Again: Where was Casey going for two years?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This is the question of the decade.
Running through the scenarios:
-She's working "night-time" hours, typically from 5- whenever.
-She would have disposable income, and lots of it.
-She would probably spend most of said income on herself-clothes/car/cell phone.
This is a girl that primarily shops for her wardrobe at Target and uses coupons at the
grocery store.
-Her cell phone bill would be fairly expensive and may even be likely that she had a
"work" phone that may or may not be traceable.
Party girl:
-Same hours.
-Not much disposable income.
-She would need to borrow, steal or scam those extra pennies.
-There would be witnesses to her partying. Surely someone could come forward to attest to her party lifestyle, especially anyone who saw her on a regular basis at the clubs.

Sure it's not as simple as that, but neither of these ideas really fit. Drugs?

My theory is:
Slacker Girl
- Various hours according to friends' availability, but usually evenings when they were finished with work and school.
- little disposable income but a need to have fake expenses (i.e. pricey nanny) to explain lack of cash
- Needs to be good at mooching stuff from friends, for example bringing groceries pilfered from home when it was "her turn" to cook, eating friends' food otherwise.
- There would be evidence showing she was usually at home on the computer or on the phone during "work hours"
- There would be evidence showing she brought her child with her to friends' houses to hang out

I don't think she started "partying" regularly until June. Definitely there were some prior to June, but from the photos these are isolated events and not nefarious, IMO. I think the evidence points to these two options, probably both used:
1. She left her parents' house to "go to work" and said she was dropping Caylee off with the nanny, but instead brought her along to hang out with friends at their place until Caylee's bedtime, then headed home.
2. Dropped Caylee off with CA and then go hang out with friends. I think this would be usually when friends wanted to go out somewhere that Caylee could not come along - a bar or maybe just a late movie.

This seems most logical to me.
I still think she was doing something at Universal...maybe not working FOR them, but doing something at their functions. She seemed to always be "in the know" with events according to her friends. Very strange indeed-2 yrs worth of semi-stable work hours?? Maybe she was just "DONE" bein' Mommy by 5 pm each day??
I still think she was doing something at Universal...maybe not working FOR them, but doing something at their functions. She seemed to always be "in the know" with events according to her friends. Very strange indeed-2 yrs worth of semi-stable work hours?? Maybe she was just "DONE" bein' Mommy by 5 pm each day??

The question is did she still have any "real" friends that still worked at Universal?
If so, she very well could have kept contact with any of them to know what the latest events there were.
Or she simply kept tabs on the Universal web site to learn what up and coming events they had coming up. She was always on the one would question why she was always looking at the Universal sites events calander if she surposably worked events there!!!!!!
True, but I do wonder......
something just seems "off" about the whole Universal connection.
I keep digging and turning it over in my head...haven' figured it out yet, but something is just left of center. Know what I mean? That odd feeling??
Somewhere in the hundreds of pages of docs, I read that when the A's moved to FL, CA worked for a doctor or hospital where pro athletes were treated.

Being the ex-wife of a pro baseball player, I immediately thought that KC may have met an athlete through CA's job and had a one night stand and claimed to be pregnant by him.

I became close friends with my ex's agent who confided a lot of info with me including my ex's dirty deeds and about a $1,000 monthly stipend the agency sent to another player's girlfriend (that he allegedly fathered a child with), that his wife knew nothing about. $1,000 a mo is meager to an athlete but to a person with no other income, it's better than nothing. (Needless to say, my ex ended up firing that agent for telling me everything).

It's common for groupies to say they are pregnant to solicit money from athletes who are often married and would rather pay hush money than to have their indiscretions exposed. Not trying to start any rumors, but the thought went through my mind. Especially since there's a cloud of secrecy about who Caylee's dad is.

