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It seems unfair that a Judge can decide this case without a Jury ever having heard the facts. Particularly when that Judge seems ill informed as to one of the critical facts of the case..... He stated that the conversation between Casey and her mother where she denies having cleared Zenaida of any involvement was of a private nature, whereas anyone aware of this case at the time knows that this jail visit was clearly going to be broadcast to MSM pretty soon after it occurred. Certainly Casey and Cindy knew that, since they mentioned it during each visit, and were generally cautious about discussing details.
I agree. I think it should be up to the jury to decide. Maybe that is what ZG/Morgan will fight for in an appeal.
I believe if this was such a big win for Casey Mason would be all over MSM claiming victory. We haven't heard a word from her camp. I wonder why they are being silent? Hmmmm.
It seems unfair that a Judge can decide this case without a Jury ever having heard the facts. Particularly when that Judge seems ill informed as to one of the critical facts of the case..... He stated that the conversation between Casey and her mother where she denies having cleared Zenaida of any involvement was of a private nature, whereas anyone aware of this case at the time knows that this jail visit was clearly going to be broadcast to MSM pretty soon after it occurred. Certainly Casey and Cindy knew that, since they mentioned it during each visit, and were generally cautious about discussing details.

Warning: rant!

Call me crazy, but I really just don't think this case is that complicated... I'm really struggling to understand how these people keep missing the obvious... After reading the judges 20 pg ruling, my conclusion is that the judge, just like the jurors, simply don't get it, they don't "get" fca... Mistake number 1 is believing anything the A's say, or relying on their testimony to get to the truth...The truth is in the evidence, and unless you remove everything that comes from fca, ca, ga, or even lee's mouth, you will never get there... The judge brings up the hyphenated name several times, which was an argument cindy kept bringing up in her deposition with Morgan, however, if you look at the evidence the judge would see that fca loves to add hyphenated names to her lies for no particular reason. It means nothing, fca was still trying to implicate her... The judge takes fca's word that she "erroneously" implicated zenaida because she was just frustrated with her mom for questioning her about the nanny. Wrong. Fca always reacts with anger anytime she's caught in a lie or her back is up against the wall. Nothing about her response said I'm frustrated with the question, what she was doing was trying to get the heat off her back and find someone else to blame, like she ALWAYS does. Fca emphatically claimed the investigators were "full of sh*+" and they didn't show her a photo of zenaida - there is nothing erroneous about about her purpose of that statement... She always lashed out to her parents about the investigators not listening to her and trying to falsely accuse her, but all you have to do is, again, look at the evidence and realize how WRONG she is. For example, when she said they arrested her "on a f-*king whim." Really? She had just taken investigators all over town, getting caught in lie after lie about a kidnapper who doesnt exist, unable to produce her 2 year old daughter, then to a job that doesn't exist, all this after not reporting her daughter missing for 31 days - does that sound like a whim? ... It's almost funny, if it wasn't so blasted serious... The girl is so obviously full of it, it makes me a little crazy at times :pullhair:... The judge is missing the boat on this one! Thinking it was a private conversation between mother and daughter. Nope - fca talked about it - in the recording - what more do they have to do convince him? Just like she KNEW and GAVE PERMISSION to her whole family to speak on her behalf and run "errands" for her - from her own mouth, many times, on the recordings.... I wanted to shake something when I read that 20 pg report... There's way too much of him "taking the word" of pathological liars involved in his decision. Especially fca, who ALWAYS lies to avoid accountability. You can count on it... And he even called fca's statements from the deposition "credible"... remember the deposition where she acted all self-righteous and refused to answer most of the questions, then stomped off like a spoiled brat without letting zenaida's side get anything on the record? .... It should've gone to a jury...

And he mentioned the Sawgrass coincidence, but, he went by the incorrect date of April 17th...that bothered me because that's a significant date to have wrong. Big difference between her visiting then or on June 17th, considering the timeline. Imo. Again, it should've gone to a jury...

All jmo.
Well, if she really has an interview lined up with NBC or any other network, we should see her surface pretty soon, now she thinks she is rid of this potential claim on her assets.
I wish I could agree with you on that, but I can't. I'll believe it when I see it, but I doubt I'll ever see the day that those parasites known as the Anthony's are held accountable for their actions.

Say, how are they doing on their house payments these days, anyway? Still haven't paid huh. That Dr. Phil blood money sure went quick. If that were me or you, we'd be eating out of a garbage can by now.
I'd love for you to be right Hope4More, but history tells me otherwise. I hope you prove me wrong one day.

Me too. :)

Any chance for real justice ended the day that jury declined to do their duty. Nothing can or ever will change that reality.

I firmly believe, though, that she's never going to escape the condemnation of the millions who followed this case, mourned Caylee and who despised FCA as a sociopathic child-killer.

