AL - Jack Wiley & Glenna Cavender for child sexual abuse, Conecuh County, Jan 2006

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Aug 11, 2005
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This is my first thread so please forgive me if I do this wrong or if it's a repeat. I did a pretty thorough check and didn't see it posted yet so if I missed it somewhere...sorry! This was on our local news last night.

A 58-year-old man and 40-year-old woman are in police custody and the possible sexual abuse of a toddler and a teenage boy is being investigated thanks to the diligence of an Atlanta woman who pressed authorities to look into the case.
Thank God for that woman! She made a huge difference in those children's lives! I'm glad she followed her instincts!!!!!!!! She saved their lives!!:clap: :clap:
Her persistance paid off. She took it into her own hands and got something done about it.

Rainbow, if you see any updates please let us know. I have a feeling there is a whole lot more to this story.
I saw this on NBC news tonight and I believe Tracie Dean is a hero!

A woman’s hunch exposes child abuse
Chance encounter at a convenience store results in two arrests
By Ron Mott
NBC News
Updated: 6:51 p.m. ET Jan. 26, 2006
ATLANTA - It was a gut feeling Tracie Dean couldn't shake. At a rural Alabama convenience store 11 days ago, Dean had a chance encounter with a seemingly troubled little girl.

“I bet you that no one has ever spoken that kindly to that little girl, because she just ate it up,” Dean says.

more at link
Yeah, Tracy Dean. You are my hero. Went beyond what was called for and said nope it ain't right. This is good for the soul. We can all do this. We can make a difference, I know we can.
Here is another link and snippet from Tracie Dean:
I called the John Walsh show ("America's Most Wanted"), "Crimestoppers" and finally I had the tag run," she said. "It came back to the 2001 Honda. It didn't check out. On Thursday, I called the Alabama Bureau of Investigation, and asked if they could tell me who responded to the 911 call. I asked them to look at the store's videotape. They said they needed a court order. I have no doubt in my mind why we have so many missing and exploited children in this country."

Dean then took matters into her own hands, calling the store and driving back to Evergreen Thursday with some friends. She was looking at the security video when Evergreen officer Brian Davis walked in by chance. He wrote a report and started looking for the girl and man

When I think of the time she took to continue to pursue this it reminds me of a quote in Fried Green Tomatos - paraphrasing - there are angels on earth masquerading as humans.
I can't find anything else on the web but they had a little more info on the news a little while ago so this will be from memory.

Both children were the children of his common law wife and he (Jack Wiley) is a sex offender that has allegedly molested 40 children (I believe they said this was being investigated). The mother has been charged with child abuse.
I was a little hopeful that the children had been kidnapped and would be returned to their family and very sickened to learn that they were actually her children. Tracie Dean, a true angel sent from above in my opinion, is giving a lot of interviews on the news about all she went through to save this little girl. She doesn't have to many kind words for the LE.

I'll definetely follow this and keep you all updated. Hopefully I can find something more accurate online.
I just came across this story. She is amazing! She didn't give up, even when the big names were ignoring her!

This story is also posted in the up to the minute forum under woman's hunch uncovers child abuse.
Thank God this young woman didn't give up. I also believe that God was leading her to find this little girl and save her life.

Evidentally when Tracy called 911 to have the license plate checked out the dispatcher didn't even check it out. She told Tracy that everything checked out but when Tracy later had the plate checked out herself the vehicle came back as a 2001 Honda and that isn't what the man was driving. Obviously the man was using a stolen plate as he was a wanted man.

It amazes me that Tracy went through all of the resources that she did and not one person took her seriously. Like she said, she can sure understand why we have so many missing children out there. When you believe that you are on to something no one will listen. I wonder if this little girl is the missing little girl that Tracy saw on the internet and called about? Who is the 17 yr old boy?

Thank God the cop that came into the store took Tracey seriously and started looking for that baby. Repeatedly raped and only 3 yrs old. It is just sickening.

Thank God for people like Tracey. We all need to keep our eyes open when we are out and about. We never know what we might run into. We all get those gut feelings and they are usually right.
This is why I say sometimes the death reports are wrong and people can be wrong. It took Tracy to do a detective's work to get beyond. She did it not GBI or anyone else. Please never discount your hinkey feeling or think that is it isn't importent. You are are importent and you could be the next Tracy. Good people out there all wanting to make a difference.
I sent a copy of this story to Rita Cosby. I'm hoping that she will have Tracy on her show to tell her story. I think this story should be in the media. It should be told as Tracy tried every avenue she could think of to get help for the little girl and finally took the situation into her own hands. I hope this story touches Rita as much as it has me. Tracy is a true heroine and she deserves the credit for saving that little tiny girl and the teenager too. Maybe Rita can find out who the kids belong to.
The kids belong to the common law wife of the man that was molesting them. There is also a thread on this same story in Crimes in the News under Two Jailed While Alleged Sex Abuse Investigated that I posted earlier today.
She was on the Today Show this morning. She really went out of her way. I thank God for her and people like her.
This woman should be a role model for all of us regarding her alertness and her persistence. I was telling hubby about her when he got home late last night. He was impressed with her tenacity too. O/T I saw one of the Baldwin Bros. on TV last night (Rita Cosby?) about how he is fighting a *advertiser censored* business near his home. I don't have much respect for these brothers (because of their behavior in the past) but I felt that he was actually walking the walk with what he believes. I think having children and his Born-Again-Christian belief has affected him into doing what he feels is right. I hope I'm right on this.

EVERGREEN -- A Conecuh County man who lived for months in the same mobile home with two people accused last week of abusing a boy and girl in their care said Thursday he was shocked by the allegations.

"I just heard all of it this morning," said Bill Fryant. "I just got the details about what they are accused of doing. I thought it was absolutely horrifying and disgusting and unbelievable. I had no idea. I would never have allowed them to step inside the house."

Fryant said he first met the couple, identified by authorities as Jack Wiley and Glenna Faye Cavender, when he stayed in a Red Cross shelter in Brewton after Hurricane Ivan made landfall in September 2004

More at the link above.
Outrageous! All this time these two monsters have been living off good people like Bill Fryant, church charities and the Red Cross. Always with their hands out for support and all the while torturing and molesting these two children. I can't begin to think what would have happen if Dean had not been observant and persistant.

"We think they may have been on a nationwide crime spree," Hawsey said. "We should know more as information continues to come in."

(This is the last line in the article posted above by Rainbow.)

Well this is just the icing on the cake! Throw these two in prison and NEVER let them out!!!

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