Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #179

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IMO he wanted to see who was at the cemetery and he could get a glimpse of the trails and bridge on the way. Perhaps he even pulled in and dropped something off on the way. He knows the answer to this question. It wasn’t him leaving the trails at 130 as he later stated. Because he didn’t park east of the Hoosier hardware store.
It would have been easier, IMO, to just drive to the cemetery and turn around there instead of going all the way around and coming in from the east.
They have the car on video.

They didn't need him to point to anything.

What we have is a summary of what RA told DD and what he told LE prior to his arrest.
This is my understanding as well. I think the P has been more than willing to operate under the assumption that RA is telling the truth about certain points (clothing, parking) because they feel he is formulating all his statements around an underlying lie, and a big one. They feel he will "trip himself up" because as the old saying goes, lies have no legs. As is the case with liars, they get tangled up in their own web of lies. I believe with the clothing, RA is happy to note jeans and a blue jacket, apparel that probably fits a large percentage of the adult male population at any given time of the year. But if he is BG, he did that for the strategic "dual" purpose of "camouflaging" the fact that he is himself BG. He can later fall back on the idea of "confusion" on the part of witnesses as to who exactly they may have seen. We move into more interesting territory with him not being sure on the hat, and other details of the clothing. Also, RA tells them he has the phone, "stock ticker." Implication of that is he had the trackable device, he's "legit." It remains to be seen whether he in fact had it, and it will be interesting to see if he did. Source on parking: "He said he parked at the old Farm Bureau building — which was later confirmed to be the former Child Protective Services building — and saw three girls at the Freedom Bridge." If he said he was at this location, P will be more than happy to take him at his word since his words often include going so far as to claim he's guilty of the murders. Agreed that they should leave as little "wiggle room" on interpretation of any piece of information as possible since RA repeatedly himself changes the information later he himself gave, and it makes it even more confusing for anyone to follow. But maybe that's the idea, MOO.
It would have been easier, IMO, to just drive to the cemetery and turn around there instead of going all the way around and coming in from the east.
I am going to assume there would have been a lot more cameras tracking his whereabouts if he had headed from the west.
Or perhaps he liked the scenic route? We do know he never stated he parked at the cemetery or Logan’s house or at Mears Farm or downtown Delphi.
Easier would have been to stay home and watch whatever fantasy he had on his iPad. JMO
But that day he decided to act on his impulses in my opinion and here we are today, trying to make sense of the actions of a depraved mind. IMO
Did no one ever ask Carter to clarify? Seems someone in MSM would have ... at some point. jmo


Delphi, IN
– The Multi-Agency Task Force is providing the below points of clarification after yesterday’s informational news conference.
  • A car was parked in the abandoned CPS building parking lot between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. on February 13, 2017
    • We are looking for anyone who could give a description of vehicles that were in the parking lot during the time
  • The location of the abandoned CPS building was 6931 West 300 North, Delphi, IN
    • The building has since been demolished and the lot is vacant
  • The Multi-Agency Task Force is seeking tips and information about how the subject depicted in the sketch is linked to the Delphi area.
    • The Task Force is not asking for investigative suggestions
    • Tips on the suspect sketch are our main interest

This is what I don’t understand. The D references geofencing, the P mentions both. They are different. You’d need a subpoena for both. You’d need a report for each. So which one are they talking about in their motions? Is one or the other (D or P) confusing the terms? P specifically mentions a geolocation assessment, and D had mentioned geofencing (in the latest motions). With RL, I can’t remember what is used to locate his phone (is it mentioned in the SWA?), but the FBI would be able to do either (with a warrant).
All it said is that the Cell tower data shows RL's phone to be around the Delphi area, His exaxt location cannot be confirmed.

Which would make sense since he lives right there in the vicinity.


MOO I also think they held the PC as close to where the lost interview with RA was held - I think he met the CO at the Save A Lot which virtually next door to CVS and .4 of a mile from the 2019 PC venue.
I think it's possible they were trying to draw him back out because either the guy who interviewed him recalled it, but couldn't find the tip later because it was misfiled or he mentioned it to someone in passing that he took a statement from a witness that was there and they remembered that. It makes sense when we have the PC where he is saying you want to know what we know.. they realized that BG came to them, but they couldn't find him after that.
Nick has been calling the D liars almost from the beginning. The D have asked numerous times to have a hearing, which have been nixed by Nick and so follows the judge.

Here is Nick's chance to show the world what lyin' liars the D's are.
I say: Let's do it, Prosecutor McLeland. Time for a show n' tell.
Agree, and I’d like to see documented proof, not just claims with zero citation/exhibits.

I think it's possible they were trying to draw him back out because either the guy who interviewed him recalled it, but couldn't find the tip later because it was misfiled or he mentioned it to someone in passing that he took a statement from a witness that was there and they remembered that. It makes sense when we have the PC where he is saying you want to know what we know.. they realized that BG came to them, but they couldn't find him after that.
Yes that is what I think.
Every statement at the PC makes sense if they knew the CO had talked to him at the grocery store but had no written record.
Today from the D's Reply: "RA's car wasn't at the CPS lot."

