All Things Britney Spears Part 2

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Point #1: Britney feeds them a steady diet of junk food, not an occasional or once a week outing to McDonalds.

Point #2: Britney most likely lost her balance because she was on something- alcohol or drugs, this wasn't just I didn't step right.

Point #3: Driving with her child in her lap is extremely dangerous, and she does deserve to lose her children over that incident alone! The children need to be in the back seat in car seats. She clearly broke the law on that one!!!
We both agree with point #3. You have no proof of #1 or #2. I am not a fan of Britt anymore...but point #2 and #3 have no proof it is not a valid argument.

I agree! Where the heck is Britney going anyway?? I would rather leave the kids at home with their nanny then hauling them in and out, in and out of their carseats all day.

I don't think Britney had a Nanny, she used the bodyguards and the hanger on of the moment for that (Ali). I think she drives them around all day because they are strapped in (can't get into things) and she doesn't have to play with them or deal with nap times that way, they just fall asleep in the seat and that's that. I think she is bored beyond belief by Motherhood, because she wants life to be all about HER.
Excessive pot smoking will make you fat as a tick.... munchies! And alcohol will swell you up also.

I agree. I don't think Britney was fat, I think she was way bloated and that's the effect of alcohol on the body big time.
You just don't understand!!!! They must put some kind of drug in their coffee because it taste way better than the coffee I make. I'm a Starbucks junkie!!!!!
They must because I said...look here brat(to my son)...I am NOT going to pay for your habit(Starbucks) when you are going to be in school till you are 28(going to be a doctor)and I am footing the bill. If you are going to go out for 4 and 5 dollar can get a job and pay for it yourself. He did. He now works in the research dept. of the college. Now, it doesn't sound like(the job) a big deal...but it was because he does tons and TONS of work in the DA's office as an advocate(no pay) for abused and battered children and women. SO, it is not like he has a lot of spare time. He also has to keep all A's to keep in the program. I guess they MUST put something in there....because he is HOOKED!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
They just said on Dr. Phil that K-Fool's 20 grand support a month ENDS November 1st. NOW we know why he wanted custody of the kids. They even said as much on his program. Anyone else watching this?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I can't STAND K-Fool. He is a loser and lazy. He doesn't want to he is going to try to make a living off of these kids. Britt is SO STUPID for getting involved with this druggie and fool. Dr. Phil wants her to get her stuff together. Also, the bodyguard got 180 thousand for his drug story about Britt. Now in my eyes that makes him NONcredible(spelling error). Now, with that being said...I do agree that she DOES have a drug problem...I am just not buying what the bodyguard said because he told his story for big $$$$. Get it together Britt!!!:croc:
I forgot about the baby out of the high chair. A good nanny is hard to get these days...
You all forget that she was with KFed when the baby fell out of the highchar, was almost dropped when she stumbled, etc. Where was he when all of this was going on - oh yeah, whooping it up in Vegas drinking with other girls. I don't think he was concerned then. He also chose to let it happen; he obviously thought it was proper parenting. By the way, did you see that on the second day he had the kids they were being strolled through the neighborhood by a "caretaker" as the news called it. So much for not parading the kids in front of the papparazzi and spending so much time with them himself. If he was truly concerned about the kids well being and thought they were being mistreated or traumatized you would think he would have spent a few days with his focus on them instead of handing them over to a caregiver. Guess that proves he's only in it for the $$$$.
You all forget that she was with KFed when the baby fell out of the highchar, was almost dropped when she stumbled, etc. Where was he when all of this was going on - oh yeah, whooping it up in Vegas drinking with other girls. I don't think he was concerned then. He also chose to let it happen; he obviously thought it was proper parenting. By the way, did you see that on the second day he had the kids they were being strolled through the neighborhood by a "caretaker" as the news called it. So much for not parading the kids in front of the papparazzi and spending so much time with them himself. If he was truly concerned about the kids well being and thought they were being mistreated or traumatized you would think he would have spent a few days with his focus on them instead of handing them over to a caregiver. Guess that proves he's only in it for the $$$$.
Of course that is the reason. They just said on Dr. Phil that Nov 1st is his last payment of the 20K a month(stated by Lisa Bloom). SO that is why he went after the kids in October. is all about the money!
You have to be a dismal failure on so many levels to have you children yanked from your custody. Giving them to Kevin is the lesser of two evils right now but at least he is listening to his lawyers and showing up to all hearings that pertain to the kids, his attorney probably told him he had a good chance to get the kids if he would keep his nose clean and act like a father. Im sure Britney's attorney told her the same thing but she is Britney freakin Spears, fun-loving party girl, and she doesn't have to do what anyone says; so be gone with that lawyer, and find one who will tell her what she wants to hear; same as everyone in her circle have been doing for soooo long. Sad and pathetic!
You have to be a dismal failure on so many levels to have you children yanked from your custody. Giving them to Kevin is the lesser of two evils right now but at least he is listening to his lawyers and showing up to all hearings that pertain to the kids, his attorney probably told him he had a good chance to get the kids if he would keep his nose clean and act like a father. Im sure Britney's attorney told her the same thing but she is Britney freakin Spears, fun-loving party girl, and she doesn't have to do what anyone says; so be gone with that lawyer, and find one who will tell her what she wants to hear; same as everyone in her circle have been doing for soooo long. Sad and pathetic!
How is KFed the lesser of two evils. The only reason he isn't seen out partying, drinking, doing drugs is because of the $$ he will get for getting custody of the kids. He isn't spending any time with them and has hired caretakers. If the criteria is paying someone to take care of the kids, then let Britney do that. KFed isn't keeping his nose clean to get and keep the kids, only the money.
Of course that is the reason. They just said on Dr. Phil that Nov 1st is his last payment of the 20K a month(stated by Lisa Bloom). SO that is why he went after the kids in October. is all about the money!

