Aggravation phase #1

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JA isn't nearly insane legally. Those kinds of distinctions have been thought about and legislated for eons in the US, so I'm not worried at all about that. Tons of murderers have personality disorders, as you might imagine! It's a personality problem, not a mental disease, if that makes sense. Or, more importantly, there is nothing that stops the person from being able to see reality in a personality disorder. Legal insanity only involves diseases that involve hallucinations, etc, that would make a reasonable person mistake them for reality. We had a mass shooter here where I live who believed the people he shot were demons, for instance. Schizophrenia. JA wasn't confused about shooting any demons, clearly!

I want to say a bit about the death penalty and JA. I don't agree with the death penalty in a lot of cases where people do (for spiritual reasons), but I know that I'm not really qualified to have much of an opinion. I go with what the families and friends think is best. It's not my place to decide, imho. So please don't be hurt if you hear me say that I don't support the death penalty in a lot of situations. I'm glad my opinion holds no weight, because I'm so far removed from it being a personal matter at all to me, thank God.

The kind of prisons I'd have for LWOP would raise a few eyebrows, though :) They'd be thinking of nothing more than their crimes and their soul (and spiritual questions), period. Vow of silence and the whole shebang. If it's good enough for many monks, it's good enough for a murderer, imho.
I feel like JA has created a truly alternate reality in her head where she thinks that the lies she's spewed for years are actually true. I can't think of any other way, as a reasonable human being, that I can believe someone could be that cold, vicious and still lying and blaming the victim.

I know some people truly are innocent and will say for years that they are and this is not what happened and I feel for them, but that's simply not the case here. So I would think this would be the time you at least show slight remorse but she's built her lies up so much that she really thinks she is the ultimate victim in every way, of Travis, of Juan Martinez, of the justice system, etc. I can't even imagine what it's like to be in her head and I don't want to.

Think back to Dr. DeMarte's testimony. She explains quite well what is going on with the convict and the continued vilification of TA. Once the convict realized that Travis had completely rejected her, the only way she could view him and still preserve her own fragile self-image was to vilify him. I can't recall the exact word that DeMarte used, but it is along that line.

Explaining it does not make it right nor justify it. It is part of the twisted mind of JA.
You know that twitter guy tweeting bomb threats to the court? Looks like they located him...

12 News - Stacey
#Breaking We r on scene, MCSO located suspect who allegedly tweeted bomb threat at #JodiArias courtrm. 2 detained.

(brought this over from last thread)
Originally Posted by Shelby1
Seriously, guys, anyone on Twitter, we need to report this person. Threatening to bomb the courthouse and threatening Travis' family.

His twitter account is still active. :scared:
jodi could be a spokesmodel for Hard as Nails

Reminds me of Nancy Grace last night ...

" I'm so mad I could chew a nail in half! "

My BF was laughing so hard he nearly fell off the couch.
Hey Guys! I am sorry if this has been addressed, but I have had to focus on my actual "work" today! Does anyone know what was said between Jodi and her lawyers after the verdict was read? When they supposedly got heated? I wonder if Katiecoolady was a witness to it?
I pray they give her death because:
1) If they give her life she will have that smug look on her face because after trying to use reverse psych on everyone and saying she wants to die (I don't believe she does), she'll feel like it worked and think that she won and again is smarter than everyone.
2) It's what the family wants.
3) She deserves it.

Katie...I didn't hear JA say anything about her own lawyers. She criticized JM. I hope he plays clips of it today for the jury to hear. They'll be ready to sentence her to death in about 2 minutes!

in the new one today she did-they didn't submit evidence that she wanted--she also said that "they were the boss"......:floorlaugh:
Just a reminder of that great moment yesterday.


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you guys, I am not a shrink, and i loooooooooooooooove u Dr. Drewskibop...but, I don't think jodi is a borderline anything...she is a full blown psychopath, who knows exactly what she is doing and gets all kinds of dark unknown pleasures from things we can't even phathom.

i knew a boderline...she was completely out of control and on 75 thousand meds...she was harmless really to everyone but herself... she had absolutley no egomania, no narcissism...she had the most beautiful legs and tush you have ever seen...but wore shapewear because she thought she was hideous...she was tall and gorgeous ,she was also hysterically funny...never took advantage of anyone....never would really hurt or con anyone...jesus...she could hardly get it together to grocery shop.

but then she would flip out and act super crazy mean...and unreasonable..

no no...jodi knew exactly what she wanted from day one and rode it like a tiger...



Thank you. One has to be tone-deaf to not know the emotional pain that this case has caused to REAL DV survivors, BPD suffers, adult children survivors of child abuse like Travis that don't abuse or repeat the he couldn't commit, he was working on himself. He was aware of himself. Unlike that lying, stalking, cold blooded murderer Arias.

This psychopath or sociopath continues to con everyone, I am upset that they didn't fully evaluate her. Let's face it, with a DP sentence..and that misfortune of that lady not getting a new rope 80 some years ago...whatever, Jodi isn't getting killed anytime soon. The point being she needs to be on DEATH ROW....away from general population. Let the attention fade away from her, $ stop being fed by her miss-guided supply sources....that's what Jodi fears most and her possible death date looming. That's more justice and dignity than she ever gave Travis.
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