All About Chloroform #3

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I just googled "Febreze & chloroform" and in addition to the myriad references to this case, there are several "environmental" or "green" sites which mention Febreze, Simple Green degreaser, and Comet powder as releasing chloroform. Watch for George to admit suddenly remembering that he cleaned the trunk with Simple Green and that Casey was a compulsive Comet scrubber - combine that with Cindy's whole can of Febreze, and there you go!! :crazy:
So someone at the company had to go look up what was expert witnesses...

I can see why they would have their own lawyers look into it. True they didn't say fabreze had chloroform just the dryer sheets. Technically that is imo what they want the jury to think. CA testified she used a whole bottle and we know there were only one or two dryer sheets in the car.
my dog stinks too.. i need to bathe her on a daily basis almost.she pees in her bed and rolls around in it.. i think she's "special"
I love it! I'd love for the State to get ahold of this. lol
Shew, was glad to hear that. I used to spray my Germen Shepherd with Fabreeze until he started getting skin irritations. I ask my vet about it and he said although it should be safe, I would be better off buy the doggie sprays. They just don't smell as good as Fabreeze though. But I did switch. My dog is a house dog and when he gets wet, he stinks. And I cannot stand that lol.

I sprayed my kitty w/fabreze once. He didn't like it. Of course I don't think cats like to be sprayed with anything.
When I was doing a search for the ingredients in Fabreze there were links from google to snopes about it being dangerous to pets. That is something they have dealt with in the past. They do not publicly list the ingredients just the one main active ingredient.
Pets clean themselves with their tongues though. I don't have any Febreze handy but I bet there's a warning against ingesting it.
JB and his posse will inevitably throw out a lot of speculation regarding the chloroform-But, his speculation and explanation better weigh greater to the jury than:

-Casey started dating RM and within a month or two she saw the "Win Her Over with Chloroform"
-Casey then searches for chloroform on her computer right around the same time, and how to make it
-TraceyM is talking about various recreational drugs and KC blurts "chloroform" out of nowhere and before it was mentioned on TV
-Outrageous amounts of chloroform are in the trunk samples

Gee, I can see how the jury might think it was just a coincidence :waitasec:

There are no coincidences in this case, although we have had our share here of "whoa, that's weird." The sawgrass thing was no coincidence.
And since KC had the blue screen-o-death, I might contemplate, as a juror, whether KC may have Googled more on chloroform, then later Mapquested the time it takes for her to go from the Anthony compound to Suburban (timer55) and maybe even Googled the occupants of the houses near where she tossed Caylee-Zenaida and Gonzalez. If she tried to delete before the BSOD, my understanding of PC's is that some of those things can be lost even from the unallocated clusters for good. (JWG can expand on that better than I can)
JB and his posse will inevitably throw out a lot of speculation regarding the chloroform-But, his speculation and explanation better weigh greater to the jury than:

-Casey started dating RM and within a month or two she saw the "Win Her Over with Chloroform"
-Casey then searches for chloroform on her computer right around the same time, and how to make it
-TraceyM is talking about various recreational drugs and KC blurts "chloroform" out of nowhere and before it was mentioned on TV
-Outrageous amounts of chloroform are in the trunk samples

Gee, I can see how the jury might think it was just a coincidence :waitasec:

There are no coincidences in this case, although we have had our share here of "whoa, that's weird." The sawgrass thing was no coincidence.
And since KC had the blue screen-o-death, I might contemplate, as a juror, whether KC may have Googled more on chloroform, then later Mapquested the time it takes for her to go from the Anthony compound to Suburban (timer55) and maybe even Googled the occupants of the houses near where she tossed Caylee-Zenaida and Gonzalez. If she tried to delete before the BSOD, my understanding of PC's is that some of those things can be lost even from the unallocated clusters for good. (JWG can expand on that better than I can)

I had forgotten about that. The state does not plan on using TM, RD or LP as witnesses. I think they gave a lot of valuable info that the jury should hear.
P & G ought to send the Anthony's a truckload of Febreeze as a public relations courtesy-After all, CA had to use a whole can, and she still could not eradicate the smell.

Perhaps they could attach a note to the packing slip that reads "Dear Mr. & Mrs. Anthony-Not even a truckload of Febreeze could create the levels of chloroform found in KC's trunk. Enjoy!"

More fitting would be a lawsuit against Cindy imo. Casey and the DT's mouthpiece just like she did with ZFG. I hope she sues her too.
BBM ~ I actually wondered about that bit about you spraying your baby with Febreze. I think you mmight want to send a new email to the company and explain that you don't spray it on her body....just to set the record straight. They must have really gasped when they read about using it on baby. Your message might be circulating around the company and their employees thinking "what whacko sprays this stuff on their baby?".

:eek: :noooo: :baby:

i know.. right lol
i actually thought about that right after i hit send
But I do not think CA said anything wrong. Did she? CA was just responding to direct questioning by JB. She would have no way of knowing what caused the chloroform in the trunk. That would be DT that appears to be going down that rabbit hole with the dryer sheets, spray and wet bathing suit. jmo
Reminder to any poster who chooses to contact P&G:

Please do NOT present yourself as a representative of or spokesperson for Websleuths.
Pets clean themselves with their tongues though. I don't have any Febreze handy but I bet there's a warning against ingesting it.
I have an old bottle and there isn't. Only to keep out of reach of children, and don't spray directly into face...
Muzikman posted in the Listed of Motions thread yesterday

2011.04.08 SA Provision of Discovery

Discovery Documents Pages 24700-24703 (P & G Material Safety Data Sheet)[/COLOR]

we don't have the discovery yet.
I'm putting this thread back out after cleaning up a big mess.

Listen up -

Proctor and Gamble does not need Websleuths' advice on how to best handle their public relations. They have responded and made it clear their products are safe for use. Let it go and move on.

The Orange County State Attorneys' are doing a stellar job and have proven to be perfectly capable of handling their own investigation. To assume that they haven't retained the information from Proctor & Gamble they need to properly make their case is silly.

Promoting any sort of organized effort to contact either of these organizations is a strict violation of WS TOS and consequences are severe.

I understand that the Febreze and Bounce references are relevant, at least the defense thinks they are relevant. :rolleyes: It is fine to talk about the products and their chemical makeup, but leave the references about contacting P&G or the SA's office out of this thread or it will go *POOF*

Moving on now.... All About Chloroform...
Was at my other market chain and checked the cans of Febreze Air Effects. No Chloroform!:doh: Ingredients were basically: water, fragrance, and a natural propellant. Same ingredients in all the cans, and the bottles in the laundry section also had pretty much all the same ingredients with maybe a slight variation between bottles!
what is chloroform made from?
maybe alcohol

i'm no scientist, but i think it's safe to assume that you need chlorine to make CHLORoform?
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