This is the question of the decade.
Running through the scenarios:
-She's working "night-time" hours, typically from 5- whenever.
-She would have disposable income, and lots of it.
-She would probably spend most of said income on herself-clothes/car/cell phone.
This is a girl that primarily shops for her wardrobe at Target and uses coupons at the
grocery store.
-Her cell phone bill would be fairly expensive and may even be likely that she had a
"work" phone that may or may not be traceable.
Party girl:
-Same hours.
-Not much disposable income.
-She would need to borrow, steal or scam those extra pennies.
-There would be witnesses to her partying. Surely someone could come forward to attest to her party lifestyle, especially anyone who saw her on a regular basis at the clubs.

Sure it's not as simple as that, but neither of these ideas really fit. Drugs?

Good points to help rule out the escort theory. :thumb:
You all need to go to the Patrick McKenna thread. There is a radio interview posted by radio in which W. Murphy proposes a theory that KC could have been involved in child *advertiser censored*, using Caylee = income.
At one point Casey was spending a lot of time with JG and his family until she and JG broke off their engagement.

I think Casey's pretend job at Universal as an event planner sometimes involved events that were held in the evening providing her with a "cover story" as to why she would need a babysitter after 5-6 pm.

Also, if IIRC, GA claimed Casey told him she was planning on working late June 16th and as such would be spending the night with Caylee at Zanny's. I think these alleged sleepovers at the babysitter's happened several times primarily as a cover for Casey wanting to be with her BF or go to a party and not being able to rely on CA to babysit "the kid".


And once again if GA did say that Casey told him they were spending the night with Zanny, then why would she be going to pick Caylee up? She would be going to spend the night too right? Even if she tried to turn it around to say oh well just Caylee was spending the night, then again, why would she go to pick her up?
There are many places that provide an outlet for stay at home moms, the library, the local restaurants with indoor play gyms, Also, I wonder if Casey took advantage of the YMCA at J Blanchard Park. I know some of her older group of friends have connections with it, I wonder if she ever took Caylee to the gym, put her in the daycare room and left the premises? Does anyone know if Curves in Orlando has a daycare room? One of Casey's friend's myspace buddies is from NJ, says she used to work at Curves, and currently works at Target? She could have been taking advantage of friends all over town.
KC had no bills, no rent, no car payments, no childcare expenses, no student loans, etc. CA payed for it all!

Yet she: wore Target and American Eagle (the poor man's Abercrombie) clothes, drove a worthless car, ate at crappy fast food places, and, until hooking up with TL, partied at house parties.

If she had some sort of paying gig (fence, dancer, etc.) then all i can say is, show me the money!
KC had no bills, no rent, no car payments, no childcare expenses, no student loans, etc. CA payed for it all!

Yet she: wore Target and American Eagle (the poor man's Abercrombie) clothes, drove a worthless car, ate at crappy fast food places, and, until hooking up with TL, partied at house parties.

If she had some sort of paying gig (fence, dancer, etc.) then all i can say is, show me the money!

LOL! Exactly! If she was an escort, she sure was a crappy one.
Yet she: wore Target and American Eagle (the poor man's Abercrombie) clothes, drove a worthless car, ate at crappy fast food places, and, until hooking up with TL, partied at house parties.

Snipped: I've always wondered why she didn't want a job - any kind of job. I know when my girls were her age and single, having a job was an important part of the social scene, besides the fact they liked the money for clothes and cars, and wanted careers, too. If she was so sick of tagging Caylee around, why not get a job and use day care? I know she had a free ride from her parents, but surely it took a lot of effort to cover up all the lies and figure out where she was going to steal from next. I would have thought a job would have been easier in the long run. This young woman is really off the wall in so many ways. Is this normal behaviour for a sociopath?
This is the question of the decade.
Running through the scenarios:
-She's working "night-time" hours, typically from 5- whenever.
-She would have disposable income, and lots of it.
-She would probably spend most of said income on herself-clothes/car/cell phone.
This is a girl that primarily shops for her wardrobe at Target and uses coupons at the
grocery store.
-Her cell phone bill would be fairly expensive and may even be likely that she had a
"work" phone that may or may not be traceable.
Party girl:
-Same hours.
-Not much disposable income.
-She would need to borrow, steal or scam those extra pennies.
-There would be witnesses to her partying. Surely someone could come forward to attest to her party lifestyle, especially anyone who saw her on a regular basis at the clubs.

