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Does she understand that the only men that still like her are freaks? She never attracted any normal man.

Travis was the first real "quality" person in her life and he figured her out so fast (a few months and it was OVER) and her world shattered, another relationship down the toilet because she can't hide her Dysfunctional Bizarre Self!

So she sits knowing the world is cheering her conviction, YES Jodi, quality men around the world don't find you sexy, don't find you pretty, don't find you attractive, don't find you smart, they think you are a Killer, a liar and they are HAPPY you are locked up.

3 men somewhere on earth are totally in love with you, we photographed one, he'll be proposing marriage via your twitter account so look out for it. Congrats on the nuptials.



i read awhile back she made a grand total of $1700 working for PPL. not quite the big success she envisioned when she was telling ol' darryl how successful she was going to be.
you would think if she had ANY snap at all, she could have sold that crap to MEN----lots of men would buy her BS for long enough to do that, i would think. i knew a very attractive woman who sold oilfield pipe, didn't know anything about it but those guys bought from her like crazy and she made a lot of money.

so this confirms she was a PARASITE---expecting to take advantage of OTHER people's success, and too damn lazy to get off her a$$ and WORK. she never really wanted to work for PPL---she just wanted to glom onto a man who did.
About that "not refreshing" thing. I'm now sitting at the last comment. How do I see new comments? There are no pages to go forward on. The only answer I see is to log out and log back on. How does that help? Just asking.

if you go back 1 page and then forward again, you will see new posts but it wont refresh all the graphics so it impacts the site less (this is what i've been doing lately)...
yes my hair stood straight up when she said he lived a life of hypocrisy but he didn't want to. she is really nuts. i just say when crap comes out of her mouth, consider the source. her emotions are twisted and it affects her brain. she is not insane but she definitely is not normal.

Every time I put cake or carbs in my mouth I am a hypocrite. Hypocrisy happens, I embrace it!
I really gotta tell you, I am loving Arpaio this morning.. I think it is the first time someone shoved her words back at her and held her accountable for them. He nailed this. She is in a psych ward and was refused visitors including her mother. This is not what she thought would happen. She thought she could say whatever she wanted and run the show but she is not her own anymore.. She belongs to Arpaio now.. And he is showing her that her nonsense will not fly. I don't believe she is suicidal at all. I believe she is Homicidal through and through. She is fine with hurting others but would never be hurt herself..

Good for you Arpaio!!

Brilliant!!! right on!!!!
yes my hair stood straight up when she said he lived a life of hypocrisy but he didn't want to. she is really nuts. i just say when crap comes out of her mouth, consider the source. her emotions are twisted and it affects her brain. she is not insane but she definitely is not normal.

She doesn't feel any remorse because she thinks he deserved it. She thinks we're all crazy, that we are the ones who can't see the truth. I believe that for 5 years she has been telling herself over and over again these lies that she told the jury, and so now she actually believes it. Notice she used the phrases and "evidence" presented in trial...well, donchaknow didn't ya hear his own words in that sex tape, Troy?? Didn't you read his e-mails and texts, Troy?? Didn't you see what a horrible hypocrital he was, Troy?? It was like she was speaking as if she was the lawyer for a defendant, the defendant being someone else. She used the evidence presented in court, not some real-life event like most of us would do.

I am sure she is fuming mad that Troy said on air he thinks she is "mentally ill." LOL. Sure she won't be giving him any more interviews after that snub. Mental condition? What mental condition? Who, me??

I also think her mom needs to be happy she's locked up, b/c IMO the first person she would kill next is her mom. She tries to hide her rage from other people, but her mom has already seen it, she can let loose with her. I believe STRONGLY, that if she were EVER to get out, she and her mom would get into one of their arguments, and now that Jodi has killed before, it would be no big deal for her to reach over, grab a knife from that kitchen butcherblock, and stab her own mother to death just like she did Travis. Her mom needs to be thanking these jurors for protecting her other family members.
yes my hair stood straight up when she said he lived a life of hypocrisy but he didn't want to. she is really nuts. i just say when crap comes out of her mouth, consider the source. her emotions are twisted and it affects her brain. she is not insane but she definitely is not normal.

