All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008

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Last night our Local Fox News announced the A's were in town to appear on the Larry King show and to follow up on a lead about their missing grandaughter. I swear, they made it sound like they were celebrities! Barf!
Does anyone have the number to phone in a question to Larry King? I have one emailed but would LOVE to call....TIA
I get the wierdest thoughts whenever I hear about them "following-up" on a lead. I always read it as "they are searching for a child that looks like Caylee as a subsitute and will then spend the rest of their lives claiming that the child is Caylee, regardless of the junk science that says it isn't".
I have sent 2 emails to the Larry King show. I told the show that I thought Larry was lowering his standards to have the Anthony's on his show.
lol! I sent one too, saying the very same thing!:blowkiss:
I'm wondering if they would answer any of the questions regarding KFN or DM?????? haven't heard much about that one.....:waitasec:

Yes! Either one of these would be fantastic!

Wouldn't it be even more fun if Yuri showed up to do the interview instead of Larry?! LOL

Or maybe Larry could invite Mark F. on to ask some of the hard questions as I am sure he has a few he would LOVE to ask, too!

Yuri's already had his chance and he wasn't able to elicit the truth.

There was no lack of skill or ability on Yuri's part, IMO. In those interviews, I didn't see Cindy offering up any more useful information than her daughter had. She led Yuri on a goose chase (a family trait) with that Tampa trip story that she knew was fabricated. CA was not cooperative with Yuri at all. You can't squeeze blood from a stone.
If I remember correctly, CA was on LKL twice before. Both times there were other panelists who also gave their input, most of which were attorneys. I think that LK will do the same tonight. I would love to see Mark F give his views on the case.
Originally Posted by YellowDog
Yuri's already had his chance and he wasn't able to elicit the truth.
I didn't see Yuri allow himself to go all out on either Casey or Cindy in order to "elicit the truth" as you call it. He got the information he was after which was to determine if they were lying or hiding anything tho. He would loved to have had the truth come out of the interviews, but he was walking a fine line there in how it could be obtained. Let's not diss Yuri here! He did a fantastic job.
In case anybody is interested, the number to call for the Larry King Live show is 1-800-676-2100.
Tonight, I am sure Cindy will not look like she did with the MB video where she just looked down, slumped in her chair without makeup. She made a fast recovery from that video. I hope we don't just hear more of the BS-victim, only told a few lies, hocus pocus etc.
Tonight, I am sure Cindy will not look like she did with the MB video where she just looked down, slumped in her chair without makeup. She made a fast recovery from that video. I hope we don't just hear more of the BS-victim, only told a few lies, hocus pocus etc.

I'm thinking she will be perky--only due to "national" coverage---she may look down and out if something icky comes out or a question she doesn't want to answer---(negative things)--but she will be on target....just like that hearng.....she can rally really good.....

In case anybody is interested, the number to call for the Larry King Live show is 1-800-676-2100.
Thank you Sprout.:blowkiss:
I wonder how difficult it is to get through. I would love to get through!
My questions would be more along the lines of :

1) Why are you on TV and not working?
2) Where is your PR person, who is suppose to do this for you?
3) Why are you doing expensive traveling?
4) Where is your P.I., who is suppose to do this chasing down leads for you?
5) If you are not making money off your grandaughter, whose paying your expenses, your PR, and your P.I.?
6) Why isn't the money your spending to travel going into a reward for Kaylee's safe return?
Anyone trying to get thru with a call in question will have much better luck if they come up with a question that at least appears to be Anthony family compassionate. You can always change it up if it get past the producers ;)

I was thinking the same thing, just get your foot in the door.:)

There's a blog where you can post your comments.
I hope some of the WSers are planning on calling in with questions.
I'd like to know whose body Cindy and George think was in the trunk.
The blogs are pretty brutal, but here is my favorite-mods, edit at will...

December 10th, 2008 4:02 pm ET
"At the time Caylee went missing, 3 of Casey’s friends left town for a month. One went to Puerto Rico. One went to Ohio. One went to New York. Caylee was seen and even talked to when she got on a plane to Atlanta. And she was reported again in a car going to Charlotte, NC. I think Casey is a victim of Borderline Personality Disorder just beginning. That would make her panic at being abandoned, and leave her in a state of extreme confusion. Her history with boyfriends could have set her up for what happened in the movie “Gone Baby Gone” starring Casey Affleck .. only now, it is starring Casey Anthony. I think Caylee was taken by someone who thought Casey was not a fit Mother."

Huh. So Cindy and George are behind the whole thing....
The blogs are pretty brutal, but here is my favorite-mods, edit at will...

December 10th, 2008 4:02 pm ET
"At the time Caylee went missing, 3 of Casey’s friends left town for a month. One went to Puerto Rico. One went to Ohio. One went to New York. Caylee was seen and even talked to when she got on a plane to Atlanta. And she was reported again in a car going to Charlotte, NC. I think Casey is a victim of Borderline Personality Disorder just beginning. That would make her panic at being abandoned, and leave her in a state of extreme confusion. Her history with boyfriends could have set her up for what happened in the movie “Gone Baby Gone” starring Casey Affleck .. only now, it is starring Casey Anthony. I think Caylee was taken by someone who thought Casey was not a fit Mother."

Huh. So Cindy and George are behind the whole thing....
Well I see that MB has posted (per your link).
I am hoping and praying that anyone who gets through tonight will ask good, important questions! I get so frustrated with the callers on NG as do many of you too.:) It would be nice for a change to have someone call in that knows all the facts and can hit her with a pertinent question. Hmmmmm, I don't even know what I would ask at this point.
I am hoping and praying that anyone who gets through tonight will ask good, important questions! I get so frustrated with the callers on NG as do many of you too.:) It would be nice for a change to have someone call in that knows all the facts and can hit her with a pertinent question. Hmmmmm, I don't even know what I would ask at this point.
Where's Caylee?
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