Sure it's not as simple as that, but neither of these ideas really fit. Drugs?

Nobody really goes out every night. On weeknights its boring to go out to clubs anyway. The average 20 year old (imo, like me?) goes out twice a month or so to dance/drink/party. Imo she just interneted/watched TV until her friends were up for something.
KC had no bills, no rent, no car payments, no childcare expenses, no student loans, etc. CA payed for it all!

Yet she: wore Target and American Eagle (the poor man's Abercrombie) clothes, drove a worthless car, ate at crappy fast food places, and, until hooking up with TL, partied at house parties.

If she had some sort of paying gig (fence, dancer, etc.) then all i can say is, show me the money!

Seriously. She had to steal money from Amy to even shop at Target.
My theory is:
Slacker Girl
- Various hours according to friends' availability, but usually evenings when they were finished with work and school.
- little disposable income but a need to have fake expenses (i.e. pricey nanny) to explain lack of cash
- Needs to be good at mooching stuff from friends, for example bringing groceries pilfered from home when it was "her turn" to cook, eating friends' food otherwise.
- There would be evidence showing she was usually at home on the computer or on the phone during "work hours"
- There would be evidence showing she brought her child with her to friends' houses to hang out

I don't think she started "partying" regularly until June. Definitely there were some prior to June, but from the photos these are isolated events and not nefarious, IMO. I think the evidence points to these two options, probably both used:
1. She left her parents' house to "go to work" and said she was dropping Caylee off with the nanny, but instead brought her along to hang out with friends at their place until Caylee's bedtime, then headed home.
2. Dropped Caylee off with CA and then go hang out with friends. I think this would be usually when friends wanted to go out somewhere that Caylee could not come along - a bar or maybe just a late movie.

This seems most logical to me.

:aktion033:I think this is exactly what Casey did...bravo!
Snipped: I've always wondered why she didn't want a job - any kind of job. I know when my girls were her age and single, having a job was an important part of the social scene, besides the fact they liked the money for clothes and cars, and wanted careers, too. If she was so sick of tagging Caylee around, why not get a job and use day care? I know she had a free ride from her parents, but surely it took a lot of effort to cover up all the lies and figure out where she was going to steal from next. I would have thought a job would have been easier in the long run. This young woman is really off the wall in so many ways. Is this normal behaviour for a sociopath?

I was wondering the same thing...why KC didn't want to work. And the thought occurred to me that possibly her parents avoided confronting the lack-of-work situation because deep down they felt more comfortable having Caylee spend her days with KC than in a daycare.
I've always wondered why she didn't want a job - any kind of job.

I can tell you that it is expensive to get quality childcare... Let's say minimum wage is $6.55 (I think that's right). And let's say she somehow managed to get a job with 40 hours a week, although in my experience that can be tough because at 40 hours they generally offer you benefits (vacation, sick days, etc) and many places try to keep you under 40 if they can. But let's say she got 40 hours... that puts her at $262.00 a week. Then taxes, Social Security, etc. takes a minimum of 20%, leaving her $209. Then she has gas money, no way to estimate that since we have no idea where she might work but let's say it and her daycare was close by, so $15 a week. So she's down to $184. I googled Orlando Child Care costs and found a few sites that list their prices... for a real daycare center (not a nanny, real or imaginary) they seem to run about $100 to $150 a week, the high end for infants and less for toddlers. So let's say when Caylee was needing childcare after her friends gave up helping, she got her into a program for $100 a week. We also have to assume that she found a job with somewhat "regular" hours because most daycares are not open evenings and nights. Anyway, that would leave her $84 for her forty-eight hours a week (including commutes and lunch breaks), $1.75 an hour, and that's not even counting if she was paying health insurance out of that check too. Plus has to deal with the kid when she gets home (G&C weren't all that keen to watch Caylee when KC was out having fun, we've seen that). So she clears next to nothing, has no time to go out alone with her friends, not to mention she actually has to WORK instead of texting her friends and hanging out at the mall. OR, she could have an imaginary job, spend time with her friends, relax, have fun, mooch from others and wax on about how expensive her nanny is so people think she is super cool.