Had the strength of that collective fury and revulsion been any less, or had it been felt but not acted upon, FCA would be rich right now. She's not. And she's not going to get rich, at least not by speaking or writing about her crimes. Even these years later, any mention of that possibility provokes enough outrage to deter profiteers.

Is preventing her from getting rich justice enough? No. But it's a start, as is the response she gets every time she floats a trial balloon to see how welcome she is in public. Public's reply: she's not welcome. She's hated. She will always be hated.

Does the fact of that hatred keep her up at night? No. I'm sure it doesn't. But I do believe it limits her in more ways than we know about. And that's something, if still not very much.

What I've always believed and said, though, is that she will be the instrument of her own downfall. Her minders have saved her from herself for years longer than I ever imagined, but I've always believed those minders know what she did to Caylee.

They've protected her as they would any investment, but there's ample proof now that their investment isn't going to pay off. Somehow I don't imagine loyalty is a strong suit of any of her minders.

She is or will be on her own, with a even greater sense of entitlement than she had while living at home. She's seen how wealthier folks live, she'll be demanding that way of life for herself, and she's no more willing or able to work for it than she was as a teenager.

I just don't see that's going to end well for her. I'm certainly praying that if I'm wrong about all this, that at the very least she is incapable for whatever reason of ever having another child.
Me too. :)

Any chance for real justice ended the day that jury declined to do their duty. Nothing can or ever will change that reality.

I firmly believe, though, that she's never going to escape the condemnation of the millions who followed this case, mourned Caylee and who despised FCA as a sociopathic child-killer.

Had the strength of that collective fury and revulsion been any less, or had it been felt but not acted upon, FCA would be rich right now. She's not. And she's not going to get rich, at least not by speaking or writing about her crimes. Even these years later, any mention of that possibility provokes enough outrage to deter profiteers.

Is preventing her from getting rich justice enough? No. But it's a start, as is the response she gets every time she floats a trial balloon to see how welcome she is in public. Public's reply: she's not welcome. She's hated. She will always be hated.

Does the fact of that hatred keep her up at night? No. I'm sure it doesn't. But I do believe it limits her in more ways than we know about. And that's something, if still not very much.

What I've always believed and said, though, is that she will be the instrument of her own downfall. Her minders have saved her from herself for years longer than I ever imagined, but I've always believed those minders know what she did to Caylee.

They've protected her as they would any investment, but there's ample proof now that their investment isn't going to pay off. Somehow I don't imagine loyalty is a strong suit of any of her minders.

She is or will be on her own, with a even greater sense of entitlement than she had while living at home. She's seen how wealthier folks live, she'll be demanding that way of life for herself, and she's no more willing or able to work for it than she was as a teenager.

I just don't see that's going to end well for her. I'm certainly praying that if I'm wrong about all this, that at the very least she is incapable for whatever reason of ever having another child.

Excellent and well thought out post.
Thank you.
Me too. :)

Any chance for real justice ended the day that jury declined to do their duty. Nothing can or ever will change that reality.

I firmly believe, though, that she's never going to escape the condemnation of the millions who followed this case, mourned Caylee and who despised FCA as a sociopathic child-killer.

Had the strength of that collective fury and revulsion been any less, or had it been felt but not acted upon, FCA would be rich right now. She's not. And she's not going to get rich, at least not by speaking or writing about her crimes. Even these years later, any mention of that possibility provokes enough outrage to deter profiteers.

Is preventing her from getting rich justice enough? No. But it's a start, as is the response she gets every time she floats a trial balloon to see how welcome she is in public. Public's reply: she's not welcome. She's hated. She will always be hated.

Does the fact of that hatred keep her up at night? No. I'm sure it doesn't. But I do believe it limits her in more ways than we know about. And that's something, if still not very much.

What I've always believed and said, though, is that she will be the instrument of her own downfall. Her minders have saved her from herself for years longer than I ever imagined, but I've always believed those minders know what she did to Caylee.

They've protected her as they would any investment, but there's ample proof now that their investment isn't going to pay off. Somehow I don't imagine loyalty is a strong suit of any of her minders.

She is or will be on her own, with a even greater sense of entitlement than she had while living at home. She's seen how wealthier folks live, she'll be demanding that way of life for herself, and she's no more willing or able to work for it than she was as a teenager.

I just don't see that's going to end well for her. I'm certainly praying that if I'm wrong about all this, that at the very least she is incapable for whatever reason of ever having another child.
BBM - This week a hoax report about FCA being found bludgeoned to death in Ohio was circulating. I didn't post it here because it was an obvious hoax. However, all the comments I read elsewhere were from people wishing it was really true. So you're right, the public still hates her and always will.

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