All About Chloroform #3

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So which is it, Casey was not bright enough to make chloroform herself or its so easy even hard core opiate addicts can whip it out. I am sure that if ICA was into opiates someone by now would have gotten immunity when we are talking about first degree murder. I think her "friends" were mostly just into weed.
I believe the chloroform was most likely intended originally for her parents.
So which is it, basset Casey was not bright enough to make chloroform herself or its so easy even hard core opiate addicts can who it out. I am sure that if ICA eas into opiates someone by now would have gotten immunity when we are talking about first degree murder. I think her "friends" were mostly just into weed

My friend that I mentioned started out taking pain pills for an injury. He came from a very good family and was in law school. It took 6 years for his life to fall apart. He ended up sharing a motel room with a prostitute and then ended up in a tent city. Up until probably the last year he was able to be a functioning addict.

Opiate addicts protect their secrets because withdrawl is horrendous. It's probably the most devastating substance to be addicted to in regards to how hard it is to stop. It would be very, very unlikely for any opiate addicted friends to spill those beans.
What the jury is thinking is the only thing that matters now, and I doubt if they're thinking of Tony and his roommates as dopeheads. Nice young men and women who've finished school and gone on into their career choices, and Casey never mentioned being trashed in her texts or emails. The jury could also have more unanswered questions about the chloroform or forensics. I still have questions about the carpet and the stain, and been looking all over and reading and still can't find out if the carpet fibers showed any decomp, chloroform, or cleaning. I don't even know if it was brought up during the trial other than Vaas blurting out that the decomp on the paper towels had to be a lot to cause the stain, yet he was supposed to be talking about the air! It was confusing, but maybe I missed something due to commercials? The darn talking heads spent time talking about the sensational aspects and very little on the air and carpet and nothing about the stain that I heard.
What the jury is thinking is the only thing that matters now, and I doubt if they're thinking of Tony and his roommates as dopeheads. Nice young men and women who've finished school and gone on into their career choices, and Casey never mentioned being trashed in her texts or emails. The jury could also have more unanswered questions about the chloroform or forensics. I still have questions about the carpet and the stain, and been looking all over and reading and still can't find out if the carpet fibers showed any decomp, chloroform, or cleaning. I don't even know if it was brought up during the trial other than Vaas blurting out that the decomp on the paper towels had to be a lot to cause the stain, yet he was supposed to be talking about the air! It was confusing, but maybe I missed something due to commercials? The darn talking heads spent time talking about the sensational aspects and very little on the air and carpet and nothing about the stain that I heard.

It's the syringe in the Gatorade bottle that fascinates me.
My friend that I mentioned started out taking pain pills for an injury. He came from a very good family and was in law school. It took 6 years for his life to fall apart. He ended up sharing a motel room with a prostitute and then ended up in a tent city. Up until probably the last year he was able to be a functioning addict.

Opiate addicts protect their secrets because withdrawl is horrendous. It's probably the most devastating substance to be addicted to in regards to how hard it is to stop. It would be very, very unlikely for any opiate addicted friends to spill those beans.

Why is there all this drug abuse talk.Has any testimony been presented about drug abuse by ICA or anyone else?
What the jury is thinking is the only thing that matters now, and I doubt if they're thinking of Tony and his roommates as dopeheads. Nice young men and women who've finished school and gone on into their career choices, and Casey never mentioned being trashed in her texts or emails. The jury could also have more unanswered questions about the chloroform or forensics. I still have questions about the carpet and the stain, and been looking all over and reading and still can't find out if the carpet fibers showed any decomp, chloroform, or cleaning. I don't even know if it was brought up during the trial other than Vaas blurting out that the decomp on the paper towels had to be a lot to cause the stain, yet he was supposed to be talking about the air! It was confusing, but maybe I missed something due to commercials? The darn talking heads spent time talking about the sensational aspects and very little on the air and carpet and nothing about the stain that I heard.

As far as I have been able to gather from the testimonies, Cindy sprayed Febreze (almost a whole can) in the trunk and interior of the car, but only picked up a little debris from the trunk.

The FBI guy said there were not shockingly high chloroform levels in the trunk carpet, levels that could have possibly been from cleansers.

The decomp fluids in the carpet, and the stain has been talked about, but as far as I know, there has been no proof yet that the stain in the carpet was caused from human decomposition other than the air sample guy said shockingly high levels of chloroform, and 3 to 5 of 30 markers for human decomp was found.

