GUILTY AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White (Deceased), CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *guilty of escape, disposed of murder* #7

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LAUDERDALE Co., Ala. (WAFF) - An employee of the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office and an inmate at the Lauderdale County Detention Center are missing.

According to the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office, Assistant Director of Corrections, Vicki White, and inmate Casey Cole White are missing after Vicki White left with Casey White at 9:30 a.m. on Friday. Vicki White was taking Casey White to court.

The two are not related.

Casey White was being held on capital murder charges.

The vehicle that the two left in was found at a shopping center located at Highway 72 and Cox Creek Parkway in Lauderdale County. It wasn’t realized until 3:30 p.m. Friday that the two were unaccounted for.

In October 2020, Casey White appeared in court asking to be held Lauderdale County Jail. According to authorities, he was plotting to escape Lauderdale County Jail.

If you see either of these individuals, call 911.


Lauderdale County corrections officer, inmate missing



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Asking for a friend…..I need the help of all members here to do their best to keep this fast-moving up-to-the-minute fascinating thread WITHIN TOS so it can flow as WS intends it.

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I thank you from the bottom my heart.

That's why I partially blame "the system" for this fiasco. There should have been people or policies in place and enforced to identify and prevent an employee going off the rails like this. That literally no one saw it coming raises all kinds of questions for me. Questions about the system, not questions about Vicky White personally. IMO
To a certain degree I see your point of view. I can also see the reason to blame the system for not having enough policies and eyes to prevent something like this. But at the same time we have to recognize that there were policies in place, supervisors trusted their employees judgements & activities. IMO personal responsibility has to be at the core of any enterprise. Currently, we have the courts to uphold some aspects of personal responsibility in terms of civil liability. But perhaps a cultural shift towards personal responsibility would go a long way in society. Otherwise we definately need more laws, policies and eyes watching for these events or crimes not to happen at all so without personal responsibility I don't think its possible.
Bringing my last post and response from just awhile ago on thread #6:

The part of her psyche involved with this crime was not functioning well. I’m sure she was capable of being rational and reasonable in situations where she’s not obsessively invested.

I’ve seen this, unfortunately, all too often in people because I come from a very dysfunctional family. I’ve even seen it in myself. When people are obsessed with something, their normal, rational self is replaced by a part of the psyche which Carl G Jung called “The Shadow”, and it doesn’t think well.
Posted response by @CharlestonGal :

That's why I partially blame "the system" for this fiasco. There should have been people or policies in place and enforced to identify and prevent an employee going off the rails like this. That literally no one saw it coming raises all kinds of questions for me. Questions about the system, not questions about Vicky White personally. IMO

I agree fully and see Vicky and her going off the rails like this, with no one intervening and applying the brakes, as tragic and victimized by a faulty system.
In Response to Willow Knight:
You say at the 2:19 mark.

By 2:19 CW is no longer in the vehicle. He is outside being handcuffed and lead away from the vehicle.

LE is at the crash by or prior to 1:40 and the audio is picking up LE talking. Investigator Shahine is outside the crashed vehicle and hears a gunshot from inside the crashed vehicle. CW hands are hanging out the window when Officer Shahine hears the shot. At 1:48 we hear LE for the first time say she has a gun in her hand. The gun is still in VW's hand after she shot herself. Intentional or by accident.

Possibly what is confusing to you is still hearing sirens? The chase is over before 2:19, the first responders are at the stopped vehicle by at least 1:40, but you can still hear more sirens approaching the crash.

AUDIO: Vicky White called 911 before crash

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WEHT) — Casey White and Vicky White led police on a chase that ended abruptly in a crash, leaving Vicky with a gunshot wound and Casey with non-life threatening injuries. Ev…

This also helps clarify a bit: (I took this from @CharlestonGal post # 894)

Investigator Shahine:

"With my duty pistol pointed at the windshield of the vehicle, I could see a male driver attempting to stick his hands out of the driver side window. I gave multiple commands, to the occupants of the vehicle, so as to have them show me there hands. Due to the tint on the windshield and the angle of the vehicle, I could not clearly see any other occupants inside the vehicle. While giving my verbal commands, I heard one gun shot come from inside the vehicle."

