"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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When this trial comes to fruition heads will roll. National security IS AT RISK. I think we better just let Perp Anth go. Now, before the TRUTH comes out and the government crumbles.

Perp Anth is after all, THE BOSS here. The CEO... oh dear, I think George *knows*...
The only "Aha" moment for me would be the announcement of Paternity. I still find it strange that this death happened on that day. I think ICA has a lot of anger toward the father of this child; thus the death on Father's day...IMO.
When was the last statement made about the "aha" moment? I know JB said this but how long ago. Did he also say this during the 48 Hours show? (Sorry, I watched in parts and didn't watch him.)

Casey's "aha" moment better be something about an alien probe and subliminal messages or she's toast!

If I remember correctly he's said it as recently as an interview around the time that the media got ahold of the "bus heading for GA" stuff. So maybe a few weeks ago? If I'm not mistaken he said something along the lines of it all being explained within the first thirty seconds of his opening argument...

I want to say it was on an In-sessions program, but am still looking for a link...

It was the call in interview. Here is part one (about 7:20 mark)
Part two for completeness:
(I also uploaded two segments following the call on the same day of the discussion of the call.)
That would be an OMG moment, to see Casey take the stand. That would shock a lot of people, me included. But I do think it might happen--if they are desperate enough.

The thing is, Baez has said the 'aha' moment was going to come in the first moments of HIS opening statement. I just don't think he has figured out what to say yet.
I think JB foreshadows this in the video I just posted below, his comment about KC..."If there comes a day when she wants to talk about her FEELINGS and what IT'S LIKE....she's gon ...tha... shh...and what its like what what she's going throught..I think that's done by her." (So hard to type his studdering)
Ok, I will play!

Ahahahahah moment 1) Caylee's bio-dad is a politician, a very influential one. She was meeting him and had a relationship with him since she met him and his family at the Kodak photo booth. (the Disney job and other sundry lies was her covering up the infidelity of the politician.)

Perp Anth was tired of lying for HIM and was about to blow the affair sky high and cash in on the media $$$. (ala Rielle Hunter) Perp Anth had the goods to take the WHOLE GOVERNMENT down.

The high ranking politician then told Perp Anth that HE would take Caylee and give Perp Anth squillions and squillions of dollars if she signed a confidentiality document and promised not to sell him (and AMERICA) out. She agreed. Then slowly, Caylee was introduced to her father. That's where she was all those unexplained times when the perp was partying.

Then, the politicians people stopped answering her calls. All sorts of other strange things started to happen, but since Caylee was with her rich father who supplied everything and didnt need to be paid (aka ZANNY) the perp was not toooo concerned.

Then BANG. The car started to smell and the perp got REALLY worried. The *people* told her not to worry, Caylee was just fine, the money would be in her account soon - just leave the car at the Amscott and they would take care of it from there.

But ALAS her secret cell phone *disappeared*. She had NO WAY of contacting Mr Big anymore. But since the car disappeared from the Amscott, well *they* were holding up their end of the bargain so there was no need for panic, right? No need to tell anyone what was going on, Caylee was fine and the MONEY WAS COMING. She could pay back everyone she had borrowed money from (Amy, her grandfather etc etc)and they could all live happily ever after.

But then CA showed up at the door at Tony's... and *they* didnt have the car after all. OH NO! The perp best keep her mouth shut for THE GOOD OF THE AMERICAN WAY! And her family. If the big time politician can kill his own daughter - then the WHOLE ANTHONY FAMILY would be nothing to him!

Ahahahahah moment 2) George did it all and said he would kill CA and Lee if Perp Anth spilled the beans.

Ahahahaha moment 3) Aliens. They did it. And they threatened to take the rest of the A family to their slave planet if the perp spilled the beans. And they told her to party like crazy to throw everyone off the scent.

That's all I got. JB can take his pick next time he's reading here ;)

I like the first one (politician story). I'll just add that's why she wanted the one more day. More believable than GA, JG, TL or any other stories already told and theories hinted at by the defendant and defense. :great:
A_news_junkie said:
It was the call in interview. Here is part one (about 7:20 mark)

He states with such conviction, so much confidence, that will be told in the first minute of his opening statement and it will be put to rest! Doubtful...

I don't believe just because he acknowledges the reason WHY ICA lied that it would be put to rest, forgotten, or accepted by a jury of her peers...We've had almost three years to regurgitate ICA and her family with their mistruths, halftruths, non truths a jury might expect to hear it from the one who sits accused...I don't believe it will go over well enough to get her acquitted...she will be found guilty...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
The only "Aha" moment for me would be the announcement of Paternity. I still find it strange that this death happened on that day. I think ICA has a lot of anger toward the father of this child; thus the death on Father's day...IMO.

Wow, Whisperer. Never linked the 2 until you said it and it could possibly be. Great catch and theory.
This humongous, history-making, 'Aha!' moment that Baez has dangled before us for nearly 3 years now may be nothing more than a ruse to ensure all eyes are on him, and he has our full, undivided attention for his *big debut* before such a huge audience. Once we hear his opening statement, all will bow down at his dazzling brilliance as we realize how mistaken we were all along about Casey's guilt. It's Jose's way of saying "Look at me! Look at me!" I think this is nothing more than bravado and attention-seeking on JB's part. He has been jealous of allowing any other DT attorney to infringe on *his* case, even though he is embarrassingly ill-equipped for this role. How proud and exhilarated he must be as his big, shining moment to take the stage rapidly approaches. And his friend Geraldo will be there in Orlando for his BFF as opening act. :takeabow: :sick:
This humongous, history-making, 'Aha!' moment that Baez has dangled before us for nearly 3 years now may be nothing more than a ruse to ensure all eyes are on him, and he has our full, undivided attention for his *big debut* before such a huge audience. Once we hear his opening statement, all will bow down at his dazzling brilliance as we realize how mistaken we were all along about Casey's guilt. It's Jose's way of saying "Look at me! Look at me!" I think this is nothing more than bravado and attention-seeking on JB's part. He has been jealous of allowing any other DT attorney to infringe on *his* case, even though he is embarrassingly ill-equipped for this role. How proud and exhilarated he must be as his big, shining moment to take the stage rapidly approaches. And his friend Geraldo will be there in Orlando for his BFF as opening act. :takeabow: :sick:

