Found Deceased AK - Kathleen Henry, 30, video of murder victim found, Anchorage, 9 Oct 2019 *Arrest*

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Warning-- these images shown to the Jurors in the courtroom are disturbing and may trigger viewers. Please don't view if you think it will upset you.

BS his body, him bending over Kathleen's body, Kathleen something around neck, her naked body laying on the carpeted hotel room floor, the body is a luggage bag, the body being brought to truck, and luggage cart.

Defense is question Det. Lee about whether they could tell where Mr. Calhoun was and if he ever was near the hotel or location where remains were found. Det. Lee says no. As far as they can tell, Ian Calhoun didn't respond to BS's 1st texts to him for five hrs.

Judge says stipulations are agreed upon between the parties as to do with the images from the McD's, videos obtained, etc. Now, a 15 minute break. Jurors leave courtroom.

Discussion without Jurors present. Defense telling Judge about their scheduling. Defense wants to find out from Mr. Smith if he is going to testify! BS might really take the stand on behalf of his own defense! Defense doesn't know yet.
Not getting any courtroom feed yet. Did they take a longer break? The images below are from the news article and video taken from yesterday. The images are so much clearer than I can capture from courtroom feed.

The news video does say it is still unsure whether Brian Smith will take the stand to testify at his own trial.

Note-- It's now about 1:15 Alaska time? The Live Coverage goes to this article, so I have to assume that court was recessed for the day?

News Video included
Not getting any courtroom feed yet. Did they take a longer break? The images below are from the news article and video taken from yesterday. The images are so much clearer than I can capture from courtroom feed.

The news video does say it is still unsure whether Brian Smith will take the stand to testify at his own trial.

Note-- It's now about 1:15 Alaska time? The Live Coverage goes to this article, so I have to assume that court was recessed for the day?

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News Video included
The prosecution rested. Judge asked defense if they were ready with their first witness, and they stated they'd be ready tomorrow. He indicted it was a strange time of day (I didn't think that made sense) and that he had to talk to his client regarding if he wanted to testify or not. It seemed to me that if BS wants to testify, he'll be doing it tomorrow. I wonder what other witnesses, if any, they could call. And no explanation yet about Ian Calhoun.
Text messages on the phone revealed texts between Mr. Smith and a Mr. Ian Calhoun. :eek::eek::eek: Didn't catch all the dates, but... The text messages are from the same time that the videos in the hotel were taken.
BS texts him "Are you up? I'm having fun."
Calhoun doesn't reply right away. Then BS says, "I did have fun, wanted to share."
BS texts him, "We need to meet soon. I want to show you something, but I can't keep it long."
Texts go back and forth about getting together soon. BS sends IEH a map location to a park.
Exhibits #312 to 316 are Facebook messages between Brian Smith's FB and Ian Calhoun's FB. Images from newspaper articles about remains being found on hwy.
Detective Lee does question Mr. Calhoun.​
Why would Brian Smith, a murderer of two women of which he took videos and photos of his victims dying or dead be in contact with a Ian Calhoun of Anchorage, Alaska at the time of Kathleen's murder?

The Victims are Kathleen Jo Henry and Veronica Abouchuk. Brian Smith was in possession of videos and images of (1) one being tortured, beaten & strangled to death by him. Being killed. Being Dead. (2) Another victim is seen in images dead on his basement's red couch, shot to death because she smelled and wouldn't shower.

This is all MOO and speculations now.
Evidence already proves Brian Smith murdered these two women and took pictures and videos of them.
Today in the courtroom, we found out BS was wanting to share something with Ian Calhoun around the same time he had killed Kathleen. Why would he be taking all these images of murders? Why would he be so eager to share his likely glee with Ian Calhoun?

MOO, from the texts messages and Facebook messages to Ian Calhoun of Anchorage, Alaska, they seem to share the subject of Brian Smith's "fun" doing these killings.

MOO, BS contacts Ian Calhoun the same time he has been "snuffing out" Kathleen Henry's life. He wants to tell Mr. Calhoun about the fun he had. They later on Facebook both note the remains being found. MOO, I am very curious and concerned if Brian Smith was making snuff videos and sharing them with Ian Calhoun, and possibly others in some kind of perverted ring that shared and perhaps sold snuff images. Ian Calhoun was questioned and investigated, but we didn't hear the outcome of that questioning.
Hopefully, if he is an innocent party in this case, he'll do the right thing, and come forward as a witness to testify in the trial to lock BS away forever.

All MOO, thoughts and speculations.
The prosecution rested. Judge asked defense if they were ready with their first witness, and they stated they'd be ready tomorrow. He indicted it was a strange time of day (I didn't think that made sense) and that he had to talk to his client regarding if he wanted to testify or not.
It seemed to me that if BS wants to testify, he'll be doing it tomorrow. I wonder what other witnesses, if any, they could call. And no explanation yet about Ian Calhoun.