<modsnip: Google Drive is not an approved source>

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So, I have maybe a weird take. The following is all just my speculation based on all we know up to this point. I started thinking about some of these elements early on, but after hearing the 911 audio and after the latest from Casey's mom this is what may have been?

We know from people who knew VW well that she was frugal and saved money. We also know that she made a quick 90k selling her home. Maybe she also made a few K more selling personal belongings (furniture, kitchen stuff, tanning bed, etc). We know now that only 29k was found. What if VW stashed money somewhere without anyone else knowing? She didn't spend 60k on vehicles - so where is the rest of her money?

Maybe VW and CW fell hard for each other and they wanted, especially VW, to feel like this was a "real" relationship.

So, what if this escape was meant to be a preemptive honeymoon?

VW files her retirement, gets a stash of money, does a little prep for escape like get wigs, new vehicle, fake ID, etc She breaks CW out and the honeymoon was on!

In the 911 audio, IMO, VW doesn't seem to want to die but try to escape.

Maybe she knew they would be caught, but that she would get a maximum of 10 years and it much earlier with good time. Mayne she hid some money for a good attorney for her and/or CW for after the breakout.

Maybe VW thought she could do her time and then actually marry CW and fight to get him out after that?

Sorry for my rambling, just some loose ideas that keep making me go hmm.
she would get a maximum of 10 years and it much earlier with good time.
I don't think most correctional officers would ever sign up voluntarily for time in prison. It's by all accounts very difficult on people who used to be on the other side of the bars. I suspect with the arsenal they had that they were not expecting or desiring to be taken alive, and in the chaos of the wreck, she followed through on that by shooting herself before he did the same. He's probably more indifferent to prison than she ever was, though, given his arrest history. For some folks, being threatened with prison is like being threatened with being sent to their room, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's in that category. But I doubt VW was one of those people.
In Response to Willow Knight:
You say at the 2:19 mark.

By 2:19 CW is no longer in the vehicle. He is outside being handcuffed and lead away from the vehicle.

LE is at the crash by or prior to 1:40 and the audio is picking up LE talking. Investigator Shahine is outside the crashed vehicle and hears a gunshot from inside the crashed vehicle. CW hands are hanging out the window when Officer Shahine hears the shot. At 1:48 we hear LE for the first time say she has a gun in her hand. The gun is still in VW's hand after she shot herself. Intentional or by accident.

Possibly what is confusing to you is still hearing sirens? The chase is over before 2:19, the first responders are at the stopped vehicle by at least 1:40, but you can still hear more sirens approaching the crash.

AUDIO: Vicky White called 911 before crash

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (WEHT) — Casey White and Vicky White led police on a chase that ended abruptly in a crash, leaving Vicky with a gunshot wound and Casey with non-life threatening injuries. Ev…

This also helps clarify a bit: (I took this from @CharlestonGal post # 894)

Investigator Shahine:

"With my duty pistol pointed at the windshield of the vehicle, I could see a male driver attempting to stick his hands out of the driver side window. I gave multiple commands, to the occupants of the vehicle, so as to have them show me there hands. Due to the tint on the windshield and the angle of the vehicle, I could not clearly see any other occupants inside the vehicle. While giving my verbal commands, I heard one gun shot come from inside the vehicle."

<modsnip: Google Drive is not an approved source>

Thank you to the moderator for letting us know about Google Drive not being an approved source. I appreciate that, thanks. I don't know if this is going to be a second time I am explaining my perspective or opinion I apologize if it is. Anyways I listened to it and I agree that in the audio I posted the Tristate article that its a very short period of time we hear VW and CW. I was only concerned with what VW and CW were saying. Today when I listned to the audio I missed CW saying "that didn't help" I believe he is referring to going into the ditch its at the 27 second mark. He realized at that point that he would have to surrender as they were in the ditch and LE was closing in on them. It probably occurred to him that a shootout wasn't worth it, because he would die, there were too many LE surrounding them. As far as what VW had said prior to the 27 second mark I would say that she was coherant in the words she was saying. So basically all that I had posted about her still reonates with what I originally said. But of course she may not have been aware of the 9-11 dispatcher. According to initial reports that came out it was the case that it was Vicky calling 9-11. If it had happened that way the words she said would reflect what she said so that aspect wouldn't have changed. It would just make the call more tragic than it already was. But also one can hear her panicked words with CW bfore the 27 second mark and conclude that she also had a change in her demenour and tone after and that she was screaming more (I know it wasn't sirens.) After Vicky and Casey hit that ditch the whole incident took a sombre turn and and they made decisions in their minds after that mark: one to continue living and the other beginning to decide if life was worth it apon surrender.
So, I have maybe a weird take. The following is all just my speculation based on all we know up to this point. I started thinking about some of these elements early on, but after hearing the 911 audio and after the latest from Casey's mom this is what may have been?