Jodi Arias is like a fox or skunk that one sees in the daytime, not acting right...foaming at the mouth. It can not be rehabilitated. You better keep your distance, so you don't get bitten. Seek the proper authorities.
Apologies to rabid foxes and skunks.
I really gotta tell you, I am loving Arpaio this morning.. I think it is the first time someone shoved her words back at her and held her accountable for them. He nailed this. She is in a psych ward and was refused visitors including her mother. This is not what she thought would happen. She thought she could say whatever she wanted and run the show but she is not her own anymore.. She belongs to Arpaio now.. And he is showing her that her nonsense will not fly. I don't believe she is suicidal at all. I believe she is Homicidal through and through. She is fine with hurting others but would never be hurt herself..

Good for you Arpaio!!

I have to respectfully disagree. She testified in court that she refrained from mentioning her previous desire to commit suicide because she knew what that would lead to....less than stellar accommodations compared to her usual cell, etc. She didn't slip up or make a mistake. She clearly made the comments in the post verdict interview that she wants to die as soon as possible. It was her automatic ticket to suicide watch. For some reason, in her grand plan, that is what she wants right now. She is not suicidal. She simply said the words that by her own admission she knew totally would get her the suicide watch. She has a plan Don't think for a minute that she isn't exactly where she planned to be with that interview. We all keep trying to put her square pegged head into a round hole. If we are relatively normal, it can't be done. We will never be able to understand her or her wacky way of thinking. It doesn't stop me from trying though!:floorlaugh:
In the post verdict interview, Jodi was blaming the jail for not practicing her religion. It was because the jail did not have Mormon services. I mean, did the Jews in Auschwitz cease being Jews because the Nazis didn't provide services?

Jodi, get over yourself! You butchered a defenseless man in cold blood. Obviously the 'fog' has lifted, because you said the jury got it wrong.
Remember the Arias interrogation where she protested that she would have no reason to kill Travis and began rolling out all the good things he had done for her? But for self-vindication, she now says he was not as he seemed and what was hidden was all bad. She has fabricated the same tale of abuse from her parents, who are genuinely aghast at her false memories of them and the way they raised her. But she can sure act it out, can't she, all aquiver & tearful at the wooden spoon. Yes, the martyr also blames the abusive public for disliking her. It is due to our love of persecution, don't you know? Nothing to do with the monstrous murder she committed. That never crossed her mind.

She asserts there was also abuse that fatal day and advises other victims to document abuse. Well yes, there was violent abuse and--is she forgetting--it was documented. She did not forget to take a camera to her pre-planned event.

That interview was unbelievable. She will continue to spout that same story for the rest of her life. I foresee many jailhouse interviews with her in the future. She cannot stay silent.

On an astrological note - I think it's particularly interesting that her Chiron took a direct hit from the eclipse, as well as the numerous other planets sitting in Taurus right now. A pile up.
JA will probably be one of those inmates who files a lawsuit for mistreatment or something like that.
I bet this is when/why Jodi went off yesterday, if in fact the rumor turns out to be true that she did. Beth K. is saying that she was told that Jodi would have to now go to court in her black & whites since she is NOW a convicted felon - UNLESS and until her attorney's actually file with the court to allow her to change into civilian clothes. According to Beth K., that didn't appear to have happened because the officers were ready to bring Jodi into court in her black & whites...

I am dying laughing here!!! Jodi your clothes look worse than your uniform. I would die from embarassment if I had to put on such ill fitting garbage everyday.
THANK YOU!! I tried to watch, but when I saw the guy, who interviewed her, talk about visiting her and forming some sort of "bond" and keeping a secret or whatever with her, I honestly felt sickened. That feeling seldom hits me like it did.

Maybe it's just me, but there was something sooo creepy about the reporter and how he was talking about her and their "secret" and visiting. Almost like he was in awe of her, or, dare I say, have some sort of feelings for her.