Thank You, @MeadowMuffin. Yes, there's a lot going on in the WS threads lately. I've been holed up at home for days trying to stay out of the storms and rains going on throughout my state. I was planning to get out tomorrow, but now have decided to stay home one more day in hopes BS will take the stand.

I hope BS does decide to testify on his own behalf. MOO, he's going down. LWOP would be great. In any event, this trial has been worth watching for me. They have plenty of evidence, thanks to BS.

As you can tell from my post above about Ian Calhoun, I am definitely needing further details on his involvement in BS's life and what interests they shared. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Justice for Kathleen Jo Henry and Veronica Abouchuk.
Curious Me, you're doing an awesome job at reporting this.
I wonder if Ian Calhoun will be called to testify? Could he be an accessory after the fact, or just know of BS's activities?
And was BS's wife truly that clueless to believe him when he said he didn't sleep with "those two?" Video says otherwise regarding Ms Henry.
Very disturbing!
And she’s ok with him killing women but not sleeping with them?!?! What world are we living in?
Edited to add: Yes, I’m judging her harshly!
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The prosecution rested. Judge asked defense if they were ready with their first witness, and they stated they'd be ready tomorrow. He indicted it was a strange time of day (I didn't think that made sense) and that he had to talk to his client regarding if he wanted to testify or not. It seemed to me that if BS wants to testify, he'll be doing it tomorrow. I wonder what other witnesses, if any, they could call. And no explanation yet about Ian Calhoun.
Does LE know who Ian Calhoun even is?
Very disturbing!
And she’s ok with him killing women but not sleeping with them?!?! What world are we living in?
So true, @Marysmith. I feel sorry for her having such a harsh truth to accept about the love of her life. He was picking up women near the Safeway to have sex with for years. I'm estimating he was only in Alaska about three years, thanks to wifey getting him immigrated, and he kills Veronica in their home's basement... and keeps the couch!
Does LE know who Ian Calhoun even is?
Sure, they know.
Exhibits #312 to 316 are Facebook messages between Brian Smith's FB and Ian Calhoun's FB. Images from newspaper articles about remains being found on hwy.
Detective Lee does question Mr. Calhoun.
LE knew Ian Calhoun's Facebook, so they knew who he is. They apparently investigated him and questioned him, but we didn't get to hear the details. I wonder if that is something ruled not allowed or admissible. MOO, it seems very pertinent to know what the communication was about between BS & Ian Calhoun. ( I'm raving mad with extreme curiosity here, but will honor the no sleuthing non-POI people.

"The prosecutors also revealed the name of a new person in this case, Ian Calhoun. An FBI agent testified Thursday about cell phone tower locations associated with the phones of both Calhoun and Smith, but no other details were revealed about Calhoun or his possible ties to the case." BBM
So true, @Marysmith. I feel sorry for her having such a harsh truth to accept about the love of her life. He was picking up women near the Safeway to have sex with for years. I'm estimating he was only in Alaska about three years, thanks to wifey getting him immigrated, and he kills Veronica in their home's basement... and keeps the couch!

Sure, they know.

LE knew Ian Calhoun's Facebook, so they knew who he is. They apparently investigated him and questioned him, but we didn't get to hear the details. I wonder if that is something ruled not allowed or admissible. MOO, it seems very pertinent to know what the communication was about between BS & Ian Calhoun. ( I'm raving mad with extreme curiosity here, but will honor the no sleuthing non-POI people.

"The prosecutors also revealed the name of a new person in this case, Ian Calhoun. An FBI agent testified Thursday about cell phone tower locations associated with the phones of both Calhoun and Smith, but no other details were revealed about Calhoun or his possible ties to the case." BBM
Ah ok thank you. Sorry I’m not able to follow as closely.
Maybe this is what all the discussion outside of the jury is about?
I can't watch at all tomorrow, we have to drive to the twin cities for an appointment. I want to see him testify!!! So disappointed.
Oh no, tomorrow of all days! MOO, bet Brian Smith will take the stand. He wanted to talk in a hearing video I watched that was pre-trial.

Don't fret, I'll try to keep up with my rough (in my own wording) transcription. I miss some of what's being said while trying to catch the exact camera shot from the court video that I want to capture. The news station will give a good account of him on the stand, for sure.

@MeadowMuffin, you may mean you won't have time to watch, as you might be driving to your appt. Alaska time of 8:30 a.m. is 11:30 a.m. your time?

I just went searching to see if any other sites are streaming this trial... I don't think so anymore, not even that Jay youtuber one. Can you download the app to your phone and watch it that way?