We know from people who knew VW well that she was frugal and saved money. We also know that she made a quick 90k selling her home. Maybe she also made a few K more selling personal belongings (furniture, kitchen stuff, tanning bed, etc). We know now that only 29k was found. What if VW stashed money somewhere without anyone else knowing? She didn't spend 60k on vehicles - so where is the rest of her money?

Maybe VW and CW fell hard for each other and they wanted, especially VW, to feel like this was a "real" relationship.

So, what if this escape was meant to be a preemptive honeymoon?

VW files her retirement, gets a stash of money, does a little prep for escape like get wigs, new vehicle, fake ID, etc She breaks CW out and the honeymoon was on!

In the 911 audio, IMO, VW doesn't seem to want to die but try to escape.

Maybe she knew they would be caught, but that she would get a maximum of 10 years and it much earlier with good time. Mayne she hid some money for a good attorney for her and/or CW for after the breakout.

Maybe VW thought she could do her time and then actually marry CW and fight to get him out after that?

Sorry for my rambling, just some loose ideas that keep making me go hmm.
Although if she really thought 10 years with good behavior would get her less time and she would be free after that then that would mean she is thinking of the consequences of her actions. But unfotunately just because she socked away money and may have hidden it doesn't suggest that. Rather it suggests that she thought she would get away scott free without facing consequences. So she would have money available to continue the escape with CW. If one thinks about it in today's time a hundred thousand doesn't last long. Even lets say two hundred thousand expecially when they are fugitives and money is going to keep them afloat. Being fugitives they would need money at every step. Unless they were going off grid completely they wouldn't be able to sustain the escape. CW was looking a lot better than before the escape, he lost weight and looked healthier. That's because he was eating better. That takes money. VW had a comfortable life before the escape so its hard to say that they would want to give up the luxries of life. I would say they wouldn't. If they both had that outlook there would be conflict it woulf be just a matter of time (when the money ran out) before the situation got really dangerous and the public was at risk as seen by CW's previous criminal actions. This time either by Stockholm syndrome or willingly VW would participate also that would make the situation even worst. MOO,
So, I have maybe a weird take. The following is all just my speculation based on all we know up to this point. I started thinking about some of these elements early on, but after hearing the 911 audio and after the latest from Casey's mom this is what may have been?

We know from people who knew VW well that she was frugal and saved money. We also know that she made a quick 90k selling her home. Maybe she also made a few K more selling personal belongings (furniture, kitchen stuff, tanning bed, etc). We know now that only 29k was found. What if VW stashed money somewhere without anyone else knowing? She didn't spend 60k on vehicles - so where is the rest of her money?

Maybe VW and CW fell hard for each other and they wanted, especially VW, to feel like this was a "real" relationship.

So, what if this escape was meant to be a preemptive honeymoon?

VW files her retirement, gets a stash of money, does a little prep for escape like get wigs, new vehicle, fake ID, etc She breaks CW out and the honeymoon was on!

In the 911 audio, IMO, VW doesn't seem to want to die but try to escape.

Maybe she knew they would be caught, but that she would get a maximum of 10 years and it much earlier with good time. Mayne she hid some money for a good attorney for her and/or CW for after the breakout.

Maybe VW thought she could do her time and then actually marry CW and fight to get him out after that?