I think she probably decided getting a job would be "a waste, a HUGE waste." :D
I can tell you that it is expensive to get quality childcare... Let's say minimum wage is $6.55 (I think that's right). And let's say she somehow managed to get a job with 40 hours a week, although in my experience that can be tough because at 40 hours they generally offer you benefits (vacation, sick days, etc) and many places try to keep you under 40 if they can. But let's say she got 40 hours... that puts her at $262.00 a week. Then taxes, Social Security, etc. takes a minimum of 20%, leaving her $209. Then she has gas money, no way to estimate that since we have no idea where she might work but let's say it and her daycare was close by, so $15 a week. So she's down to $184. I googled Orlando Child Care costs and found a few sites that list their prices... for a real daycare center (not a nanny, real or imaginary) they seem to run about $100 to $150 a week, the high end for infants and less for toddlers. So let's say when Caylee was needing childcare after her friends gave up helping, she got her into a program for $100 a week. We also have to assume that she found a job with somewhat "regular" hours because most daycares are not open evenings and nights. Anyway, that would leave her $84 for her forty-eight hours a week (including commutes and lunch breaks), $1.75 an hour, and that's not even counting if she was paying health insurance out of that check too. Plus has to deal with the kid when she gets home (G&C weren't all that keen to watch Caylee when KC was out having fun, we've seen that). So she clears next to nothing, has no time to go out alone with her friends, not to mention she actually has to WORK instead of texting her friends and hanging out at the mall. OR, she could have an imaginary job, spend time with her friends, relax, have fun, mooch from others and wax on about how expensive her nanny is so people think she is super cool.

I think she probably decided getting a job would be "a waste, a HUGE waste." :D

Just a thought: Minimum wage in Fl was 6.79 and on Jan 1 went to 7.21 per hour, as a single parent, she would qualify for earned income credit which she could opt to have put in her check weekly instead of waiting for her tax return. If she were to choose to get EIC in her tax return, she would get about 5000 extra in her return (Stepson's mom makes 4.21 per hour plus tips, her tax return last year was just at 7000.00)

There a several good daycares that accept "state assistance" for payment (point in fact, my stepson's mom paid 2.50 per week at the same daycare that I paid 95.00 per week)

If she chose to live away from home, there is (I don't know what it's called anywhere else) section 8 available to help pay rent (stepson's mom pays a whopping 90.00 per month on a 900 a month condo and has her electric paid through another program + food stamps for food).

If she was getting child support (stepson's mom gets 100 per week from DH), it does not count as income to qualify for this help, then that would add to a very doable budget.

Now if her parents continued to let her use the car and pay the insurance on it, there is no reason for her not to be self-supporting.

I was wondering the same thing...why KC didn't want to work.

See that's the thing, she did want to "work". She had an elaborate and detailed work life, complete with bosses, co-workers, special events, vacation (remember she was actually telling people she had 'vacation' she needed to use?), double shifts, etc. This was much more than just a cover story, she clearly enjoyed fantasizing about being this person, and, ultimately, pretending to be this person.

Why get a real job (one that would, no doubt, be bottom of the barrel considering her experience/education) when she could act out her fantasy career? She even had a fantasy 'event planning certificate' from Valencia Community College to go along with her fantasy job!
I agree, KC wanted a career not just a job. She was using her imaginary income to attend imaginary classes. That's why she never had leftover $$$ for incidentals. Her imaginary life was successful and costly. I know CA and GA supported her financially, but I still think she got some spending $$ from somewhere else prior to her stealing spree....
I think there will be witnesses that have information on her 'employment' and I don't think we'll be surprised to learn she was working as an escort or was involved in some *advertiser censored* deal. I just hope Caylee never was involved but this has always been in the back of my head.

If KC had any "employment" while living a home, why was she down to stealing from Caylee's piggy bank ??

After 6-15 KC now stealing from Amy & ice pops from home.......she now has no Caylee, Tony goes to school....why not continue with her "employment"??

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