I have missed a few minutes here and there of the testimonies, so I may have missed something.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only.
Why is there all this drug abuse talk.Has any testimony been presented about drug abuse by ICA or anyone else?

The defense can and most likely will explain away the chloroform this way because it's a million times more logical than the idea of KC using it to knock Caylee out when she could have just used NyQuil.

It really doesn't matter one way or the other at this point because the case will be reversed over that video of the skull, photo of Caylee WITH KC in it and the duct tape. The SA could have cropped KC out but didn't. Having KC in that animation crossed a very serious line.
The syringe is exactly why I think it's pretty much a no-brainer that someone was using chloroform to make their own heroin to inject.

Ok , I get it now. Chloroform is used to make heroin.
Sorry, never heard of it.
The syringe is exactly why I think it's pretty much a no-brainer that someone was using chloroform to make their own heroin to inject.
Chloroform is an excellent solvent. It's used for making many drugs such as LSD, MDMA, and high quality hash. You could use it as a date rape drug, or drug your child. Make a chemical bomb with it (breaks down into Phosgene) . Use it to make purified industrial chemicals, the list is endless.

I don't have a sense of quantity or proportion of chloroform found in the trunk that I can put into a meaningful mental picture. I know we've heard that there were very high concentrations, unexpectedly high, abnormal, etc. But what would that mean in real terms?

Will one or two drops of chloroform in the trunk get you these results? Or, is it something like pouring out a pint into the carpet?
They were talking about ppm not drops. This wouldn't be visible to the human eye
Hard core opiate addicts sometimes use chloroform to extract and isolate the opiate in Oxycontin and even Methadone. Some even use it to make injection opiates from poppy pods and stems. The substance in the gatorade bottle actually looks like that was what it was used for. The majority of people on this site are most likely going to ignore that, though, because they want KC to be the worst monster they can imagine. I know many here have followed this case closely and it means a lot to people, but there is an overwhelming bias that exists. That is why what I am pointing out is being ignored even though it makes perfect sense. *shrug*

So you are proposing some one else involved? You are right; there is a huge bias here. Personally I just can't come up with ANY scenerio that KC could say that would explain all the facts this trial has shown. What you have said here is intriguing; didn't know that before. Oxycontin use is rampid from what I have read; I wonder if it fits in this too.
We know that Caylee is dead, we know that Casey was the last person with her, we know that Casey has lied and fantaisied several different stories. I just wish we could extract the truth somehow from her but doubt she will ever tell what really happened. I've wondered before if Caylee wasn't being "used" somehow when she was off to the "nannys". The question of GA abusing KC raised my hinky meter; sure hope I'm way off on that one. There is no way of knowing since only bones were left and I doubt KC will ever tell.
Thanks for another view!
If that's true than the bottle and contents would most likely belong to whichever one of KC's boyfriends looks most like a body builder.

Wasn't it reported that the trash bags in KC's trunk were from Tony's house? Was that bottle with the syringe in there? Maybe that's why Tony's didn't think his place was a good environment for Caylee..
Does it really matter? Chloroform showed up again and again in various tests done by different agencies. It is a potentially lethal substance. It's not available for purchase at retail. KC looked up how to make it 84 times two months before her daughter died.


It doesn't matter to me, so much, either. Chloroform shouldn't be in her trunk anyway, in any amount!
Wasn't it reported that the trash bags in KC's trunk were from Tony's house? Was that bottle with the syringe in there? Maybe that's why Tony's didn't think his place was a good environment for Caylee..

The bottle with the syringe in it was found at the remains site, outside. Not connected with Tony at all. As far as we know, Tony had only admitted to his room mates smoking pot and drinking at the apartment.
Where did you find this info?

It's from the FBI lab which analyzed the syringe and Gatorade bottle and their liquid contents.

They seem to lean towards the syringe containing testosterone and a cleaning product (hence chloroform component?) because it actually smelled like a cleaning product.

You can read FBI lab details here at page 11526 and onwards.

You can find the FBI lab's summary here at page 11985.

The prosecution may not be focusing on the World of Disney bag, gatorade bottle and syringe because they have no good way to link them directly to Casey or Caylee.
If that's true than the bottle and contents would most likely belong to whichever one of KC's boyfriends looks most like a body builder.

I'm not so sure that anyone can even say that the Disney bag containing the bottle and syringe were even brought to the woods by Casey. There was all sorts of garbage in the woods and she wouldn't have been the only person to ever enter that area.
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