"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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Jun 8, 2004
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What is your "aha" moment prediction? Going by Baez' own words, after we hear his explanation, we will understand completely why Casey acted as she did in those "31 days."

Well? What's your prediction, now that we're getting close to trial??? :rocker:

Two guesses I have:

1 - one night stand sex led to Caylee's conception, Cindy wouldn't allow Casey to get rid (abortion, adoption, or by any means) of her grandchild, so she basically "forced" Casey to have her and keep her. The emotional abuse and control of Cindy over Casey led Casey to never "bond" with Caylee as her own daughter. After Caylee died, Casey was in "shock" and emotionally paralyzed. Not sure.

2- Casey was "raped" by Caylee's father (someone other than GA or LA, who supposedly have abused Casey in the past)...and again, CA "made" Casey keep Caylee (or CA didn't find out in time, and it was past time for abortion, etc.)...and hence, Casey emotionally couldn't bond with Caylee, and in fact, was reminded of that horrible rape everytime she looked at Caylee. Yada yada yada.

Not sure of all the details, but I'm thinking it is somehow going to play with how she became pregnant, and how Cindy was controlling the situation and poor Casey had no say or control regarding Caylee.

Realize, I don't BELIEVE my 2 predictions as what is really transpired, but I think those are good "s t o r i e s" Baez might use to try to explain how poooorrrrr Casey was just at a standstill as to what to do to not let CA know she wasn't a good mom.
I just don't think there are going to be any "shock and awe" bomb-dropping moments in the Baez camp. I think his a-ha moment got squashed by evidence a ways back. That was when we were on defense strategy #3 or so, and we're probably up to 15-20 or so by now. :crazy:

I think lately his a-ha moments have been replaced by oh-*advertiser censored* moments...
I just don't think there are going to be any "shock and awe" bomb-dropping moments in the Baez camp. I think his a-ha moment got squashed by evidence a ways back. That was when we were on defense strategy #3 or so, and we're probably up to 15-20 or so by now. :crazy:

I think lately his a-ha moments have been replaced by oh-*advertiser censored* moments...[/QUOTE]


:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I soooo hope you are right...and I sure think you are :crazy:
I like your scenarios DepDog!

But I don't think there will be any a-ha moments....JB has promised them so many times & then we hear nothing......because the DT has nothing, they never did & they never will.
I think JB is still waiting for his fairy godmother to come to him in his dreams to give him the idea for and "aha moment" :waitasec:
If there was a moment that would really make us go ahhhhaaaa, we would have heared 1,000 times by now. Jose is hoping the jury is not quite as brilliant as the no life bloggers. sorry Jose, but this is not rocket science.

I DO however think there will be lots of "I can't believe he said that" moments.
I think the only 'Aha' moment that will be thrown in will be one of the many already predicted scenarios. It will be stale, limp, fizzle and fall flat. No one will buy it.
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.
I like your scenarios DepDog!

But I don't think there will be any a-ha moments....JB has promised them so many times & then we hear nothing......because the DT has nothing, they never did & they never will.

I figured he's just gotta try something outlandish, because the reality isn't looking very good for him...or her, LOL

He's got to come up with something for opening statements, to try to justify the 31 days...what in the world is he going to say? Or are they getting so frushstrated :crazy: that they're just going to rest...
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.

Sounds good to me. I would use it.
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.

No one would believe that because it is too off the wall.
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.

Anyone else waiting with baited breath to see if GA is at the status hearing on Monday?
I figured he's just gotta try something outlandish, because the reality isn't looking very good for him...or her, LOL

He's got to come up with something for opening statements, to try to justify the 31 days...what in the world is he going to say? Or are they getting so frushstrated :crazy: that they're just going to rest...

He's probably going to say something that we've already heard & already don't believe.....like she feared for Caylee's life & the life of her family...she was protecting them. HA, we already know the only person ICA cares about is ICA!
No one would believe that because it is too off the wall.

Not to be argumentative, but isn't everything Casey/[Baez] have said too off the wall to believe? Why stop now?

And in the alternative, maybe there won't be any aha moment. Maybe like with SP there won't be much of a defense at all. But if there is one, I bet it will be outlandish and unbelievable. Winner takes all.
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.

Oh yes, I think you're on the right path here. It is definetly going to involve abuse.

baez never worries about "outrageous" imo.
I did not understand the talk about how we should wait until trial, then it will all be explained. But now I think I get it. They are waiting to see what evidence will be allowed in trial and try to come up with some explanation that fits that evidence. Unfortunately for them, relevant information will not be excluded.

Perhaps they planned an explanation like the police and her mother intimidated her so she came up with the nanny story but just because she lies she is not a murderer (like substance and context of lies would not matter). In fact, she is a victim of bad upbringing which is why she lies.Then try to exclude or confuse the evidence of a dead body in her trunk, connecting the body to Casey/Anthony house, her calm, collected and incriminating lies and happy behaviour. But they have also implied that someone else is responsible for Caylee`s death. How on earth would they be able to "pin this on someone else" since the biggest question is- if the Zanny story is not true, then what is the real story and why is she not telling it if she`s innocent and possibly facing the death penalty? :waitasec: Which is it- that it was an accident or that someone else killed Caylee- I don`t get it. Are they trying to just cast some doubt, any doubt?
I think the only aha moments are going to come from Baez when he figures out what he's trying isn't working. I'm looking forward to it.
Not to be argumentative, but isn't everything Casey/[Baez] have said too off the wall to believe? Why stop now?

And in the alternative, maybe there won't be any aha moment. Maybe like with SP there won't be much of a defense at all. But if there is one, I bet it will be outlandish and unbelievable. Winner takes all.

Isn't it the truth! Its amazing how ICA actually found an attorney whose just as good at fabrication as she is!
AHA----she guilty...that is the only one I can think of
Casey's behavior is not consistent with someone who has beeb raped. Casey's behavior is not consistent with someone who is afraid of her parents. The way she behaved, stealing and lying, is not behavior of someone who is afraid. It's of someone who doesn't care, feels entitled and knows NOTHING is going to happen to her. Cindy and George did not hold their daughter responsible for her actions and still don't. A true rape victim is always afraid of their actions causing something "bad" to happen. Just saying. . .Mr. Baez has nothing.


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