All sorts of people suing casey

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I think anyone that was named in her case that had nothing to do with any of it should also sue her.

Like Mr. Vasco Thompson - he had nothing to do with the case, the DT never called him to testify, and never intended to call him. They just wanted to stir up the mud and keep George up front as a possible suspect, even though the jury should never have heard about it. Baez and Mason probably thought that up to prank NG and the media.
She will be the queen of the ball in the media as soon as she gets out.
And it won't be for free, mark my word.
Sickening, but the msm will pay her big bucks for any appearance she agrees to. And why won't she agree? She will. Makes me sick

Of course she will, ITA. Remember when she got out of jail the first time when Tracy was with her and she kept talking about the media outside and how famous she was, OMG. It won't be long before she doesn't get her way and she has one of her fits. I see her in jail again within a year, depending how big her fit is and who she hurts this time. She is a menace and someone will DEAL with Ms. KC.
She can drop her money in the Caylee Marie Foundation where it is safe from taxes. If there is any way to squirm out of paying, her beau baez willl handle that he is a big shot.

How do you suppose she could possibly shelter money that she already spent? Never mind... I never thought she'd get away with murder. Tax evasion would probably be easy for her. Sorry for the sarcasm. I really don't think she can go back two and a half years and shelter the money in the foundation. There have been others ahead of her who have tried and weren't able to figure out how. She might be able to shelter future money though which isn't fair either.
Of course she will, ITA. Remember when she got out of jail the first time when Tracy was with her and she kept talking about the media outside and how famous she was, OMG. It won't be long before she doesn't get her way and she has one of her fits. I see her in jail again within a year, depending how big her fit is and who she hurts this time. She is a menace and someone will DEAL with Ms. KC.

OH won't she big in for a big surprise when she gets out.

She may make some money at first, but will go through it and have to use it in all the judgement against her.

I firmly believe in Karma. It is going to be knocking on alot of people's doors soon.
What are you suggesting? That Cindy Anthony knew Caylee was deceased when she called TES?

I know you are not asking me, but I do have an opinion on this particular subject. I believe that between the time Cindy called 911 and the time that OCSO asked for Caylee's hair brush she learned Caylee was dead. Why else would she first ask for their help, then try to mislead them with the wrong hairbrush and the dogs' toothbrush? That's how soon she began covering for Casey!

As for her being POed because they were looking for a "dead Caylee"…I don't buy it. She's a nurse. She can't be that dumb! A 2 year old has been missing for 31 days. The car smelled like a dead body! Her daughter has been lying thru her teeth for those 31 days! She knew. She had to have known!
Don't mess with Texas.........great state for ICA to goof up in!!!!

I hadn't heard about her moving to Texas. What in the world is she going to do there? But, doesn't she know that Texas has an express line for the death penalty. :crazy: I'll be shocked if she doesn't do some kind of illegal activity again soon. Even Dr. Drew said that a few nights ago.

No unfortunately they don't have any standing with CASEY. But I am wondering about her parents since they arranged for him.

Also can the grandparents sue Casey for wrongful death of Caylee?

Tim Miller stated tonight on one of the HLN shows that he was discussing a possible lawsuit with his attorneys. He said because TES (a non-profit organization) was asked by the family to come to FL to search (he didn't show up uninvited), it was being discussed to file a lawsuit against JB, Casey, GA and CA.

He said when he first arrived at the house, GA was outside, and come in and wanted to know "where was the clown from TX that he needed to meet with" (paraphrased).

I would think the grandparents could, but I don't think they will.

She will be back in the crime world news, just wait.

I fully believe this as do many others. It took JVDS 5 years, but we see where he is.


I WILL NOT purchase any book she (or her family) writes. I WILL NOT watch any movie regarding this that she receives royalties from. I DON'T CARE TO EVER SEE HER FACE AGAIN (unless she's going to jail again for something that will send her away a long long time).
She will be back in the crime world news, just wait.

ITA, and I do think she will commit murder again. Just depends on who crosses her. There was a psych expert on HLN who stated with as bad as her mental defect is she cannot control her anger and she will kill again,especially considering she IS a murderer and she got away with it. She is free and thinks she is smarter than law enforcement AND the court system so she can do whatever she wants. The psych doc also said she will get pregnant again and the first hint of trouble with the new relationship out goes the baby.
Good question. Part of me thinks that he is pretty impressed with himself for this win. Another part of me thinks he just might be too busy with all of his media tours and may pass her off.

She has a different attorney for the civil suits. He is in Cheny Mason's firm.
I have a question---Tim Miller was on JVM talking about suing the Anthony's, Casey and possibly Baez. My question is since Baez was her lawyer for several months before Caylee was found, he must have known that the child was dead so can't he get in trouble for letting the search go on? I realize it would be hard to prove unless Casey gets mad at her attorney for one reason or another and tells LE that he knew the whole story early on--we have all come to know that loyalty is not one of her strong points.