This is no small assertion.
The LE assumption that RA's car was parked at the CPS lot is major component of LE"s timeline and was used for search warrant.

For a very long time it's been a sticking point that LE never positively ID'd RA's car with eyewitness sightings nor otherwise to support their assumption that "RA parked here" - in LE's timeline.

Has the D asserted this in the past? I'd been waiting for it, but I don't think I've seen the D do this before, but I could have missed it.
IIRC they have only said in the Frank’s Memo that BB did not see RA’s car-which BB confirmed, the car she saw looked nothing like RA’s car (was not black & was not the same model).

Source: page 109-115
I should have been clearer. As others have pointed out, the PCA puts RA in the CPS lot multiple ways: RA stating he parked in the farm bureau building (assumed CPS), HH video of car consistent with RA's at 1:27, and several witnesses listing cars parked there during that time that bear resemblance to his Ford Focus (Purple PT Cruiser, Smart Car, etc). What the D claims was omitted was BB's description of the '65 Comet.

When the D says RA's car wasn't there, could they be playing off some of these factors, like the Comet description, which is clearly NOT a 2016 Ford Focus? Or, is there other evidence he wasn't there? I'm truly fascinated to see what evidence both sides presents.
Do they still have CCTV video of the car in the parking lot from 2017 during the time RA said he had left? Or was that lost with the 6TB of information? They said they lost all the interviews from the first week 2/13/2017-2/20/2017, AND from April 2017-June 2017. Honest question, as I assume that would have been one of the first things they pulled and saved.
True, the D prioritized getting ready for this issue. My point was, the D was on board with the sharing with the P prior to Gull providing the mental health records to the P. Folks were wondering where the D was on this, and why the D didn't object. IMO, they were already on board.
Changing their main strategy a bit, a month away from trial because their expert witness said they lied about his opinion. Now it will be RA's mental state, because of the Odin-patch wearing guards threatening his family made RA confess at least again and again and again and again and again.
This when all his bizarre actions started occurring after he confessed and his wife hung up on him. AJMO
IIRC they have only said in the Frank’s Memo that BB did not see RA’s car-which BB confirmed, the car she saw looked nothing like RA’s car (was not black & was not the same model).

Source: page 109-115

This is probably referencing " the comet?"

Ths older model vehicle was on the HWY parked about 150 yards from the old CPS building and is NOT the vehicle that was backed into the Old CPS building.

Whoops, it's never good to give a one-worder ... I took a call and pressed post too soon.

I'm asking not you specifically, but asking whoever has thought about this before:
Why it has been the understanding that RA states he parked one place and that LE can assume - without confirming with RA (apparently) that RA parked where they say he parked, rather than RA parking where RA says he parked?

(I've also skipped over that "RA says he parked here so we assume he parked where it works for us". And now, I'm finding it all very odd. Probably b/c the D asserts in papers (I think for the first time) that RA did not park where LE says he parked.)

Anyway, I think the answer is ... we had the understanding that RA parked at that location because ... LE has asserted that he did ... in some super serious paperwork that's landed RA in solitary for a year plus.

I know the Frank’s Memo mentioned parking at CPS on pages 105-115ish, but it was in the context “For LE’s timeline to work, RA would have had to be here at this time”/etc “but he wasn’t.” I don’t know if they were saying he had already left or wasn’t parked there? If anyone wants to go back and dig, I’ll link again below.
Did no one ever ask Carter to clarify? Seems someone in MSM would have ... at some point. jmo
ISP Carter said that date, February 14, at the press conference. MSM repeated his words.

The article I linked was:
Posted at 6:57 AM, Apr 22, 2019 and last updated 12:15 AM, Feb 11, 2022 (without corrections to the Feb. 14 date) Carter said that date, February 14, at the press conference. MSM repeated his words.

The article I linked was:
Posted at 6:57 AM, Apr 22, 2019 and last updated 12:15 AM, Feb 11, 2022 (without corrections to the Feb. 14 date)
From upthread, Steeltown Girl:


Delphi, IN
– The Multi-Agency Task Force is providing the below points of clarification after yesterday’s informational news conference.
  • A car was parked in the abandoned CPS building parking lot between the hours of noon and 5:00 p.m. on February 13,2017
    • We are looking for anyone who could give a description of vehicles that were in the parking lot during the time
  • The location of the abandoned CPS building was 6931 West 300 North, Delphi, N
    • The building has since been demolished and the lot is vacant
  • The Multi-Agency Task Force is seeking tips and information about how the subject depicted in the sketch is linked to the Delphi area.
    • The Task Force is not asking for investigative suggestions
    • Tips on the suspect sketch are our main interestPost 787
  • Indiana State Police release new sketch of Delphi murder suspect - Carroll County Calendar
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