That might be stretching it a bit, he's been fighting this battle for MONTHS. :waitasec:
The judge has looked at all the evidence or heard both sides and has decided that Kevin is the lesser of two evils so I am going to have to trust the judge. I completely agree that these two idiots shouldn't have had kids if all they were gonna do is leave them with nannies or drag them around everywhere subjecting them to turmoil and chaos.

Common sense tells us all that raising children is much more peaceful when the kids have a stable eating/sleeping routine-preferably at home; quality time with parents and grandparents; playtime with other children etc. Not midnight trips to fast food joints or mad dashing thru 40 paparazzi flashbulbs to name a few of the atrocities that these two babies have had to endure.
That might be stretching it a bit, he's been fighting this battle for MONTHS. :waitasec:

Nope, I doubt it. He tried to get more money but was denied. The bum needs to get off his lazy *advertiser censored* and get a job like the rest of us instead of just getting paid to show up at a stupid club. He better be taking drug tests too, because he is known to party just as much as she does. If he doesn't have a job, why the hell does he have a nanny taking care of the kids? It's quite ridiculous, IMO. He needs to grow the hell up and act like a man, and she needs to admit she needs mental help and rehab.
I really did like the song and the video TOXIC. She was so pretty in that one.

That one grew on me!:D I loved Baby one more time and Oops. I think she's a very pretty girl and great dancer with a beautiful smile. She lights up!
The judge has looked at all the evidence or heard both sides and has decided that Kevin is the lesser of two evils so I am going to have to trust the judge.

That's it in a nutshell, the JUDGE has seen/heard real evidence, not the gossip/unsubstantiated crap He decided Kevin is a fit parent, that's more than enough for me.
We both agree with point #3. You have no proof of #1 or #2. I am not a fan of Britt anymore...but point #2 and #3 have no proof it is not a valid argument.

No, I personally don't possess any proof of #1, but enough other people have witnessed her feeding her kids junk food frequently, that I think there is something to it.

Being high when she stumbled is a pretty good assumption considering how much of a substance abuser she is. She was photographed on a street with child on one side and a glass in the other, I saw that shot.

The child in her lap when she was driving was photographed, so there is evidence of that, and they all are valid points whether you agree or not.
And don't forget her meltdown in that Las Vegas hotel when she threw Jaden's baby bottle at a photographer.

Time will tell if KFed is a good dad to the boys. He has been reaching out to Britney's parents, and they're going to want to help. And he's going to be watched very carefully over the next six weeks. If he's screwing up, everyone will know about it because the boys' condition will deteriorate or pix will be snapped of him without the children or he'll be out partying.

Britney has the same amount of time to get her live in order. Lets see if she does.
That might be stretching it a bit, he's been fighting this battle for MONTHS. :waitasec:
Actually he has NOT. This has only been the last 7 weeks!~ Any any fool can got two more checks coming!:rolleyes:
No, I personally don't possess any proof of #1, but enough other people have witnessed her feeding her kids junk food frequently, that I think there is something to it.

Being high when she stumbled is a pretty good assumption considering how much of a substance abuser she is. She was photographed on a street with child on one side and a glass in the other, I saw that shot.

The child in her lap when she was driving was photographed, so there is evidence of that, and they all are valid points whether you agree or not.
No they are not. You have no proof and therefore...not a valid point. The kid on her lap has not been disputed by me. Go back and read from the beginning. You DO NOT know if she was high or not when she stumbled nor do you know what was or wasn't in her glass. valid point.:rolleyes:
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