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Memorial service held in honor of Aliahna Lemmon

Sheriff Ken Fries and a sheriff's deputy were seated in the front row. Fries got very emotional towards the end of the ceremony as people came up to shake his hand, thank him, and offer hugs.

Very touching, I feel for everyone working the case. It has to be horrible. I think Fries will retire after this term as the election is in Nov.
Published: January 6, 2012 3:00 a.m.

A loss mourned, life celebrated

Hundreds pay final respects to Aliahna, 9

Before the 7 p.m. service, Aliahna’s mother, Tarah Souders, declined to talk extensively because of the ongoing investigation into her daughter’s death.

“I’m having a hard time coming to words for a lot of things,” she said. “I just miss her a lot.”
FORT WAYNE – Her freckles were abundant. Her blond hair reached just past her shoulders.

She loved My Little Pony dolls. The same went for drawing, dressing up and listening to music.

She was energetic. She loved to run.


Chris Parks, 47, was one of several hundred people in attendance. Parks, a member of the church, said she works in the kitchen at Holland Elementary, where Aliahna was in the third grade.

“It’s been really hard for everyone that works there,” she said. “She was such a good girl. She was so sweet.”

In a homily, Pastor Joe Hines from Auburn Church of Christ remembered Aliahna as a girl with wide-open eyes who enjoyed church. “She skipped, and she laughed, and she loved her family very, very dearly,” he said.
As people walked in and found their seats, soft piano music played and slides of a smiling Aliahna were shown. There was a small memorial set-up in the front of the church with a photo of Aliahna, flowers, stuffed animals, and what looked like a framed T-shirt hat was signed by classmates or staff members from Holland Elementary School where Aliahna was a third grader.

Many of the pictures on display included Aliahna's favorite things - Tinkerbell, unicorns, and family. Some were school pictures, and others were candid photos catching the young girl's true spirit. From all appearances, Aliahna appeared to be a happy, energetic child who will be dearly missed.
Mike Haywood, Principal at Holland Elementary, spoke about a piece of artwork by Aliahna—an outlining of her left hand. Bryant says that part of the memorial brought tears to her eyes.

“It was hard knowing that she was such an out-going, energetic, positive little girl and that horrible thing happened to her,” Bryant said. “It really brought people together and I think it’s going to bring some kind of closure for a lot of little kids that she went to school with."

Inside her hand's outline was a smiling face - something Aliahna was known for. They eyes were stars. Haywood said it brought to memory Aliahna's big, bright eyes that many recall seemed soak in all the world had to offer. The tongue was a heart, which teachers said was fitting given her kind spirit and ability to forgive others.
Sure sounds like she was a child who could have rose above her raising. Such a shame.
RIP, Aliahana. You have certainly grabbed my heart.
Many of the pictures on display included Aliahna's favorite things - Tinkerbell, unicorns, and familyfinally we know what she liked.
Many of the pictures on display included Aliahna's favorite things - Tinkerbell, unicorns, and familyfinally we know what she liked.

I just wish that 'family' had liked her back enough to protect her. :(
Group to follow child's murder case in court

Women said to be showing support for victim

ALLEN COUNTY, Ind. (WANE) - A group of women gathered Wednesday to attend a court hearing for the man charged in murdering nine-year-old Aliahna Lemmon.

Kristy Williams and four others said they attended Michael Plumadore’s court appearance in support of the young victim.
Don't want to sound evil, but if he would go the Ryan Brunn route, it would save alot of time and money, and additional suffering of having it play out it court.
That's a Christian song, talking about how we'll be safe in His (Jesus') arms. I hope no one interpreted it as Aliahna being "safe" in MP's arms, as that is highly disturbing.

I feel sure the hymn played at the end of the service was 'Safe in His Arms'.
Still can't fathom this type of crime. It's unimaginable to me.

The only positive emotion I feel is for Ali, who will endure No more suffering.
We are still here and thinking about you, sweet Aliahna. Hoping for wisdom and prudence for LE and patience for us as we wait for your murderer and his enablers to get theirs.

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You're in our hearts Aliahna :heartbeat:

I think I'm speaking for all of us when I say we're hoping this perplexing silence concerning your case and those involved means LE is working hard behind the scenes putting all the pieces together to make sure all of the monsters in your life receive their punishment. :behindbar

IMHO MP is not the only reason you're with the angels. :nono:

There are others just as responsible. IMHOO

You'll never be forgotten :shakehead:
I keep coming to this site and Aliahna's case, hoping that some new information will be available. It seems like there's so much more that should be known by now. I can only pray that since there's not more going on, that LE and others are hard at work putting together an iron clad case against ALL the people that, in some way, shape or form led her to or caused her death and that they will be brought to justice soon.

My heart aches for this sweet child that never even had a chance. I do take comfort knowing that there are a lot of people out there that care about her and what comes of her case. All you guys on WS make such a difference, even if you're just here giving opinions and such.

RIP angel. You will never be forgotten by so many people.

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