Ah ok thank you. Sorry I’m not able to follow as closely.
Maybe this is what all the discussion outside of the jury is about?
You've been doing fine, @Marysmith. You've followed along and been posting. If I didn't post my observations here, I'd drift off, and not listen as well. I so appreciate and thank people reading my posts.

I do think they had to discuss BS's decision to get up on that stand to testify in his own trial. I can't wait if so. MOO, he may have decided he would, and they had to discuss the stipulations. I can't imagine what he could say to excuse himself of any charges in the jurors eyes. The Jurors must be sitting there quietly horrified and not able to discuss it with anyone yet.

Horrible-- He had "fun", that's what he texted to his buddy about most likely killing Kathleen. Then, he tried to tell detectives in interrogation that a dead body just appeared in his truck and he can't remember anything about killing. What can he possibly say on the stand? Hopefully, Brian Smith will take the stand tomorrow.
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Oh no, tomorrow of all days! MOO, bet Brian Smith will take the stand. He wanted to talk in a hearing video I watched that was pre-trial.

Don't fret, I'll try to keep up with my rough (in my own wording) transcription. I miss some of what's being said while trying to catch the exact camera shot from the court video that I want to capture. The news station will give a good account of him on the stand, for sure.

@MeadowMuffin, you may mean you won't have time to watch, as you might be driving to your appt. Alaska time of 8:30 a.m. is 11:30 a.m. your time?

I just went searching to see if any other sites are streaming this trial... I don't think so anymore, not even that Jay youtuber one. Can you download the app to your phone and watch it that way?

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You've been doing fine, @Marysmith. You've followed along and been posting. If I didn't post my observations here, I'd drift off, and not listen as well. I so appreciate and thank people reading my posts.

I do think they had to discuss BS's decision to get up on that stand to testify in his own trial. I can't wait if so. MOO, he may have decided he would, and they had to discuss the stipulations. I can't imagine what he could say to excuse himself of any charges in the jurors eyes. The Jurors must be sitting there quietly horrified and not able to discuss it with anyone yet.

Horrible-- He had "fun", that's what he texted to his buddy about most likely killing Kathleen. Then, he tried to tell detectives in interrogation that a dead body just appeared in his truck and he can't remember anything about killing. What can he possibly say on the stand? Hopefully, Brian Smith will take the stand tomorrow.
We really appreciate your care and concern for the victims. This is a monstrous case, just awful to think this really happened.
@Curious Me, yes, hubby's every 3 month appt is at 1:25 and it's 90 minutes away. But I watch from the KTUU site, so I can try it on my cell as he's driving. I went to the site this morning, and they talked about Ian Calhoun. I looked at his and his wife's FB, it's all about the band he plays in. He's young, so I can't imagine how he met up with Smith.
Alaska News Source 2/21/24
"The day began with the judge allowing a subpoenaed witness, Ian Calhoun, to avoid testifying.

Calhoun invoked his Fifth Amendment right through his attorney to remain silent and not incriminate himself.

Evidence presented in court revealed that Smith called and texted Calhoun, briefly meeting him at Forsythe Park, between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. on the day that Henry was killed in fall of 2019. That meeting was hours after Henry was killed.

In one text, the detective said that Calhoun texts Smith: “I was not up, sounds like you were having a lot of fun.”

The detective said Smith replied: “I did have fun. Wanted to share.”

During a break in testimony, Bissland told Alaska’s News Source reporters that Calhoun is a drummer in a death metal band, as she explained how the two men knew each other."

Except it wasn't said HOW they knew each other. Freaking sick, IMO.

Edited to add he will NOT testify. Wife wearing a sweater he bought her.
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Thank You for the great update and info, @MeadowMuffin. I got up early hoping BS was going to testify in his trial, but guess not. The Judge is going over stipulations without the Jury present. Just boring discussion now, so I can have my coffee in peace.

Love of bloody death images I noticed on his fb, and the gruesome fascination of a death metal rocker makes me wonder how far the sharing between BS and his buddy went.

Wearing a sweater he bought her.
MOO, what is wrong with this picture? Devoted to a cruel killer of women? As long as he didn't cheat on her? Even the news article has that slant.
Won't say more.


‘Did you sleep with the women you killed?’: Jury hears text messages and jail conversations in Brian Smith murder trial​


Who is the woman in the truck? They say Kathleen was already dead by 9/6/2019.

Smith’s wife, Stephanie Bissland — wearing a plum-colored sweater that she said Smith bought for her — sat frozen in the gallery, hands clutched, and watched.

Smith, on trial for murder, is accused of killing two Alaska Native women; Kathleen Henry, 30, and Veronica Abouchuk, 52.

