All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008

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LK brings up party pics and Ca says that only one of the photos was after June 16th and it was staged.
casey was paid fo that photo as an ad.
Caylee's fther is dead and lived somewhere in one of the Carolinas.
Caller asked GA fo his prefessional opionion of the smell. He says that it was garbage.
GA saying that he saw the pizza that doesn't exist.
Ca cannot fathom casey hurting Caylee. Just slipped up and said that Caylee is an excellent mother.
KC was paid for 1 photo taken after Caylee disappeared.................
Staged photo to entice people into the club, and she would have gotten paid.

I think even GA looked at CA like - I CANNOT believe you are saying this crap! OMG...

GA - I know what I feel inside. Garbage was in the trunk.

Hey, GA - what about the interviews when you stated that you "knew it wasn't garbage, knew it wasn't good."

Wow, CA rules w/ an iron fist.

GA looks like he's about to break down and run away after spewing all this BS.
Now George has its garbage in trunk too.

How can GA say it was garbage when he knows we all have heard his many statements to LE saying it was decomp? How can he say that? How can we believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
I can't get over GA....the smell, trash in the car....not what you told LE.
caller asked for george's professional opinion of the smell in the car and he said it smelled like garbage!! liar liar pants on fire!
umm.. what about the video of KC commenting that the reward is half her bail? or saying "I'm here, Dad" when GA says 2 (KC and Caylee) of the hand are missing.. or her laughing
They said that strangers swear these sightings are of Caylee. These strangers have only 6 month old pictures to go by. Do they realize how much a child that age changes in 6 months. How can LK take this?
THe couple they met last night was within 4 feet of her, the person who took the mall photo was within 10 feet of Caylee.
Oh CRAP, here we go again, another tip just today.

The timing is amazing, always a tip in real-time as and when CA is talking to media. Amazing!!! Caylee (resemblee) sure does get around quickly.
They are lying. LE did follow up on leads and GA DID smell decomposition. Its on Video tape with him saying it. Larry should have done his homework to ask questions!
I think George might have that stroke Casey said he had several months ago...

I think we are about to witness it....if LK would just ask ONE hard question and not coddle them GA would break - he's on the edge.
do these people realize that we have already seen the videos and read the transcripts of there interviews with LE/FBI. Downright lying on National TV. I think george would be arrested for perjury had he made that statement on the stand.
George just said that the smell was Garbage & Pizza

Why don't you ask George what he told LE about the smell & how he vomited when he retold the story
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