Sorry for my rambling, just some loose ideas that keep making me go hmm.
It’s possible, but then why did she so quickly shoot herself?
My personal feeling, based on everything I have seen and read, is that a plan was concocted for VW to get CW out of jail , away from the jail, into a car that was not known to be tied to either of them, and to get them out of Lauderdale County, heading in a general direction, or perhaps to some definite location. I am not sure if CW had any part in the initial plan, beyond escaping, but I believe it was basically VW's plan. Once they got to Tennessee, and changed vehicles, I believe that, while there still was some end goal, the carefully thought out plan began to come unraveled, and they just flew by the seat of their pants from that point on. I would like to know if the initial plan included ditching the copper-colored car so quickly, or whether a mechanical issue required them to, thus throwing a monkey wrench into their game plan early. I still have no idea what the thoughts were behind the apparently short-lived idea of trying to spray paint it green, before dumping it in an open spot.. And finally, we will never know, but I wonder if VW truly thought the plan had any chance of succeeding, or whether she really knew it would ultimately end in failure, but was so starved for affection that she was willing to take whatever few days they could probably outrun LE. JMO
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It’s possible, but then why did she so quickly shoot herself?

I’d doubt anyone would suddenly shoot themselves when cornered by police without having contemplated that very action in advance. Avoiding arrest on the part of VW is the only plan that seems apparent to me, otherwise it appears the escape facilitated them to take one day at a time in blissful togetherness while knowing full well it very likely wouldn’t last. CW gets a few days of freedom and VW gets a brief fling with the man who’s won her heart. Maybe that was the only objective from the very beginning, possibly because VW was wise enough to realize it was not going to be a “forever” thing. JMO
I don’t think VW thought they were going to get away with this. She was living in the moment after the escape. The couple year planning for this event was probably a turn on for her (I don’t mean this comment in a sexual way), it gave her something to do and they bonded deeply over it. These two obviously had a relationship and I believe she acted on her own accord. He was down for whatever. He was serving a life sentence anyway (I think).

I anticipate an investigation into prisoner transfer to happen and new protocols put in place such as a two person transaction even for one prisoner. Watching that video she walks ahead of him and casually holds the door open. Another person along for the ride may have prevented this OR VW would have harmed that employee because she was that committed. Not sure. IMO
Ever wonder about religion or political views VW had?
Yes. A lot.

From the sound of all the various anecdotes, she was warm, loving and compassionate. Therefore if her political or religious affiliations were bigoted, they didn’t match her actions.

I haven’t read anything from inmates or coworkers which pointed to bigotry. MOO
So, I have maybe a weird take. The following is all just my speculation based on all we know up to this point. I started thinking about some of these elements early on, but after hearing the 911 audio and after the latest from Casey's mom this is what may have been?

We know from people who knew VW well that she was frugal and saved money. We also know that she made a quick 90k selling her home. Maybe she also made a few K more selling personal belongings (furniture, kitchen stuff, tanning bed, etc). We know now that only 29k was found. What if VW stashed money somewhere without anyone else knowing? She didn't spend 60k on vehicles - so where is the rest of her money?

Maybe VW and CW fell hard for each other and they wanted, especially VW, to feel like this was a "real" relationship.

So, what if this escape was meant to be a preemptive honeymoon?

VW files her retirement, gets a stash of money, does a little prep for escape like get wigs, new vehicle, fake ID, etc She breaks CW out and the honeymoon was on!

In the 911 audio, IMO, VW doesn't seem to want to die but try to escape.

Maybe she knew they would be caught, but that she would get a maximum of 10 years and it much earlier with good time. Mayne she hid some money for a good attorney for her and/or CW for after the breakout.

Maybe VW thought she could do her time and then actually marry CW and fight to get him out after that?

Sorry for my rambling, just some loose ideas that keep making me go hmm.
Since Casey told his mom VW was going to get him out legally, I wonder if at the beginning the selling of house etc was to raise money for an attorney for Casey. Perhaps after consulting an attorney. And spending money on that, she was told there was very little chance of him getting out so the plane changed to breaking him out? Kind of a come hell or high-water she was getting him out. Maybe he was completely different when he is properly medicated and not high. The other thing that dawned on me , I wonder if she had illegally purchased his antipsyc meds that previous attorney said he was on. Former Attorney for Missing Murder Suspect Fears Ex-Client Might Attempt Suicide by Cop

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