A thank you to LE and everyone involved in the search for Zahra.

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Oct 30, 2010
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I didn't really know where to put this, and I know others feel the same way as I do.

I just wanted to start a thread thanking LE and EVERYONE searching for evidence in this case. I can't imagine what you are all going through emotionally and physically during this search. I just wanted you to know there are so many of us out here praying for you and sending you encouragement in what has to be a horrible thing to do. We stand behind you in building the best case you can to punish the people responsible for whatever happened to this baby girl. Just know we THANK YOU and we APPRECIATE YOU and we STAND WITH YOU in all of this. You all have done so much to bring peace to Zahra in the most respectful way possible.

Just really wanted to put that out there in case anyone from LE or anyone involved reads here. Just so they know how many people they have standing behind them and praying for them in all of this.
LE has been really amazing throughout. All the searchers, who have worked tirelessly, have earned such respect from me. The way all the LE agencies are cooperating, apparenty without pissing matches, is truly inspirational.

Many many thanks from all who are interested in Justice for Zahra!
Thank you LE for caring more about Zahra now than anyone did when she was alive.

In my eyes each and everyone of you is a hero.
Thank you LE for your focus and persistence in trying to find Zahra and bring her home to be laid in peace with respect and love.

It is sad that Zahra's immediate family choose to sit tight and hope that Zahra is never found, so they are not punished for their sins and evil ways. The search is costing a lot of resources and money.

Lets hope that next week brings good developments and closure for Zahra who it seems has been discarded like trash yet she is so precious and priceless.

Our thoughts and hearts are with you every step of the way.

My deepest heartfelt thanks to every man and woman in law enforcement involved in this case. Your dedication to this precious little girl has been the one small (but brilliant!) light in all this darkness. May God bless each and every single one of you.
Dear Officers;

Thank you for all your time, expertise and heart you have put into bringing this child peace and justice. I have no words to express my heartfelt thanks to you and especially your families who have now become Zahra's new family in my mind and I hope in your mind as well.

May you and your family be regarded as true heroes for giving your heart to this beautiful innocent child so she may rest in peace and justice given to those betrayed her.

I hope your nights get easier and Zahra's beautiful bright smiling face is first to enter your mind when you think of her, and not the horrors she endured at the hands of the ones she loved. Be at peace my heroes. Be at peace that you are all champions in my mind and many others. Zahra would agree I think.
It is really a battle between good an evil. This little girl fought the battle her entire life and anyone with eyes could look at her and see the light that shined from within her. A horrible evil stupidly thinks it distinguished the light that was Zahra. The light that was Zahra can NEVER be extinguished - EVER!!!! The men and women that are part of the search and rescue efforts that are now searching for Zahra and justice are another example of that light. They quietly go about their grim task with a righteous vengence that makes a mockery of the filth, decay, and rot that filled the lives of those who harmed Zahra. From my corner of the world, I also wish to say thanks to all of you who care.
Dear Officers;

Thank you for all your time, expertise and heart you have put into bringing this child peace and justice. I have no words to express my heartfelt thanks to you and especially your families who have now become Zahra's new family in my mind and I hope in your mind as well.

May you and your family be regarded as true heroes for giving your heart to this beautiful innocent child so she may rest in peace and justice given to those betrayed her.

I hope your nights get easier and Zahra's beautiful bright smiling face is first to enter your mind when you think of her, and not the horrors she endured at the hands of the ones she loved. Be at peace my heroes. Be at peace that you are all champions in my mind and many others. Zahra would agree I think.

Such a beautiful quote. I can't possibly state a more graceful, meaningful heatfelt quote such as this. You really touched my heart and I hope the hearts of all LE who are involved in this wonderful effort to find this precious little girl. I feel so proud of the LE in their heart felt efforts and hard work to find this little girl. Hats off to all of you and God bless.
I Concur with everyones sentiments..BUT it is so unfortunate that those oppressed, murdered, abused only have the LE people to serve justice "after the fact"..I truly wish and hope more can be done to give or empower those oppressed to get help and protection...
Its unfortunate..but victims are always the last to be vindicated..and the offenders have ALL THE RIGHTS...Its that law and how the system is structured..but so glad some laws have bee promoted to protect..just wish there was adequate funding to ensure these laws are followed..

I apologize..I am just so disheartened with hearing, reading and listening to so many aweful examples of "Nastiness"..( trying to be diplomatic) :=(
I concur with all the thanks. I am really impressed how they have not given up and seem determined to find answers...I wish all LE would do this when children are missing.
God bless all that search,LE,and all that have to deal with this gruesome murder case of a beautiful bright child named Zahra.
As parents, this has to take a toil on each of you.
And to have to deal with the 2 monsters that abused, neglected and murdered her.
IMO as a human I am sure the crews would love to strangle EB/AB but keep their cool for justice to be served in a court of law.
Many thanks for all you do, have done and what you must face daily.
I give this group so much credit. If only every missing child had a group of LE so determined. It feels like they have taken Zahra into their hearts and are treating her like one of their own. The emotions and determination they have shown us gives me no doubt she will be found and justice will be served.

I think they are all wonderful people. I wish I could :hug: them all and give my heartfelt thanks with a hot cup of coffee and a cookie. I hate to see them out in the cold yet another day but I appreciate that they are doing it.
I'm so moved by these folks, and I know how sweet people can be in this area. I'm certain they feel very deeply for Zahra and want more than anything to do right by her!

I'm sending virtual coffees and Krispy Kremes to all y'all!! I'll bring it in person once it's clear I'd not just be causing more work for y'all.

Thank you from all of us.
Rest with your familes searchers, hug your children and take a well deserved break. Know that the time you spend searching for Zahra has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated. Wishing all of them the very best and thanking them for the sacrifice of their time and effort.
Thanks just doesn't seem like enough...however it is all I have at the moment. God bless all of you for your tiring work in all of this.
I want to thank all of the LE and their families, the good people in NC who helped in whatever way, the media who helped us keep up to date, and all of the people here who helped by putting the collective energy to bring this sweet child back to ones who loved her unconditionally. All of the sacifices, however big or small, make a difference each and everytime we pool our resources.

I believe Zahra's bio-Mom when she said Zahra helped to guide her to finding her. I think Zahra helped the world find her. We are here for you little girl.
My thanks to the searchers, their families and the people who are local for all you have done. What a heart-wrenching job it must be to search for and find someone who has been cast away, I don't think I could bear to do it, so I greatly admire those who can.
Thank you to all the people who have been working to find this precious child. Your strength and determination have paid off. Bless you all.

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