ITA....after watching his little interview on in session last week...my oh my--we will see a performance...I'm sure it will be brought up how pretty she is and whatever else he can get in there...blame game on everyone else but her...She is all that and more...(gag:sick::sick:)--

I am still in shock that he thought that the reason helecopters were circling his office was due to the check charges...no jb---if it was check charges why when she was bailed out of jail did you also have a death penalty atty with you (TL--was was present)---As he also stated that he has to "pinch himself" about being invovled int his case...that is truly SAD--who says these thing??? whatever he comes up with will never be good enough---he wil be to focused on himself and only that...:loser:
How about this scenario: (disclaimer: I do not believe this scenario- I just think it's a good/horrible story Casey could spin)

GA raped Casey, Casey conceived Caylee around the same time. It wasn't GA's child, but the family (or just Casey) couldn't be sure it was not. Casey avoided the reality of the pregnancy, Cindy then forced her to keep the baby (knowingly or unknowlingy? who knows what Casey might claim), Casey never bonded with baby due to sexual abuse and belief the child might be GA's.

I don't think George and Cindy are this selfless. If they claimed this and she got off- I would as the State go after them. Geoge is a child molester??? and Cindy is an accomplice. Casey would have to testify. If she refused I would think that the jury would find that auspicious.
Here's my prediction:

"A-ha, now I understand! I should have asked for a plea deal."
ITA....after watching his little interview on in session last week...my oh my--we will see a performance...I'm sure it will be brought up how pretty she is and whatever else he can get in there...blame game on everyone else but her...She is all that and more...(gag:sick::sick:)--

I am still in shock that he thought that the reason helecopters were circling his office was due to the check charges...no jb---if it was check charges why when she was bailed out of jail did you also have a death penalty atty with you (TL--was was present)---As he also stated that he has to "pinch himself" about being invovled int his case...that is truly SAD--who says these thing??? whatever he comes up with will never be good enough---he wil be to focused on himself and only that...:loser:

BBM Oh I hadn't heard that one. Yup, this is HIS show. No wonder he and Casey are such good buds. Birds of a feather and all.... :cow:
Aha moment? Nah. I think Jose has reached the end of his hallway. He will have to turn to the jury and say...........what?
Casey has an evil twin?
Her mom made her do it?
She was told "no" for the first time in her life and she was traumatized?:tears:

All he can do is stand there and put on that simpleton's grin that he usually does when he is caught without an answer.:crazy:

Caylee's skeletonized remains were found down the street around the corner with items from their house, in a place (perhaps a "neutral place") that Casey was familiar with. It's hard to ignore those facts, not to mention the avalanche of facts to follow. Jose Baez is toast right along with his client.:thud: :thud:
My aha theory:

You will be shown a video of Caylee lovingly sitting on her great grandfather's lap on Father's Day. This is the last known video of Caylee. Caylee was in her grandmother Cindy's care at this time. Casey never saw Caylee on this day and was not the last person to see Caylee alive. There is no evidence that proves Caylee was returned to Casey as the grandparents have indicated. Whatever happened to Caylee happened while she was in the care of her grandmother. Whether this happened on the trip home or after they returned to the home is not known but Caylee is a victim of her grandparent's hands. Everything after that is Casey's attempt to cover for her parents. A bad attempt? Yes. But Casey's involvement comes after the fact. Casey Anthony did not murder her child.

I don't believe it but...
I just don't believe there will be any "aha" moment!

:dunno: For me, the only thing I would consider an "AHA" moment would be watching monkeys flying out of someone's butt. :giggle:
I keep going back to all the jail video visitations with Cindy and George where Casey keeps telling them that she feels "caylee is close to home"
How about this one?:

Osama is Caylee's father. His thugs came to reclaim the child.

Since KC loves her country, she had to pretend nothing was wrong, because she knew Bin Laden would be killed some day. She has just been waiting in jail, being a good American citizen.

Now that he is dead, it is safe to tell her story.:floorlaugh:
Ok - this has been niggling me for a while. He just keeps on saying it and saying it.

According to JB the 31 days and why ICA didn't call 911 will allbe cleared up within the first 3 minutes of his opening statement. I've seen him refer to it as his "AHA" moment - or even a "shock and AHA".

So, HOW, WHO, WHY could this be? WHAT could he possibly say that it would all make sense? With all we know - all we've read - all we've been through..........

I've run a few through my brain for the past couple of days. Some ideas could work - others might for a hot minute and then BOOM either the smell in the car; or the hair; or some other piece of discovery or evidence shoots it down in flames.

I'll post an idea or two of mine - but not first. I want to see what you all might have.

Link to the story can be found at the link above. This is not the first time JB and or CM have made this claim that we will all understand what happened once this trial gets underway.

My thinking is this. If they have such a AHA moment coming up that will "clear everything up" then why are we going on with the trial? Why hasn't this information been shared with the powers that have the power to release ICA.

There is NO AHA moment IMO. Just more smoke and mirrors from JB/CM.

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