Recovered/Located AL - Whitney Harris, 21, Mobile, 17 Sep 2018

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Alabama woman lured to India by possible sex traffickers

A local family say they believe 21-year-old Whitney Harris was brainwashed by a man she met on social media and exchanged messages with for two years.
On Monday, Harris left their home in the middle of the night on a one-way flight to India.

Harris’ family filed a missing persons report and have been in touch with the FBI, the congressman, and human trafficking agencies. Close family friends say Whitney has a form of autism and they are worried she has been manipulated by this man who may be involved in a sex trafficking ring.

Tomorrow, the family will take off on a flight to India in hopes of getting Whitney back.
Trusted church family? What does that even mean? Maybe the trouble getting her home is the fact that she’s an adult. To make it to India alone is a fete. I made it there with a group, I’m not on the spectrum and it was a fete. Coming from a super controlling family stories like this give me pause. I hope she’s happy and okay and thriving wherever she is.
They are Jehovah's Witnesses and their churches are connected by their faith. She became friends with this young man, she left a note, saying where she was going and with whom she was meeting. The parents are familiar with this little spot in India, he is likely also a JW. She is 22 and free to travel anywhere that accepts her passport. There was nothing nefarious here. Just maybe some star-struck love birds.
Trusted church family? What does that even mean? Maybe the trouble getting her home is the fact that she’s an adult. To make it to India alone is a fete. I made it there with a group, I’m not on the spectrum and it was a fete. Coming from a super controlling family stories like this give me pause. I hope she’s happy and okay and thriving wherever she is.

It’s a very strange story.
They are Jehovah's Witnesses and their churches are connected by their faith. She became friends with this young man, she left a note, saying where she was going and with whom she was meeting. The parents are familiar with this little spot in India, he is likely also a JW. She is 22 and free to travel anywhere that accepts her passport. There was nothing nefarious here. Just maybe some star-struck love birds.
According to Indian paper she is a Seventh Day Adventist. Very different from Jehovah's Witness.
According to Indian paper she is a Seventh Day Adventist. Very different from Jehovah's Witness.
In the most respectful merely curious way, would you indulge us in a novice rundown of both and the differences? I’m just unknowledgeable but it does seem that the two are often misunderstood as being interchangeable.
Whitney made a very long, detailed Facebook post about the situation. I’m not sure if I can link it but it’s easy to find. Her parents seem really controlling/overprotective.

If her parents are controlling and manipulative enough to invent a false narrative about likely human trafficking? Gross. I hope you’re loving your life in India, Whitney. Way to be brave and bold.
Straight from Whitney's FB page.

Whitney Harris is
feeling frustrated.