Family and friends of both women grew increasingly upset as testimony proceeded Wednesday with people leaving the courtroom in tears or openly directing their emotions at Bissland.

During testimony, the judge told the jury to disregard a statement made by Det. Brendan Lee, who told the jury that he heard a jail phone call between Smith and Bissland where she asked Smith if he had sex with the women he killed.

“Not with those two,” Lee said Smith responded.

“She’s only worried about the ones he did sleep with,” a woman in the gallery said, staring at Bissland while she tapped her pen against a small notebook.
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MOO, it's disgusting. Texts between Brian Smith and Ian Calhoun right after they believe Kathleen had been tortured, beaten, & strangled to death. He said he had fun. :mad:

The day began with the judge allowing a subpoenaed witness, Ian Calhoun, to avoid testifying.

Calhoun invoked his Fifth Amendment right through his attorney to remain silent and not incriminate himself.

Evidence presented in court revealed that Smith called and texted Calhoun, briefly meeting him at Forsythe Park, between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. on the day that Henry was killed in fall of 2019. That meeting was hours after Henry was killed.

In one text, the detective said that Calhoun texts Smith: “I was not up, sounds like you were having a lot of fun.”

The detective said Smith replied: “I did have fun. Wanted to share.”
Thank You for the great update and info, @MeadowMuffin. I got up early hoping BS was going to testify in his trial, but guess not. The Judge is going over stipulations without the Jury present. Just boring discussion now, so I can have my coffee in peace.

Love of bloody death images I noticed on his fb, and the gruesome fascination of a death metal rocker makes me wonder how far the sharing between BS and his buddy went.

Wearing a sweater he bought her.
MOO, what is wrong with this picture? Devoted to a cruel killer of women? As long as he didn't cheat on her? Even the news article has that slant.
Won't say more.

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‘Did you sleep with the women you killed?’: Jury hears text messages and jail conversations in Brian Smith murder trial​

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Who is the woman in the truck? They say Kathleen was already dead by 9/6/2019.
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Smith’s wife, Stephanie Bissland — wearing a plum-colored sweater that she said Smith bought for her — sat frozen in the gallery, hands clutched, and watched.

Smith, on trial for murder, is accused of killing two Alaska Native women; Kathleen Henry, 30, and Veronica Abouchuk, 52.

Family and friends of both women grew increasingly upset as testimony proceeded Wednesday with people leaving the courtroom in tears or openly directing their emotions at Bissland.

During testimony, the judge told the jury to disregard a statement made by Det. Brendan Lee, who told the jury that he heard a jail phone call between Smith and Bissland where she asked Smith if he had sex with the women he killed.

“Not with those two,” Lee said Smith responded.

“She’s only worried about the ones he did sleep with,” a woman in the gallery said, staring at Bissland while she tapped her pen against a small notebook.
I can’t blame them for being upset with her… it’s mind boggling how she could be ok with any of this for a second IMO.
Closing Arguments are coming up after this.

1708629340646.png Judge is giving the Jurors instructions, and stipulating which charges need to be viewed in a certain consideration. Now the Judge is going over the 14 charges including Murder in 1st & 2nd degree in the death of Kathleen Jo Henry, sexual assault and sexual contact with lack of consent, tampering with physical evidence. Murder in the 1st & 2nd degree in the death of Veronica Abouchuk. Tampering with physical evidence. Sexual penetration of a Corpse :eek: of Veronica Abouchuk. (These explanation of charges get very detailed sexually. Penetration of a Corpse, MOO, how does that get overlooked by a spouse? It'd be so disgusting knowing your husband did such a horrible thing.)
Closing Arguments are coming up after this.

View attachment 485262 Judge is giving the Jurors instructions, and stipulating which charges need to be viewed in a certain consideration. Now the Judge is going over the 14 charges including Murder in 1st & 2nd degree in the death of Kathleen Jo Henry, sexual assault and sexual contact with lack of consent, tampering with physical evidence. Murder in the 1st & 2nd degree in the death of Veronica Abouchuk. Tampering with physical evidence. Sexual penetration of a Corpse :eek: of Veronica Abouchuk. (These explanation of charges get very detailed sexually. Penetration of a Corpse, MOO, how does that get overlooked by a spouse? It'd be so disgusting knowing your husband did such a horrible thing.)
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It would be. I know 100% I would get a divorce immediately, as BTK’s ex-wife did.

The luggage cart is shown once again. 1708629864267.pngProsecution is giving their Closing Argument. Briefly reminding Jurors of the videos, and describing what was seen on those videos of Brian Smith doing unspeakable cruel things to the victim Kathleen Jo Henry while he narrated for some unknown audience.

"You live, and you die", he says as he strangles her applying pressure then releasing pressure. :(

Defendant says, "That's my arm. That's my feet...."

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