Aggravation phase #1

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whats with the weird text at the side?

It's a page layout, the article hadn't been written yet. The text jumble is for formatting

Back in the olden days, when newspapers were on real paper, the length of an article was described in column inches. That's why you see the notes about inches inthe text, letting the reporter know how many inches he needed to fill before the jump. (most people will not read the continuation, so the good stuff needs to be on page 1)
Hi friends, I was at the doctor's office yesterday during the verdict and did not get to be here with you. I have to tell you a little funny. I was reading this morning the play by play, here as you all were waiting , and waiting and nervous during the seemingly forever time it took from when they announced we have a verdict, until it was later announced in trial. Some of you were just downright hysterical. I laughed and laughed this morning. I needed that after following this dark, dark trial. It rather reminded me of the I Love Lucy episode, when Lucy is about to have the baby, and Ricky, Fred and Ethel are having the very nervous countdown....practicing what to do when "It's time" is announced, and once it finally arrives, they get so incredibly nervous, they leave without Lucy. Love, love , love all of your post and how much you care about this family. It really is as if it were a member of our own family, or our own dear friend...that is how invested we all are. In that way, Travis lives on, he has touched our hearts. Forever. Hugs!!! I am so happy the jury got it right!!
These might have already been brought up somewhere on here (too much to catch up on!), so sorry if I'm repeating....

Based on the clips of her interview that's been shown so far, as well as the reporter's comments about what was said, JA has now been caught in 2 more lies (at least):

1) She claimed JM "hid" evidence, and the reporter stated that part of that was photos of her bruises that were on her hard drive that he didn't let in. Soooooo, why did she testify on the stand that NO photos were EVER taken of her bruises? How did photos get on her hard drive if no photos were taken?

2) When asked how she felt about her mom, JA said "she's a saint, and I've treated her so badly". Huh? Didn't she tell the jury and all the shrinks that her mother was abusive to her? :facepalm:

Wonder if she heard the rumor that her mom doesn't want to testify on her behalf? :floorlaugh:
There is something so raw about a murder committed the way in which JA chose. The cruelty, brutality, and mutilation of another human being is almost beyond what the mind can process, which imo, makes her one of the most revolting, disgusting, murderers that we have ever seen.:stormingmad: There are not enough adjectives to describe the heinous person that she is. imo
Wow - I'm not sure I buy it, but if Grandma really did give the finger I have to say that is some rough family. I can state that I am 99.9% sure my mother has never flipped anyone off in her entire life!

Yes Grandma did and it was caught on camera. Certainly is some rough, dysfunctional family. All the inappropriate behaviour in court showed that. Of course if it was your family member that had done wrong you still would support them. I don't mean condone what they have done by any means but if you were their family you could be there to support them with dignity and have some respect towards the victims family. They have done none of that and have just added to the disgust most people feel for JA.
In the courtroom she's allowed to wear normal clothes and not be seen shackled as that is protocol. Probably in the holding cell too. Back at her regular jail she'd be placed into the special cell and have to wear the special bib/gown.
Very O/T but I just noticed that BEACH is at Jordan-Hare Stadium. I am an Auburn gradute so I am glad to see another Auburn person.

back to the aggravation phase - and yes I am agggravated at the cost and time of this trial but extremely happy with the verdict.
Jodi should be scared out of her pants to be put do death. I would not want to see where she is going on the other side for the heinous crime that she committed.
Thanks for sharing. This is awesome!

Wondering why in the world they wouldn't just stand next to each other, he came up with some theories. "It's like Ashleigh Banfield has a restraining order against Nancy Grace," he guessed. Watching footage of Grace struggling to hear Banfield through her earpiece, he added, "Here's an idea if you're having trouble hearing. Take your finger out of your f---ing ear, because she's right there!"

Stewart also used the Juanism "Who does that?"
Nope. Dr. DeMarte was too young and not my type. :floorlaugh:

Judge S., on the other hand, is dreeeammmmy.

You'll have to get used to her being late for all your dates. :floorlaugh:
Good she is on suicide watch and or protocol? This is GOOD news; because in that one intv she mentioned that it wasn't an option for her (ie being in jail for 5 yrs on lockdwn in suicide watch) and now all that has changed. I don't believe her; she is a mega trickster, why does she pretend to care one iota in the courtrm if she WANTS the DP? She is full of it. I have hoped for the DP in this case. Her statements don't change my mind, she doesn't deserve to breathe the air we breathe each day. Kudo's again to Juan Martinez, our HERO in this case, Travi's Hero. Thank you Juan and Team for all you've done for this family. It was amazing to watch and I know we are not done yet.
Saving my seat. We're not through yet WS. Keep praying ,Jodi needs to step off planet earth... no long delays..get er done.
If she does choose to speak on her behalf, I see her taking the opportunity to continue to trash as many as she can. She will NEVER take responsibility

I hope that she is not allowed to do that. Seriously. I am sure we all feel this way. In that interview last night she was able to go on and on again, recapping her lies about Travis. The judge should cut her short if she starts up with that horrid BS again. Anyone know if she is allowed to say whatever she wants? That would be excruciating. The patience of Travis's family is so astounding. I need to learn from them.
I didn't even see his reaction but I saw him very quickly leave the courtroom right after the jury left and they briefly went up to the Judge. He mouthed something about "heading to my office" to the family then swiftly slipped out the door.

I later heard he , along with Flores, were the first ones out and went straight to the elevator.

I heard a LONG and AMAZING story from 4 regular court watchers (Katie Wick and Stacy Fairrington as two of them) about how they got kicked off the 5th floor (NO public seats were allowed in there) and they didn't go in the elevator but in the stairwell and how every single door was locked all the way to the bottom and they were losing wifi to see the verdict. They could have gotten out the very last door but didn't want to walk out in to the crowd so ran all the way back up to the 5th floor, banged on the door and the regular security guard let them back in so they could grab a wifi. He ushered them to the elevators and lo and behold there was Martinez and Flores who invited them in to the elevator with them so they rode up, then down with them all silent. But quietly crying. They said Martinez held each of their hands with both his hands thanking them for being there as he left the elevator with slight tears in his eyes.

They felt like this was the reason they got "lost" running around trying to find a place to watch the verdict on wifi...just to have that moment.

Amazing. I was captivated during the entire story.

I will add, as I said on Tricia's radio show yesterday that any reporters (as in one named Michael Kiefer) who have inaccurately reported how Martinez has sought the cameras during this trial can "kiss my a$$". There were hundreds of media there yesterday in the courtroom and mostly out front and he quietly escaped all of it and went back to his office.

Amazing story! Also, so glad Michael Kiefer is out of town!
And I thought the MyFoxPhoenix reporter said that JA's twitter account was taken down now that she's been convicted because of Son of Sam laws on a convicted felon not profiting.

So why are the art sales and T-shirt presales still up?


I personally don't care what happens to her, as long as she never sees the light of day. I respectfully disagree with your assertion that only people in Arizona will pay attention to her after the first appeal. The media coverage and public outrage/fascination/contempt with this case/defendant tells me that we'll be hearing about Jodi Arias for many years to come. HLN and others will report on every move/appeal she makes. If she is allowed to give an interview, she will. Jodi will not go away quietly, death sentence or not.

I care, I want her sent to death row however; I don't care if they ever execute her. I just want her isolated away from everyone, in a position where she has no one but herself to deal with every single day for the rest of her life. I don't care what she does everyday, only that she does it completely alone.
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