It could be he wants to have "follow up" interviews throughout her incarceration, just to keep her up in Travis' family and all of our faces. Maybe Death Row confessions....

add in his tone....soft, sweet, comforting........the dude was hypnotized.
I posted on another thread, but he was interviewed by either Meghan Kelly or Shep Smith (cant remember now) on Fox and he admitted that he felt sorry for her.

she found a friend and fan in him. it was truly sick to listen to.
I really gotta tell you, I am loving Arpaio this morning.. I think it is the first time someone shoved her words back at her and held her accountable for them. He nailed this. She is in a psych ward and was refused visitors including her mother. This is not what she thought would happen. She thought she could say whatever she wanted and run the show but she is not her own anymore.. She belongs to Arpaio now.. And he is showing her that her nonsense will not fly. I don't believe she is suicidal at all. I believe she is Homicidal through and through. She is fine with hurting others but would never be hurt herself..

Good for you Arpaio!!

I agree with you TOTALLY. It's Sheriff's way of saying "eff you Jodi"....she now has no contact with the media, no tweeting through her BFF, her family, etc. until she goes back to court next week. I think it was a grand slam play. I also think her attorneys probably are breathing a sigh of relief that they don't have to worry about this ijit appearing on more TV shows over the weekend. I have a feeling they want to get this over as much as everybody else.
In the post verdict interview, Jodi was blaming the jail for not practicing her religion. It was because the jail did not have Mormon services. I mean, did the Jews in Auschwitz cease being Jews because the Nazis didn't provide services?

Jodi, get over yourself! You butchered a defenseless man in cold blood. Obviously the 'fog' has lifted, because you said the jury got it wrong.

Oh how weird, especially because she is not Mormon lol. Ok i'm serious, she is a killer that velcroed herself to him and everything he did, including his religion and job and foods he liked and movies and music and and and...

She should know that no matter where you are, you can practice your religion, even if the frozen food aisle of the grocery store, nobody stops you, religion is a part of you and it goes where you go...
She is so satisfied with herself in the Fox Interview. Saying I didn't want to do this, you all made me go there and reveal what Travis was really like.

Yes, you did go there and we think he's a great guy. Jodi (aka fake Mormon) seems to think the billions of people watching her trial are all Mormon and apparently non-human and rigid.

Ok, well news flash kid, Billions of us are not Mormon and even the ones that are, are forgiving if they felt he strayed.

How many Catholics out there watching that have pre-marital sex, take birth control, write racy e-mails (my hands up!!) Go to confession to get back on track? (um? was I supposed to do that, crap, too late now, 30 years of sins will simply take up way too much of the Churches' valuable time ;)

So, all she did was make a failed attempt to muddy his life and memory and lo and behold it did not work.

We think more of him now than had she not revealed all of that. It's our human nature to come to the rescue of someone being attacked (literally and figuratively) And she did that.

He walks away unscthathed, with a terrific memory, a sad story of a life cut short for no reason.

And the killer in Jail...

I'm heterosexual...but you're my girl crush! I.LOVE.THIS.POST. !!!!:blowkiss:
NG has that interview with the inmates at the jail where Arias is, it is not the interview one NG usually does. I think she gave these women a chance to talk about their families and such. Might be a part of why Jodi has it out for NG.
NG is mucking with Jodi's lies down at the prison and now with verdict in Murder 1, I wonder if some of the inmates are starting to see through some of Jodi's BS?

Plus, NG focused on the other prisoners, not all about Jodi...Jodi doesn't like that.

Adding, Jodi might be having problems at that jail now.
JA will probably be one of those inmates who files a lawsuit for mistreatment or something like that.

Is there a deputy strong enough to finally put their foot down with this psycho?

Turn off the Jail cameras, walk up to her cell when she keeps beeping the light for room service approach with your hands on your hips, one on your gun and just say to her "YOU are allowed to speak in 2064 and not a minute before that, you understand me? And if you answer that, you'll be sorry"
Is there anywhere I can watch the entire 45 minute fox interview? I have only seen a "few" snipits here and there. Thanks in advance ~
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