “S.B.T.C.” Hampton said message in her yearbook includes the phrase “I shall be the conquerer.”

“I’ve talked to other people we graduated with and he signed everybody’s yearbook that way,” she said. “We’re all pretty much in shock.”
- http://www.hartselleenquirer.com/articles/2006/08/23/news/news2.txt
in one of the threads, someone mentioned he might have been a waiter during one of Ramsey's parties, was that just rumor, or is it confirmed?
LovelyPigeon said:
"Shall Be The Conquerer" is a phrase that JMK used to sign several or many high school yearbooks, according to classmate RaJane Hampton:

After hearing news reports about strange messages Karr wrote in Hamilton High yearbooks, Hampton said she called home and asked her father to check her book.

News reports said the ransom note found at the home where the 6-year old was killed contained the initials “S.B.T.C.” Hampton said message in her yearbook includes the phrase “I shall be the conquerer.”

“I’ve talked to other people we graduated with and he signed everybody’s yearbook that way,” she said. “We’re all pretty much in shock.”
- http://www.hartselleenquirer.com/articles/2006/08/23/news/news2.txt

ahhhh pretty heavy bump to those on the fence....
Rocky said:
in one of the threads, someone mentioned he might have been a waiter during one of Ramsey's parties, was that just rumor, or is it confirmed?
Alot of what is being posted here lately is rumour.
No it has not been confirmed.
Rocky said:
so in 96 JMK was back in Atlanta for the Holidays, the same time Ramseys were rushing to get back there, and JAR was already there...

is there a connection anywhere?

JAR was in Atlanta to have Christmas with his mother. He and his sister were scheduled to fly to Michigan late on Dec 25 for after-Christmas celebration with their father John and step-mother Patsy, JonBenét and Burke. The Ramseys had planned to fly to Michigan on the afternoon of Dec 25 from Boulder in John's personal plane, and meet up with JAR and Melinda, and spend some family time in Charlevoix, MI where John & Patsy owned a 2nd-home.

There's been speculation/theory in the past that JAR flew 'under the radar' from Atlanta to Boulder, killed JonBenét, and flew back to Atlanta before making the flight with Melinda toward Michigan. (I never subscribed to such a theory, but those who did should probably make room for JMKarr to have been able to do the same...)
LovelyPigeon said:
JAR was in Atlanta to have Christmas with his mother. He and his sister were scheduled to fly to Michigan late on Dec 25 for after-Christmas celebration with their father John and step-mother Patsy, JonBenét and Burke. The Ramseys had planned to fly to Michigan on the afternoon of Dec 25 from Boulder in John's personal plane, and meet up with JAR and Melinda, and spend some family time in Charlevoix, MI where John & Patsy owned a 2nd-home.

There's been speculation/theory in the past that JAR flew 'under the radar' from Atlanta to Boulder, killed JonBenét, and flew back to Atlanta before making the flight with Melinda toward Michigan. (I never subscribed to such a theory, but those who did should probably make room for JMKarr to have been able to do the same...)

any chance JMK knew JAR? how close were they in age?

more importantly, What part of Atlanta were they from, anyone map it out yet?
I don't think that age is going to be a sure thing for anyone to know anyone else.

The Ramseys and the Karrs apparently didn't even live in the same counties, much less go to the same schools.
LovelyPigeon said:
I don't think that age is going to be a sure thing for anyone to know anyone else.

The Ramseys and the Karrs apparently didn't even live in the same counties, much less go to the same schools.

I was wondering more along the lines of Bars or Clubs they both might have frequented...

Which county in Georgia was John Evander Couey seen in? The one rumored to be a hub of child *advertiser censored*/prostitution.
Rocky said:
I was wondering more along the lines of Bars or Clubs they both might have frequented...

Which county in Georgia was John Evander Couey seen in? The one rumored to be a hub of child *advertiser censored*/prostitution.

You'd have to fill me in on that, as I don't know of any reports of bars or clubs either the Rs or the Ks have frequented.

I also don't know of any counties in Georgia that are rumored to be "a hub of child *advertiser censored* or prostitution".

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