All Things LKL Interview **Merged**12/10/2008

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I suspect that a condition of their appearance will be no tough questions-just a guess considering the lack of substance that has occurred in the last several months.

Here is a thought-how about if news shows stop booking these people? We know they are being paid, albeit not necessarily for their presence but for the photos they provide. If they are not going to use the media to try and draw attention to their grandchild, who cares what they have to say? I cannot take watching them implode, spinning the whole way.

I couldn't agree with you more. If they would give out useful info as to locating Caylee's remains, but they believe she is still alive. Evidence proves otherwise but If I we in their shoes I would probably believe the same. The only difference being I would use my own feet and eyes to search for my beautiful grand babies.

I can just see it now, during the Dec. hearing and the January trial. CA raises her hand to ask questions or protest, and EVERYONE in the courtroom including the judge, turns to her and says SHUT UP ALREADY !!!!!

Yessss....hopefully she'll do something like that and get held in contempt of court.
And, another yesss....they ARE doing this because of the pre-trial next week.

Why, oh why, didn't Strickland put a gag order on JUST Cindy???!!! AND, Larry King is a horses butt for feeding into their madness. How dare the A's go on these talk shows to do pre-emptive strikes for their murdering daughter??
I wish LK would ask that pair if they ever sought psychological help for their daughter when she started acting out, stealing etc. How long have they known that she was having problems with the truth. I cannot imagine a mother, let alone a nurse, not recogizing a problem as big as that one.
I can just see it now, during the Dec. hearing and the January trial. CA raises her hand to ask questions or protest, and EVERYONE in the courtroom including the judge, turns to her and says SHUT UP ALREADY !!!!!
Tee hee!! You got me laughing on that one.
Or even better, Mike Brooks, the retired FBI guy on the NG show !!! Maybe he could be a co-anchor on Larry's show on Wed. night.:woohoo::woohoo:
I just replied with this same suggestion before seeing yours, now I'll have to delete my post! :D
Would't it be great if the Anthonys were interview by a panel of other familys who have had ther loved one go missing or lost a child through foul play. Can't you just see The Hornbecks, Walsh, Klass,Twittys, & Cas favorite missing child story out of utah. Maybe the public might be able to witness CA & GA give some authentic answers. Just a silly thought stemming from my own frustration of wanting them to WAKE UP !
I can just see it now, during the Dec. hearing and the January trial. CA raises her hand to ask questions or protest, and EVERYONE in the courtroom including the judge, turns to her and says SHUT UP ALREADY !!!!!

I would so love someone like judge Larry Fidler presiding over this case!
feel free to list your questions here..but do not promote, encourage or put any organized efforts together to contact anyone about anything without Tricia's approval.
Good questions - lets not forget one key question

Why haven't you, or LA or Casey pleaded to these 'kidnappers' in the media, to return Caylee safe?
Excellent question!

Question for GA: WHY did you drive the car home from the tow yard if you suspected a dead body had been in it? OK, so you didn't see Casey or Caylee's body in the trunk but how did you know that car hadn't been used in the commission of a crime, so WHY didn't you call LE from the tow yard, especially since you kept stressing in interviews with LE that you were former LE? :mad: MOO
Say it ain't so---NOT THE A's---you look up "smart" and see their picture----at least in the dictionary I'm looking at---think its based on that board game---anthonyland....a game of miscontrued ideas that can only be solved in written form--preferably by "code"--such a fun sluthing game!!! Play it and see if you can tell "half truths, mistruths, or just downright lies!! it should be absolutely under the tree.....

Excellent question!

Question for GA: WHY did you drive the car home from the tow yard if you suspected a dead body had been in it? OK, so you didn't see Casey or Caylee's body in the trunk but how did you know that car hadn't been used in the commission of a crime, so WHY didn't you call LE from the tow yard, especially since you kept stressing in interviews with LE that you were former LE? :mad: MOO

jmo based upon one of his interviews---CA told him to----it was either him or her---remember it was stress that probably caused any probable reality check....(per ca on that last realtiy check) -- ater all it was just

Actually, it's Dateline NBC on Friday Dec. 12, covering the story.
I think it's new.

Yes thats it thanks - I couldn't remember which crime show it was on - it will be the same stuff as always not sure if I'll watch it or not
Very good observation. I googled this and the only thing that came up was from the A's own website... I'm even more p'ed off. I went to that site and saw the siting picture again that is sooooo not Caylee. It is at the bottom of the page and that is NOT her nose or chin. Caylee had much more delicate features! What a farce!! :furious:
Wouldn't it be even more fun if Yuri showed up to do the interview instead of Larry?! LOL

Or maybe Larry could invite Mark F. on to ask some of the hard questions as I am sure he has a few he would LOVE to ask, too!

I am going to write LK and suggest this.
jmo---I'm sure some monetary exchang is made for any pics or whatever...nothing is free (except the help and that is questionable):snooty:


Cnn does not pay for appearances by guests. They might as a network pay for the rights to air any photos. But, no fee for G and C's interview.
I wonder if they will be doing this from a local studio or traveling to NY or LA ? Maybe they should request they be interviewed from Puerto Rico, where they know Caylee is being kept hidden away.

Questions I will be submitting to Larry. (and if they aren't asked, I will never watch his show again and will advise of such in my email of questions)

- Why haven't you traveled and spent time SERIOUSLY searching in NY, NC, KY, PR, and all the other places where she has been spotted.
- How bad do you feel about putting other parents through the pain and fright of having their 3 yr. old daughters splashed across the tv as a potential "missing Caylee". Have you followed up and apologized to those families ?
- Whose dead body do you think it was in your daughters trunk ?
- Did you ask the Tow Yard owner to view their CCTV camera footage for the period the car was in the tow yard, if you are convinced someone put a dead body in it while parked there ? If not, why not ?
- Why haven't you asked/demanded a meeting with the Body Farm forensic scientists to thoroughly explain their findings to you?
- Did either of you (or LA) drive the Pontiac in the month of May, June or first week of July. If so, when and where did you go ? Time of day ? Was anyone with you in the car ? Do you have proof of your travel whereabouts in that car (like camera shots from atms, other businesses, toll booths)?
- Have each of you (and LA) provided your cell phone records to LE for the months of June and first part of July so your ping analysis can be viewed ?
- CA, what were you thinking when you washed the pants and knife?
- GA, why are you accusing the FBG of using the family pc, when we know the pc searches for chloroform, neck breaking, etc. was done long before the FBG was assigned to watch your daughter ? Do you realize that computer forensics will prove this ?
- Have each of you (and LA) now taken a polygraph test ? If not, why not, if you have nothing to hide and believe Caylee has indeed been kidnapped?
- What will you do if KC is convicted of Murder 1, and sent away for life ? Will you be publicly blasting the decision of the jury of yours and KC's peers ?

AND finally, what do each of you have to say to the public that will CONVINCE US 100% that Caylee is alive, and it was someone else's dead body in the trunk (keep in mind when answering this one, you have to explain away the hair with the "death band" that matches Caylee's, yours, KC's and LA's DNA profile, and the public knows that 3 of the 4 of the abovenamed are alive right now).

(stopping now before I run out of room)...

Can I add one?
Cindy in the tapes we've heard of you visiting your daughter in jail you asked what she wanted you to tell the media about your missing granddaughter, Caylee. However, we have not heard you repeat her message through the media or make a public plea to the kidnappers to return Caylee. Why?
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