I can easily see her getting angry with JB and telling the world that he is the one that came up with the fake drowning story. At that point, he will be defending his license to practice law.
Bringing this here because one of our newer members posted it on another thread. I haven't followed this thread so I don't know if it's been posted yet.


[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.07.06 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)[/ame]

link to PDF of court docs

ETA: thank you egnarts!
Does anyone know offhand how much money that would be? TIA.
According to JVM, Casey will be coming to Houston. All I got to say is bring her on down and let her get a taste of RED-NECK JUSTICE!!!

IIRC, ICA does have an aunt and uncle in the Houston area. I have seen a video interview of them. I cannot remember where I saw it and hope that I am not the only one who did. It was approximately 3 weeks ago. The aunt and uncle are transplants from Ohio, IIRC.

From: Ask The Judge: Sentencing, Double Jeopardy. Judge O.H. Eaton Jr., WESH Legal Analyst

"Dear Judge Eaton: Can she be fined or made to reimburse the state for money and resources expended as a direct result of her providing misleading information to law enforcement? -- Julie, Los Angeles, Calif.

The question of how much money can be taxed as costs depends upon the evidence of how much time and effort was spent on the four misdemeanor charges. She was found not guilty of the main charges, so I doubt the court has the authority to tax costs for those charges. -- Judge O.H. Eaton

Read more:

I can't see how that would fly.
Aren't most prisoners kept in jail until their trial if there is no bail set? or if they can't afford the bail?
She wouldn't have been in there that long if the DT hadn't stalled and stalled and stalled on every little issue.


Only wrongfully convicted people whose innocence is proven can file for compensation, IMO. I am not a lawyer, but I do think that is the case.
Remember the Runaway Bride?

Runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks has agreed to pay $13,250 to the city of Duluth, Ga., to help pay for the costs the city incurred searching for her, the mayor said Tuesday.

In accepting the agreement, the city will have to write off about $30,000!

Do I think ICA will have to reimburse all costs incurred during all her nonsense. Probably not. I think ICA may have to pay a portion of costs, but probably not the whole lot.

I wish she would, but it's rare, and I can't find a case where someone actually had to pay all the costs.



Remember Baloon Boy

The parents of "balloon boy" Falcon Heene have agreed to pay more than $36,000 in restitution stemming from a hoax in which they claimed their son floated away in a UFO-shaped balloon.
She's def going to have to pay money back to the State here. I think they get back every red cent they can legally.
In the very least, she already owes the state of FL $5,517.75 for court and investigative costs on the check fraud convictions. I'm hoping they can collect a lot more on the lying to LE convictions. Even then, it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket towards what they actually spent.
How do you suppose she could possibly shelter money that she already spent? Never mind... I never thought she'd get away with murder. Tax evasion would probably be easy for her. Sorry for the sarcasm. I really don't think she can go back two and a half years and shelter the money in the foundation. There have been others ahead of her who have tried and weren't able to figure out how. She might be able to shelter future money though which isn't fair either.
Though technically, she (or someone like Baez, acting on her behalf) could shelter money in a tax exempt, she'd have to get it out, which could be done through paying her a salary. If the IRS thinks money is being used to pay only, or mostly, her expenses, that could disqualify the non-profit. The IRS has gotten more interested in non-profits. There's been a lot of abuse and they look at them pretty closely. If one paid KC a salary, they would have to justify it by stating her qualifications and explaining her specific job and use to the organization. If she owes back taxes, the IRS is coming for them, plus penalties and interest. If she's indigent for a time, they'll put off collection, but still run up the tab. She might be able to make a deal to pay less, but probably not if the IRS sees that she might be coming into some money very soon.
Jose said in open court, on behalf of KC, that there was an accidental drowning, and implied an accident "that snowballed out of control". He admitted that KC has known her daughter was dead the whole time, when all of Orange County was searching, when people flew in from all over the country to help with searches, when friends and bystanders were being investigated and having their lives disrupted, when some of them were being hinted at or outright accused by KC et al of actually being involved in the kidnapping of a child. They were being told to search in NY, NC, Puerto Rico. Police were talking to people who "had seen Caylee" outside of Orlando. At least one juror has parroted Baez's accident theory in the media.

If/when the state goes for recovery of costs for searching for a missing child, whom Baez said KC knew wasn't alive or missing, watch for Baez to suddendly, surprise,assert that there is no proof of an accident or that KC knew that Caylee was dead! Watch for it, folks. I'll bet a nickle it's coming.
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