September 22 at 10:16 PM ·

Hey everyone, so I hope y’all are all doing well. Don’t worry I’m fine too. I needed to create a Facebook account to help stop all of this madness because as most of you already know there is a lot of things being said on social media and on the News about me. I have the right to speak up for myself. And please bear with me because all of this has been extremely overwhelming for me and hard to deal with, but Im gonna try my best to clear everything. So first of all, don’t believe all the sex trafficking gossip. That was never even an issue. It was completely made up by my family. I, as an adult, decided to meet a friend and his family. After talking to him for the past 2 years we have created a strong bond of friendship. Yes, we accidentally found each other on Instagram. I’m embarrassed to say that, because normally I would never talk to anyone online. I don’t know why I did this time, but I did. Anyways, when you talk to someone for that long each and every single day through a video chat, you really do get to know that person pretty well. You get to see their face, their personality, their mannerisms, their schedule, and their lifestyle. You see and you learn a lot about them. So by this time I felt very comfortable about meeting him. He has given me plenty of proofs time and time again that he is trustworthy. I’ve seen his house through video chat so many times I could draw the whole layout of his home. I’ve spoken to his parents and his sister. I’ve even gotten to know some of his friends. I was not afraid to go and meet him. I left my home without telling my parents about Pulkit or his family. I know my mom very well and knew she would not let me go. Pulkit’s dad purchased my plane tickets before I had the courage to tell my mom about this guy. So here I am in this situation where if I did tell my mom about my travel plans she could stop me from going and then the family’s money would have been wasted. Or I could just write a long detailed letter to my mom because I care enough to let her know I’ll be fine and to let her know where I am. None of this mess would even exist if I would have just told my parents about Pulkit and my travel plans. So, because they were not informed the only thing that my family can think this might be is a sex trafficking ring. But it was not. This story is just about two young adults who fell in love and decided to meet. It would’ve been impossible for him to visit me in America so me coming there was the only option. I never pursue a man. I believe the Bible says men are to pursue the women. Never in any relationship have I ever asked a man to be with me. When I see girls/women who pursue a man it disgusts me. I came to him because it was the only way to meet. The Indian government makes it very difficult for them to get into the US. The story my family spread on social media about it being a sex trafficking ring went all the way up the the President of India. By this time I was trying to get on my last flight from the New Delhi Airport to the Amritsar airport. I was stopped several times throughout the airport process by the airline staff because of the lie my family told. I had to defend myself and tell the airline staff everything was fine my family is just checking on my safety. Eventually, they let me on the plane. I was scared to death they wouldn’t let me on the plane. I knew with all my heart that I was safe with Pulkit and his sister when they picked me up at the Delhi airport. But my family did this all to me because they cared a lot about my safety. The lie that was told on social media by my family caused some major problems for this innocent family. Pulkit was at risk of being sent to prison for intentions he did not have. And his sister, who’s a Punjabi actress, got several phone calls from her directors and producers asking if this was true and why she’s doing this. It put a lot of stress on him, his family, and me. I understand that my family is just concerned about my safety but a lie was told. Sadly India has a reputation for things like this, but that doesn’t mean everyone in India are bad people. They had background checks on the family and Pulkit and I had to go though several inspections. This put me on the News in Amritsar (Punjab) India as well as on the Mobile, AL News in the US. At this point I was completely emotionally shook and angry because I knew with all of my heart I was not in any danger. At the Amritsar airport (my final destination) I was forced to live and stay with a Seventh Day Adventist family near the area. My parents wouldn’t allow me to stay with him until they came to India to meet him. My mom told me if she feels that he is safe for me I can go to his house. At this point though the police, the Embassy, the NGO and others have already confirmed that him and his family are nice and good people with nothing found during a background check. The family I was forced to stay with also knew Pulkit was safe for me so he has been visiting me at their home everyday this week bringing me clothes to wear and food to eat. Even his sister makes food for me and brings it to the house I’m staying in. So technically, theres no reason for me to even still be at the place I was forced to stay for my safety. Even after all my family has caused me I’ve been waiting patiently for 6 days with absolutely nothing to do. Also, because the Indian government is involved in this I can’t leave the house regardless of my age. It’s really frustrating. On Friday, I got the opportunity to visit his home. It was the same home I had been seeing everyday during our video chats for the past two years. It was an amazing feeling to finally be there in his home. Then I had to go back with the other family and wait for my parents to reach here. For my Mobile people, to help you visualize what my family did, I was sent to Prichard when originally I would have been in Mobile. My only intentions on flying to India was to meet Pulkit and his family. We had so many fun activities planned for when I got here. One lie from my family ruined it all. I felt like I needed to leave not only to meet some friends, but also because I was tired of being emotionally abused by my mom. At age 21, I have the right to go and make myself happy. My family has humiliated me publicly by making statements that I’m mentally ill and don’t know how to think for myself. They made me look like an idiot. Anyone who has been in contact with me during all of this will tell you that I have a good head on my shoulders. I’m not diagnosed with any mental illness so for my family to say a have autism is not right. My only wish right now is for the truth to be out there. Then hopefully my vacation here in India can actually be enjoyed. Thank you all for caring about me. I had no idea my trip here would end up on the news. I am completely emotionally destroyed from the lies that were told. Please help me to get the truth out there. And I will agree, my intentions on coming here to India were good, but the way it was done was wrong on my part.
I hope that she has found a support system of safe people. “Autistic” or not, she has been sheltered, and she may be vulnerable to people stepping in to “help” her. I hope everything works out with the boy and she has a safe space to find her independence.
Whitney has landed safe in AL and is staying with family, not her parents. Her mother has been reported to LE for taking all of Whitney's money out of the bank (See note below).

So if this saga could not get worse... destiny Harris had a joint bank account with Whitney... so on her return journey.... October 1st... $3,100 odd of Whitney's hard earned money was transferred to that numbered bank account. It's not Whitney's account. So all her money she had from working and saving for years, Whitney has nothing. And the transactions happened while on route home to Mobile from India. The bank can not confirm it is destiny's account... but transactions to her mother at the same reference proves to us that this is what had happened.

Whitney literally now has $125.17 to her name. No clothes. Nothing.

The bank has been called to reverse the transactions. But how telling of a mother to take her daughter's money...

Again a control tactic to force Whitney home to her "kind loving family".

Adding this to the money that the page has raised... I feel so sorry for Destiny. The great thing about money trails. They can not lie. It's black and white.

The paper trail grows and the police have been informed.
Wow, isn't restricting the rights and liberties of an individual one of the things separating a religion from a cult? I hope she makes it back to India and can stay there.

I don't understand why she bothered going back(visa I guess).

They certainly wouldn't be classed as my parents anymore if her account is true.

Next time one of my parents annoys me, ill be sure to remember that they have always allowed me to do what I like as an adult.

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