All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008

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My questions would be more along the lines of :

1) Why are you on TV and not working?
2) Where is your PR person, who is suppose to do this for you?
3) Why are you doing expensive traveling?
4) Where is your P.I., who is suppose to do this chasing down leads for you?
5) If you are not making money off your grandaughter, whose paying your expenses, your PR, and your P.I.?
6) Why isn't the money your spending to travel going into a reward for Kaylee's safe return?

:clap: I wish you were calling in ..
Where's Caylee?

IMO-that would be pointless because she's just gonna say "I don't know." I think I would ask why throughout this whole ordeal did they not plead to anyone (i.e. babysitter, kidnapper...whatever the story is now) through the media for Caylee's safe return? She even asked Casey on the jailhouse visits what message to put out there to the kidnapper so why didn't she ever send that message. Like she said she's in front of the cameras all the time, she had plenty of opportunity.
after reading some of those---guess some others have been drinking kool-aid--well think I know which e-mails will be addressed and which ones won' guess ca will be perky......

IMO-that would be pointless because she's just gonna say "I don't know." I think I would ask why throughout this whole ordeal did they not plead to anyone (i.e. babysitter, kidnapper...whatever the story is now) through the media for Caylee's safe return? She even asked Casey on the jailhouse visits what message to put out there to the kidnapper so why didn't she ever send that message. Like she said she's in front of the cameras all the time, she had plenty of opportunity.
Then I would tell her to go and ask her daughter. There within lies the truth. The As tales have ABSOLUTELY no newsworthy value IMO. Personally, I think they're doing her daughter's case more harm than good. When I hear any of them speak, all I can come up with is "Where's Caylee?" I'm so tired of all the bs. She's the only one that matters in all of this.
I just wish those parents could have walked out of the jail after visiting KC and said, " Sorry folks we've got nothing" It would have led us to believe they were trying when they were with KC. What would have been so wrong with that except that would meanthey also felt she was guiilty. It was so obvious they were trying to get her to talk. Wouldn't they want the world to know they tried, therefor showing alligence to Caylee.
I'd ask them if they're concerned how much of the police's money and time are being wasted following cheap leads rather than looking for missing children or solving other cases.

Or getting KC to talk, for that matter. :furious: I can't believe they're being given air time.
Well I see that MB has posted (per your link).

I am sure all of you have noticed that any where there is discussion of Caylee or the Anthony's, she posts right away...
I would ask Cindy a question that she has direct knowledge as to the answer, and my question would be as follows:

When you and GA visited KC at the jail the first time, the following exchange took place ;
Cindy - "We forgive you for anything you've said....or done."
KC - "I haven't said anything, don't worry."

I would like to hear from Cindy exactly what it was that KC might have said that would prompt Cindy's forgiveness. Also, what did KC mean when she hadn't said anything (so) "don't worry". What secrets are Cindy and KC hiding that prompted this exchange? Why did Cindy seemed releived at KC's answer?
If I were LK (oh my)...I would start with the fact that G & C seem to be frustrated that the media attention is focused on Casey and not on their missing grandchild Caylee. The media IS focused on Caylee's disappearance - but like it or not, that road leads straight to Casey. As I have stated before - I think there is one simple question to ask them and that is who was the last person seen with Caylee? The first place you begin when looking for a missing little girl is with the last verified sighting of her. Who she was with, and where is crucial.

Casey was the last person seen with Caylee - the last verified sighting of this little girl. If they try to say ZFG - then you say "No. ZFG can't be verified." Nobody ever saw Casey speak to her or drop her daughter off with her. Caylee never spoke of her. There are no phone records of calls or text messages to or from this person. None of Casey's statements about where she lived or worked were truthful. LE does not believe this person exists. Until this person can be verified in even the smallest of have to start with the assumption that Casey was the last person to be seen with Caylee. So G& C - since Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, why shouldn't that be where the focus of the investigation is?
Does LKL pay the ants to be on the show? Does LKL pay for their airplne tickets? hotel and food???
I am surprised the Anthony's haven't cancelled yet......they seem to cancel many appearances.
the way it looks it is going to be lots of topics on LK tonight may be a short segment of CA & GA
Yes first they have to make sure they cover the bail out...since no one has talked about it all day or anything...
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