Aggravation phase #1

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whats with the weird text at the side?
Good morning, sweet KCL! This elevator incident with JM and KW etc., this was on the UP before the verdict was read? Or am I misunderstanding?

Either way, what an amazing experience.... just love all of these people.

On their way out after the verdict. They went up first, then down. Just the way the elevator was going on that they jumped on. No one else got in though.
Whatever happens, her 15 minutes are up. No more camera time, no more profiting from being a murderer. That Guilty verdict was such a blessing for everyone. No one is going to care about her interview. Justice is sweet.
Oh yeah, they'll haul in mom, dad, Donovan, whoever they can find.

I just have a feeling that her dad won't testify. He seems like a straight-shooter...he knows his daughter did this, and she needs to pay for what she did. Not saying he wants her to die or anything, but I think he knows he can't just go up there like Jodi does and put on a fake act for the jury.
I am so confused. I've seen posts that say that the average stay on Death Row for a death penalty convicted felon is 12 years.... But I also read and heard that the last execution was in 1930... was the last FEMALE executed or the last PERSON. If it's the last PERSON the math doesn't work....Guess I better get to Googlin'.....

Since Jodi has made it known that she wants the death penalty perhaps she will forgo all the appeal applications.
I'm convinced what JA is doing right now is preparing to make her statement to the jury for the mitigation phase, and I'm equally sure she wants to use that opportunity to vilify Travis one last time.

I don't know what is within the judge's discretion during mitigation statements, but I sure do hope the judge can and will make JA STFU if she tries to abuse Travis, his family and the Court one more time.

If Jodi gets LWP or LWOP rather than DP, then Judge Steven's sentences her, right? That's when you often get to hear what a judge really thought of a defendant, oh it would be so satisfying.

Death penalty is decided by the jury but maybe the judge hands down the actual sentence and she could say something to Jodi then????

I'd love to see the judge rip Jodi for her post-death abuse of Travis.
Yes and apparently it is the first time she has spoken to her since the trial began.

Geez, to have been a fly on that bullet proof divider… or maybe they met in a room, but gosh I'd like to have overheard that!
I think I actually HATE jodi....I mean I need to go pray...because I would love to be in prison with her so I could see her get her butt whupped....

LOL…that might be carrying it a bit far!:floorlaugh:
Did anyone get to see vinnie s exchange with gus searcey. It was run late last night.
And did ya see what happened to the lady they executed in the 1920's?

The executioner didn't do the calculations on the rope length correctly -

When they dropped her from the gallows, she was immediately decapitated and her head rolled out into the spectator section!


Gruesome as that sounds, she probably had a much quicker/less painful death than she'd have had by hanging.
Whatever happens, her 15 minutes are up. No more camera time, no more profiting from being a murderer. That Guilty verdict was such a blessing for everyone. No one is going to care about her interview. Justice is sweet.

Oh, I wish that were true, but I suspect that there will be many more interviews and stories before this is through. There are plenty of media outlets desperate for her because they know they can draw viewers, even if they are only watching to hate her. I can't see the media circus ending too soon.
Yes and apparently it is the first time she has spoken to her since the trial began.

Wow really no way?? But then again they have been passing notes to each other via the mitigation specialist
This probably old news to most of you but did I hear, correctly, that most of JA's 'original' artwork are copies of magazine ads etc.

Yes, I saw the report showing the original ads. She traces them. LOL.
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