All sorts of people suing casey

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Apparently David B. was responsible for Robyn A's and her husband's arrests, informing on them. She's the gal who was writing to FCA while in jail....and her informer was a diver searching for Caylee.

What does he have to do with this? He maybe lost $$$ spending his time and diving team searching for Caylee? Or?

I better go do my homework! I just assumed Robyn A was the other inmate. Was their crime related to this case? Very interesting twist.
I better go do my homework! I just assumed Robyn A was the other inmate. Was their crime related to this case? Very interesting twist.

No, RA was the inmate writing letters to FCA. Sorry, I should have made that clear--she was the inmate writing to FCA. If I remember correctly, in her interview with LE, this guys name came up.
The diver at Blanchard Park happened to be a guy who informed on Robyn and her husband. I believe it was drug related, not sure....gotta go check on that...probably a thread or two in this forum about RA.
It appears he might have been a diver who was a searcher.,2933,451504,00.html

A diving course director involved in the search, David Badali, told FOX News Channel's Miami bureau that the bags found had bones, bricks, a green shamrock toy and another toy inside. He said they were discovered in 10 feet of water at about 1:30 p.m., the area has been declared a crime scene and the FBI was retrieving the items.

Read more:,2933,451504,00.html#ixzz1SCxgeU89

IIRC isnt this what they found in little econ river park, you know the search televised and ica took one look, no interest what so ever, went about her business..of course it wasnt to her hyperventalating fit on 12-11/ when they announced a small child body/found, didnt even announce a boy or girl yet....
but yes i BELIEVE this was lp affliated? if not i believe its little econ search.i remember the bag of bones and shamrock the time, i believe it to be ica affliated b/c of her irish (obession?)
IIRC isnt this what they found in little econ river park, you know the search televised and ica took one look, no interest what so ever, went about her business..of course it wasnt to her hyperventalating fit on 12-11/ when they announced a small child body/found, didnt even announce a boy or girl yet....
but yes i BELIEVE this was lp affliated? if not i believe its little econ search.i remember the bag of bones and shamrock the time, i believe it to be ica affliated b/c of her irish (obession?)

Yes, but why would this diver be suing FCA? Doesn't make sense...he was certainly not searching for a live Caylee, so.....? So strange. jmo
Well - this certainly is entertaining. Maybe we should start a Power Point so that we can keep track of all the lawsuits. I wonder if they will want to depose FCA too? Maybe she could come back in October and make a week of it.


I wonder if Florida has provisions to allow parts of certain cases to be heard together. Some of the depos it sounds like could be done together to save time.
Saw that on another thread...was going to post it myself. Thanks.

Well there is certainly enough video of LP that RK could bring to court with him, he never let up on Roy Kronk for three years, now this one might have legs...IMO I think it pretty funny,
Baez new from the first day about July 17. He played the game and forced LE on a wild goose chase....all to keep his princess from prison. He knew where Caylee was too...or had a very good idea. I believe his plan was to find her and not tell anyone. Somebody working for him may have found her too. He is sneaky.
He IS sneaky and has been from day one. I completely agree with you, he knew where Caylee was. I have a feeling he walked in those woods way before Caylee was discovered. MOO
It looks like none of these lawsuits mean squat now since she is appealing her 4 counts of lying. The appeal process can continue for decades, from District Courts, to State Courts, to the US Supreme Court, and she can continue to plead the 5th during the entire time.

Can the first court throw out the appeal?
My 'hinky meter' goes off the chart thinking about what JB did and what he could have done. Could Caylee have been discovered earlier, among other things? I may be overly suspicious of him, but I wouldn't put it past him of being guilty, at least to some degree, of lying to EVERYONE at one point or another, telling DC to not call the police, but HIM, if he found Caylee's body, he lied to HHJP about passing notes between FCA and CA, slandered Brad Conaway, man, I could go on, but everytime I think of JB, I want to go take a bath.

My mind often goes back to early on, when Jose and Casey asked the court if they could go out looking alone, without being encumbered by pesky jail officials. Remember that? That is when I think Jose found out. I wonder what they wanted to do on that little unescorted field trip. Of course, the request was rejected.
My mind often goes back to early on, when Jose and Casey asked the court if they could go out looking alone, without being encumbered by pesky jail officials. Remember that? That is when I think Jose found out. I wonder what they wanted to do on that little unescorted field trip. Of course, the request was rejected.

you KNOW what they wanted to do...make sure caylee would have NEVER been found, PERIOD!
I know this is the everybody suing casey thread

didn't see one on this yet

Just got a text from OS that RK is suing LP.

Geez everybody is suing somebody in this case.
I know this is the everybody suing casey thread

didn't see one on this yet

Just got a text from OS that RK is suing LP.

Geez everybody is suing somebody in this case.

i cant blame RK for suing LP, but he, RK, i mean should be sueing ICA AND JB for the morally bankrupt smear they tried to do on him....lp, "daisy chain" deal on RK, sure stunk, but not as bad as what ICA/JB did to him, all to try to spare her worthless hide...pity they still saved her worthless hide.but thats another yes, imo RK really should sue should the grunds, jesse in particular
My mind often goes back to early on, when Jose and Casey asked the court if they could go out looking alone, without being encumbered by pesky jail officials. Remember that? That is when I think Jose found out. I wonder what they wanted to do on that little unescorted field trip. Of course, the request was rejected.

Did JB and KC really make that request? I don't remember that.
I know this is the everybody suing casey thread

didn't see one on this yet

Just got a text from OS that RK is suing LP.

Geez everybody is suing somebody in this case.

Wow if RK wants to sue anyone for defam. it should be JB!:waitasec:

(i know that may not be legal tho)
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